Bartosz Taudul 67774698af Only use direct zone end time for find zone data.
This prevents temporary timing artifacts from affecting histogram graph.
Previously the graph would flicker, because some shorter than usual
timing data was reported and the graph tried to compensate for a single
frame when such data was present.
2018-03-18 02:53:41 +01:00

3499 lines
133 KiB

#include <algorithm>
#include <assert.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits>
#include <math.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "../common/TracySystem.hpp"
#include "tracy_pdqsort.h"
#include "TracyFileWrite.hpp"
#include "TracyImGui.hpp"
#include "TracyPopcnt.hpp"
#include "TracyView.hpp"
# include "../nfd/nfd.h"
namespace tracy
static const char* TimeToString( int64_t ns )
enum { Pool = 8 };
static char bufpool[Pool][64];
static int bufsel = 0;
char* buf = bufpool[bufsel];
bufsel = ( bufsel + 1 ) % Pool;
const char* sign = "";
if( ns < 0 )
sign = "-";
ns = -ns;
if( ns < 1000 )
sprintf( buf, "%s%" PRIi64 " ns", sign, ns );
else if( ns < 1000ll * 1000 )
sprintf( buf, "%s%.2f us", sign, ns / 1000. );
else if( ns < 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 )
sprintf( buf, "%s%.2f ms", sign, ns / ( 1000. * 1000. ) );
else if( ns < 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 )
sprintf( buf, "%s%.2f s", sign, ns / ( 1000. * 1000. * 1000. ) );
const auto m = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 ) );
const auto s = int64_t( ns - m * ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 ) );
sprintf( buf, "%s%" PRIi64 ":%04.1f", sign, m, s / ( 1000. * 1000. * 1000. ) );
return buf;
static const char* TimeToStringInteger( int64_t ns )
enum { Pool = 8 };
static char bufpool[Pool][64];
static int bufsel = 0;
char* buf = bufpool[bufsel];
bufsel = ( bufsel + 1 ) % Pool;
const char* sign = "";
if( ns < 0 )
sign = "-";
ns = -ns;
if( ns < 1000 )
sprintf( buf, "%s%" PRIi64 " ns", sign, ns );
else if( ns < 1000ll * 1000 )
sprintf( buf, "%s%.0f us", sign, ns / 1000. );
else if( ns < 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 )
sprintf( buf, "%s%.0f ms", sign, ns / ( 1000. * 1000. ) );
else if( ns < 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 )
sprintf( buf, "%s%.0f s", sign, ns / ( 1000. * 1000. * 1000. ) );
const auto m = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 ) );
const auto s = int64_t( ns - m * ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 ) );
sprintf( buf, "%s%" PRIi64 ":%02.0f", sign, m, s / ( 1000. * 1000. * 1000. ) );
return buf;
static const char* RealToString( double val, bool separator )
enum { Pool = 8 };
static char bufpool[Pool][64];
static int bufsel = 0;
char* buf = bufpool[bufsel];
bufsel = ( bufsel + 1 ) % Pool;
sprintf( buf, "%f", val );
auto ptr = buf;
if( *ptr == '-' ) ptr++;
const auto vbegin = ptr;
if( separator )
while( *ptr != '\0' && *ptr != ',' && *ptr != '.' ) ptr++;
auto end = ptr;
while( *end != '\0' ) end++;
auto sz = end - ptr;
while( ptr - vbegin > 3 )
ptr -= 3;
memmove( ptr+1, ptr, sz );
*ptr = ',';
sz += 4;
while( *ptr != '\0' && *ptr != ',' && *ptr != '.' ) ptr++;
if( *ptr == '\0' ) return buf;
while( *ptr != '\0' ) ptr++;
while( *ptr == '0' && *ptr != ',' && *ptr != '.' ) ptr--;
if( *ptr != '.' && *ptr != ',' ) ptr++;
*ptr = '\0';
return buf;
enum { MinVisSize = 3 };
static View* s_instance = nullptr;
View::View( const char* addr )
: m_worker( addr )
, m_staticView( false )
, m_frameScale( 0 )
, m_pause( false )
, m_frameStart( 0 )
, m_zvStart( 0 )
, m_zvEnd( 0 )
, m_zvHeight( 0 )
, m_zvScroll( 0 )
, m_zoneInfoWindow( nullptr )
, m_lockHighlight { -1 }
, m_gpuInfoWindow( nullptr )
, m_gpuThread( 0 )
, m_gpuStart( 0 )
, m_gpuEnd( 0 )
, m_showOptions( false )
, m_showMessages( false )
, m_drawGpuZones( true )
, m_drawZones( true )
, m_drawLocks( true )
, m_drawPlots( true )
, m_onlyContendedLocks( false )
, m_namespace( Namespace::Full )
assert( s_instance == nullptr );
s_instance = this;
ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
style.FrameRounding = 2.f;
View::View( FileRead& f )
: m_worker( f )
, m_staticView( true )
, m_frameScale( 0 )
, m_pause( false )
, m_frameStart( 0 )
, m_zvStart( 0 )
, m_zvEnd( 0 )
, m_zvHeight( 0 )
, m_zvScroll( 0 )
, m_zoneInfoWindow( nullptr )
, m_gpuInfoWindow( nullptr )
, m_gpuThread( 0 )
, m_gpuStart( 0 )
, m_gpuEnd( 0 )
, m_showOptions( false )
, m_showMessages( false )
, m_drawGpuZones( true )
, m_drawZones( true )
, m_drawLocks( true )
, m_drawPlots( true )
, m_onlyContendedLocks( false )
, m_namespace( Namespace::Full )
assert( s_instance == nullptr );
s_instance = this;
assert( s_instance != nullptr );
s_instance = nullptr;
const char* View::ShortenNamespace( const char* name ) const
if( m_namespace == Namespace::Full ) return name;
if( m_namespace == Namespace::Short )
auto ptr = name;
while( *ptr != '\0' ) ptr++;
while( ptr > name && *ptr != ':' ) ptr--;
if( *ptr == ':' ) ptr++;
return ptr;
static char buf[1024];
auto dst = buf;
auto ptr = name;
auto start = ptr;
while( *ptr != '\0' && *ptr != ':' ) ptr++;
if( *ptr == '\0' )
memcpy( dst, start, ptr - start + 1 );
return buf;
*dst++ = *start;
*dst++ = ':';
while( *ptr == ':' ) ptr++;
void View::DrawHelpMarker( const char* desc ) const
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(?)" );
if ( ImGui::IsItemHovered() )
ImGui::PushTextWrapPos( 450.0f );
ImGui::TextUnformatted( desc );
void View::DrawTextContrast( ImDrawList* draw, const ImVec2& pos, uint32_t color, const char* text )
draw->AddText( pos + ImVec2( 1, 1 ), 0x88000000, text );
draw->AddText( pos, color, text );
void View::Draw()
void View::DrawImpl()
if( !m_worker.HasData() )
ImGui::Begin( m_worker.GetAddr().c_str(), nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize );
ImGui::Text( "Waiting for connection..." );
if( !m_staticView )
std::lock_guard<NonRecursiveBenaphore> lock( m_worker.GetDataLock() );
ImGui::Begin( m_worker.GetCaptureName().c_str(), nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar );
if( ImGui::Button( m_pause ? "Resume" : "Pause", ImVec2( 70, 0 ) ) ) m_pause = !m_pause;
if( ImGui::Button( "Options", ImVec2( 70, 0 ) ) ) m_showOptions = true;
if( ImGui::Button( "Messages", ImVec2( 70, 0 ) ) ) m_showMessages = true;
if ( ImGui::Button( "Find Zone", ImVec2( 70, 0 ) ) ) = true;
