2019-04-01 19:26:50 +02:00

4192 lines
125 KiB

#ifdef _WIN32
# include <winsock2.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
# include <malloc.h>
# include <alloca.h>
#include <cctype>
#include <chrono>
#include <mutex>
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#if ( defined _MSC_VER && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L ) || __cplusplus >= 201703L
# if __has_include(<execution>)
# include <execution>
# else
# endif
# include "tracy_pdqsort.h"
#include "../common/TracyProtocol.hpp"
#include "../common/TracySystem.hpp"
#include "TracyFileRead.hpp"
#include "TracyFileWrite.hpp"
#include "TracyVersion.hpp"
#include "TracyWorker.hpp"
#include "tracy_flat_hash_map.hpp"
namespace tracy
static inline CallstackFrameId PackPointer( uint64_t ptr )
assert( ( ( ptr & 0x4000000000000000 ) << 1 ) == ( ptr & 0x8000000000000000 ) );
CallstackFrameId id;
id.idx = ptr;
id.sel = 0;
return id;
static constexpr int FileVersion( uint8_t h5, uint8_t h6, uint8_t h7 )
return ( h5 << 16 ) | ( h6 << 8 ) | h7;
static const uint8_t FileHeader[8] { 't', 'r', 'a', 'c', 'y', Version::Major, Version::Minor, Version::Patch };
enum { FileHeaderMagic = 5 };
static const int CurrentVersion = FileVersion( Version::Major, Version::Minor, Version::Patch );
static void UpdateLockCountLockable( LockMap& lockmap, size_t pos )
auto& timeline = lockmap.timeline;
uint8_t lockingThread;
uint8_t lockCount;
uint64_t waitList;
if( pos == 0 )
lockingThread = 0;
lockCount = 0;
waitList = 0;
const auto& tl = timeline[pos-1];
lockingThread = tl.lockingThread;
lockCount = tl.lockCount;
waitList = tl.waitList;
const auto end = timeline.size();
while( pos != end )
auto& tl = timeline[pos];
const auto tbit = uint64_t( 1 ) << tl.ptr->thread;
switch( (LockEvent::Type)tl.ptr->type )
case LockEvent::Type::Wait:
waitList |= tbit;
case LockEvent::Type::Obtain:
assert( lockCount < std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max() );
assert( ( waitList & tbit ) != 0 );
waitList &= ~tbit;
lockingThread = tl.ptr->thread;
case LockEvent::Type::Release:
assert( lockCount > 0 );
tl.lockingThread = lockingThread;
tl.waitList = waitList;
tl.lockCount = lockCount;
static void UpdateLockCountSharedLockable( LockMap& lockmap, size_t pos )
auto& timeline = lockmap.timeline;
uint8_t lockingThread;
uint8_t lockCount;
uint64_t waitShared;
uint64_t waitList;
uint64_t sharedList;
if( pos == 0 )
lockingThread = 0;
lockCount = 0;
waitShared = 0;
waitList = 0;
sharedList = 0;
const auto& tl = timeline[pos-1];
const auto tlp = (LockEventShared*)tl.ptr;
lockingThread = tl.lockingThread;
lockCount = tl.lockCount;
waitShared = tlp->waitShared;
waitList = tl.waitList;
sharedList = tlp->sharedList;
const auto end = timeline.size();
// ObtainShared and ReleaseShared should assert on lockCount == 0, but
// due to the async retrieval of data from threads that not possible.
while( pos != end )
auto& tl = timeline[pos];
const auto tlp = (LockEventShared*)tl.ptr;
const auto tbit = uint64_t( 1 ) << tlp->thread;
switch( (LockEvent::Type)tlp->type )
case LockEvent::Type::Wait:
waitList |= tbit;
case LockEvent::Type::WaitShared:
waitShared |= tbit;
case LockEvent::Type::Obtain:
assert( lockCount < std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max() );
assert( ( waitList & tbit ) != 0 );
waitList &= ~tbit;
lockingThread = tlp->thread;
case LockEvent::Type::Release:
assert( lockCount > 0 );
case LockEvent::Type::ObtainShared:
assert( ( waitShared & tbit ) != 0 );
assert( ( sharedList & tbit ) == 0 );
waitShared &= ~tbit;
sharedList |= tbit;
case LockEvent::Type::ReleaseShared:
assert( ( sharedList & tbit ) != 0 );
sharedList &= ~tbit;
tl.lockingThread = lockingThread;
tlp->waitShared = waitShared;
tl.waitList = waitList;
tlp->sharedList = sharedList;
tl.lockCount = lockCount;
static inline void UpdateLockCount( LockMap& lockmap, size_t pos )
if( lockmap.type == LockType::Lockable )
UpdateLockCountLockable( lockmap, pos );
UpdateLockCountSharedLockable( lockmap, pos );
static tracy_force_inline void WriteTimeOffset( FileWrite& f, int64_t& refTime, int64_t time )
int64_t timeOffset = time - refTime;
refTime += timeOffset;
f.Write( &timeOffset, sizeof( timeOffset ) );
static tracy_force_inline int64_t ReadTimeOffset( FileRead& f, int64_t& refTime )
int64_t timeOffset;
f.Read( timeOffset );
refTime += timeOffset;
return refTime;
static tracy_force_inline void UpdateLockRange( LockMap& lockmap, const LockEvent& ev )
const auto lt = ev.time;
auto& range = lockmap.range[ev.thread];
if( range.start > lt ) range.start = lt;
if( range.end < lt ) range.end = lt;
LoadProgress Worker::s_loadProgress;
Worker::Worker( const char* addr )
: m_addr( addr )
, m_hasData( false )
, m_stream( LZ4_createStreamDecode() )
, m_buffer( new char[TargetFrameSize*3 + 1] )
, m_bufferOffset( 0 )
, m_pendingStrings( 0 )
, m_pendingThreads( 0 )
, m_pendingSourceLocation( 0 )
, m_pendingCallstackFrames( 0 )
, m_pendingCallstackSubframes( 0 )
, m_callstackFrameStaging( nullptr )
, m_traceVersion( CurrentVersion )
, m_loadTime( 0 )
m_data.sourceLocationExpand.push_back( 0 );
m_data.threadExpand.push_back( 0 );
m_data.callstackPayload.push_back( nullptr );
memset( m_gpuCtxMap, 0, sizeof( m_gpuCtxMap ) );
m_data.sourceLocationZonesReady = true;
m_thread = std::thread( [this] { Exec(); } );
SetThreadName( m_thread, "Tracy Worker" );
Worker::Worker( FileRead& f, EventType::Type eventMask )
: m_hasData( true )
, m_stream( nullptr )
, m_buffer( nullptr )
auto loadStart = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
m_data.callstackPayload.push_back( nullptr );
int fileVer = 0;
uint8_t hdr[8];
f.Read( hdr, sizeof( hdr ) );
if( memcmp( FileHeader, hdr, FileHeaderMagic ) == 0 )
fileVer = FileVersion( hdr[FileHeaderMagic], hdr[FileHeaderMagic+1], hdr[FileHeaderMagic+2] );
if( fileVer > CurrentVersion )
throw UnsupportedVersion( fileVer );
f.Read( m_delay );
static_assert( sizeof( m_delay ) == sizeof( hdr ), "Size mismatch" );
memcpy( &m_delay, hdr, sizeof( m_delay ) );
m_traceVersion = fileVer;
if( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 3, 1 ) )
{ 7, std::memory_order_relaxed );
{ 8, std::memory_order_relaxed );
} 0, std::memory_order_relaxed ); LoadProgress::Initialization, std::memory_order_relaxed );
f.Read( m_resolution );
f.Read( m_timerMul );
f.Read( m_data.lastTime );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 3, 200 ) )
f.Read( m_data.frameOffset );
uint64_t sz;
f.Read( sz );
assert( sz < 1024 );
char tmp[1024];
f.Read( tmp, sz );
m_captureName = std::string( tmp, tmp+sz );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 3, 205 ) )
f.Read( sz );
assert( sz < 1024 );
char tmp[1024];
f.Read( tmp, sz );
m_captureProgram = std::string( tmp, tmp+sz );
f.Read( m_captureTime );
const auto sz = m_captureName.size();
char tmp[1024];
memcpy( tmp, m_captureName.c_str(), sz );
tmp[sz] = '\0';
auto ptr = tmp + sz - 1;
while( *ptr != '@' )
if( *ptr == '#' ) *ptr = '\0';
m_captureProgram = std::string( tmp, ptr-1 );
tm epoch = {};
sscanf( ptr+1, "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d", &epoch.tm_year, &epoch.tm_mon, &epoch.tm_mday, &epoch.tm_hour, &epoch.tm_min, &epoch.tm_sec );
epoch.tm_year -= 1900;
m_captureTime = (uint64_t)mktime( &epoch );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 3, 203 ) )
f.Read( sz );
assert( sz < 1024 );
char tmp[1024];
f.Read( tmp, sz );
m_hostInfo = std::string( tmp, tmp+sz );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 3, 204 ) )
f.Read( &m_data.crashEvent, sizeof( m_data.crashEvent ) );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 3, 202 ) )
f.Read( sz );
m_data.frames.Data().reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
auto ptr = m_slab.AllocInit<FrameData>();
f.Read( &ptr->name, sizeof( ptr->name ) );
f.Read( &ptr->continuous, sizeof( ptr->continuous ) );
uint64_t fsz;
f.Read( &fsz, sizeof( fsz ) );
ptr->frames.reserve_exact( fsz, m_slab );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 2 ) )
int64_t refTime = 0;
if( ptr->continuous )
for( uint64_t j=0; j<fsz; j++ )
ptr->frames[j].start = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
ptr->frames[j].end = -1;
for( uint64_t j=0; j<fsz; j++ )
ptr->frames[j].start = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
ptr->frames[j].end = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
if( ptr->continuous )
for( uint64_t j=0; j<fsz; j++ )
f.Read( &ptr->frames[j].start, sizeof( int64_t ) );
ptr->frames[j].end = -1;
f.Read( ptr->, sizeof( FrameEvent ) * fsz );
m_data.frames.Data()[i] = ptr;
m_data.framesBase = m_data.frames.Data()[0];
assert( m_data.framesBase->name == 0 );
auto ptr = m_slab.AllocInit<FrameData>();
ptr->name = 0;
ptr->continuous = 1;
f.Read( sz );
ptr->frames.reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
f.Read( &ptr->frames[i].start, sizeof( int64_t ) );
ptr->frames[i].end = -1;
m_data.frames.Data().push_back( ptr );
m_data.framesBase = ptr;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, const char*, nohash<uint64_t>> pointerMap;
f.Read( sz );
m_data.stringData.reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint64_t ptr, ssz;
f.Read2( ptr, ssz );
auto dst = m_slab.Alloc<char>( ssz+1 );
f.Read( dst, ssz );
dst[ssz] = '\0';
m_data.stringData[i] = ( dst );
pointerMap.emplace( ptr, dst );
f.Read( sz );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint64_t id, ptr;
f.Read2( id, ptr );
auto it = pointerMap.find( ptr );
if( it != pointerMap.end() )
m_data.strings.emplace( id, it->second );
f.Read( sz );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint64_t id, ptr;
f.Read2( id, ptr );
auto it = pointerMap.find( ptr );
if( it != pointerMap.end() )
m_data.threadNames.emplace( id, it->second );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 4 ) )
f.Read( sz );
m_data.threadExpand.reserve_and_use( sz );
f.Read(, sizeof( uint64_t ) * sz );
m_data.threadMap.reserve( sz );
for( size_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
m_data.threadMap.emplace( m_data.threadExpand[i], i );
else if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 3, 201 ) )
f.Read( sz );
m_data.threadExpand.reserve( sz );
m_data.threadExpand.push_back( 0 );
m_data.threadExpand.push_back( 0 );
f.Read( sz );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint64_t ptr;
f.Read( ptr );
SourceLocation srcloc;
f.Read( srcloc );
m_data.sourceLocation.emplace( ptr, srcloc );
f.Read( sz );
m_data.sourceLocationExpand.reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
f.Read(, sizeof( uint64_t ) * sz );
const auto sle = sz;
f.Read( sz );
m_data.sourceLocationPayload.reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
auto srcloc = m_slab.Alloc<SourceLocation>();
f.Read( srcloc, sizeof( *srcloc ) );
m_data.sourceLocationPayload[i] = srcloc;
m_data.sourceLocationPayloadMap.emplace( srcloc, uint32_t( i ) );
m_data.sourceLocationZonesReady = false;
m_data.sourceLocationZones.reserve( sle + sz );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 3, 201 ) )
f.Read( sz );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
int32_t id;
uint64_t cnt;
f.Read( id );
f.Read( cnt );
auto status = m_data.sourceLocationZones.emplace( id, SourceLocationZones() );
assert( status.second );
status.first->second.zones.reserve( cnt );
for( uint64_t i=1; i<sle; i++ )
m_data.sourceLocationZones.emplace( int32_t( i ), SourceLocationZones() );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
m_data.sourceLocationZones.emplace( -int32_t( i + 1 ), SourceLocationZones() );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 3, 201 ) )
f.Read( sz );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
int32_t id;
f.Read( id );
f.Skip( sizeof( uint64_t ) );
m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt.emplace( id, 0 );
for( uint64_t i=1; i<sle; i++ )
m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt.emplace( int32_t( i ), 0 );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt.emplace( -int32_t( i + 1 ), 0 );
#endif LoadProgress::Locks, std::memory_order_relaxed );
f.Read( sz );
if( eventMask & EventType::Locks )
{ sz, std::memory_order_relaxed );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
{ i, std::memory_order_relaxed );
auto lockmapPtr = m_slab.AllocInit<LockMap>();
auto& lockmap = *lockmapPtr;
uint32_t id;
uint64_t tsz;
f.Read( id );
f.Read( lockmap.srcloc );
f.Read( lockmap.type );
f.Read( lockmap.valid );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 1 ) )
f.Read2( lockmap.timeAnnounce, lockmap.timeTerminate );
lockmap.timeAnnounce = lockmap.timeTerminate = 0;
f.Read( tsz );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<tsz; i++ )
uint64_t t;
f.Read( t );
lockmap.threadMap.emplace( t, lockmap.threadList.size() );
lockmap.threadList.emplace_back( t );
f.Read( tsz );
lockmap.timeline.reserve_exact( tsz, m_slab );
auto ptr =;
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 2 ) )
int64_t refTime = lockmap.timeAnnounce;
if( lockmap.type == LockType::Lockable )
for( uint64_t i=0; i<tsz; i++ )
auto lev = m_slab.Alloc<LockEvent>();
lev->time = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
f.Read( &lev->srcloc, sizeof( LockEvent::srcloc ) + sizeof( LockEvent::thread ) + sizeof( LockEvent::type ) );
*ptr++ = { lev };
UpdateLockRange( lockmap, *lev );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<tsz; i++ )
auto lev = m_slab.Alloc<LockEventShared>();
lev->time = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
f.Read( &lev->srcloc, sizeof( LockEventShared::srcloc ) + sizeof( LockEventShared::thread ) + sizeof( LockEventShared::type ) );
*ptr++ = { lev };
UpdateLockRange( lockmap, *lev );
else if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 3, 0 ) )
if( lockmap.type == LockType::Lockable )
for( uint64_t i=0; i<tsz; i++ )
