Bartosz Taudul 92c1420c30 Improve handling of post-load background jobs.
Background tasks (source location zones sorting, reconstruction of
memory plot) are now started only after trace loading is finished.
Multithreaded sorting was previously impacting trace load times.

Only one thread is used to perform both jobs, one after another.
2019-02-14 01:17:37 +01:00

474 lines
19 KiB

#include <atomic>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include "../common/tracy_lz4.hpp"
#include "../common/TracyForceInline.hpp"
#include "../common/TracyMutex.hpp"
#include "../common/TracyQueue.hpp"
#include "../common/TracySocket.hpp"
#include "tracy_flat_hash_map.hpp"
#include "TracyEvent.hpp"
#include "TracySlab.hpp"
#include "TracyStringDiscovery.hpp"
#include "TracyVarArray.hpp"
namespace tracy
class FileRead;
class FileWrite;
namespace EventType
enum Type : uint32_t
Locks = 1 << 0,
Messages = 1 << 1,
Plots = 1 << 2,
Memory = 1 << 3,
None = 0,
All = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()
struct UnsupportedVersion : public std::exception
UnsupportedVersion( int version ) : version( version ) {}
int version;
struct LoadProgress
enum Stage
LoadProgress() : total( 0 ), progress( 0 ), subTotal( 0 ), subProgress( 0 ) {}
std::atomic<uint64_t> total;
std::atomic<uint64_t> progress;
std::atomic<uint64_t> subTotal;
std::atomic<uint64_t> subProgress;
class Worker
#pragma pack( 1 )
struct ZoneThreadData
ZoneEvent* zone;
uint16_t thread;
#pragma pack()
struct SourceLocationZones
: min( std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() )
, max( std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min() )
, total( 0 )
, selfMin( std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() )
, selfMax( std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min() )
, selfTotal( 0 )
Vector<ZoneThreadData> zones;
int64_t min;
int64_t max;
int64_t total;
int64_t selfMin;
int64_t selfMax;
int64_t selfTotal;
struct DataBlock
DataBlock() : zonesCnt( 0 ), lastTime( 0 ), frameOffset( 0 ), threadLast( std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(), 0 ) {}
TracyMutex lock;
StringDiscovery<FrameData*> frames;
FrameData* framesBase;
Vector<GpuCtxData*> gpuData;
Vector<MessageData*> messages;
StringDiscovery<PlotData*> plots;
Vector<ThreadData*> threads;
MemData memory;
uint64_t zonesCnt;
int64_t lastTime;
uint64_t frameOffset;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, const char*, nohash<uint64_t>> strings;
Vector<const char*> stringData;
flat_hash_map<charutil::StringKey, uint32_t, charutil::StringKey::HasherPOT, charutil::StringKey::Comparator> stringMap;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, const char*, nohash<uint64_t>> threadNames;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, SourceLocation, nohash<uint64_t>> sourceLocation;
Vector<SourceLocation*> sourceLocationPayload;
flat_hash_map<SourceLocation*, uint32_t, SourceLocationHasher, SourceLocationComparator> sourceLocationPayloadMap;
Vector<uint64_t> sourceLocationExpand;
flat_hash_map<int32_t, SourceLocationZones, nohash<int32_t>> sourceLocationZones;
bool sourceLocationZonesReady;
flat_hash_map<int32_t, uint64_t> sourceLocationZonesCnt;
flat_hash_map<VarArray<uint64_t>*, uint32_t, VarArrayHasherPOT<uint64_t>, VarArrayComparator<uint64_t>> callstackMap;
Vector<VarArray<uint64_t>*> callstackPayload;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, CallstackFrameData*> callstackFrameMap;
std::map<uint32_t, LockMap> lockMap;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, uint16_t, nohash<uint64_t>> threadMap;
Vector<uint64_t> threadExpand;
std::pair<uint64_t, uint16_t> threadLast;
Vector<Vector<ZoneEvent*>> m_zoneChildren;
Vector<Vector<GpuEvent*>> m_gpuChildren;
CrashEvent m_crashEvent;
struct MbpsBlock
MbpsBlock() : mbps( 64 ), compRatio( 1.0 ) {}
TracyMutex lock;
std::vector<float> mbps;
float compRatio;
enum class NextCallstackType
struct NextCallstack
NextCallstackType type;
ZoneEvent* zone;
GpuEvent* gpu;
struct FailureData
uint64_t thread;
int32_t srcloc;
enum class Failure
Worker( const char* addr );
Worker( FileRead& f, EventType::Type eventMask = EventType::All );
const std::string& GetAddr() const { return m_addr; }
const std::string& GetCaptureName() const { return m_captureName; }
const std::string& GetCaptureProgram() const { return m_captureProgram; }
uint64_t GetCaptureTime() const { return m_captureTime; }
const std::string& GetHostInfo() const { return m_hostInfo; }
int64_t GetDelay() const { return m_delay; }
int64_t GetResolution() const { return m_resolution; }
TracyMutex& GetDataLock() { return m_data.lock; }