ImGui::Text( "Frames: %-7" PRIu64 " Time span: %-10s View span: %-10s Zones: %-13s Queue delay: %s Timer resolution: %s", m_worker.GetFrameCount(), TimeToString( m_worker.GetLastTime() - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 ) ), TimeToString( m_zvEnd - m_zvStart ), RealToString( m_worker.GetZoneCount(), true ), TimeToString( m_worker.GetDelay() ), TimeToString( m_worker.GetResolution() ) );
m_zoneHighlight = nullptr;
m_gpuHighlight = nullptr;
if( m_showOptions ) DrawOptions();
if( m_showMessages ) DrawMessages();
if( ) DrawFindZone();
if( )
const auto& io = ImGui::GetIO();
m_zoomAnim.progress += io.DeltaTime * m_zoomAnim.lenMod;
if( m_zoomAnim.progress >= 1.f )
{ = false;
m_zvStart = m_zoomAnim.start1;
m_zvEnd = m_zoomAnim.end1;
const auto v = sqrt( sin( M_PI_2 * m_zoomAnim.progress ) );
m_zvStart = int64_t( m_zoomAnim.start0 + ( m_zoomAnim.start1 - m_zoomAnim.start0 ) * v );
m_zvEnd = int64_t( m_zoomAnim.end0 + ( m_zoomAnim.end1 - m_zoomAnim.end0 ) * v );
void View::DrawConnection()
const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize();
const auto cs = ty * 0.9f;
std::lock_guard<NonRecursiveBenaphore> lock( m_worker.GetMbpsDataLock() );
ImGui::Begin( m_worker.GetAddr().c_str(), nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize );
const auto& mbpsVector = m_worker.GetMbpsData();
const auto mbps = mbpsVector.back();
char buf[64];
if( mbps < 0.1f )
sprintf( buf, "%6.2f Kbps", mbps * 1000.f );
sprintf( buf, "%6.2f Mbps", mbps );
ImGui::Dummy( ImVec2( cs, 0 ) );
ImGui::PlotLines( buf,, mbpsVector.size(), 0, nullptr, 0, std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), ImVec2( 150, 0 ) );
ImGui::Text( "Ratio %.1f%% Real: %6.2f Mbps", m_worker.GetCompRatio() * 100.f, mbps / m_worker.GetCompRatio() );
ImGui::Text( "Memory usage: %.2f MB", memUsage.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ) / ( 1024.f * 1024.f ) );
const auto wpos = ImGui::GetWindowPos() + ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMin();
ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddCircleFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 1 + cs * 0.5, 3 + ty * 0.5 ), cs * 0.5, m_worker.IsConnected() ? 0xFF2222CC : 0xFF444444, 10 );
std::lock_guard<NonRecursiveBenaphore> lock( m_worker.GetDataLock() );
const auto sz = m_worker.GetFrameCount();
if( sz > 1 )
const auto dt = m_worker.GetFrameTime( sz - 2 );
const auto dtm = dt / 1000000.f;
const auto fps = 1000.f / dtm;
ImGui::Text( "FPS: %6.1f Frame time: %.2f ms", fps, dtm );
if( ImGui::Button( "Save trace" ) )
nfdchar_t* fn;
auto res = NFD_SaveDialog( "tracy", nullptr, &fn );
if( res == NFD_OKAY )
const char* fn = "trace.tracy";
std::unique_ptr<FileWrite> f;
const auto sz = strlen( fn );
if( sz < 7 || memcmp( fn + sz - 6, ".tracy", 6 ) != 0 )
char tmp[1024];
sprintf( tmp, "%s.tracy", fn );
f.reset( FileWrite::Open( tmp ) );
f.reset( FileWrite::Open( fn ) );
if( f )
m_worker.Write( *f );
static ImU32 GetFrameColor( uint64_t frameTime )
enum { BestTime = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 / 143 };
enum { GoodTime = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 / 59 };
enum { BadTime = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 / 29 };
return frameTime > BadTime ? 0xFF2222DD :
frameTime > GoodTime ? 0xFF22DDDD :
frameTime > BestTime ? 0xFF22DD22 : 0xFFDD9900;
static int GetFrameWidth( int frameScale )
return frameScale == 0 ? 4 : ( frameScale == -1 ? 6 : 1 );
static int GetFrameGroup( int frameScale )
return frameScale < 2 ? 1 : ( 1 << ( frameScale - 1 ) );
void View::DrawFrames()
assert( m_worker.GetFrameCount() != 0 );
enum { Height = 40 };
enum { MaxFrameTime = 50 * 1000 * 1000 }; // 50ms
ImGuiWindow* window = ImGui::GetCurrentWindow();
if( window->SkipItems ) return;
auto& io = ImGui::GetIO();
const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
const auto wspace = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMax() - ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMin();
const auto w = wspace.x;
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
ImGui::InvisibleButton( "##frames", ImVec2( w, Height ) );
bool hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered();
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( w, Height ), 0x33FFFFFF );
const auto wheel = io.MouseWheel;
const auto prevScale = m_frameScale;
if( hover )
if( wheel > 0 )
if( m_frameScale > -1 ) m_frameScale--;
else if( wheel < 0 )
if( m_frameScale < 10 ) m_frameScale++;
const int fwidth = GetFrameWidth( m_frameScale );
const int group = GetFrameGroup( m_frameScale );
const int total = m_worker.GetFrameCount();
const int onScreen = ( w - 2 ) / fwidth;
if( !m_pause )
m_frameStart = ( total < onScreen * group ) ? 0 : total - onScreen * group;
m_zvStart = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( std::max( 0, total - 4 ) );
if( total == 1 )
m_zvEnd = m_worker.GetLastTime();
m_zvEnd = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( total - 1 );
if( hover )
if( ImGui::IsMouseDragging( 1, 0 ) )
m_pause = true;
const auto delta = ImGui::GetMouseDragDelta( 1, 0 ).x;
if( abs( delta ) >= fwidth )
const auto d = (int)delta / fwidth;
m_frameStart = std::max( 0, m_frameStart - d * group );
io.MouseClickedPos[1].x = io.MousePos.x + d * fwidth - delta;
const auto mx = io.MousePos.x;
if( mx > wpos.x && mx < wpos.x + w - 1 )
const auto mo = mx - ( wpos.x + 1 );
const auto off = mo * group / fwidth;
const int sel = m_frameStart + off;
if( sel < total )
if( group > 1 )
auto f = m_worker.GetFrameTime( sel );
auto g = std::min( group, total - sel );
for( int j=1; j<g; j++ )
f = std::max( f, m_worker.GetFrameTime( sel + j ) );
ImGui::Text( "Frames: %i - %i (%i)", sel, sel + g - 1, g );
ImGui::Text( "Max frame time: %s", TimeToString( f ) );
if( sel == 0 )
ImGui::Text( "Tracy initialization" );
ImGui::Text( "Time: %s", TimeToString( m_worker.GetFrameTime( sel ) ) );
ImGui::Text( "Frame: %i", sel );
ImGui::Text( "Frame time: %s", TimeToString( m_worker.GetFrameTime( sel ) ) );
ImGui::Text( "Time from start of program: %s", TimeToString( m_worker.GetFrameBegin( sel ) - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 ) ) );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
m_pause = true;
m_zvStart = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( sel );
m_zvEnd = m_worker.GetFrameEnd( sel + group - 1 );