auto lev = m_slab.Alloc<LockEvent>();
f.Read( lev, sizeof( LockEvent::time ) + sizeof( LockEvent::srcloc ) + sizeof( LockEvent::thread ) + sizeof( LockEvent::type ) );
*ptr++ = { lev };
UpdateLockRange( lockmap, *lev );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<tsz; i++ )
auto lev = m_slab.Alloc<LockEventShared>();
f.Read( lev, sizeof( LockEventShared::time ) + sizeof( LockEventShared::srcloc ) + sizeof( LockEventShared::thread ) + sizeof( LockEventShared::type ) );
*ptr++ = { lev };
UpdateLockRange( lockmap, *lev );
if( lockmap.type == LockType::Lockable )
for( uint64_t i=0; i<tsz; i++ )
auto lev = m_slab.Alloc<LockEvent>();
f.Read( lev, sizeof( LockEvent::time ) + sizeof( LockEvent::srcloc ) + sizeof( LockEvent::thread ) );
f.Skip( sizeof( uint8_t ) );
f.Read( lev->type );
f.Skip( sizeof( uint8_t ) + sizeof( uint64_t ) );
*ptr++ = { lev };
UpdateLockRange( lockmap, *lev );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<tsz; i++ )
auto lev = m_slab.Alloc<LockEventShared>();
f.Read( lev, sizeof( LockEventShared::time ) + sizeof( LockEventShared::srcloc ) + sizeof( LockEventShared::thread ) );
f.Skip( sizeof( uint8_t ) );
f.Read( lev->type );
f.Skip( sizeof( uint8_t ) + sizeof( uint64_t ) * 3 );
*ptr++ = { lev };
UpdateLockRange( lockmap, *lev );
UpdateLockCount( lockmap, 0 );
m_data.lockMap.emplace( id, lockmapPtr );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
LockType type;
uint64_t tsz;
f.Skip( sizeof( uint32_t ) + sizeof( LockMap::srcloc ) );
f.Read( type );
f.Skip( sizeof( LockMap::valid ) );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 1 ) )
f.Skip( sizeof( LockMap::timeAnnounce ) + sizeof( LockMap::timeTerminate ) );
f.Read( tsz );
f.Skip( tsz * sizeof( uint64_t ) );
f.Read( tsz );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 3, 0 ) )
f.Skip( tsz * ( sizeof( LockEvent::time ) + sizeof( LockEvent::type ) + sizeof( LockEvent::srcloc ) + sizeof( LockEvent::thread ) ) );
f.Skip( tsz * ( type == LockType::Lockable ? 24 : 40 ) );
} 0, std::memory_order_relaxed ); LoadProgress::Messages, std::memory_order_relaxed );
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, MessageData*, nohash<uint64_t>> msgMap;
f.Read( sz );
if( eventMask & EventType::Messages )
m_data.messages.reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 2 ) )
int64_t refTime = 0;
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint64_t ptr;
f.Read( ptr );
auto msgdata = m_slab.Alloc<MessageData>();
msgdata->time = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
f.Read( msgdata->ref );
m_data.messages[i] = msgdata;
msgMap.emplace( ptr, msgdata );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint64_t ptr;
f.Read( ptr );
auto msgdata = m_slab.Alloc<MessageData>();
f.Read( msgdata, sizeof( MessageData::time ) + sizeof( MessageData::ref ) );
if( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 3, 0 ) ) f.Skip( 7 );
m_data.messages[i] = msgdata;
msgMap.emplace( ptr, msgdata );
// Prior to 0.3.1 MessageData was saved with padding.
if( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 3, 0 ) )
f.Skip( sz * ( sizeof( uint64_t ) + 24 ) );
f.Skip( sz * ( sizeof( uint64_t ) + sizeof( MessageData::time ) + sizeof( MessageData::ref ) ) );
} LoadProgress::Zones, std::memory_order_relaxed );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 7 ) )
f.Read( sz ); sz, std::memory_order_relaxed ); 0, std::memory_order_relaxed );
f.Read( sz );
m_data.threads.reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
auto td = m_slab.AllocInit<ThreadData>();
uint64_t tid;
f.Read( tid );
td->id = tid;
f.Read( td->count );
uint64_t tsz;
f.Read( tsz );
if( fileVer < FileVersion( 0, 4, 7 ) )
{ td->count, std::memory_order_relaxed ); 0, std::memory_order_relaxed );
if( tsz != 0 )
if( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 4, 1 ) )
ReadTimelinePre042( f, td->timeline, CompressThread( tid ), tsz, fileVer );
int64_t refTime = 0;
ReadTimeline( f, td->timeline, CompressThread( tid ), tsz, refTime );
uint64_t msz;
f.Read( msz );
if( eventMask & EventType::Messages )
td->messages.reserve_exact( msz, m_slab );
for( uint64_t j=0; j<msz; j++ )
uint64_t ptr;
f.Read( ptr );
auto md = msgMap[ptr];
td->messages[j] = md;
md->thread = tid;
f.Skip( msz * sizeof( uint64_t ) );
m_data.threads[i] = td;
} LoadProgress::GpuZones, std::memory_order_relaxed );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 7 ) )
f.Read( sz ); sz, std::memory_order_relaxed ); 0, std::memory_order_relaxed );
f.Read( sz );
m_data.gpuData.reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
auto ctx = m_slab.AllocInit<GpuCtxData>();
f.Read( ctx->thread );
f.Read( ctx->accuracyBits );
f.Read( ctx->count );
if( fileVer < FileVersion( 0, 4, 7 ) )
{ ctx->count, std::memory_order_relaxed ); 0, std::memory_order_relaxed );
int64_t refTime = 0;
int64_t refGpuTime = 0;
if( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 3, 1 ) )
ctx->period = 1.f;
uint64_t tsz;
f.Read( tsz );
if( tsz != 0 )
ReadTimelinePre044( f, ctx->timeline, tsz, refTime, refGpuTime, fileVer );
f.Read( ctx->period );
uint64_t tsz;
f.Read( tsz );
if( tsz != 0 )
if( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 4, 3 ) )
ReadTimelinePre044( f, ctx->timeline, tsz, refTime, refGpuTime, fileVer );
ReadTimeline( f, ctx->timeline, tsz, refTime, refGpuTime );
m_data.gpuData[i] = ctx;
} LoadProgress::Plots, std::memory_order_relaxed );
f.Read( sz );
if( eventMask & EventType::Plots )
m_data.plots.Data().reserve( sz ); sz, std::memory_order_relaxed );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
{ i, std::memory_order_relaxed );
auto pd = m_slab.AllocInit<PlotData>();
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 5 ) )
f.Read( pd->type );
pd->type = PlotType::User;
f.Read( pd->name );
f.Read( pd->min );
f.Read( pd->max );
uint64_t psz;
f.Read( psz );
pd->data.reserve_exact( psz, m_slab );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 2 ) )
int64_t refTime = 0;
for( uint64_t j=0; j<psz; j++ )
pd->data[j].time = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
f.Read( pd->data[j].val );
f.Read( pd->, psz * sizeof( PlotItem ) );
m_data.plots.Data().push_back_no_space_check( pd );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 5 ) )
f.Skip( sizeof( PlotData::name ) + sizeof( PlotData::min ) + sizeof( PlotData::max ) + sizeof( PlotData::type ) );
f.Skip( sizeof( PlotData::name ) + sizeof( PlotData::min ) + sizeof( PlotData::max ) );
uint64_t psz;
f.Read( psz );
f.Skip( psz * sizeof( PlotItem ) );
bool reconstructMemAllocPlot = false;
// Support pre-0.3 traces
if( fileVer == 0 && f.IsEOF() ) goto finishLoading; 0, std::memory_order_relaxed ); LoadProgress::Memory, std::memory_order_relaxed );
f.Read( sz );
if( eventMask & EventType::Memory )
{ sz, m_slab );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 3, 201 ) )
uint64_t activeSz, freesSz;
f.Read2( activeSz, freesSz ); activeSz );
m_data.memory.frees.reserve_exact( freesSz, m_slab );
auto mem =; sz, std::memory_order_relaxed );
size_t fidx = 0;
int64_t refTime = 0;
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 4 ) )
auto& frees = m_data.memory.frees;
auto& active =;
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
{ i, std::memory_order_relaxed );
f.Read( mem, sizeof( MemEvent::ptr ) + sizeof( MemEvent::size ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeFree ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csFree ) + sizeof( MemEvent::threadAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::threadFree ) );
refTime += mem->timeAlloc;
mem->timeAlloc = refTime;
if( mem->timeFree >= 0 )
mem->timeFree += refTime;
frees[fidx++] = i;
active.emplace( mem->ptr, i );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
{ i, std::memory_order_relaxed );
if( fileVer > FileVersion( 0, 4, 1 ) )
f.Read( mem, sizeof( MemEvent::ptr ) + sizeof( MemEvent::size ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeFree ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csFree ) );
refTime += mem->timeAlloc;
mem->timeAlloc = refTime;
if( mem->timeFree >= 0 ) mem->timeFree += refTime;
else if( fileVer > FileVersion( 0, 3, 1 ) )
f.Read( mem, sizeof( MemEvent::ptr ) + sizeof( MemEvent::size ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeFree ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csFree ) );
f.Read( mem, sizeof( MemEvent::ptr ) + sizeof( MemEvent::size ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeFree ) );
mem->csAlloc = 0;
mem->csFree = 0;
uint64_t t0, t1;
f.Read2( t0, t1 );
mem->threadAlloc = CompressThread( t0 );
if( t0 == t1 )
mem->threadFree = mem->threadAlloc;
mem->threadFree = CompressThread( t1 );
if( mem->timeFree < 0 )
{ mem->ptr, i );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 3, 201 ) )
m_data.memory.frees[fidx++] = i;
m_data.memory.frees.push_back( i );
f.Read( m_data.memory.high );
f.Read( m_data.memory.low );
f.Read( m_data.memory.usage );
if( sz != 0 )
reconstructMemAllocPlot = true;
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 3, 201 ) )
f.Skip( 2 * sizeof( uint64_t ) );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 4 ) )
f.Skip( sz * ( sizeof( MemEvent::ptr ) + sizeof( MemEvent::size ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeFree ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csFree ) + sizeof( MemEvent::threadAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::threadFree ) ) );
else if( fileVer > FileVersion( 0, 4, 1 ) )
f.Skip( sz * ( sizeof( MemEvent::ptr ) + sizeof( MemEvent::size ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeFree ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csFree ) + 2 * sizeof( uint64_t ) ) );
else if( fileVer > FileVersion( 0, 3, 1 ) )
f.Skip( sz * ( sizeof( MemEvent::ptr ) + sizeof( MemEvent::size ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeFree ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csFree ) + 2 * sizeof( uint64_t ) ) );
f.Skip( sz * ( sizeof( MemEvent::ptr ) + sizeof( MemEvent::size ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeFree ) + 2 * sizeof( uint64_t ) ) );
f.Skip( sizeof( MemData::high ) + sizeof( MemData::low ) + sizeof( MemData::usage ) );
if( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 3, 1 ) ) goto finishLoading; 0, std::memory_order_relaxed ); LoadProgress::CallStacks, std::memory_order_relaxed );
f.Read( sz );
m_data.callstackPayload.reserve( sz );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 6 ) )
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint8_t csz;
f.Read( csz );
const auto memsize = sizeof( VarArray<CallstackFrameId> ) + csz * sizeof( CallstackFrameId );
auto mem = (char*)m_slab.AllocRaw( memsize );
auto data = (CallstackFrameId*)mem;
f.Read( data, csz * sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) );
auto arr = (VarArray<CallstackFrameId>*)( mem + csz * sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) );
new(arr) VarArray<CallstackFrameId>( csz, data );
m_data.callstackPayload.push_back_no_space_check( arr );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint8_t csz;
f.Read( csz );
const auto memsize = sizeof( VarArray<CallstackFrameId> ) + csz * sizeof( CallstackFrameId );
auto mem = (char*)m_slab.AllocRaw( memsize );
auto data = (CallstackFrameId*)mem;
for( uint8_t j=0; j<csz; j++ )
uint64_t ptr;
f.Read( ptr );
data[j] = PackPointer( ptr );
auto arr = (VarArray<CallstackFrameId>*)( mem + csz * sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) );
new(arr) VarArray<CallstackFrameId>( csz, data );
m_data.callstackPayload.push_back_no_space_check( arr );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 6 ) )
f.Read( sz );
m_data.callstackFrameMap.reserve( sz );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
CallstackFrameId id;
f.Read( id );
auto frameData = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrameData>();
f.Read( frameData->size );
frameData->data = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrame>( frameData->size );
f.Read( frameData->data, sizeof( CallstackFrame ) * frameData->size );
m_data.callstackFrameMap.emplace( id, frameData );
else if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 3 ) )
f.Read( sz );
m_data.callstackFrameMap.reserve( sz );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint64_t ptr;
f.Read( ptr );
auto frameData = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrameData>();
f.Read( frameData->size );
frameData->data = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrame>( frameData->size );
f.Read( frameData->data, sizeof( CallstackFrame ) * frameData->size );
m_data.callstackFrameMap.emplace( PackPointer( ptr ), frameData );
f.Read( sz );
m_data.callstackFrameMap.reserve( sz );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint64_t ptr;
f.Read( ptr );
auto frameData = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrameData>();
frameData->size = 1;
frameData->data = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrame>();
f.Read( frameData->data, sizeof( CallstackFrame ) );
m_data.callstackFrameMap.emplace( PackPointer( ptr ), frameData );
finishLoading: 0, std::memory_order_relaxed );
m_loadTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>( std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - loadStart ).count();
m_threadBackground = std::thread( [this, reconstructMemAllocPlot] {
std::function<void(const Vector<ZoneEvent*>&, uint16_t)> ProcessTimeline;
ProcessTimeline = [this, &ProcessTimeline] ( const Vector<ZoneEvent*>& vec, uint16_t thread )
for( auto& zone : vec )
ReadTimelineUpdateStatistics( zone, thread );
if( zone->child >= 0 )
ProcessTimeline( GetZoneChildren( zone->child ), thread );
for( auto& t : m_data.threads )
if( !t->timeline.empty() )
// Don't touch thread compression cache in a thread.