size_t GetFrameCount( const FrameData& fd ) const { return fd.frames.size(); }
size_t GetFullFrameCount( const FrameData& fd ) const;
int64_t GetTimeBegin() const { return GetFrameBegin( *m_data.framesBase, 0 ); }
int64_t GetLastTime() const { return m_data.lastTime; }
uint64_t GetZoneCount() const { return m_data.zonesCnt; }
uint64_t GetLockCount() const;
uint64_t GetPlotCount() const;
uint64_t GetSrcLocCount() const { return m_data.sourceLocationPayload.size() + m_data.sourceLocation.size(); }
uint64_t GetCallstackPayloadCount() const { return m_data.callstackPayload.size() - 1; }
uint64_t GetCallstackFrameCount() const { return m_data.callstackFrameMap.size(); }
uint64_t GetFrameOffset() const { return m_data.frameOffset; }
const FrameData* GetFramesBase() const { return m_data.framesBase; }
const Vector<FrameData*>& GetFrames() const { return m_data.frames.Data(); }
int64_t GetFrameTime( const FrameData& fd, size_t idx ) const;
int64_t GetFrameBegin( const FrameData& fd, size_t idx ) const;
int64_t GetFrameEnd( const FrameData& fd, size_t idx ) const;
std::pair <int, int> GetFrameRange( const FrameData& fd, int64_t from, int64_t to );
const std::map<uint32_t, LockMap>& GetLockMap() const { return m_data.lockMap; }
const Vector<MessageData*>& GetMessages() const { return m_data.messages; }
const Vector<GpuCtxData*>& GetGpuData() const { return m_data.gpuData; }
const Vector<PlotData*>& GetPlots() const { return m_data.plots.Data(); }
const Vector<ThreadData*>& GetThreadData() const { return m_data.threads; }
const MemData& GetMemData() const { return m_data.memory; }
const VarArray<uint64_t>& GetCallstack( uint32_t idx ) const { return *m_data.callstackPayload[idx]; }
const CallstackFrameData* GetCallstackFrame( uint64_t ptr ) const;
const CrashEvent& GetCrashEvent() const { return m_data.m_crashEvent; }
// Some zones may have incomplete timing data (only start time is available, end hasn't arrived yet).
// GetZoneEnd() will try to infer the end time by looking at child zones (parent zone can't end
// before its children have ended).
// GetZoneEndDirect() will only return zone's direct timing data, without looking at children.
int64_t GetZoneEnd( const ZoneEvent& ev );
int64_t GetZoneEnd( const GpuEvent& ev );
static tracy_force_inline int64_t GetZoneEndDirect( const ZoneEvent& ev ) { return ev.end >= 0 ? ev.end : ev.start; }
static tracy_force_inline int64_t GetZoneEndDirect( const GpuEvent& ev ) { return ev.gpuEnd >= 0 ? ev.gpuEnd : ev.gpuStart; }
const char* GetString( uint64_t ptr ) const;
const char* GetString( const StringRef& ref ) const;
const char* GetString( const StringIdx& idx ) const;
const char* GetThreadString( uint64_t id ) const;
const SourceLocation& GetSourceLocation( int32_t srcloc ) const;
const char* GetZoneName( const SourceLocation& srcloc ) const;
const char* GetZoneName( const ZoneEvent& ev ) const;
const char* GetZoneName( const ZoneEvent& ev, const SourceLocation& srcloc ) const;
const char* GetZoneName( const GpuEvent& ev ) const;
const char* GetZoneName( const GpuEvent& ev, const SourceLocation& srcloc ) const;
tracy_force_inline const Vector<ZoneEvent*>& GetZoneChildren( int32_t idx ) const { return m_data.m_zoneChildren[idx]; }
tracy_force_inline const Vector<GpuEvent*>& GetGpuChildren( int32_t idx ) const { return m_data.m_gpuChildren[idx]; }
std::vector<int32_t> GetMatchingSourceLocation( const char* query, bool ignoreCase ) const;
const SourceLocationZones& GetZonesForSourceLocation( int32_t srcloc ) const;
const flat_hash_map<int32_t, SourceLocationZones, nohash<int32_t>>& GetSourceLocationZones() const { return m_data.sourceLocationZones; }
bool AreSourceLocationZonesReady() const { return m_data.sourceLocationZonesReady; }
tracy_force_inline uint16_t CompressThread( uint64_t thread )
if( m_data.threadLast.first == thread ) return m_data.threadLast.second;
return CompressThreadReal( thread );
tracy_force_inline uint64_t DecompressThread( uint16_t thread ) const { assert( thread < m_data.threadExpand.size() ); return m_data.threadExpand[thread]; }
TracyMutex& GetMbpsDataLock() { return m_mbpsData.lock; }
const std::vector<float>& GetMbpsData() const { return m_mbpsData.mbps; }
float GetCompRatio() const { return m_mbpsData.compRatio; }
bool HasData() const { return m_hasData.load( std::memory_order_acquire ); }
bool IsConnected() const { return m_connected.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ); }
bool IsDataStatic() const { return !m_thread.joinable(); }
void Shutdown() { true, std::memory_order_relaxed ); }
void Disconnect() { Shutdown(); } // TODO: Needs proper implementation.
