Bartosz Taudul b0fc0d5dcc
Check if rpmalloc has to be initialized before each operation.
The C++11 spec states in [] thread storage duration:

2. A variable with thread storage duration shall be initialized before its
   first odr-use (3.2) and, if constructed, shall be destroyed on thread exit.

Previously Tracy relied on the TLS data being initialized:
- During thread creation (MSVC).
- Or during first use in a thread, but the initialization was performed for
  the whole TLS block.

It seems that new compilers are more granular with how they perform the
initialization, hence rpmalloc init has to be checked before each allocation,
as it cannot be "folded" into, for example, initialization of the profiler
2021-05-31 02:31:42 +02:00

324 lines
13 KiB

#if !defined TRACY_ENABLE || defined __APPLE__
#define TracyGpuContext
#define TracyGpuContextName(x,y)
#define TracyGpuNamedZone(x,y,z)
#define TracyGpuNamedZoneC(x,y,z,w)
#define TracyGpuZone(x)
#define TracyGpuZoneC(x,y)
#define TracyGpuZoneTransient(x,y,z)
#define TracyGpuCollect
#define TracyGpuNamedZoneS(x,y,z,w)
#define TracyGpuNamedZoneCS(x,y,z,w,a)
#define TracyGpuZoneS(x,y)
#define TracyGpuZoneCS(x,y,z)
#define TracyGpuZoneTransientS(x,y,z,w)
namespace tracy
struct SourceLocationData;
class GpuCtxScope
GpuCtxScope( const SourceLocationData*, bool ) {}
GpuCtxScope( const SourceLocationData*, int, bool ) {}
#if !defined GL_TIMESTAMP && !defined GL_TIMESTAMP_EXT
# error "You must include OpenGL 3.2 headers before including TracyOpenGL.hpp"
#include <atomic>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Tracy.hpp"
#include "client/TracyProfiler.hpp"
#include "client/TracyCallstack.hpp"
#include "common/TracyAlign.hpp"
#include "common/TracyAlloc.hpp"
#if !defined GL_TIMESTAMP && defined GL_TIMESTAMP_EXT
# define glGetQueryObjectiv glGetQueryObjectivEXT
# define glGetQueryObjectui64v glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT
# define glQueryCounter glQueryCounterEXT
#define TracyGpuContext tracy::GetGpuCtx().ptr = (tracy::GpuCtx*)tracy::tracy_malloc( sizeof( tracy::GpuCtx ) ); new(tracy::GetGpuCtx().ptr) tracy::GpuCtx;
#define TracyGpuContextName( name, size ) tracy::GetGpuCtx().ptr->Name( name, size );
# define TracyGpuNamedZone( varname, name, active ) static constexpr tracy::SourceLocationData TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__) { name, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, (uint32_t)__LINE__, 0 }; tracy::GpuCtxScope varname( &TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__), TRACY_CALLSTACK, active );
# define TracyGpuNamedZoneC( varname, name, color, active ) static constexpr tracy::SourceLocationData TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__) { name, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, (uint32_t)__LINE__, color }; tracy::GpuCtxScope varname( &TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__), TRACY_CALLSTACK, active );
# define TracyGpuZone( name ) TracyGpuNamedZoneS( ___tracy_gpu_zone, name, TRACY_CALLSTACK, true )
# define TracyGpuZoneC( name, color ) TracyGpuNamedZoneCS( ___tracy_gpu_zone, name, color, TRACY_CALLSTACK, true )
# define TracyGpuZoneTransient( varname, name, active ) tracy::GpuCtxScope varname( __LINE__, __FILE__, strlen( __FILE__ ), __FUNCTION__, strlen( __FUNCTION__ ), name, strlen( name ), TRACY_CALLSTACK, active );
# define TracyGpuNamedZone( varname, name, active ) static constexpr tracy::SourceLocationData TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__) { name, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, (uint32_t)__LINE__, 0 }; tracy::GpuCtxScope varname( &TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__), active );
# define TracyGpuNamedZoneC( varname, name, color, active ) static constexpr tracy::SourceLocationData TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__) { name, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, (uint32_t)__LINE__, color }; tracy::GpuCtxScope varname( &TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__), active );
# define TracyGpuZone( name ) TracyGpuNamedZone( ___tracy_gpu_zone, name, true )
# define TracyGpuZoneC( name, color ) TracyGpuNamedZoneC( ___tracy_gpu_zone, name, color, true )
# define TracyGpuZoneTransient( varname, name, active ) tracy::GpuCtxScope varname( __LINE__, __FILE__, strlen( __FILE__ ), __FUNCTION__, strlen( __FUNCTION__ ), name, strlen( name ), active );
#define TracyGpuCollect tracy::GetGpuCtx().ptr->Collect();