auto it = m_data.threadMap.find( t->id );
assert( it != m_data.threadMap.end() );
ProcessTimeline( t->timeline, it->second );
for( auto& v : m_data.sourceLocationZones )
auto& zones = v.second.zones;
pdqsort_branchless( zones.begin(), zones.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return>start <>start; } );
std::sort( std::execution::par_unseq, zones.begin(), zones.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return>start <>start; } );
std::lock_guard<TracyMutex> lock( m_data.lock );
m_data.sourceLocationZonesReady = true;
if( reconstructMemAllocPlot ) ReconstructMemAllocPlot();
} );
if( reconstructMemAllocPlot )
m_threadBackground = std::thread( [this] { ReconstructMemAllocPlot(); } );
if( m_thread.joinable() ) m_thread.join();
if( m_threadBackground.joinable() ) m_threadBackground.join();
delete[] m_buffer;
LZ4_freeStreamDecode( m_stream );
for( auto& v : m_data.threads )
for( auto& v : m_data.gpuData )
for( auto& v : m_data.plots.Data() )
for( auto& v : m_data.frames.Data() )
for( auto& v : m_data.lockMap )
uint64_t Worker::GetLockCount() const
uint64_t cnt = 0;
for( auto& l : m_data.lockMap )
cnt += l.second->timeline.size();
return cnt;
uint64_t Worker::GetPlotCount() const
uint64_t cnt = 0;
for( auto& p : m_data.plots.Data() )
if( p->type != PlotType::Memory )
cnt += p->data.size();
return cnt;
size_t Worker::GetFullFrameCount( const FrameData& fd ) const
const auto sz = fd.frames.size();
assert( sz != 0 );
if( fd.continuous )
if( IsConnected() )
return sz - 1;
return sz;
const auto& last = fd.frames.back();
if( last.end >= 0 )
return sz;
return sz - 1;
int64_t Worker::GetFrameTime( const FrameData& fd, size_t idx ) const
if( fd.continuous )
if( idx < fd.frames.size() - 1 )
return fd.frames[idx+1].start - fd.frames[idx].start;
assert( m_data.lastTime != 0 );
return m_data.lastTime - fd.frames.back().start;
const auto& frame = fd.frames[idx];
if( frame.end >= 0 )
return frame.end - frame.start;
return m_data.lastTime - fd.frames.back().start;
int64_t Worker::GetFrameBegin( const FrameData& fd, size_t idx ) const
assert( idx < fd.frames.size() );
return fd.frames[idx].start;
int64_t Worker::GetFrameEnd( const FrameData& fd, size_t idx ) const
if( fd.continuous )
if( idx < fd.frames.size() - 1 )
return fd.frames[idx+1].start;
return m_data.lastTime;
if( fd.frames[idx].end >= 0 )
return fd.frames[idx].end;
return m_data.lastTime;
std::pair <int, int> Worker::GetFrameRange( const FrameData& fd, int64_t from, int64_t to )
auto zitbegin = std::lower_bound( fd.frames.begin(), fd.frames.end(), from, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.start < rhs; } );
if( zitbegin == fd.frames.end() ) zitbegin--;
const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( zitbegin, fd.frames.end(), to, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.start < rhs; } );
int zbegin = std::distance( fd.frames.begin(), zitbegin );
if( zbegin > 0 && zitbegin->start != from ) --zbegin;
const int zend = std::distance( fd.frames.begin(), zitend );
return std::make_pair( zbegin, zend );
const CallstackFrameData* Worker::GetCallstackFrame( const CallstackFrameId& ptr ) const
auto it = m_data.callstackFrameMap.find( ptr );
if( it == m_data.callstackFrameMap.end() )
return nullptr;
return it->second;
int64_t Worker::GetZoneEnd( const ZoneEvent& ev )
auto ptr = &ev;
if( ptr->end >= 0 ) return ptr->end;
if( ptr->child < 0 ) return ptr->start;
ptr = GetZoneChildren( ptr->child ).back();
int64_t Worker::GetZoneEnd( const GpuEvent& ev )
auto ptr = &ev;
if( ptr->gpuEnd >= 0 ) return ptr->gpuEnd;
if( ptr->child < 0 ) return ptr->gpuStart;
ptr = GetGpuChildren( ptr->child ).back();
const char* Worker::GetString( uint64_t ptr ) const
const auto it = m_data.strings.find( ptr );
if( it == m_data.strings.end() || it->second == nullptr )
return "???";
return it->second;
const char* Worker::GetString( const StringRef& ref ) const
if( ref.isidx )
assert( );
return m_data.stringData[ref.str];
if( )
return GetString( ref.str );
return "???";
const char* Worker::GetString( const StringIdx& idx ) const
assert( );
return m_data.stringData[idx.idx];
const char* Worker::GetThreadString( uint64_t id ) const
const auto it = m_data.threadNames.find( id );
if( it == m_data.threadNames.end() )
return "???";
return it->second;
const SourceLocation& Worker::GetSourceLocation( int32_t srcloc ) const
if( srcloc < 0 )
return *m_data.sourceLocationPayload[-srcloc-1];
const auto it = m_data.sourceLocation.find( m_data.sourceLocationExpand[srcloc] );
assert( it != m_data.sourceLocation.end() );
return it->second;
const char* Worker::GetZoneName( const SourceLocation& srcloc ) const
if( )
return GetString( );
return GetString( srcloc.function );
const char* Worker::GetZoneName( const ZoneEvent& ev ) const
auto& srcloc = GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
return GetZoneName( ev, srcloc );
const char* Worker::GetZoneName( const ZoneEvent& ev, const SourceLocation& srcloc ) const
if( )
return GetString( );
else if( )
return GetString( );
return GetString( srcloc.function );
const char* Worker::GetZoneName( const GpuEvent& ev ) const
auto& srcloc = GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
return GetZoneName( ev, srcloc );
const char* Worker::GetZoneName( const GpuEvent& ev, const SourceLocation& srcloc ) const
if( )
return GetString( );
return GetString( srcloc.function );
static bool strstr_nocase( const char* l, const char* r )
const auto lsz = strlen( l );
const auto rsz = strlen( r );
auto ll = (char*)alloca( lsz + 1 );
auto rl = (char*)alloca( lsz + 1 );
for( size_t i=0; i<lsz; i++ )
ll[i] = tolower( l[i] );
ll[lsz] = '\0';
for( size_t i=0; i<rsz; i++ )
rl[i] = tolower( r[i] );
rl[rsz] = '\0';
return strstr( ll, rl ) != nullptr;
std::vector<int32_t> Worker::GetMatchingSourceLocation( const char* query, bool ignoreCase ) const
std::vector<int32_t> match;
const auto sz = m_data.sourceLocationExpand.size();
for( size_t i=1; i<sz; i++ )
const auto it = m_data.sourceLocation.find( m_data.sourceLocationExpand[i] );
assert( it != m_data.sourceLocation.end() );
const auto& srcloc = it->second;
const auto str = GetString( ? : srcloc.function );
bool found = false;
if( ignoreCase )
found = strstr_nocase( str, query );
found = strstr( str, query ) != nullptr;
if( found )
match.push_back( (int32_t)i );
for( auto& srcloc : m_data.sourceLocationPayload )
const auto str = GetString( srcloc-> ? srcloc->name : srcloc->function );
bool found = false;
if( ignoreCase )
found = strstr_nocase( str, query );
found = strstr( str, query ) != nullptr;
if( found )
auto it = m_data.sourceLocationPayloadMap.find( srcloc );
assert( it != m_data.sourceLocationPayloadMap.end() );
match.push_back( -int32_t( it->second + 1 ) );
return match;
const Worker::SourceLocationZones& Worker::GetZonesForSourceLocation( int32_t srcloc ) const
static const SourceLocationZones empty;
auto it = m_data.sourceLocationZones.find( srcloc );
return it != m_data.sourceLocationZones.end() ? it->second : empty;
uint16_t Worker::CompressThreadReal( uint64_t thread )
auto it = m_data.threadMap.find( thread );
if( it != m_data.threadMap.end() )
m_data.threadLast.first = thread;
m_data.threadLast.second = it->second;
return it->second;
return CompressThreadNew( thread );
uint16_t Worker::CompressThreadNew( uint64_t thread )
auto sz = m_data.threadExpand.size();
m_data.threadExpand.push_back( thread );
m_data.threadMap.emplace( thread, sz );
m_data.threadLast.first = thread;
m_data.threadLast.second = sz;
return sz;
void Worker::Exec()
auto ShouldExit = [this]
return m_shutdown.load( std::memory_order_relaxed );
if( m_shutdown.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ) ) return;
if( m_sock.Connect( m_addr.c_str(), "8086" ) ) break;
auto lz4buf = std::make_unique<char[]>( LZ4Size );
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> t0;
uint64_t bytes = 0;
uint64_t decBytes = 0;
m_sock.Send( HandshakeShibboleth, HandshakeShibbolethSize );
uint32_t protocolVersion = ProtocolVersion;
m_sock.Send( &protocolVersion, sizeof( protocolVersion ) );
HandshakeStatus handshake;
if( !m_sock.Read( &handshake, sizeof( handshake ), 10, ShouldExit ) )
{ HandshakeDropped, std::memory_order_relaxed );
goto close;
} handshake, std::memory_order_relaxed );
switch( handshake )
case HandshakeWelcome:
case HandshakeProtocolMismatch:
case HandshakeNotAvailable:
goto close;
m_data.framesBase = m_data.frames.Retrieve( 0, [this] ( uint64_t name ) {
auto fd = m_slab.AllocInit<FrameData>();
fd->name = name;
fd->continuous = 1;
return fd;
}, [this] ( uint64_t name ) {
assert( name == 0 );
char tmp[6] = "Frame";
HandleFrameName( name, tmp, 5 );
} );
WelcomeMessage welcome;
if( !m_sock.Read( &welcome, sizeof( welcome ), 10, ShouldExit ) )
{ HandshakeDropped, std::memory_order_relaxed );
goto close;
m_timerMul = welcome.timerMul;
const auto initEnd = TscTime( welcome.initEnd );
m_data.framesBase->frames.push_back( FrameEvent{ TscTime( welcome.initBegin ), -1 } );
m_data.framesBase->frames.push_back( FrameEvent{ initEnd, -1 } );
m_data.lastTime = initEnd;
m_delay = TscTime( welcome.delay );
m_resolution = TscTime( welcome.resolution );
m_onDemand = welcome.onDemand;
m_captureProgram = welcome.programName;
m_captureTime = welcome.epoch;
char dtmp[64];
time_t date = welcome.epoch;
auto lt = localtime( &date );
strftime( dtmp, 64, "%F %T", lt );
char tmp[1024];
sprintf( tmp, "%s @ %s", welcome.programName, dtmp );
m_captureName = tmp;
m_hostInfo = welcome.hostInfo;
if( welcome.onDemand != 0 )
OnDemandPayloadMessage onDemand;
if( !m_sock.Read( &onDemand, sizeof( onDemand ), 10, ShouldExit ) )
{ HandshakeDropped, std::memory_order_relaxed );
goto close;
m_data.frameOffset = onDemand.frames;
m_serverQuerySpaceLeft = m_sock.GetSendBufSize() / ServerQueryPacketSize; true, std::memory_order_release );
LZ4_setStreamDecode( m_stream, nullptr, 0 ); true, std::memory_order_relaxed );
t0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
if( m_shutdown.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ) ) return;
auto buf = m_buffer + m_bufferOffset;
lz4sz_t lz4sz;
if( !m_sock.Read( &lz4sz, sizeof( lz4sz ), 10, ShouldExit ) ) goto close;
if( !m_sock.Read( lz4buf.get(), lz4sz, 10, ShouldExit ) ) goto close;
bytes += sizeof( lz4sz ) + lz4sz;
auto sz = LZ4_decompress_safe_continue( m_stream, lz4buf.get(), buf, lz4sz, TargetFrameSize );
assert( sz >= 0 );
decBytes += sz;
char* ptr = buf;
const char* end = buf + sz;
std::lock_guard<TracyMutex> lock( m_data.lock );
while( ptr < end )
auto ev = (const QueueItem*)ptr;
if( !DispatchProcess( *ev, ptr ) ) goto close;
m_bufferOffset += sz;
if( m_bufferOffset > TargetFrameSize * 2 ) m_bufferOffset = 0;
auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto td = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>( t1 - t0 ).count();
enum { MbpsUpdateTime = 200 };
if( td > MbpsUpdateTime )
std::lock_guard<TracyMutex> lock( m_mbpsData.lock );
m_mbpsData.mbps.erase( m_mbpsData.mbps.begin() );
m_mbpsData.mbps.emplace_back( bytes / ( td * 125.f ) );
m_mbpsData.compRatio = float( bytes ) / decBytes;
t0 = t1;
bytes = 0;