if( m_zvStart == m_zvEnd ) m_zvStart--;
else if( ImGui::IsMouseDragging( 0 ) )
m_zvStart = std::min( m_zvStart, m_worker.GetFrameBegin( sel ) );
m_zvEnd = std::max( m_zvEnd, m_worker.GetFrameEnd( sel + group - 1 ) );
if( m_pause && wheel != 0 )
const int pfwidth = GetFrameWidth( prevScale );
const int pgroup = GetFrameGroup( prevScale );
const auto oldoff = mo * pgroup / pfwidth;
m_frameStart = std::min( total, std::max( 0, m_frameStart - int( off - oldoff ) ) );
int i = 0, idx = 0;
while( i < onScreen && m_frameStart + idx < total )
auto f = m_worker.GetFrameTime( m_frameStart + idx );
int g;
if( group > 1 )
g = std::min( group, total - ( m_frameStart + idx ) );
for( int j=1; j<g; j++ )
f = std::max( f, m_worker.GetFrameTime( m_frameStart + idx + j ) );
const auto h = float( std::min<uint64_t>( MaxFrameTime, f ) ) / MaxFrameTime * ( Height - 2 );
if( fwidth != 1 )
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 1 + i*fwidth, Height-1-h ), wpos + ImVec2( fwidth + i*fwidth, Height-1 ), GetFrameColor( f ) );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 1+i, Height-2-h ), wpos + ImVec2( 1+i, Height-2 ), GetFrameColor( f ) );
idx += group;
const std::pair <int, int> zrange = m_worker.GetFrameRange( m_zvStart, m_zvEnd );
if( zrange.second > m_frameStart && zrange.first < m_frameStart + onScreen * group )
auto x1 = std::min( onScreen * fwidth, ( zrange.second - m_frameStart ) * fwidth / group );
auto x0 = std::max( 0, ( zrange.first - m_frameStart ) * fwidth / group );
if( x0 == x1 ) x1 = x0 + 1;
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 1+x0, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( 1+x1, Height ), 0x55DD22DD );
void View::HandleZoneViewMouse( int64_t timespan, const ImVec2& wpos, float w, double& pxns )
assert( timespan > 0 );
auto& io = ImGui::GetIO();
const auto nspx = double( timespan ) / w;
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
{ = true;
m_highlight.start = m_highlight.end = m_zvStart + ( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x ) * nspx;
else if( ImGui::IsMouseDragging( 0, 0 ) )
m_highlight.end = m_zvStart + ( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x ) * nspx;
{ = false;
if( ImGui::IsMouseDragging( 1, 0 ) )
m_pause = true;
const auto delta = ImGui::GetMouseDragDelta( 1, 0 );
const auto dpx = int64_t( delta.x * nspx );
if( dpx != 0 )
m_zvStart -= dpx;
m_zvEnd -= dpx;
io.MouseClickedPos[1].x = io.MousePos.x;
if( delta.y != 0 )
auto y = ImGui::GetScrollY();
ImGui::SetScrollY( y - delta.y );
io.MouseClickedPos[1].y = io.MousePos.y;
const auto wheel = io.MouseWheel;
if( wheel != 0 )
m_pause = true;
const double mouse = io.MousePos.x - wpos.x;
const auto p = mouse / w;
const auto p1 = timespan * p;
const auto p2 = timespan - p1;
if( wheel > 0 )
m_zvStart += int64_t( p1 * 0.25 );
m_zvEnd -= int64_t( p2 * 0.25 );
else if( timespan < 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 )
m_zvStart -= std::max( int64_t( 1 ), int64_t( p1 * 0.25 ) );
m_zvEnd += std::max( int64_t( 1 ), int64_t( p2 * 0.25 ) );
timespan = m_zvEnd - m_zvStart;
pxns = w / double( timespan );
static const char* GetFrameText( int i, uint64_t ftime )
static char buf[128];
if( i == 0 )
sprintf( buf, "Tracy init (%s)", TimeToString( ftime ) );
sprintf( buf, "Frame %i (%s)", i, TimeToString( ftime ) );
return buf;
bool View::DrawZoneFrames()
const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - ImGui::GetStyle().ScrollbarSize;
const auto h = ImGui::GetFontSize();
const auto wh = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().y;
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize();
const auto fy = round( h * 1.5 );
ImGui::InvisibleButton( "##zoneFrames", ImVec2( w, h * 2.5 ) );
bool hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered();
auto timespan = m_zvEnd - m_zvStart;
auto pxns = w / double( timespan );
if( hover ) HandleZoneViewMouse( timespan, wpos, w, pxns );
const auto nspx = 1.0 / pxns;
const auto scale = std::max( 0.0, round( log10( nspx ) + 2 ) );
const auto step = pow( 10, scale );
const auto dx = step * pxns;
double x = 0;
int tw = 0;
int tx = 0;
int64_t tt = 0;
while( x < w )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( x, round( ty * 0.5 ) ), 0x66FFFFFF );
if( tw == 0 )
char buf[128];
const auto t = m_zvStart - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 );
auto txt = TimeToString( t );
if( t >= 0 )
sprintf( buf, "+%s", txt );
txt = buf;
draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( x, round( ty * 0.5 ) ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt );
tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x;
else if( x > tx + tw + ty * 2 )
tx = x;
auto txt = TimeToString( tt );
draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( x, round( ty * 0.5 ) ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt );
tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x;
for( int i=1; i<5; i++ )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x + i * dx / 10, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( x + i * dx / 10, round( ty * 0.25 ) ), 0x33FFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x + 5 * dx / 10, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 5 * dx / 10, round( ty * 0.375 ) ), 0x33FFFFFF );
for( int i=6; i<10; i++ )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x + i * dx / 10, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( x + i * dx / 10, round( ty * 0.25 ) ), 0x33FFFFFF );
x += dx;
tt += step;
const std::pair <int, int> zrange = m_worker.GetFrameRange( m_zvStart, m_zvEnd );
if( zrange.first == -1 ) return hover;
for( int i = zrange.first; i < zrange.second; i++ )
const auto ftime = m_worker.GetFrameTime( i );
const auto fbegin = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( i );
const auto fend = m_worker.GetFrameEnd( i );
const auto fsz = pxns * ftime;
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns, fy ), wpos + ImVec2( ( fend - m_zvStart ) * pxns, fy + ty ) ) )
ImGui::Text( "%s", GetFrameText( i, ftime ) );
ImGui::Text( "Time from start of program: %s", TimeToString( m_worker.GetFrameBegin( i ) - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 ) ) );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 2 ) )
ZoomToRange( fbegin, fend );
m_pause = true;
if( fsz <= 4 ) continue;