# define TracyGpuNamedZoneS( varname, name, depth, active ) static constexpr tracy::SourceLocationData TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__) { name, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, (uint32_t)__LINE__, 0 }; tracy::GpuCtxScope varname( &TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__), depth, active );
# define TracyGpuNamedZoneCS( varname, name, color, depth, active ) static constexpr tracy::SourceLocationData TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__) { name, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, (uint32_t)__LINE__, color }; tracy::GpuCtxScope varname( &TracyConcat(__tracy_gpu_source_location,__LINE__), depth, active );
# define TracyGpuZoneS( name, depth ) TracyGpuNamedZoneS( ___tracy_gpu_zone, name, depth, true )
# define TracyGpuZoneCS( name, color, depth ) TracyGpuNamedZoneCS( ___tracy_gpu_zone, name, color, depth, true )
# define TracyGpuZoneTransientS( varname, name, depth, active ) tracy::GpuCtxScope varname( __LINE__, __FILE__, strlen( __FILE__ ), __FUNCTION__, strlen( __FUNCTION__ ), name, strlen( name ), depth, active );
# define TracyGpuNamedZoneS( varname, name, depth, active ) TracyGpuNamedZone( varname, name, active )
# define TracyGpuNamedZoneCS( varname, name, color, depth, active ) TracyGpuNamedZoneC( varname, name, color, active )
# define TracyGpuZoneS( name, depth ) TracyGpuZone( name )
# define TracyGpuZoneCS( name, color, depth ) TracyGpuZoneC( name, color )
# define TracyGpuZoneTransientS( varname, name, depth, active ) TracyGpuZoneTransient( varname, name, active )
namespace tracy
class GpuCtx
friend class GpuCtxScope;
enum { QueryCount = 64 * 1024 };
: m_context( GetGpuCtxCounter().fetch_add( 1, std::memory_order_relaxed ) )
, m_head( 0 )
, m_tail( 0 )
assert( m_context != 255 );
glGenQueries( QueryCount, m_query );
int64_t tgpu;
glGetInteger64v( GL_TIMESTAMP, &tgpu );
int64_t tcpu = Profiler::GetTime();
GLint bits;
const float period = 1.f;
const auto thread = GetThreadHandle();
TracyLfqPrepare( QueueType::GpuNewContext );
MemWrite( &item->gpuNewContext.cpuTime, tcpu );
MemWrite( &item->gpuNewContext.gpuTime, tgpu );
MemWrite( &item->gpuNewContext.thread, thread );
MemWrite( &item->gpuNewContext.period, period );
MemWrite( &item->gpuNewContext.context, m_context );
MemWrite( &item->gpuNewContext.flags, uint8_t( 0 ) );
MemWrite( &item->gpuNewContext.type, GpuContextType::OpenGl );
GetProfiler().DeferItem( *item );
void Name( const char* name, uint16_t len )
auto ptr = (char*)tracy_malloc( len );
memcpy( ptr, name, len );
TracyLfqPrepare( QueueType::GpuContextName );
MemWrite( &item->gpuContextNameFat.context, m_context );
MemWrite( &item->gpuContextNameFat.ptr, (uint64_t)ptr );
MemWrite( &item->gpuContextNameFat.size, len );
GetProfiler().DeferItem( *item );
void Collect()
ZoneScopedC( Color::Red4 );
if( m_tail == m_head ) return;
if( !GetProfiler().IsConnected() )
m_head = m_tail = 0;
while( m_tail != m_head )
GLint available;
glGetQueryObjectiv( m_query[m_tail], GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE, &available );
if( !available ) return;
uint64_t time;
glGetQueryObjectui64v( m_query[m_tail], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &time );
TracyLfqPrepare( QueueType::GpuTime );
MemWrite( &item->gpuTime.gpuTime, (int64_t)time );
MemWrite( &item->gpuTime.queryId, (uint16_t)m_tail );
MemWrite( &item->gpuTime.context, m_context );
m_tail = ( m_tail + 1 ) % QueryCount;
tracy_force_inline unsigned int NextQueryId()
const auto id = m_head;
m_head = ( m_head + 1 ) % QueryCount;
assert( m_head != m_tail );
return id;
tracy_force_inline unsigned int TranslateOpenGlQueryId( unsigned int id )
return m_query[id];
tracy_force_inline uint8_t GetId() const
return m_context;
unsigned int m_query[QueryCount];
uint8_t m_context;
unsigned int m_head;
unsigned int m_tail;
class GpuCtxScope
tracy_force_inline GpuCtxScope( const SourceLocationData* srcloc, bool is_active )
: m_active( is_active && GetProfiler().IsConnected() )