decBytes = 0;
if( m_terminate )
if( m_pendingStrings != 0 || m_pendingThreads != 0 || m_pendingSourceLocation != 0 || m_pendingCallstackFrames != 0 ||
!m_pendingCustomStrings.empty() || m_data.plots.IsPending() || m_pendingCallstackPtr != 0 || m_pendingCallstackSubframes != 0 )
if( !m_crashed )
bool done = true;
for( auto& v : m_data.threads )
if( !v->stack.empty() )
done = false;
if( !done ) continue;
Query( ServerQueryTerminate, 0 );
m_sock.Close(); false, std::memory_order_relaxed );
void Worker::Query( ServerQuery type, uint64_t data )
ServerQueryPacket query = { type, data };
m_sock.Send( &query, ServerQueryPacketSize );
bool Worker::DispatchProcess( const QueueItem& ev, char*& ptr )
if( ev.hdr.idx >= (int)QueueType::StringData )
ptr += sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueStringTransfer );
uint16_t sz;
memcpy( &sz, ptr, sizeof( sz ) );
ptr += sizeof( sz );
switch( ev.hdr.type )
case QueueType::CustomStringData:
AddCustomString( ev.stringTransfer.ptr, ptr, sz );
case QueueType::StringData:
AddString( ev.stringTransfer.ptr, ptr, sz );
case QueueType::ThreadName:
AddThreadString( ev.stringTransfer.ptr, ptr, sz );
case QueueType::PlotName:
HandlePlotName( ev.stringTransfer.ptr, ptr, sz );
case QueueType::SourceLocationPayload:
AddSourceLocationPayload( ev.stringTransfer.ptr, ptr, sz );
case QueueType::CallstackPayload:
AddCallstackPayload( ev.stringTransfer.ptr, ptr, sz );
case QueueType::FrameName:
HandleFrameName( ev.stringTransfer.ptr, ptr, sz );
case QueueType::CallstackAllocPayload:
AddCallstackAllocPayload( ev.stringTransfer.ptr, ptr, sz );
assert( false );
ptr += sz;
return true;
ptr += QueueDataSize[ev.hdr.idx];
return Process( ev );
void Worker::CheckSourceLocation( uint64_t ptr )
if( m_data.sourceLocation.find( ptr ) == m_data.sourceLocation.end() )
NewSourceLocation( ptr );
void Worker::NewSourceLocation( uint64_t ptr )
static const SourceLocation emptySourceLocation = {};
m_data.sourceLocation.emplace( ptr, emptySourceLocation );
m_sourceLocationQueue.push_back( ptr );
Query( ServerQuerySourceLocation, ptr );
uint32_t Worker::ShrinkSourceLocation( uint64_t srcloc )
auto it = m_sourceLocationShrink.find( srcloc );
if( it != m_sourceLocationShrink.end() )
return it->second;
return NewShrinkedSourceLocation( srcloc );
uint32_t Worker::NewShrinkedSourceLocation( uint64_t srcloc )
const auto sz = int32_t( m_data.sourceLocationExpand.size() );
m_data.sourceLocationExpand.push_back( srcloc );
m_data.sourceLocationZones.emplace( sz, SourceLocationZones() );
m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt.emplace( sz, 0 );
m_sourceLocationShrink.emplace( srcloc, sz );
return sz;
void Worker::InsertMessageData( MessageData* msg, uint64_t thread )
if( m_data.messages.empty() )
m_data.messages.push_back( msg );
else if( m_data.messages.back()->time < msg->time )
m_data.messages.push_back_non_empty( msg );
auto mit = std::lower_bound( m_data.messages.begin(), m_data.messages.end(), msg->time, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->time < rhs; } );
m_data.messages.insert( mit, msg );
auto vec = &NoticeThread( thread )->messages;
if( vec->empty() )
vec->push_back( msg );
else if( vec->back()->time < msg->time )
vec->push_back_non_empty( msg );
auto tmit = std::lower_bound( vec->begin(), vec->end(), msg->time, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->time < rhs; } );
vec->insert( tmit, msg );
ThreadData* Worker::NoticeThread( uint64_t thread )
auto it = m_threadMap.find( thread );
if( it != m_threadMap.end() )
return it->second;
return NewThread( thread );
ThreadData* Worker::NewThread( uint64_t thread )
CheckThreadString( thread );
auto td = m_slab.AllocInit<ThreadData>();
td->id = thread;
td->count = 0;
td->nextZoneId = 0;
m_data.threads.push_back( td );
m_threadMap.emplace( thread, td );
return td;
void Worker::NewZone( ZoneEvent* zone, uint64_t thread )
auto it = m_data.sourceLocationZones.find( zone->srcloc );
assert( it != m_data.sourceLocationZones.end() );
it->second.zones.push_back( ZoneThreadData { zone, CompressThread( thread ) } );
auto it = m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt.find( zone->srcloc );
assert( it != m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt.end() );
auto td = NoticeThread( thread );
if( td->stack.empty() )
td->stack.push_back( zone );
td->timeline.push_back( zone );
auto back = td->stack.back();
if( back->child < 0 )
back->child = int32_t( m_data.zoneChildren.size() );
if( m_data.zoneVectorCache.empty() )
m_data.zoneChildren.push_back( Vector<ZoneEvent*>( zone ) );
Vector<ZoneEvent*> vze = std::move( m_data.zoneVectorCache.back_and_pop() );
assert( !vze.empty() );
vze.push_back_non_empty( zone );
m_data.zoneChildren.push_back( std::move( vze ) );
m_data.zoneChildren[back->child].push_back( zone );
td->stack.push_back_non_empty( zone );
td->zoneIdStack.push_back( td->nextZoneId );
td->nextZoneId = 0;
void Worker::InsertLockEvent( LockMap& lockmap, LockEvent* lev, uint64_t thread )
const auto lt = lev->time;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, lt );
NoticeThread( thread );
auto it = lockmap.threadMap.find( thread );
if( it == lockmap.threadMap.end() )
assert( lockmap.threadList.size() < MaxLockThreads );
it = lockmap.threadMap.emplace( thread, lockmap.threadList.size() ).first;
lockmap.threadList.emplace_back( thread );
lev->thread = it->second;
assert( lev->thread == it->second );
auto& timeline = lockmap.timeline;
if( timeline.empty() )
timeline.push_back( { lev } );
UpdateLockCount( lockmap, timeline.size() - 1 );
else if( timeline.back().ptr->time <= lt )
timeline.push_back_non_empty( { lev } );
UpdateLockCount( lockmap, timeline.size() - 1 );
auto it = std::upper_bound( timeline.begin(), timeline.end(), lt, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs < rhs.ptr->time; } );
it = timeline.insert( it, { lev } );
UpdateLockCount( lockmap, std::distance( timeline.begin(), it ) );
auto& range = lockmap.range[it->second];
if( range.start > lt ) range.start = lt;
if( range.end < lt ) range.end = lt;
void Worker::CheckString( uint64_t ptr )
if( ptr == 0 ) return;
if( m_data.strings.find( ptr ) != m_data.strings.end() ) return;
m_data.strings.emplace( ptr, "???" );
Query( ServerQueryString, ptr );
void Worker::CheckThreadString( uint64_t id )
if( m_data.threadNames.find( id ) != m_data.threadNames.end() ) return;
m_data.threadNames.emplace( id, "???" );
Query( ServerQueryThreadString, id );
void Worker::AddSourceLocation( const QueueSourceLocation& srcloc )
assert( m_pendingSourceLocation > 0 );
const auto ptr = m_sourceLocationQueue.front();
m_sourceLocationQueue.erase( m_sourceLocationQueue.begin() );
auto it = m_data.sourceLocation.find( ptr );
assert( it != m_data.sourceLocation.end() );
CheckString( );
CheckString( srcloc.file );
CheckString( srcloc.function );
uint32_t color = ( srcloc.r << 16 ) | ( srcloc.g << 8 ) | srcloc.b;
it->second = SourceLocation { == 0 ? StringRef() : StringRef( StringRef::Ptr, ), StringRef( StringRef::Ptr, srcloc.function ), StringRef( StringRef::Ptr, srcloc.file ), srcloc.line, color };
void Worker::AddSourceLocationPayload( uint64_t ptr, char* data, size_t sz )
const auto start = data;
assert( m_pendingSourceLocationPayload.find( ptr ) == m_pendingSourceLocationPayload.end() );
uint32_t color, line;
memcpy( &color, data, 4 );
memcpy( &line, data + 4, 4 );
data += 8;
auto end = data;
while( *end ) end++;
const auto func = StoreString( data, end - data );
data = end;
while( *end ) end++;
const auto source = StoreString( data, end - data );
const auto nsz = sz - ( end - start );
color = ( ( color & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 16 ) |
( ( color & 0x0000FF00 ) ) |
( ( color & 0x000000FF ) << 16 );
SourceLocation srcloc { nsz == 0 ? StringRef() : StringRef( StringRef::Idx, StoreString( end, nsz ).idx ), StringRef( StringRef::Idx, func.idx ), StringRef( StringRef::Idx, source.idx ), line, color };
auto it = m_data.sourceLocationPayloadMap.find( &srcloc );
if( it == m_data.sourceLocationPayloadMap.end() )
auto slptr = m_slab.Alloc<SourceLocation>();
memcpy( slptr, &srcloc, sizeof( srcloc ) );
uint32_t idx = m_data.sourceLocationPayload.size();
m_data.sourceLocationPayloadMap.emplace( slptr, idx );
m_pendingSourceLocationPayload.emplace( ptr, -int32_t( idx + 1 ) );
m_data.sourceLocationPayload.push_back( slptr );
m_data.sourceLocationZones.emplace( -int32_t( idx + 1 ), SourceLocationZones() );
m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt.emplace( -int32_t( idx + 1 ), 0 );
m_pendingSourceLocationPayload.emplace( ptr, -int32_t( it->second + 1 ) );
void Worker::AddString( uint64_t ptr, char* str, size_t sz )
assert( m_pendingStrings > 0 );
auto it = m_data.strings.find( ptr );
assert( it != m_data.strings.end() && strcmp( it->second, "???" ) == 0 );
const auto sl = StoreString( str, sz );
it->second = sl.ptr;
void Worker::AddThreadString( uint64_t id, char* str, size_t sz )
assert( m_pendingThreads > 0 );
auto it = m_data.threadNames.find( id );
assert( it != m_data.threadNames.end() && strcmp( it->second, "???" ) == 0 );
const auto sl = StoreString( str, sz );
it->second = sl.ptr;
void Worker::AddCustomString( uint64_t ptr, char* str, size_t sz )
assert( m_pendingCustomStrings.find( ptr ) == m_pendingCustomStrings.end() );
m_pendingCustomStrings.emplace( ptr, StoreString( str, sz ) );
uint64_t Worker::GetCanonicalPointer( const CallstackFrameId& id ) const
assert( id.sel == 0 );
return ( id.idx & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ) | ( ( id.idx & 0x4000000000000000 ) << 1 );
void Worker::AddCallstackPayload( uint64_t ptr, char* _data, size_t _sz )
assert( m_pendingCallstackPtr == 0 );
const auto sz = _sz / sizeof( uint64_t );
const auto memsize = sizeof( VarArray<CallstackFrameId> ) + sz * sizeof( CallstackFrameId );
auto mem = (char*)m_slab.AllocRaw( memsize );
auto data = (CallstackFrameId*)mem;
auto dst = data;
auto src = (uint64_t*)_data;
for( size_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
*dst++ = PackPointer( *src++ );
auto arr = (VarArray<CallstackFrameId>*)( mem + sz * sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) );
new(arr) VarArray<CallstackFrameId>( sz, data );
uint32_t idx;
auto it = m_data.callstackMap.find( arr );
if( it == m_data.callstackMap.end() )
idx = m_data.callstackPayload.size();
m_data.callstackMap.emplace( arr, idx );
m_data.callstackPayload.push_back( arr );
for( auto& frame : *arr )
auto fit = m_data.callstackFrameMap.find( frame );
if( fit == m_data.callstackFrameMap.end() )
Query( ServerQueryCallstackFrame, GetCanonicalPointer( frame ) );
idx = it->second;
m_slab.Unalloc( memsize );
m_pendingCallstackPtr = ptr;
m_pendingCallstackId = idx;
void Worker::AddCallstackAllocPayload( uint64_t ptr, char* data, size_t _sz )
assert( m_pendingCallstackPtr != 0 );
CallstackFrameId stack[64];
const auto sz = *(uint32_t*)data; data += 4;
assert( sz <= 64 );
for( uint32_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint32_t sz;
CallstackFrame cf;
memcpy( &cf.line, data, 4 ); data += 4;
memcpy( &sz, data, 4 ); data += 4; = StoreString( data, sz ).idx; data += sz;