if( fbegin >= m_zvStart )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns, wh ), 0x22FFFFFF );
if( fsz >= 5 )
auto buf = GetFrameText( i, ftime );
auto tx = ImGui::CalcTextSize( buf ).x;
uint32_t color = i == 0 ? 0xFF4444FF : 0xFFFFFFFF;
if( fsz - 5 <= tx )
buf = TimeToString( ftime );
tx = ImGui::CalcTextSize( buf ).x;
if( fbegin >= m_zvStart )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns + 2, fy + 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns + 2, fy + ty - 1 ), color );
if( fend <= m_zvEnd )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( ( fend - m_zvStart ) * pxns - 2, fy + 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( ( fend - m_zvStart ) * pxns - 2, fy + ty - 1 ), color );
if( fsz - 5 > tx )
const auto part = ( fsz - 5 - tx ) / 2;
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( -10.0, ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns + 2 ), fy + round( ty / 2 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( w + 20.0, ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns + part ), fy + round( ty / 2 ) ), color );
draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns + 2 + part, fy ), color, buf );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( -10.0, ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns + 2 + part + tx ), fy + round( ty / 2 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( w + 20.0, ( fend - m_zvStart ) * pxns - 2 ), fy + round( ty / 2 ) ), color );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( -10.0, ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns + 2 ), fy + round( ty / 2 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( w + 20.0, ( fend - m_zvStart ) * pxns - 2 ), fy + round( ty / 2 ) ), color );
const auto fend = m_worker.GetFrameEnd( zrange.second-1 );
if( fend == m_zvEnd )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( ( fend - m_zvStart ) * pxns, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( ( fend - m_zvStart ) * pxns, wh ), 0x22FFFFFF );
return hover;
void View::DrawZones()
m_msgHighlight = nullptr;
if( m_zvStart == m_zvEnd ) return;
assert( m_zvStart < m_zvEnd );
ImGuiWindow* window = ImGui::GetCurrentWindow();
if( window->SkipItems ) return;
m_gpuThread = 0;
m_gpuStart = 0;
m_gpuEnd = 0;
const auto linepos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
const auto lineh = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().y;
auto drawMouseLine = DrawZoneFrames();
ImGui::BeginChild( "##zoneWin", ImVec2( ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth(), ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().y ), false, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysVerticalScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse );
window = ImGui::GetCurrentWindow();
const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - 1;
const auto h = std::max<float>( m_zvHeight, ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().y - 4 ); // magic border value
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
ImGui::InvisibleButton( "##zones", ImVec2( w, h ) );
bool hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered();
const auto timespan = m_zvEnd - m_zvStart;
auto pxns = w / double( timespan );
if( hover )
drawMouseLine = true;
HandleZoneViewMouse( timespan, wpos, w, pxns );
const auto nspx = 1.0 / pxns;
const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize();
const auto ostep = ty + 1;
int offset = 0;
const auto to = 9.f;
const auto th = ( ty - to ) * sqrt( 3 ) * 0.5;
// gpu zones
if( m_drawGpuZones )
for( size_t i=0; i<m_worker.GetGpuData().size(); i++ )
const auto& v = m_worker.GetGpuData()[i];
if( !Visible( v ) ) continue;
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ostep - 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ostep - 1 ), 0x33FFFFFF );
bool& showFull = ShowFull( v );
if( showFull )
draw->AddTriangleFilled( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty - to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty * 0.5, offset + to/2 + th ), 0xFFFFAAAA );
draw->AddTriangle( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + ty - to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2 + th, offset + ty * 0.5 ), 0xFF886666 );
char buf[64];
sprintf( buf, "GPU context %zu", i );
draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( ty, offset ), showFull ? 0xFFFFAAAA : 0xFF886666, buf );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + ImGui::CalcTextSize( buf ).x, offset + ty ) ) )
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
showFull = !showFull;
ImGui::Text( "%s", buf );
ImGui::Text( "Thread: %s", m_worker.GetThreadString( v->thread ) );
if( !v->timeline.empty() )
const auto t = v->timeline.front()->gpuStart;
if( t != std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() )
ImGui::Text( "Appeared at %s", TimeToString( t - m_worker.GetFrameTime( 0 ) ) );
ImGui::Text( "Zone count: %s", RealToString( v->count, true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Top-level zones: %s", RealToString( v->timeline.size(), true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Query accuracy bits: %i", v->accuracyBits );
offset += ostep;
if( showFull )
const auto depth = DrawGpuZoneLevel( v->timeline, hover, pxns, wpos, offset, 0, v->thread );
offset += ostep * depth;
offset += ostep * 0.2f;
// zones
LockHighlight nextLockHighlight { -1 };
for( const auto& v : m_worker.GetThreadData() )
if( !Visible( v ) ) continue;
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ostep - 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ostep - 1 ), 0x33FFFFFF );
bool& showFull = ShowFull( v );
if( showFull )
draw->AddTriangleFilled( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty - to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty * 0.5, offset + to/2 + th ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
auto it = std::lower_bound( v->messages.begin(), v->messages.end(), m_zvStart, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->time < rhs; } );
auto end = std::lower_bound( it, v->messages.end(), m_zvEnd, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->time < rhs; } );
while( it < end )
const auto next = std::upper_bound( it, v->messages.end(), (*it)->time + MinVisSize * nspx, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs < rhs->time; } );