void Write( FileWrite& f );
int GetTraceVersion() const { return m_traceVersion; }
uint8_t GetHandshakeStatus() const { return m_handshake.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ); }
static const LoadProgress& GetLoadProgress() { return s_loadProgress; }
int64_t GetLoadTime() const { return m_loadTime; }
void ClearFailure() { m_failure = Failure::None; }
Failure GetFailureType() const { return m_failure; }
const FailureData& GetFailureData() const { return m_failureData; }
static const char* GetFailureString( Failure failure );
void Exec();
void ServerQuery( uint8_t type, uint64_t data );
tracy_force_inline bool DispatchProcess( const QueueItem& ev, char*& ptr );
tracy_force_inline bool Process( const QueueItem& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessZoneBegin( const QueueZoneBegin& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessZoneBeginCallstack( const QueueZoneBegin& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessZoneBeginAllocSrcLoc( const QueueZoneBegin& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessZoneEnd( const QueueZoneEnd& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessZoneValidation( const QueueZoneValidation& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessFrameMark( const QueueFrameMark& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessFrameMarkStart( const QueueFrameMark& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessFrameMarkEnd( const QueueFrameMark& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessZoneText( const QueueZoneText& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessZoneName( const QueueZoneText& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessLockAnnounce( const QueueLockAnnounce& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessLockTerminate( const QueueLockTerminate& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessLockWait( const QueueLockWait& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessLockObtain( const QueueLockObtain& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessLockRelease( const QueueLockRelease& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessLockSharedWait( const QueueLockWait& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessLockSharedObtain( const QueueLockObtain& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessLockSharedRelease( const QueueLockRelease& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessLockMark( const QueueLockMark& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessPlotData( const QueuePlotData& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessMessage( const QueueMessage& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessMessageLiteral( const QueueMessage& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessGpuNewContext( const QueueGpuNewContext& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessGpuZoneBegin( const QueueGpuZoneBegin& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessGpuZoneBeginCallstack( const QueueGpuZoneBegin& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessGpuZoneEnd( const QueueGpuZoneEnd& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessGpuTime( const QueueGpuTime& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessMemAlloc( const QueueMemAlloc& ev );
tracy_force_inline bool ProcessMemFree( const QueueMemFree& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessMemAllocCallstack( const QueueMemAlloc& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessMemFreeCallstack( const QueueMemFree& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessCallstackMemory( const QueueCallstackMemory& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessCallstack( const QueueCallstack& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessCallstackFrameSize( const QueueCallstackFrameSize& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessCallstackFrame( const QueueCallstackFrame& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessCrashReport( const QueueCrashReport& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessZoneBeginImpl( ZoneEvent* zone, const QueueZoneBegin& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessGpuZoneBeginImpl( GpuEvent* zone, const QueueGpuZoneBegin& ev );
void ZoneStackFailure( uint64_t thread, const ZoneEvent* ev );
void ZoneEndFailure( uint64_t thread );
void ZoneTextFailure( uint64_t thread );
void ZoneNameFailure( uint64_t thread );
void MemFreeFailure( uint64_t thread );