memcpy( &sz, data, 4 ); data += 4;
cf.file = StoreString( data, sz ).idx; data += sz;
CallstackFrameData cfd = { &cf, 1 };
CallstackFrameId id;
auto it = m_data.revFrameMap.find( &cfd );
if( it == m_data.revFrameMap.end() )
auto frame = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrame>();
memcpy( frame, &cf, sizeof( CallstackFrame ) );
auto frameData = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrameData>();
frameData->data = frame;
frameData->size = 1;
id.idx = m_callstackAllocNextIdx++;
id.sel = 1;
m_data.callstackFrameMap.emplace( id, frameData );
m_data.revFrameMap.emplace( frameData, id );
id = it->second;
stack[i] = id;
const auto nativeCs = m_data.callstackPayload[m_pendingCallstackId];
const auto nsz = nativeCs->size();
const auto tsz = sz + nsz;
const auto memsize = sizeof( VarArray<CallstackFrameId> ) + tsz * sizeof( CallstackFrameId );
auto mem = (char*)m_slab.AllocRaw( memsize );
memcpy( mem, stack, sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) * sz );
memcpy( mem + sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) * sz, nativeCs->data(), sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) * nsz );
auto arr = (VarArray<CallstackFrameId>*)( mem + tsz * sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) );
new(arr) VarArray<CallstackFrameId>( tsz, (CallstackFrameId*)mem );
uint32_t idx;
auto it = m_data.callstackMap.find( arr );
if( it == m_data.callstackMap.end() )
idx = m_data.callstackPayload.size();
m_data.callstackMap.emplace( arr, idx );
m_data.callstackPayload.push_back( arr );
for( auto& frame : *arr )
auto fit = m_data.callstackFrameMap.find( frame );
if( fit == m_data.callstackFrameMap.end() )
Query( ServerQueryCallstackFrame, GetCanonicalPointer( frame ) );
idx = it->second;
m_slab.Unalloc( memsize );
m_pendingCallstackPtr = ptr;
m_pendingCallstackId = idx;
void Worker::InsertPlot( PlotData* plot, int64_t time, double val )
if( plot->data.empty() )
plot->min = val;
plot->max = val;
plot->data.push_back( { time, val } );
else if( plot->data.back().time < time )
if( plot->min > val ) plot->min = val;
else if( plot->max < val ) plot->max = val;
plot->data.push_back_non_empty( { time, val } );
if( plot->min > val ) plot->min = val;
else if( plot->max < val ) plot->max = val;
if( plot->postpone.empty() )
plot->postponeTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>( std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch() ).count();
plot->postpone.push_back( { time, val } );
plot->postpone.push_back_non_empty( { time, val } );
void Worker::HandlePlotName( uint64_t name, char* str, size_t sz )
const auto sl = StoreString( str, sz );
m_data.plots.StringDiscovered( name, sl, m_data.strings, [this] ( PlotData* dst, PlotData* src ) {
for( auto& v : src->data )
InsertPlot( dst, v.time, v.val );
} );
void Worker::HandleFrameName( uint64_t name, char* str, size_t sz )
const auto sl = StoreString( str, sz );
m_data.frames.StringDiscovered( name, sl, m_data.strings, [] ( FrameData* dst, FrameData* src ) {
auto sz = dst->frames.size();
dst->frames.insert( dst->frames.end(), src->frames.begin(), src->frames.end() );
std::inplace_merge( dst->frames.begin(), dst->frames.begin() + sz, dst->frames.end(), [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.start < rhs.start; } );
} );
void Worker::HandlePostponedPlots()
for( auto& plot : m_data.plots.Data() )
auto& src = plot->postpone;
if( src.empty() ) continue;
if( std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>( std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch() ).count() - plot->postponeTime < 100 ) continue;
auto& dst = plot->data;
pdqsort_branchless( src.begin(), src.end(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time < r.time; } );
std::sort( std::execution::par_unseq, src.begin(), src.end(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time < r.time; } );
const auto ds = std::lower_bound( dst.begin(), dst.end(), src.front().time, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time < r; } );
const auto dsd = std::distance( dst.begin(), ds ) ;
const auto de = std::lower_bound( ds, dst.end(), src.back().time, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time < r; } );
const auto ded = std::distance( dst.begin(), de );
dst.insert( de, src.begin(), src.end() );
std::inplace_merge( dst.begin() + dsd, dst.begin() + ded, dst.begin() + ded + src.size(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time < r.time; } );
StringLocation Worker::StoreString( char* str, size_t sz )
StringLocation ret;
const char backup = str[sz];
str[sz] = '\0';
charutil::StringKey key = { str, sz };
auto sit = m_data.stringMap.find( key );
if( sit == m_data.stringMap.end() )
auto ptr = m_slab.Alloc<char>( sz+1 );
memcpy( ptr, str, sz );
ptr[sz] = '\0';
ret.ptr = ptr;
ret.idx = m_data.stringData.size();
m_data.stringMap.emplace( charutil::StringKey { ptr, sz }, m_data.stringData.size() );
m_data.stringData.push_back( ptr );
ret.ptr = sit->first.ptr;
ret.idx = sit->second;
str[sz] = backup;
return ret;
bool Worker::Process( const QueueItem& ev )
switch( ev.hdr.type )
case QueueType::ZoneBegin:
ProcessZoneBegin( ev.zoneBegin );
case QueueType::ZoneBeginCallstack:
ProcessZoneBeginCallstack( ev.zoneBegin );
case QueueType::ZoneBeginAllocSrcLoc:
ProcessZoneBeginAllocSrcLoc( ev.zoneBegin );
case QueueType::ZoneBeginAllocSrcLocCallstack:
ProcessZoneBeginAllocSrcLocCallstack( ev.zoneBegin );
case QueueType::ZoneEnd:
ProcessZoneEnd( ev.zoneEnd );
case QueueType::ZoneValidation:
ProcessZoneValidation( ev.zoneValidation );
case QueueType::FrameMarkMsg:
ProcessFrameMark( ev.frameMark );
case QueueType::FrameMarkMsgStart:
ProcessFrameMarkStart( ev.frameMark );
case QueueType::FrameMarkMsgEnd:
ProcessFrameMarkEnd( ev.frameMark );
case QueueType::SourceLocation:
AddSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
case QueueType::ZoneText:
ProcessZoneText( ev.zoneText );
case QueueType::ZoneName:
ProcessZoneName( ev.zoneText );
case QueueType::LockAnnounce:
ProcessLockAnnounce( ev.lockAnnounce );
case QueueType::LockTerminate:
ProcessLockTerminate( ev.lockTerminate );
case QueueType::LockWait:
ProcessLockWait( ev.lockWait );
case QueueType::LockObtain:
ProcessLockObtain( ev.lockObtain );
case QueueType::LockRelease:
ProcessLockRelease( ev.lockRelease );
case QueueType::LockSharedWait:
ProcessLockSharedWait( ev.lockWait );
case QueueType::LockSharedObtain:
ProcessLockSharedObtain( ev.lockObtain );
case QueueType::LockSharedRelease:
ProcessLockSharedRelease( ev.lockRelease );
case QueueType::LockMark:
ProcessLockMark( ev.lockMark );
case QueueType::PlotData:
ProcessPlotData( ev.plotData );
case QueueType::Message:
ProcessMessage( ev.message );
case QueueType::MessageLiteral:
ProcessMessageLiteral( ev.message );
case QueueType::GpuNewContext:
ProcessGpuNewContext( ev.gpuNewContext );
case QueueType::GpuZoneBegin:
ProcessGpuZoneBegin( ev.gpuZoneBegin );
case QueueType::GpuZoneBeginCallstack:
ProcessGpuZoneBeginCallstack( ev.gpuZoneBegin );
case QueueType::GpuZoneEnd:
ProcessGpuZoneEnd( ev.gpuZoneEnd );
case QueueType::GpuTime:
ProcessGpuTime( ev.gpuTime );
case QueueType::MemAlloc:
ProcessMemAlloc( ev.memAlloc );
case QueueType::MemFree:
ProcessMemFree( ev.memFree );
case QueueType::MemAllocCallstack:
ProcessMemAllocCallstack( ev.memAlloc );
case QueueType::MemFreeCallstack:
ProcessMemFreeCallstack( ev.memFree );
case QueueType::CallstackMemory:
ProcessCallstackMemory( ev.callstackMemory );
case QueueType::Callstack:
ProcessCallstack( ev.callstack );
case QueueType::CallstackAlloc:
ProcessCallstackAlloc( ev.callstackAlloc );
case QueueType::CallstackFrameSize:
ProcessCallstackFrameSize( ev.callstackFrameSize );
case QueueType::CallstackFrame:
ProcessCallstackFrame( ev.callstackFrame );
case QueueType::Terminate:
m_terminate = true;
case QueueType::KeepAlive:
case QueueType::Crash:
m_crashed = true;
case QueueType::CrashReport:
ProcessCrashReport( ev.crashReport );
case QueueType::SysTimeReport:
ProcessSysTime( ev.sysTime );
assert( false );
return m_failure == Failure::None;
void Worker::ProcessZoneBeginImpl( ZoneEvent* zone, const QueueZoneBegin& ev )
CheckSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
zone->start = TscTime( ev.time );
zone->end = -1;
zone->srcloc = ShrinkSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
assert( ev.cpu == 0xFFFFFFFF || ev.cpu <= std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::max() );
zone->cpu_start = ev.cpu == 0xFFFFFFFF ? -1 : (int8_t)ev.cpu;
zone->callstack = 0;
zone->child = -1;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, zone->start );
NewZone( zone, ev.thread );
void Worker::ProcessZoneBegin( const QueueZoneBegin& ev )
auto zone = m_slab.AllocInit<ZoneEvent>();
ProcessZoneBeginImpl( zone, ev );
void Worker::ProcessZoneBeginCallstack( const QueueZoneBegin& ev )
auto zone = m_slab.AllocInit<ZoneEvent>();
ProcessZoneBeginImpl( zone, ev );
auto& next = m_nextCallstack[ev.thread];
next.type = NextCallstackType::Zone; = zone;
void Worker::ProcessZoneBeginAllocSrcLocImpl( ZoneEvent* zone, const QueueZoneBegin& ev )
auto it = m_pendingSourceLocationPayload.find( ev.srcloc );
assert( it != m_pendingSourceLocationPayload.end() );
zone->start = TscTime( ev.time );
zone->end = -1;
zone->srcloc = it->second;
assert( ev.cpu == 0xFFFFFFFF || ev.cpu <= std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::max() );
zone->cpu_start = ev.cpu == 0xFFFFFFFF ? -1 : (int8_t)ev.cpu;
zone->callstack = 0;
zone->child = -1;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, zone->start );
NewZone( zone, ev.thread );
m_pendingSourceLocationPayload.erase( it );
void Worker::ProcessZoneBeginAllocSrcLoc( const QueueZoneBegin& ev )
auto zone = m_slab.AllocInit<ZoneEvent>();
ProcessZoneBeginAllocSrcLocImpl( zone, ev );
void Worker::ProcessZoneBeginAllocSrcLocCallstack( const QueueZoneBegin& ev )
auto zone = m_slab.AllocInit<ZoneEvent>();
ProcessZoneBeginAllocSrcLocImpl( zone, ev );
auto& next = m_nextCallstack[ev.thread];
next.type = NextCallstackType::Zone; = zone;
void Worker::ProcessZoneEnd( const QueueZoneEnd& ev )
auto tit = m_threadMap.find( ev.thread );
if( tit == m_threadMap.end() || tit->second->zoneIdStack.empty() )
ZoneEndFailure( ev.thread );
auto td = tit->second;
auto zoneId = td->zoneIdStack.back_and_pop();
if( zoneId != td->nextZoneId )
ZoneStackFailure( ev.thread, td->stack.back() );
td->nextZoneId = 0;
auto& stack = td->stack;
assert( !stack.empty() );
auto zone = stack.back_and_pop();
assert( zone->end == -1 );
zone->end = TscTime( ev.time );
assert( ev.cpu == 0xFFFFFFFF || ev.cpu <= std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::max() );
zone->cpu_end = ev.cpu == 0xFFFFFFFF ? -1 : (int8_t)ev.cpu;
assert( zone->end >= zone->start );
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, zone->end );
if( zone->child >= 0 )
auto& childVec = m_data.zoneChildren[zone->child];
const auto sz = childVec.size();
if( sz <= 8 * 1024 )
Vector<ZoneEvent*> fitVec;
fitVec.reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
memcpy(,, sz * sizeof( ZoneEvent* ) );