const auto dist = std::distance( it, next );
const auto px = ( (*it)->time - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
if( dist > 1 )
draw->AddTriangleFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px - (ty - to) * 0.5, offset + to ), wpos + ImVec2( px + (ty - to) * 0.5, offset + to ), wpos + ImVec2( px, offset + to + th ), 0xFFDDDDDD );
draw->AddTriangle( wpos + ImVec2( px - (ty - to) * 0.5, offset + to ), wpos + ImVec2( px + (ty - to) * 0.5, offset + to ), wpos + ImVec2( px, offset + to + th ), 0xFFDDDDDD );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px - (ty - to) * 0.5 - 1, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px + (ty - to) * 0.5 + 1, offset + ty ) ) )
if( dist > 1 )
ImGui::Text( "%i messages", (int)dist );
ImGui::Text( "%s", TimeToString( (*it)->time - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 ) ) );
ImGui::Text( "Message text:" );
ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0xCC / 255.f, 0xCC / 255.f, 0x22 / 255.f, 1.f ), "%s", m_worker.GetString( (*it)->ref ) );
m_msgHighlight = *it;
it = next;
draw->AddTriangle( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + ty - to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2 + th, offset + ty * 0.5 ), 0xFF888888 );
const auto txt = m_worker.GetThreadString( v->id );
const auto txtsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt );
if( m_gpuThread == v->id )
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + txtsz.x + 4, offset + ty ), 0x448888DD );
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + txtsz.x + 4, offset + ty ), 0x888888DD );
if( m_gpuInfoWindow && m_gpuInfoWindowThread == v->id )
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + txtsz.x + 4, offset + ty ), 0x4488DD88 );
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + txtsz.x + 4, offset + ty ), 0x8888DD88 );
draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( ty, offset ), showFull ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFF888888, txt );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + txtsz.x, offset + ty ) ) )
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
showFull = !showFull;
ImGui::Text( "%s", m_worker.GetThreadString( v->id ) );
if( !v->timeline.empty() )
ImGui::Text( "Appeared at %s", TimeToString( v->timeline.front()->start - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 ) ) );
ImGui::Text( "Zone count: %s", RealToString( v->count, true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Top-level zones: %s", RealToString( v->timeline.size(), true ) );
offset += ostep;
if( showFull )
m_lastCpu = -1;
if( m_drawZones )
const auto depth = DrawZoneLevel( v->timeline, hover, pxns, wpos, offset, 0 );
offset += ostep * depth;
if( m_drawLocks )
const auto depth = DrawLocks( v->id, hover, pxns, wpos, offset, nextLockHighlight );
offset += ostep * depth;
offset += ostep * 0.2f;
m_lockHighlight = nextLockHighlight;
if( m_drawPlots )
offset = DrawPlots( offset, pxns, wpos, hover );
const auto scrollPos = ImGui::GetScrollY();
if( scrollPos == 0 && m_zvScroll != 0 )
m_zvHeight = 0;
if( offset > m_zvHeight ) m_zvHeight = offset;
m_zvScroll = scrollPos;
if( m_gpuStart != 0 && m_gpuEnd != 0 )
const auto px0 = ( m_gpuStart - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto px1 = std::max( px0 + std::max( 1.0, pxns * 0.5 ), ( m_gpuEnd - m_zvStart ) * pxns );
draw->AddRectFilled( ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x228888DD );
draw->AddRect( ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x448888DD );
if( m_gpuInfoWindow )
const auto px0 = ( m_gpuInfoWindow->cpuStart - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto px1 = std::max( px0 + std::max( 1.0, pxns * 0.5 ), ( m_gpuInfoWindow->cpuEnd - m_zvStart ) * pxns );
draw->AddRectFilled( ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x2288DD88 );
draw->AddRect( ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x4488DD88 );
if( && m_highlight.start != m_highlight.end )
const auto s = std::min( m_highlight.start, m_highlight.end );
const auto e = std::max( m_highlight.start, m_highlight.end );
draw->AddRectFilled( ImVec2( wpos.x + ( s - m_zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + ( e - m_zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x22DD8888 );
draw->AddRect( ImVec2( wpos.x + ( s - m_zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + ( e - m_zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x44DD8888 );
ImGui::Text( "%s", TimeToString( e - s ) );
else if( drawMouseLine )
auto& io = ImGui::GetIO();
draw->AddLine( ImVec2( io.MousePos.x, linepos.y ), ImVec2( io.MousePos.x, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x33FFFFFF );
int View::DrawZoneLevel( const Vector<ZoneEvent*>& vec, bool hover, double pxns, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth )
const auto delay = m_worker.GetDelay();
const auto resolution = m_worker.GetResolution();
// cast to uint64_t, so that unended zones (end = -1) are still drawn
auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), m_zvStart - delay, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l->end < (uint64_t)r; } );
if( it == vec.end() ) return depth;
const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_zvEnd + resolution, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->start < r; } );
if( it == zitend ) return depth;
const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - 1;
const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize();
const auto ostep = ty + 1;
const auto offset = _offset + ostep * depth;
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const auto dsz = delay * pxns;
const auto rsz = resolution * pxns;
int maxdepth = depth;
while( it < zitend )
auto& ev = **it;
auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
const auto color = GetZoneColor( ev );
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
const auto zsz = std::max( ( end - ev.start ) * pxns, pxns * 0.5 );
if( zsz < MinVisSize )
int num = 1;
const auto px0 = ( ev.start - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
auto px1 = ( end - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
auto rend = end;
if( it == zitend ) break;
const auto nend = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( **it );