tracy_force_inline void CheckSourceLocation( uint64_t ptr );
void NewSourceLocation( uint64_t ptr );
tracy_force_inline uint32_t ShrinkSourceLocation( uint64_t srcloc );
uint32_t NewShrinkedSourceLocation( uint64_t srcloc );
tracy_force_inline void MemAllocChanged( int64_t time );
void CreateMemAllocPlot();
void ReconstructMemAllocPlot();
void InsertMessageData( MessageData* msg, uint64_t thread );
ThreadData* NewThread( uint64_t thread );
ThreadData* NoticeThread( uint64_t thread );
tracy_force_inline void NewZone( ZoneEvent* zone, uint64_t thread );
void InsertLockEvent( LockMap& lockmap, LockEvent* lev, uint64_t thread );
void CheckString( uint64_t ptr );
void CheckThreadString( uint64_t id );
void AddSourceLocation( const QueueSourceLocation& srcloc );
void AddSourceLocationPayload( uint64_t ptr, char* data, size_t sz );
void AddString( uint64_t ptr, char* str, size_t sz );
void AddThreadString( uint64_t id, char* str, size_t sz );
void AddCustomString( uint64_t ptr, char* str, size_t sz );
tracy_force_inline void AddCallstackPayload( uint64_t ptr, char* data, size_t sz );
void InsertPlot( PlotData* plot, int64_t time, double val );
void HandlePlotName( uint64_t name, char* str, size_t sz );
void HandleFrameName( uint64_t name, char* str, size_t sz );
void HandlePostponedPlots();
StringLocation StoreString( char* str, size_t sz );
uint16_t CompressThreadReal( uint64_t thread );
uint16_t CompressThreadNew( uint64_t thread );
tracy_force_inline void ReadTimeline( FileRead& f, ZoneEvent* zone, uint16_t thread, int64_t& refTime );
tracy_force_inline void ReadTimelinePre042( FileRead& f, ZoneEvent* zone, uint16_t thread, int fileVer );
tracy_force_inline void ReadTimeline( FileRead& f, GpuEvent* zone, int64_t& refTime, int64_t& refGpuTime );
tracy_force_inline void ReadTimelinePre042( FileRead& f, GpuEvent* zone, int fileVer );
tracy_force_inline void ReadTimelineUpdateStatistics( ZoneEvent* zone, uint16_t thread );
void ReadTimeline( FileRead& f, Vector<ZoneEvent*>& vec, uint16_t thread, uint64_t size, int64_t& refTime );
void ReadTimelinePre042( FileRead& f, Vector<ZoneEvent*>& vec, uint16_t thread, uint64_t size, int fileVer );
void ReadTimeline( FileRead& f, Vector<GpuEvent*>& vec, uint64_t size, int64_t& refTime, int64_t& refGpuTime );
void ReadTimelinePre042( FileRead& f, Vector<GpuEvent*>& vec, uint64_t size, int fileVer );
void WriteTimeline( FileWrite& f, const Vector<ZoneEvent*>& vec, int64_t& refTime );
void WriteTimeline( FileWrite& f, const Vector<GpuEvent*>& vec, int64_t& refTime, int64_t& refGpuTime );
int64_t TscTime( int64_t tsc ) { return int64_t( tsc * m_timerMul ); }
int64_t TscTime( uint64_t tsc ) { return int64_t( tsc * m_timerMul ); }
Socket m_sock;
std::string m_addr;
std::thread m_thread;
std::atomic<bool> m_connected = { false };
std::atomic<bool> m_hasData;
std::atomic<bool> m_shutdown = { false };
std::thread m_threadBackground;
int64_t m_delay;
int64_t m_resolution;
double m_timerMul;
std::string m_captureName;
std::string m_captureProgram;
uint64_t m_captureTime;
std::string m_hostInfo;
bool m_terminate = false;
bool m_crashed = false;
LZ4_streamDecode_t* m_stream;
char* m_buffer;
int m_bufferOffset;
bool m_onDemand;
GpuCtxData* m_gpuCtxMap[256];
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, StringLocation, nohash<uint64_t>> m_pendingCustomStrings;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, uint32_t> m_pendingCallstacks;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, int32_t, nohash<uint64_t>> m_pendingSourceLocationPayload;
Vector<uint64_t> m_sourceLocationQueue;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, uint32_t, nohash<uint64_t>> m_sourceLocationShrink;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, ThreadData*, nohash<uint64_t>> m_threadMap;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, NextCallstack, nohash<uint64_t>> m_nextCallstack;
uint32_t m_pendingStrings;
uint32_t m_pendingThreads;
uint32_t m_pendingSourceLocation;
uint32_t m_pendingCallstackFrames;
uint8_t m_pendingCallstackSubframes;
CallstackFrameData* m_callstackFrameStaging;
uint64_t m_callstackFrameStagingPtr;
uint64_t m_lastMemActionCallstack;
bool m_lastMemActionWasAlloc;
Slab<64*1024*1024> m_slab;
DataBlock m_data;
MbpsBlock m_mbpsData;
int m_traceVersion;
std::atomic<uint8_t> m_handshake = { 0 };
static LoadProgress s_loadProgress;
int64_t m_loadTime;
Failure m_failure = Failure::None;
FailureData m_failureData;