fitVec.swap( childVec );
m_data.zoneVectorCache.push_back( std::move( fitVec ) );
auto timeSpan = zone->end - zone->start;
if( timeSpan > 0 )
auto it = m_data.sourceLocationZones.find( zone->srcloc );
assert( it != m_data.sourceLocationZones.end() );
auto& slz = it->second;
slz.min = std::min( slz.min, timeSpan );
slz.max = std::max( slz.max, timeSpan ); += timeSpan;
slz.sumSq += double( timeSpan ) * timeSpan;
if( zone->child >= 0 )
for( auto& v : GetZoneChildren( zone->child ) )
const auto childSpan = std::max( int64_t( 0 ), v->end - v->start );
timeSpan -= childSpan;
slz.selfMin = std::min( slz.selfMin, timeSpan );
slz.selfMax = std::max( slz.selfMax, timeSpan );
slz.selfTotal += timeSpan;
void Worker::ZoneStackFailure( uint64_t thread, const ZoneEvent* ev )
m_failure = Failure::ZoneStack;
m_failureData.thread = thread;
m_failureData.srcloc = ev->srcloc;
void Worker::ZoneEndFailure( uint64_t thread )
m_failure = Failure::ZoneEnd;
m_failureData.thread = thread;
m_failureData.srcloc = 0;
void Worker::ZoneTextFailure( uint64_t thread )
m_failure = Failure::ZoneText;
m_failureData.thread = thread;
m_failureData.srcloc = 0;
void Worker::ZoneNameFailure( uint64_t thread )
m_failure = Failure::ZoneName;
m_failureData.thread = thread;
m_failureData.srcloc = 0;
void Worker::MemFreeFailure( uint64_t thread )
m_failure = Failure::MemFree;
m_failureData.thread = thread;
m_failureData.srcloc = 0;
void Worker::FrameEndFailure()
m_failure = Failure::ZoneEnd;
m_failureData.thread = 0;
m_failureData.srcloc = 0;
void Worker::ProcessZoneValidation( const QueueZoneValidation& ev )
auto td = NoticeThread( ev.thread );
td->nextZoneId =;
void Worker::ProcessFrameMark( const QueueFrameMark& ev )
auto fd = m_data.frames.Retrieve(, [this] ( uint64_t name ) {
auto fd = m_slab.AllocInit<FrameData>();
fd->name = name;
fd->continuous = 1;
return fd;
}, [this] ( uint64_t name ) {
Query( ServerQueryFrameName, name );
} );
assert( fd->continuous == 1 );
const auto time = TscTime( ev.time );
assert( fd->frames.empty() || fd->frames.back().start <= time );
fd->frames.push_back( FrameEvent{ time, -1 } );
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, time );
void Worker::ProcessFrameMarkStart( const QueueFrameMark& ev )
auto fd = m_data.frames.Retrieve(, [this] ( uint64_t name ) {
auto fd = m_slab.AllocInit<FrameData>();
fd->name = name;
fd->continuous = 0;
return fd;
}, [this] ( uint64_t name ) {
Query( ServerQueryFrameName, name );
} );
assert( fd->continuous == 0 );
const auto time = TscTime( ev.time );
assert( fd->frames.empty() || ( fd->frames.back().end <= time && fd->frames.back().end != -1 ) );
fd->frames.push_back( FrameEvent{ time, -1 } );
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, time );
void Worker::ProcessFrameMarkEnd( const QueueFrameMark& ev )
auto fd = m_data.frames.Retrieve(, [this] ( uint64_t name ) {
auto fd = m_slab.AllocInit<FrameData>();
fd->name = name;
fd->continuous = 0;
return fd;
}, [this] ( uint64_t name ) {
Query( ServerQueryFrameName, name );
} );
assert( fd->continuous == 0 );
const auto time = TscTime( ev.time );
if( fd->frames.empty() )
assert( fd->frames.back().end == -1 );
fd->frames.back().end = time;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, time );
void Worker::ProcessZoneText( const QueueZoneText& ev )
auto tit = m_threadMap.find( ev.thread );
if( tit == m_threadMap.end() || tit->second->stack.empty() || tit->second->nextZoneId != tit->second->zoneIdStack.back() )
ZoneTextFailure( ev.thread );
auto td = tit->second;
td->nextZoneId = 0;
auto& stack = td->stack;
auto zone = stack.back();
auto it = m_pendingCustomStrings.find( ev.text );
assert( it != m_pendingCustomStrings.end() );
zone->text = StringIdx( it->second.idx );
m_pendingCustomStrings.erase( it );
void Worker::ProcessZoneName( const QueueZoneText& ev )
auto tit = m_threadMap.find( ev.thread );
if( tit == m_threadMap.end() || tit->second->stack.empty() || tit->second->nextZoneId != tit->second->zoneIdStack.back() )
ZoneNameFailure( ev.thread );
auto td = tit->second;
td->nextZoneId = 0;
auto& stack = td->stack;
auto zone = stack.back();
auto it = m_pendingCustomStrings.find( ev.text );
assert( it != m_pendingCustomStrings.end() );
zone->name = StringIdx( it->second.idx );
m_pendingCustomStrings.erase( it );
void Worker::ProcessLockAnnounce( const QueueLockAnnounce& ev )
auto it = m_data.lockMap.find( );
if( it == m_data.lockMap.end() )
auto lm = m_slab.AllocInit<LockMap>();
lm->srcloc = ShrinkSourceLocation( ev.lckloc );
lm->type = ev.type;
lm->timeAnnounce = TscTime( ev.time );
lm->timeTerminate = 0;
lm->valid = true;
m_data.lockMap.emplace(, lm );
it->second->srcloc = ShrinkSourceLocation( ev.lckloc );
assert( it->second->type == ev.type );
it->second->timeAnnounce = TscTime( ev.time );
it->second->valid = true;
CheckSourceLocation( ev.lckloc );
void Worker::ProcessLockTerminate( const QueueLockTerminate& ev )
auto it = m_data.lockMap.find( );
if( it == m_data.lockMap.end() )
auto lm = m_slab.AllocInit<LockMap>();
lm->type = ev.type;
lm->timeAnnounce = 0;
lm->timeTerminate = TscTime( ev.time );
lm->valid = false;
m_data.lockMap.emplace(, lm );
assert( it->second->type == ev.type );
it->second->timeTerminate = TscTime( ev.time );
void Worker::ProcessLockWait( const QueueLockWait& ev )
auto it = m_data.lockMap.find( );
if( it == m_data.lockMap.end() )
auto lm = m_slab.AllocInit<LockMap>();
lm->timeAnnounce = 0;
lm->timeTerminate = 0;
lm->valid = false;
lm->type = ev.type;
it = m_data.lockMap.emplace(, lm ).first;
auto lev = ev.type == LockType::Lockable ? m_slab.Alloc<LockEvent>() : m_slab.Alloc<LockEventShared>();
lev->time = TscTime( ev.time );
lev->type = LockEvent::Type::Wait;
lev->srcloc = 0;
InsertLockEvent( *it->second, lev, ev.thread );
void Worker::ProcessLockObtain( const QueueLockObtain& ev )
auto it = m_data.lockMap.find( );
assert( it != m_data.lockMap.end() );
auto& lock = *it->second;
auto lev = lock.type == LockType::Lockable ? m_slab.Alloc<LockEvent>() : m_slab.Alloc<LockEventShared>();
lev->time = TscTime( ev.time );
lev->type = LockEvent::Type::Obtain;
lev->srcloc = 0;
InsertLockEvent( lock, lev, ev.thread );
void Worker::ProcessLockRelease( const QueueLockRelease& ev )
auto it = m_data.lockMap.find( );
assert( it != m_data.lockMap.end() );
auto& lock = *it->second;
auto lev = lock.type == LockType::Lockable ? m_slab.Alloc<LockEvent>() : m_slab.Alloc<LockEventShared>();
lev->time = TscTime( ev.time );
lev->type = LockEvent::Type::Release;
lev->srcloc = 0;
InsertLockEvent( lock, lev, ev.thread );
void Worker::ProcessLockSharedWait( const QueueLockWait& ev )
auto it = m_data.lockMap.find( );
if( it == m_data.lockMap.end() )
auto lm = m_slab.AllocInit<LockMap>();
lm->valid = false;
lm->type = ev.type;
it = m_data.lockMap.emplace(, lm ).first;
assert( ev.type == LockType::SharedLockable );
auto lev = m_slab.Alloc<LockEventShared>();
lev->time = TscTime( ev.time );
lev->type = LockEvent::Type::WaitShared;
lev->srcloc = 0;
InsertLockEvent( *it->second, lev, ev.thread );
void Worker::ProcessLockSharedObtain( const QueueLockObtain& ev )
auto it = m_data.lockMap.find( );
assert( it != m_data.lockMap.end() );
auto& lock = *it->second;
assert( lock.type == LockType::SharedLockable );
auto lev = m_slab.Alloc<LockEventShared>();
lev->time = TscTime( ev.time );
lev->type = LockEvent::Type::ObtainShared;
lev->srcloc = 0;
InsertLockEvent( lock, lev, ev.thread );
void Worker::ProcessLockSharedRelease( const QueueLockRelease& ev )
auto it = m_data.lockMap.find( );
assert( it != m_data.lockMap.end() );
auto& lock = *it->second;
assert( lock.type == LockType::SharedLockable );
auto lev = m_slab.Alloc<LockEventShared>();
lev->time = TscTime( ev.time );
lev->type = LockEvent::Type::ReleaseShared;
lev->srcloc = 0;
InsertLockEvent( lock, lev, ev.thread );
void Worker::ProcessLockMark( const QueueLockMark& ev )
CheckSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
auto lit = m_data.lockMap.find( );
assert( lit != m_data.lockMap.end() );
auto& lockmap = *lit->second;
auto tid = lockmap.threadMap.find( ev.thread );
assert( tid != lockmap.threadMap.end() );
const auto thread = tid->second;
auto it = lockmap.timeline.end();
if( it->ptr->thread == thread )
switch( it->ptr->type )
case LockEvent::Type::Obtain:
case LockEvent::Type::ObtainShared:
case LockEvent::Type::Wait:
case LockEvent::Type::WaitShared:
it->ptr->srcloc = ShrinkSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
void Worker::ProcessPlotData( const QueuePlotData& ev )
PlotData* plot = m_data.plots.Retrieve(, [this] ( uint64_t name ) {
auto plot = m_slab.AllocInit<PlotData>();
plot->name = name;
plot->type = PlotType::User;
return plot;
}, [this]( uint64_t name ) {
Query( ServerQueryPlotName, name );
} );
const auto time = TscTime( ev.time );
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, time );
switch( ev.type )
case PlotDataType::Double:
InsertPlot( plot, time, );
case PlotDataType::Float:
InsertPlot( plot, time, (double) );
case PlotDataType::Int:
InsertPlot( plot, time, (double) );
assert( false );
void Worker::ProcessMessage( const QueueMessage& ev )
auto it = m_pendingCustomStrings.find( ev.text );
assert( it != m_pendingCustomStrings.end() );
auto msg = m_slab.Alloc<MessageData>();
msg->time = TscTime( ev.time );
msg->ref = StringRef( StringRef::Type::Idx, it->second.idx );
msg->thread = ev.thread;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, msg->time );
InsertMessageData( msg, ev.thread );
m_pendingCustomStrings.erase( it );
void Worker::ProcessMessageLiteral( const QueueMessage& ev )
CheckString( ev.text );
auto msg = m_slab.Alloc<MessageData>();
msg->time = TscTime( ev.time );
msg->ref = StringRef( StringRef::Type::Ptr, ev.text );
msg->thread = ev.thread;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, msg->time );
InsertMessageData( msg, ev.thread );
void Worker::ProcessGpuNewContext( const QueueGpuNewContext& ev )
assert( !m_gpuCtxMap[ev.context] );
int64_t gpuTime;
if( ev.period == 1.f )
gpuTime = ev.gpuTime;
gpuTime = int64_t( double( ev.period ) * ev.gpuTime ); // precision loss
auto gpu = m_slab.AllocInit<GpuCtxData>();
memset( gpu->query, 0, sizeof( gpu->query ) );
gpu->timeDiff = TscTime( ev.cpuTime ) - gpuTime;
gpu->thread = ev.thread;
gpu->accuracyBits = ev.accuracyBits;
gpu->period = ev.period;
gpu->count = 0;
m_data.gpuData.push_back( gpu );
m_gpuCtxMap[ev.context] = gpu;
void Worker::ProcessGpuZoneBeginImpl( GpuEvent* zone, const QueueGpuZoneBegin& ev )
auto ctx = m_gpuCtxMap[ev.context];
assert( ctx );
CheckSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
zone->cpuStart = TscTime( ev.cpuTime );
zone->cpuEnd = -1;
zone->gpuStart = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
zone->gpuEnd = -1;
zone->srcloc = ShrinkSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
zone->callstack = 0;
zone->child = -1;
if( ctx->thread == 0 )
// Vulkan context is not bound to any single thread.
zone->thread = CompressThread( ev.thread );
// OpenGL doesn't need per-zone thread id. It still can be sent,
// because it may be needed for callstack collection purposes.