const auto pxnext = ( nend - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
if( pxnext - px1 >= MinVisSize * 2 ) break;
px1 = pxnext;
rend = nend;
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ), color );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ) ) )
if( num > 1 )
ImGui::Text( "Zones too small to display: %s", RealToString( num, true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Execution time: %s", TimeToString( rend - ev.start ) );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 2 ) && rend - ev.start > 0 )
ZoomToRange( ev.start, rend );
ZoneTooltip( ev );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 2 ) && rend - ev.start > 0 )
ZoomToZone( ev );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
m_zoneInfoWindow = &ev;
m_gpuInfoWindow = nullptr;
char tmp[32];
sprintf( tmp, "%i", num );
const auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( tmp );
if( tsz.x < px1 - px0 )
const auto x = px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) / 2;
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), 0xFF4488DD, tmp );
const char* zoneName;
if( )
zoneName = m_worker.GetString( );
zoneName = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function );
int dmul = ? 2 : 1;
bool migration = false;
if( m_lastCpu != ev.cpu_start )
if( m_lastCpu != -1 )
migration = true;
m_lastCpu = ev.cpu_start;
if( !ev.child.empty() )
const auto d = DrawZoneLevel( ev.child, hover, pxns, wpos, _offset, depth );
if( d > maxdepth ) maxdepth = d;
if( ev.end != -1 && m_lastCpu != ev.cpu_end )
m_lastCpu = ev.cpu_end;
migration = true;
auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( zoneName );
if( tsz.x > zsz )
zoneName = ShortenNamespace( zoneName );
tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( zoneName );
const auto pr0 = ( ev.start - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto pr1 = ( end - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto px0 = std::max( pr0, -10.0 );
const auto px1 = std::max( { std::min( pr1, double( w + 10 ) ), px0 + pxns * 0.5, px0 + MinVisSize } );
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), color );
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), GetZoneHighlight( ev, migration ), 0.f, -1, GetZoneThickness( ev ) );
if( dsz * dmul >= MinVisSize )
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( pr0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( pr0+dsz*dmul, pr1 ), offset + tsz.y ), 0x882222DD );
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( pr1, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1+dsz, offset + tsz.y ), 0x882222DD );
if( rsz >= MinVisSize )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr0 + rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/2 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr0 - rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/2 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr0 + rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr0 + rsz, offset + round( 3*tsz.y/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr0 - rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr0 - rsz, offset + round( 3*tsz.y/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr1 + rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/2 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1 - rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/2 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr1 + rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1 + rsz, offset + round( 3*tsz.y/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr1 - rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1 - rsz, offset + round( 3*tsz.y/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
if( tsz.x < zsz )
const auto x = ( ev.start - m_zvStart ) * pxns + ( ( end - ev.start ) * pxns - tsz.x ) / 2;
if( x < 0 || x > w - tsz.x )
ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( std::max( std::max( 0., px0 ), std::min( double( w - tsz.x ), x ) ), offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
else if( ev.start == ev.end )
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) * 0.5, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( ( ev.start - m_zvStart ) * pxns, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ) ) )
ZoneTooltip( ev );
if( ! && ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 2 ) )
ZoomToZone( ev );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
m_zoneInfoWindow = &ev;
m_gpuInfoWindow = nullptr;
return maxdepth;
int View::DrawGpuZoneLevel( const Vector<GpuEvent*>& vec, bool hover, double pxns, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, uint64_t thread )
const auto delay = m_worker.GetDelay();
const auto resolution = m_worker.GetResolution();
// cast to uint64_t, so that unended zones (end = -1) are still drawn
auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), m_zvStart - delay, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l->gpuEnd < (uint64_t)r; } );
if( it == vec.end() ) return depth;
const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_zvEnd + resolution, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->gpuStart < r; } );
if( it == zitend ) return depth;
const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - 1;
const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize();
const auto ostep = ty + 1;
const auto offset = _offset + ostep * depth;
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const auto dsz = delay * pxns;
const auto rsz = resolution * pxns;
int maxdepth = depth;
while( it < zitend )
auto& ev = **it;
auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
const auto color = GetZoneColor( ev );
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
if( end == std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() ) break;
const auto zsz = std::max( ( end - ev.gpuStart ) * pxns, pxns * 0.5 );
if( zsz < MinVisSize )
int num = 1;
const auto px0 = ( ev.gpuStart - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
auto px1 = ( end - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
auto rend = end;
if( it == zitend ) break;
const auto nend = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( **it );
const auto pxnext = ( nend - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