: m_active( is_active )
if( !m_active ) return;
const auto queryId = GetGpuCtx().ptr->NextQueryId();
glQueryCounter( GetGpuCtx().ptr->TranslateOpenGlQueryId( queryId ), GL_TIMESTAMP );
TracyLfqPrepare( QueueType::GpuZoneBegin );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.cpuTime, Profiler::GetTime() );
memset( &item->gpuZoneBegin.thread, 0, sizeof( item->gpuZoneBegin.thread ) );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.queryId, uint16_t( queryId ) );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.context, GetGpuCtx().ptr->GetId() );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.srcloc, (uint64_t)srcloc );
tracy_force_inline GpuCtxScope( const SourceLocationData* srcloc, int depth, bool is_active )
: m_active( is_active && GetProfiler().IsConnected() )
: m_active( is_active )
if( !m_active ) return;
const auto queryId = GetGpuCtx().ptr->NextQueryId();
glQueryCounter( GetGpuCtx().ptr->TranslateOpenGlQueryId( queryId ), GL_TIMESTAMP );
GetProfiler().SendCallstack( depth );
const auto thread = GetThreadHandle();
TracyLfqPrepare( QueueType::GpuZoneBeginCallstack );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.cpuTime, Profiler::GetTime() );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.thread, thread );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.queryId, uint16_t( queryId ) );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.context, GetGpuCtx().ptr->GetId() );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.srcloc, (uint64_t)srcloc );
tracy_force_inline GpuCtxScope( uint32_t line, const char* source, size_t sourceSz, const char* function, size_t functionSz, const char* name, size_t nameSz, bool is_active )
: m_active( is_active && GetProfiler().IsConnected() )
: m_active( is_active )
if( !m_active ) return;
const auto queryId = GetGpuCtx().ptr->NextQueryId();
glQueryCounter( GetGpuCtx().ptr->TranslateOpenGlQueryId( queryId ), GL_TIMESTAMP );
TracyLfqPrepare( QueueType::GpuZoneBeginAllocSrcLoc );
const auto srcloc = Profiler::AllocSourceLocation( line, source, sourceSz, function, functionSz, name, nameSz );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.cpuTime, Profiler::GetTime() );
memset( &item->gpuZoneBegin.thread, 0, sizeof( item->gpuZoneBegin.thread ) );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.queryId, uint16_t( queryId ) );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.context, GetGpuCtx().ptr->GetId() );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.srcloc, (uint64_t)srcloc );
tracy_force_inline GpuCtxScope( uint32_t line, const char* source, size_t sourceSz, const char* function, size_t functionSz, const char* name, size_t nameSz, int depth, bool is_active )
: m_active( is_active && GetProfiler().IsConnected() )
: m_active( is_active )
if( !m_active ) return;
const auto queryId = GetGpuCtx().ptr->NextQueryId();
glQueryCounter( GetGpuCtx().ptr->TranslateOpenGlQueryId( queryId ), GL_TIMESTAMP );
GetProfiler().SendCallstack( depth );
const auto thread = GetThreadHandle();
TracyLfqPrepare( QueueType::GpuZoneBeginAllocSrcLocCallstack );
const auto srcloc = Profiler::AllocSourceLocation( line, source, sourceSz, function, functionSz, name, nameSz );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.cpuTime, Profiler::GetTime() );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.thread, thread );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.queryId, uint16_t( queryId ) );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.context, GetGpuCtx().ptr->GetId() );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.srcloc, (uint64_t)srcloc );
tracy_force_inline ~GpuCtxScope()
if( !m_active ) return;
const auto queryId = GetGpuCtx().ptr->NextQueryId();
glQueryCounter( GetGpuCtx().ptr->TranslateOpenGlQueryId( queryId ), GL_TIMESTAMP );
TracyLfqPrepare( QueueType::GpuZoneEnd );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneEnd.cpuTime, Profiler::GetTime() );
memset( &item->gpuZoneEnd.thread, 0, sizeof( item->gpuZoneEnd.thread ) );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneEnd.queryId, uint16_t( queryId ) );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneEnd.context, GetGpuCtx().ptr->GetId() );
const bool m_active;