zone->thread = 0;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, zone->cpuStart );
auto timeline = &ctx->timeline;
if( !ctx->stack.empty() )
auto back = ctx->stack.back();
if( back->child < 0 )
back->child = int32_t( m_data.gpuChildren.size() );
m_data.gpuChildren.push_back( Vector<GpuEvent*>() );
timeline = &m_data.gpuChildren[back->child];
timeline->push_back( zone );
ctx->stack.push_back( zone );
assert( !ctx->query[ev.queryId] );
ctx->query[ev.queryId] = zone;
void Worker::ProcessGpuZoneBegin( const QueueGpuZoneBegin& ev )
auto zone = m_slab.Alloc<GpuEvent>();
ProcessGpuZoneBeginImpl( zone, ev );
void Worker::ProcessGpuZoneBeginCallstack( const QueueGpuZoneBegin& ev )
auto zone = m_slab.Alloc<GpuEvent>();
ProcessGpuZoneBeginImpl( zone, ev );
auto& next = m_nextCallstack[ev.thread];
next.type = NextCallstackType::Gpu;
next.gpu = zone;
void Worker::ProcessGpuZoneEnd( const QueueGpuZoneEnd& ev )
auto ctx = m_gpuCtxMap[ev.context];
assert( ctx );
assert( !ctx->stack.empty() );
auto zone = ctx->stack.back_and_pop();
assert( !ctx->query[ev.queryId] );
ctx->query[ev.queryId] = zone;
zone->cpuEnd = TscTime( ev.cpuTime );
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, zone->cpuEnd );
void Worker::ProcessGpuTime( const QueueGpuTime& ev )
auto ctx = m_gpuCtxMap[ev.context];
assert( ctx );
int64_t gpuTime;
if( ctx->period == 1.f )
gpuTime = ev.gpuTime;
gpuTime = int64_t( double( ctx->period ) * ev.gpuTime ); // precision loss
auto zone = ctx->query[ev.queryId];
assert( zone );
ctx->query[ev.queryId] = nullptr;
if( zone->gpuStart == std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() )
zone->gpuStart = ctx->timeDiff + gpuTime;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, zone->gpuStart );
zone->gpuEnd = ctx->timeDiff + gpuTime;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, zone->gpuEnd );
if( zone->gpuEnd < zone->gpuStart )
std::swap( zone->gpuEnd, zone->gpuStart );
void Worker::ProcessMemAlloc( const QueueMemAlloc& ev )
const auto time = TscTime( ev.time );
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, time );
NoticeThread( ev.thread );
assert( ev.ptr ) == );
assert( || <= time ); ev.ptr, );
const auto ptr = ev.ptr;
uint32_t lo;
uint16_t hi;
memcpy( &lo, ev.size, 4 );
memcpy( &hi, ev.size+4, 2 );
const uint64_t size = lo | ( uint64_t( hi ) << 32 );
auto& mem =;
mem.ptr = ptr;
mem.size = size;
mem.timeAlloc = time;
mem.threadAlloc = CompressThread( ev.thread );
mem.timeFree = -1;
mem.threadFree = 0;
mem.csAlloc = 0;
mem.csFree = 0;
const auto low = m_data.memory.low;
const auto high = m_data.memory.high;
const auto ptrend = ptr + size;
m_data.memory.low = std::min( low, ptr );
m_data.memory.high = std::max( high, ptrend );
m_data.memory.usage += size;
MemAllocChanged( time );
bool Worker::ProcessMemFree( const QueueMemFree& ev )
if( ev.ptr == 0 ) return false;
auto it = ev.ptr );
if( it == )
if( !m_onDemand )
MemFreeFailure( ev.thread );
return false;
const auto time = TscTime( ev.time );
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, time );
NoticeThread( ev.thread );
m_data.memory.frees.push_back( it->second );
auto& mem =[it->second];
mem.timeFree = time;
mem.threadFree = CompressThread( ev.thread );
m_data.memory.usage -= mem.size; it );
MemAllocChanged( time );
return true;
void Worker::ProcessMemAllocCallstack( const QueueMemAlloc& ev )
m_lastMemActionCallstack =;
ProcessMemAlloc( ev );
m_lastMemActionWasAlloc = true;
void Worker::ProcessMemFreeCallstack( const QueueMemFree& ev )
if( ProcessMemFree( ev ) )
m_lastMemActionCallstack = m_data.memory.frees.back();
m_lastMemActionWasAlloc = false;
m_lastMemActionCallstack = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
void Worker::ProcessCallstackMemory( const QueueCallstackMemory& ev )
assert( m_pendingCallstackPtr == ev.ptr );
m_pendingCallstackPtr = 0;
if( m_lastMemActionCallstack != std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() )
auto& mem =[m_lastMemActionCallstack];
if( m_lastMemActionWasAlloc )
mem.csAlloc = m_pendingCallstackId;
mem.csFree = m_pendingCallstackId;
void Worker::ProcessCallstack( const QueueCallstack& ev )
assert( m_pendingCallstackPtr == ev.ptr );
m_pendingCallstackPtr = 0;
auto nit = m_nextCallstack.find( ev.thread );
assert( nit != m_nextCallstack.end() );
auto& next = nit->second;
switch( next.type )
case NextCallstackType::Zone:>callstack = m_pendingCallstackId;
case NextCallstackType::Gpu:
next.gpu->callstack = m_pendingCallstackId;
case NextCallstackType::Crash:
m_data.crashEvent.callstack = m_pendingCallstackId;
assert( false );
void Worker::ProcessCallstackAlloc( const QueueCallstackAlloc& ev )
assert( m_pendingCallstackPtr == ev.ptr );
m_pendingCallstackPtr = 0;
auto nit = m_nextCallstack.find( ev.thread );
assert( nit != m_nextCallstack.end() );
auto& next = nit->second;
switch( next.type )
case NextCallstackType::Zone:>callstack = m_pendingCallstackId;
case NextCallstackType::Gpu:
next.gpu->callstack = m_pendingCallstackId;
case NextCallstackType::Crash:
m_data.crashEvent.callstack = m_pendingCallstackId;
assert( false );
void Worker::ProcessCallstackFrameSize( const QueueCallstackFrameSize& ev )
assert( !m_callstackFrameStaging );
assert( m_pendingCallstackSubframes == 0 );
assert( m_pendingCallstackFrames > 0 );
m_pendingCallstackSubframes = ev.size;
// Frames may be duplicated due to recursion
auto fmit = m_data.callstackFrameMap.find( PackPointer( ev.ptr ) );
if( fmit == m_data.callstackFrameMap.end() )
m_callstackFrameStaging = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrameData>();
m_callstackFrameStaging->size = ev.size;
m_callstackFrameStaging->data = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrame>( ev.size );
m_callstackFrameStagingPtr = ev.ptr;
void Worker::ProcessCallstackFrame( const QueueCallstackFrame& ev )
assert( m_pendingCallstackSubframes > 0 );
auto nit = m_pendingCustomStrings.find( );
assert( nit != m_pendingCustomStrings.end() );
auto fit = m_pendingCustomStrings.find( ev.file );
assert( fit != m_pendingCustomStrings.end() );
if( m_callstackFrameStaging )
const auto idx = m_callstackFrameStaging->size - m_pendingCallstackSubframes;
m_callstackFrameStaging->data[idx].name = StringIdx( nit->second.idx );
m_callstackFrameStaging->data[idx].file = StringIdx( fit->second.idx );
m_callstackFrameStaging->data[idx].line = ev.line;
if( --m_pendingCallstackSubframes == 0 )
assert( m_data.callstackFrameMap.find( PackPointer( m_callstackFrameStagingPtr ) ) == m_data.callstackFrameMap.end() );
m_data.callstackFrameMap.emplace( PackPointer( m_callstackFrameStagingPtr ), m_callstackFrameStaging );
m_callstackFrameStaging = nullptr;
m_pendingCustomStrings.erase( nit );
m_pendingCustomStrings.erase( m_pendingCustomStrings.find( ev.file ) );
void Worker::ProcessCrashReport( const QueueCrashReport& ev )
CheckString( ev.text );
auto& next = m_nextCallstack[ev.thread];
next.type = NextCallstackType::Crash;
m_data.crashEvent.thread = ev.thread;
m_data.crashEvent.time = TscTime( ev.time );
m_data.crashEvent.message = ev.text;
m_data.crashEvent.callstack = 0;
void Worker::ProcessSysTime( const QueueSysTime& ev )
const auto time = TscTime( ev.time );
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, time );
const auto val = ev.sysTime;
if( !m_sysTimePlot )
m_sysTimePlot = m_slab.AllocInit<PlotData>();
m_sysTimePlot->name = 0;
m_sysTimePlot->type = PlotType::SysTime;
m_sysTimePlot->min = val;
m_sysTimePlot->max = val;
m_sysTimePlot->data.push_back( { time, val } );
m_data.plots.Data().push_back( m_sysTimePlot );
assert( !m_sysTimePlot->data.empty() );
assert( m_sysTimePlot->data.back().time <= time );
if( m_sysTimePlot->min > val ) m_sysTimePlot->min = val;
else if( m_sysTimePlot->max < val ) m_sysTimePlot->max = val;
m_sysTimePlot->data.push_back_non_empty( { time, val } );
void Worker::MemAllocChanged( int64_t time )
const auto val = (double)m_data.memory.usage;
if( !m_data.memory.plot )
m_data.memory.plot->min = val;
m_data.memory.plot->max = val;
m_data.memory.plot->data.push_back( { time, val } );
assert( !m_data.memory.plot->data.empty() );
assert( m_data.memory.plot->data.back().time <= time );
if( m_data.memory.plot->min > val ) m_data.memory.plot->min = val;
else if( m_data.memory.plot->max < val ) m_data.memory.plot->max = val;
m_data.memory.plot->data.push_back_non_empty( { time, val } );
void Worker::CreateMemAllocPlot()
assert( !m_data.memory.plot );
m_data.memory.plot = m_slab.AllocInit<PlotData>();
m_data.memory.plot->name = 0;
m_data.memory.plot->type = PlotType::Memory;
m_data.memory.plot->data.push_back( { GetFrameBegin( *m_data.framesBase, 0 ), 0. } );
m_data.plots.Data().push_back( m_data.memory.plot );
void Worker::ReconstructMemAllocPlot()
auto& mem = m_data.memory;
pdqsort_branchless( mem.frees.begin(), mem.frees.end(), [&mem] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return[lhs].timeFree <[rhs].timeFree; } );
std::sort( std::execution::par_unseq, mem.frees.begin(), mem.frees.end(), [&mem] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return[lhs].timeFree <[rhs].timeFree; } );
const auto psz = + mem.frees.size() + 1;
PlotData* plot;
std::lock_guard<TracyMutex> lock( m_data.lock );
plot = m_slab.AllocInit<PlotData>();
plot->name = 0;
plot->type = PlotType::Memory;
plot->data.reserve_exact( psz, m_slab );
auto aptr =;
auto aend =;
auto fptr = mem.frees.begin();
auto fend = mem.frees.end();
double max = 0;
double usage = 0;
auto ptr = plot->;
ptr->time = GetFrameBegin( *m_data.framesBase, 0 );
ptr->val = 0;
if( aptr != aend && fptr != fend )
auto atime = aptr->timeAlloc;
auto ftime =[*fptr].timeFree;
if( atime < ftime )
usage += int64_t( aptr->size );
assert( usage >= 0 );
if( max < usage ) max = usage;
ptr->time = atime;
ptr->val = usage;
if( aptr == aend ) break;
atime = aptr->timeAlloc;
usage -= int64_t([*fptr].size );
assert( usage >= 0 );
if( max < usage ) max = usage;
ptr->time = ftime;
ptr->val = usage;
if( fptr == fend ) break;
ftime =[*fptr].timeFree;
while( aptr != aend )
assert( aptr->timeFree < 0 );
int64_t time = aptr->timeAlloc;
usage += int64_t( aptr->size );
assert( usage >= 0 );
if( max < usage ) max = usage;
ptr->time = time;
ptr->val = usage;
while( fptr != fend )
const auto& memData =[*fptr];
int64_t time = memData.timeFree;
usage -= int64_t( memData.size );
assert( usage >= 0 );
assert( max >= usage );
ptr->time = time;
ptr->val = usage;
plot->min = 0;
plot->max = max;
std::lock_guard<TracyMutex> lock( m_data.lock );
m_data.plots.Data().insert( m_data.plots.Data().begin(), plot );
m_data.memory.plot = plot;
void Worker::ReadTimeline( FileRead& f, ZoneEvent* zone, uint16_t thread, int64_t& refTime )
uint64_t sz;
f.Read( sz );
if( sz == 0 )
zone->child = -1;
zone->child = m_data.zoneChildren.size();
// Put placeholder to have proper size of zone children in nested calls
m_data.zoneChildren.push_back( Vector<ZoneEvent*>() );
// Real data buffer. Can't use placeholder, as the vector can be reallocated
// and the buffer address will change, but the reference won't.
Vector<ZoneEvent*> tmp;
ReadTimeline( f, tmp, thread, sz, refTime );
m_data.zoneChildren[zone->child] = std::move( tmp );
void Worker::ReadTimelinePre042( FileRead& f, ZoneEvent* zone, uint16_t thread, int fileVer )
uint64_t sz;
f.Read( sz );
if( sz == 0 )
zone->child = -1;
zone->child = m_data.zoneChildren.size();
m_data.zoneChildren.push_back( Vector<ZoneEvent*>() );
Vector<ZoneEvent*> tmp;
ReadTimelinePre042( f, tmp, thread, sz, fileVer );
m_data.zoneChildren[zone->child] = std::move( tmp );
void Worker::ReadTimeline( FileRead& f, GpuEvent* zone, int64_t& refTime, int64_t& refGpuTime )
uint64_t sz;
f.Read( sz );
if( sz == 0 )
zone->child = -1;
zone->child = m_data.gpuChildren.size();
m_data.gpuChildren.push_back( Vector<GpuEvent*>() );
Vector<GpuEvent*> tmp;
ReadTimeline( f, tmp, sz, refTime, refGpuTime );
m_data.gpuChildren[zone->child] = std::move( tmp );
void Worker::ReadTimelinePre044( FileRead& f, GpuEvent* zone, int64_t& refTime, int64_t& refGpuTime, int fileVer )
uint64_t sz;
f.Read( sz );
if( sz == 0 )
zone->child = -1;
zone->child = m_data.gpuChildren.size();
m_data.gpuChildren.push_back( Vector<GpuEvent*>() );
Vector<GpuEvent*> tmp;
ReadTimelinePre044( f, tmp, sz, refTime, refGpuTime, fileVer );
m_data.gpuChildren[zone->child] = std::move( tmp );
void Worker::ReadTimelineUpdateStatistics( ZoneEvent* zone, uint16_t thread )
auto it = m_data.sourceLocationZones.find( zone->srcloc );
assert( it != m_data.sourceLocationZones.end() );
auto& slz = it->second;
auto& ztd = slz.zones.push_next(); = zone;
ztd.thread = thread;
if( zone->end >= 0 )
auto timeSpan = zone->end - zone->start;
if( timeSpan > 0 )
slz.min = std::min( slz.min, timeSpan );
slz.max = std::max( slz.max, timeSpan ); += timeSpan;
slz.sumSq += double( timeSpan ) * timeSpan;
if( zone->child >= 0 )
for( auto& v : GetZoneChildren( zone->child ) )
const auto childSpan = std::max( int64_t( 0 ), v->end - v->start );
timeSpan -= childSpan;
slz.selfMin = std::min( slz.selfMin, timeSpan );
slz.selfMax = std::max( slz.selfMax, timeSpan );
slz.selfTotal += timeSpan;
auto it = m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt.find( zone->srcloc );
assert( it != m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt.end() );
void Worker::ReadTimeline( FileRead& f, Vector<ZoneEvent*>& vec, uint16_t thread, uint64_t size, int64_t& refTime )
assert( size != 0 );
vec.reserve_exact( size, m_slab );
m_data.zonesCnt += size;
auto zone = (ZoneEvent*)m_slab.AllocBig( sizeof( ZoneEvent ) * size );
auto zptr = zone;
auto vptr =;
for( uint64_t i=0; i<size; i++ )
*vptr++ = zptr++;
s_loadProgress.subProgress.fetch_add( 1, std::memory_order_relaxed );
// Use zone->end as scratch buffer for zone start time offset.