if( pxnext - px1 >= MinVisSize * 2 ) break;
px1 = pxnext;
rend = nend;
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ), color );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ) ) )
if( num > 1 )
ImGui::Text( "Zones too small to display: %s", RealToString( num, true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Execution time: %s", TimeToString( rend - ev.gpuStart ) );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 2 ) && rend - ev.gpuStart > 0 )
ZoomToRange( ev.gpuStart, rend );
ZoneTooltip( ev );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 2 ) && rend - ev.gpuStart > 0 )
ZoomToZone( ev );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
m_zoneInfoWindow = nullptr;
m_gpuInfoWindow = &ev;
m_gpuInfoWindowThread = thread;
m_gpuThread = thread;
m_gpuStart = ev.cpuStart;
m_gpuEnd = ev.cpuEnd;
char tmp[32];
sprintf( tmp, "%i", num );
const auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( tmp );
if( tsz.x < px1 - px0 )
const auto x = px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) / 2;
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), 0xFF4488DD, tmp );
if( !ev.child.empty() )
const auto d = DrawGpuZoneLevel( ev.child, hover, pxns, wpos, _offset, depth, thread );
if( d > maxdepth ) maxdepth = d;
const char* zoneName = m_worker.GetString( );
auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( zoneName );
const auto pr0 = ( ev.gpuStart - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto pr1 = ( end - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto px0 = std::max( pr0, -10.0 );
const auto px1 = std::max( { std::min( pr1, double( w + 10 ) ), px0 + pxns * 0.5, px0 + MinVisSize } );
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), color );
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), GetZoneHighlight( ev ), 0.f, -1, GetZoneThickness( ev ) );
if( dsz >= MinVisSize )
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( pr0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( pr0+dsz, pr1 ), offset + tsz.y ), 0x882222DD );
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( pr1, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1+dsz, offset + tsz.y ), 0x882222DD );
if( rsz >= MinVisSize )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr0 + rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/2 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr0 - rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/2 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr0 + rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr0 + rsz, offset + round( 3*tsz.y/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr0 - rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr0 - rsz, offset + round( 3*tsz.y/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr1 + rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/2 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1 - rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/2 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr1 + rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1 + rsz, offset + round( 3*tsz.y/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr1 - rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1 - rsz, offset + round( 3*tsz.y/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
if( tsz.x < zsz )
const auto x = ( ev.gpuStart - m_zvStart ) * pxns + ( ( end - ev.gpuStart ) * pxns - tsz.x ) / 2;
if( x < 0 || x > w - tsz.x )
ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( std::max( std::max( 0., px0 ), std::min( double( w - tsz.x ), x ) ), offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
else if( ev.gpuStart == ev.gpuEnd )
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) * 0.5, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( ( ev.gpuStart - m_zvStart ) * pxns, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ) ) )
ZoneTooltip( ev );
if( ! && ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 2 ) )
ZoomToZone( ev );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
m_zoneInfoWindow = nullptr;
m_gpuInfoWindow = &ev;
m_gpuInfoWindowThread = thread;
m_gpuThread = thread;
m_gpuStart = ev.cpuStart;
m_gpuEnd = ev.cpuEnd;
return maxdepth;
static inline uint64_t GetThreadBit( uint8_t thread )
return uint64_t( 1 ) << thread;
static inline bool IsThreadWaiting( uint64_t bitlist, uint64_t threadBit )
return ( bitlist & threadBit ) != 0;
static inline bool AreOtherWaiting( uint64_t bitlist, uint64_t threadBit )
return ( bitlist & ~threadBit ) != 0;
enum class LockState
HasLock, // green
HasBlockingLock, // yellow
WaitLock // red
static Vector<LockEvent*>::const_iterator GetNextLockEvent( const Vector<LockEvent*>::const_iterator& it, const Vector<LockEvent*>::const_iterator& end, LockState& nextState, uint64_t threadBit )
auto next = it;
switch( nextState )
case LockState::Nothing:
while( next < end )
if( (*next)->lockCount != 0 )
if( GetThreadBit( (*next)->lockingThread ) == threadBit )
nextState = AreOtherWaiting( (*next)->waitList, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
else if( IsThreadWaiting( (*next)->waitList, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::WaitLock;
case LockState::HasLock:
while( next < end )
if( (*next)->lockCount == 0 )
nextState = LockState::Nothing;
if( (*next)->waitList != 0 )
if( AreOtherWaiting( (*next)->waitList, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::HasBlockingLock;
if( (*next)->waitList != (*it)->waitList || (*next)->lockCount != (*it)->lockCount )
case LockState::HasBlockingLock:
while( next < end )
if( (*next)->lockCount == 0 )
nextState = LockState::Nothing;
if( (*next)->waitList != (*it)->waitList || (*next)->lockCount != (*it)->lockCount )
case LockState::WaitLock:
while( next < end )
if( GetThreadBit( (*next)->lockingThread ) == threadBit )
nextState = AreOtherWaiting( (*next)->waitList, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
if( (*next)->lockingThread != (*it)->lockingThread )
if( (*next)->lockCount == 0 )
assert( false );
return next;
static Vector<LockEvent*>::const_iterator GetNextLockEventShared( const Vector<LockEvent*>::const_iterator& it, const Vector<LockEvent*>::const_iterator& end, LockState& nextState, uint64_t threadBit )
const auto itptr = (const LockEventShared*)*it;
auto next = it;
switch( nextState )