f.Read( &zone->end, sizeof( zone->end ) + sizeof( zone->srcloc ) + sizeof( zone->cpu_start ) + sizeof( zone->cpu_end ) + sizeof( zone->text ) + sizeof( zone->callstack ) + sizeof( zone->name ) );
refTime += zone->end;
zone->start = refTime;
ReadTimeline( f, zone, thread, refTime );
zone->end = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
ReadTimelineUpdateStatistics( zone, thread );
while( ++zone != zptr );
void Worker::ReadTimelinePre042( FileRead& f, Vector<ZoneEvent*>& vec, uint16_t thread, uint64_t size, int fileVer )
assert( size != 0 );
vec.reserve_exact( size, m_slab );
m_data.zonesCnt += size;
for( uint64_t i=0; i<size; i++ )
s_loadProgress.subProgress.fetch_add( 1, std::memory_order_relaxed );
auto zone = m_slab.Alloc<ZoneEvent>();
vec[i] = zone;
if( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 3, 1 ) )
f.Read( zone, 26 );
zone->callstack = 0;
zone->name.__data = 0;
else if( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 3, 2 ) )
f.Read( zone, 30 );
zone->name.__data = 0;
assert( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 4, 1 ) );
f.Read( zone, sizeof( ZoneEvent ) - sizeof( ZoneEvent::child ) );
ReadTimelinePre042( f, zone, thread, fileVer );
ReadTimelineUpdateStatistics( zone, thread );
void Worker::ReadTimeline( FileRead& f, Vector<GpuEvent*>& vec, uint64_t size, int64_t& refTime, int64_t& refGpuTime )
assert( size != 0 );
vec.reserve_exact( size, m_slab );
auto zone = (GpuEvent*)m_slab.AllocBig( sizeof( GpuEvent ) * size );
auto zptr = zone;
auto vptr =;
for( uint64_t i=0; i<size; i++ )
*vptr++ = zptr++;
s_loadProgress.subProgress.fetch_add( 1, std::memory_order_relaxed );
// Use zone->gpuStart as scratch buffer for CPU zone start time offset.
// Use zone->gpuEnd as scratch buffer for GPU zone start time offset.
f.Read( &zone->gpuStart, sizeof( zone->gpuStart ) + sizeof( zone->gpuEnd ) + sizeof( zone->srcloc ) + sizeof( zone->callstack ) + sizeof( zone->thread ) );
refTime += zone->gpuStart;
refGpuTime += zone->gpuEnd;
zone->cpuStart = refTime;
zone->gpuStart = refGpuTime;
ReadTimeline( f, zone, refTime, refGpuTime );
zone->cpuEnd = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
zone->gpuEnd = ReadTimeOffset( f, refGpuTime );
while( ++zone != zptr );
void Worker::ReadTimelinePre044( FileRead& f, Vector<GpuEvent*>& vec, uint64_t size, int64_t& refTime, int64_t& refGpuTime, int fileVer )
assert( size != 0 );
vec.reserve_exact( size, m_slab );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<size; i++ )
s_loadProgress.subProgress.fetch_add( 1, std::memory_order_relaxed );
auto zone = m_slab.Alloc<GpuEvent>();
vec[i] = zone;
if( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 3, 1 ) )
f.Read( zone, 36 );
zone->thread = 0;
zone->callstack = 0;
else if( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 4, 1 ) )
f.Read( zone, sizeof( GpuEvent::cpuStart ) + sizeof( GpuEvent::cpuEnd ) + sizeof( GpuEvent::gpuStart ) + sizeof( GpuEvent::gpuEnd ) + sizeof( GpuEvent::srcloc ) + sizeof( GpuEvent::callstack ) );
uint64_t thread;
f.Read( thread );
if( thread == 0 )
zone->thread = 0;
zone->thread = CompressThread( thread );
assert( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 4, 3 ) );
f.Read( &zone->gpuStart, sizeof( zone->gpuStart ) + sizeof( zone->gpuEnd ) + sizeof( zone->srcloc ) + sizeof( zone->callstack ) );
refTime += zone->gpuStart;
refGpuTime += zone->gpuEnd;
zone->cpuStart = refTime;
zone->gpuStart = refGpuTime;
uint64_t thread;
f.Read( thread );
if( thread == 0 )
zone->thread = 0;
zone->thread = CompressThread( thread );
ReadTimelinePre044( f, zone, refTime, refGpuTime, fileVer );
if( fileVer > FileVersion( 0, 4, 1 ) )
assert( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 4, 3 ) );
zone->cpuEnd = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
zone->gpuEnd = ReadTimeOffset( f, refGpuTime );
void Worker::Write( FileWrite& f )
f.Write( FileHeader, sizeof( FileHeader ) );
f.Write( &m_delay, sizeof( m_delay ) );
f.Write( &m_resolution, sizeof( m_resolution ) );
f.Write( &m_timerMul, sizeof( m_timerMul ) );
f.Write( &m_data.lastTime, sizeof( m_data.lastTime ) );
f.Write( &m_data.frameOffset, sizeof( m_data.frameOffset ) );
uint64_t sz = m_captureName.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
f.Write( m_captureName.c_str(), sz );
sz = m_captureProgram.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
f.Write( m_captureProgram.c_str(), sz );
f.Write( &m_captureTime, sizeof( m_captureTime ) );
sz = m_hostInfo.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
f.Write( m_hostInfo.c_str(), sz );
f.Write( &m_data.crashEvent, sizeof( m_data.crashEvent ) );
sz = m_data.frames.Data().size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& fd : m_data.frames.Data() )
int64_t refTime = 0;
f.Write( &fd->name, sizeof( fd->name ) );
f.Write( &fd->continuous, sizeof( fd->continuous ) );
sz = fd->frames.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
if( fd->continuous )
for( auto& fe : fd->frames )
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, fe.start );
for( auto& fe : fd->frames )
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, fe.start );
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, fe.end );
sz = m_data.stringData.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.stringData )
uint64_t ptr = (uint64_t)v;
f.Write( &ptr, sizeof( ptr ) );
sz = strlen( v );
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
f.Write( v, sz );
sz = m_data.strings.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.strings )
f.Write( &v.first, sizeof( v.first ) );
uint64_t ptr = (uint64_t)v.second;
f.Write( &ptr, sizeof( ptr ) );
sz = m_data.threadNames.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.threadNames )
f.Write( &v.first, sizeof( v.first ) );
uint64_t ptr = (uint64_t)v.second;
f.Write( &ptr, sizeof( ptr ) );
sz = m_data.threadExpand.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
f.Write(, sz * sizeof( uint64_t ) );
sz = m_data.sourceLocation.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.sourceLocation )
f.Write( &v.first, sizeof( v.first ) );
f.Write( &v.second, sizeof( v.second ) );
sz = m_data.sourceLocationExpand.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.sourceLocationExpand )
f.Write( &v, sizeof( v ) );
sz = m_data.sourceLocationPayload.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.sourceLocationPayload )
f.Write( v, sizeof( *v ) );
sz = m_data.sourceLocationZones.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.sourceLocationZones )
int32_t id = v.first;
uint64_t cnt = v.second.zones.size();
f.Write( &id, sizeof( id ) );
f.Write( &cnt, sizeof( cnt ) );
sz = m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt )
int32_t id = v.first;
uint64_t cnt = v.second;
f.Write( &id, sizeof( id ) );
f.Write( &cnt, sizeof( cnt ) );
sz = m_data.lockMap.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.lockMap )
f.Write( &v.first, sizeof( v.first ) );
f.Write( &v.second->srcloc, sizeof( v.second->srcloc ) );
f.Write( &v.second->type, sizeof( v.second->type ) );
f.Write( &v.second->valid, sizeof( v.second->valid ) );
f.Write( &v.second->timeAnnounce, sizeof( v.second->timeAnnounce ) );
f.Write( &v.second->timeTerminate, sizeof( v.second->timeTerminate ) );
sz = v.second->threadList.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& t : v.second->threadList )
f.Write( &t, sizeof( t ) );
int64_t refTime = v.second->timeAnnounce;
sz = v.second->timeline.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& lev : v.second->timeline )
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, lev.ptr->time );
f.Write( &lev.ptr->srcloc, sizeof( lev.ptr->srcloc ) );
f.Write( &lev.ptr->thread, sizeof( lev.ptr->thread ) );
f.Write( &lev.ptr->type, sizeof( lev.ptr->type ) );
int64_t refTime = 0;
sz = m_data.messages.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.messages )
const auto ptr = (uint64_t)v;
f.Write( &ptr, sizeof( ptr ) );
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, v->time );
f.Write( &v->ref, sizeof( v->ref ) );
sz = 0;
for( auto& v : m_data.threads ) sz += v->count;
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
sz = m_data.threads.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& thread : m_data.threads )
int64_t refTime = 0;
f.Write( &thread->id, sizeof( thread->id ) );
f.Write( &thread->count, sizeof( thread->count ) );
WriteTimeline( f, thread->timeline, refTime );
sz = thread->messages.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : thread->messages )
auto ptr = uint64_t( v );
f.Write( &ptr, sizeof( ptr ) );
sz = 0;
for( auto& v : m_data.gpuData ) sz += v->count;
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
sz = m_data.gpuData.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& ctx : m_data.gpuData )
int64_t refTime = 0;
int64_t refGpuTime = 0;
f.Write( &ctx->thread, sizeof( ctx->thread ) );
f.Write( &ctx->accuracyBits, sizeof( ctx->accuracyBits ) );
f.Write( &ctx->count, sizeof( ctx->count ) );
f.Write( &ctx->period, sizeof( ctx->period ) );
WriteTimeline( f, ctx->timeline, refTime, refGpuTime );
sz = m_data.plots.Data().size();
for( auto& plot : m_data.plots.Data() ) { if( plot->type == PlotType::Memory ) sz--; }
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& plot : m_data.plots.Data() )
if( plot->type == PlotType::Memory ) continue;
f.Write( &plot->type, sizeof( plot->type ) );
f.Write( &plot->name, sizeof( plot->name ) );
f.Write( &plot->min, sizeof( plot->min ) );
f.Write( &plot->max, sizeof( plot->max ) );
int64_t refTime = 0;
sz = plot->data.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : plot->data )
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, v.time );
f.Write( &v.val, sizeof( v.val ) );
int64_t refTime = 0;
sz =;
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
sz =;
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
sz = m_data.memory.frees.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& mem : )
f.Write( &mem.ptr, sizeof( mem.ptr ) );
f.Write( &mem.size, sizeof( mem.size ) );
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, mem.timeAlloc );
int64_t freeOffset = mem.timeFree < 0 ? mem.timeFree : mem.timeFree - mem.timeAlloc;
f.Write( &freeOffset, sizeof( freeOffset ) );
f.Write( &mem.csAlloc, sizeof( mem.csAlloc ) );
f.Write( &mem.csFree, sizeof( mem.csFree ) );
f.Write( &mem.threadAlloc, sizeof( mem.threadAlloc ) );
f.Write( &mem.threadFree, sizeof( mem.threadFree ) );
f.Write( &m_data.memory.high, sizeof( m_data.memory.high ) );
f.Write( &m_data.memory.low, sizeof( m_data.memory.low ) );
f.Write( &m_data.memory.usage, sizeof( m_data.memory.usage ) );
sz = m_data.callstackPayload.size() - 1;
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( size_t i=1; i<=sz; i++ )
auto cs = m_data.callstackPayload[i];
uint8_t csz = cs->size();
f.Write( &csz, sizeof( csz ) );
f.Write( cs->data(), sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) * csz );
sz = m_data.callstackFrameMap.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& frame : m_data.callstackFrameMap )
f.Write( &frame.first, sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) );
f.Write( &frame.second->size, sizeof( frame.second->size ) );
f.Write( frame.second->data, sizeof( CallstackFrame ) * frame.second->size );
void Worker::WriteTimeline( FileWrite& f, const Vector<ZoneEvent*>& vec, int64_t& refTime )
uint64_t sz = vec.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : vec )
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, v->start );
f.Write( &v->srcloc, sizeof( v->srcloc ) );
f.Write( &v->cpu_start, sizeof( v->cpu_start ) );
f.Write( &v->cpu_end, sizeof( v->cpu_end ) );
f.Write( &v->text, sizeof( v->text ) );
f.Write( &v->callstack, sizeof( v->callstack ) );
f.Write( &v->name, sizeof( v->name ) );
if( v->child < 0 )
sz = 0;
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
WriteTimeline( f, GetZoneChildren( v->child ), refTime );
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, v->end );
void Worker::WriteTimeline( FileWrite& f, const Vector<GpuEvent*>& vec, int64_t& refTime, int64_t& refGpuTime )
uint64_t sz = vec.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : vec )
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, v->cpuStart );
WriteTimeOffset( f, refGpuTime, v->gpuStart );
f.Write( &v->srcloc, sizeof( v->srcloc ) );
f.Write( &v->callstack, sizeof( v->callstack ) );
f.Write( &v->thread, sizeof( v->thread ) );
if( v->child < 0 )
sz = 0;
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
WriteTimeline( f, GetGpuChildren( v->child ), refTime, refGpuTime );
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, v->cpuEnd );
WriteTimeOffset( f, refGpuTime, v->gpuEnd );
static const char* s_failureReasons[] = {
"<unknown reason>",
"Invalid order of zone begin and end events.",
"Received zone end event without a matching zone begin event.",
"Zone text transfer destination doesn't match active zone.",
"Zone name transfer destination doesn't match active zone.",
"Memory free event without a matching allocation.",
"Discontinuous frame begin/end mismatch.",
static_assert( sizeof( s_failureReasons ) / sizeof( *s_failureReasons ) == (int)Worker::Failure::NUM_FAILURES, "Missing failure reason description." );
const char* Worker::GetFailureString( Worker::Failure failure )
return s_failureReasons[(int)failure];