case LockState::Nothing:
while( next < end )
const auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)*next;
if( ptr->lockCount != 0 )
const auto wait = ptr->waitList | ptr->waitShared;
if( GetThreadBit( ptr->lockingThread ) == threadBit )
nextState = AreOtherWaiting( wait, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
else if( IsThreadWaiting( wait, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::WaitLock;
else if( IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) )
nextState = ( ptr->waitList != 0 ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
else if( ptr->sharedList != 0 && IsThreadWaiting( ptr->waitList, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::WaitLock;
case LockState::HasLock:
while( next < end )
const auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)*next;
if( ptr->lockCount == 0 && !IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::Nothing;
if( ptr->waitList != 0 )
if( AreOtherWaiting( ptr->waitList, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::HasBlockingLock;
else if( !IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) && ptr->waitShared != 0 )
nextState = LockState::HasBlockingLock;
if( ptr->waitList != itptr->waitList || ptr->waitShared != itptr->waitShared || ptr->lockCount != itptr->lockCount || ptr->sharedList != itptr->sharedList )
case LockState::HasBlockingLock:
while( next < end )
const auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)*next;
if( ptr->lockCount == 0 && !IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::Nothing;
if( ptr->waitList != itptr->waitList || ptr->waitShared != itptr->waitShared || ptr->lockCount != itptr->lockCount || ptr->sharedList != itptr->sharedList )
case LockState::WaitLock:
while( next < end )
const auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)*next;
if( GetThreadBit( ptr->lockingThread ) == threadBit )
const auto wait = ptr->waitList | ptr->waitShared;
nextState = AreOtherWaiting( wait, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
if( IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) )
nextState = ( ptr->waitList != 0 ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
if( ptr->lockingThread != itptr->lockingThread )
if( ptr->lockCount == 0 && !IsThreadWaiting( ptr->waitShared, threadBit ) )
assert( false );
return next;
static LockState CombineLockState( LockState state, LockState next )
return (LockState)std::max( (int)state, (int)next );
int View::DrawLocks( uint64_t tid, bool hover, double pxns, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, LockHighlight& highlight )
const auto delay = m_worker.GetDelay();
const auto resolution = m_worker.GetResolution();
const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth();
const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize();
const auto ostep = ty + 1;
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const auto dsz = delay * pxns;
const auto rsz = resolution * pxns;
int cnt = 0;
for( const auto& v : m_worker.GetLockMap() )
const auto& lockmap = v.second;
if( !Visible( &lockmap ) || !lockmap.valid ) continue;
auto it = lockmap.threadMap.find( tid );
if( it == lockmap.threadMap.end() ) continue;
const auto& tl = lockmap.timeline;
assert( !tl.empty() );
if( tl.back()->time < m_zvStart ) continue;
auto GetNextLockFunc = lockmap.type == LockType::Lockable ? GetNextLockEvent : GetNextLockEventShared;
const auto thread = it->second;
const auto threadBit = GetThreadBit( thread );
auto vbegin = std::lower_bound( tl.begin(), tl.end(), m_zvStart - delay, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->time < r; } );
const auto vend = std::lower_bound( vbegin, tl.end(), m_zvEnd + resolution, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->time < r; } );
if( vbegin > tl.begin() ) vbegin--;
bool drawn = false;
const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( lockmap.srcloc );
const auto offset = _offset + ostep * cnt;
LockState state = LockState::Nothing;
if( lockmap.type == LockType::Lockable )
if( (*vbegin)->lockCount != 0 )
if( (*vbegin)->lockingThread == thread )
state = AreOtherWaiting( (*vbegin)->waitList, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
else if( IsThreadWaiting( (*vbegin)->waitList, threadBit ) )
state = LockState::WaitLock;
const auto ptr = (LockEventShared*)*vbegin;
if( ptr->lockCount != 0 )
if( ptr->lockingThread == thread )
state = ( AreOtherWaiting( ptr->waitList, threadBit ) || AreOtherWaiting( ptr->waitShared, threadBit ) ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
else if( IsThreadWaiting( ptr->waitList, threadBit ) || IsThreadWaiting( ptr->waitShared, threadBit ) )
state = LockState::WaitLock;
else if( IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) )
state = ptr->waitList != 0 ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
else if( ptr->sharedList != 0 && IsThreadWaiting( ptr->waitList, threadBit ) )
state = LockState::WaitLock;
double pxend = 0;
while( vbegin < vend && ( state == LockState::Nothing || ( m_onlyContendedLocks && state == LockState::HasLock ) ) )
vbegin = GetNextLockFunc( vbegin, vend, state, threadBit );
if( vbegin >= vend ) break;
assert( state != LockState::Nothing && ( !m_onlyContendedLocks || state != LockState::HasLock ) );
drawn = true;
LockState drawState = state;
auto next = GetNextLockFunc( vbegin, vend, state, threadBit );
const auto t0 = (*vbegin)->time;
int64_t t1 = next == tl.end() ? m_lastTime : (*next)->time;
const auto px0 = std::max( pxend, ( t0 - m_zvStart ) * pxns );
auto tx0 = px0;
double px1 = ( t1 - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
uint64_t condensed = 0;
if( next >= vend || px1 - tx0 > MinVisSize ) break;
auto n = next;
auto ns = state;
while( n < vend && ( ns == LockState::Nothing || ( m_onlyContendedLocks && ns == LockState::HasLock ) ) )
n = GetNextLockFunc( n, vend, ns, threadBit );
if( n >= vend ) break;
if( n == next )
n = GetNextLockFunc( n, vend, ns, threadBit );
drawState = CombineLockState( drawState, state );
const auto t2 = n == tl.end() ? m_lastTime : (*n)->time;
const auto px2 = ( t2 - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
if( px2 - px1 > MinVisSize ) break;
if( drawState != ns && px2 - px0 > MinVisSize && !( ns == LockState::Nothing || ( m_onlyContendedLocks && ns == LockState::HasLock ) ) ) break;
t1 = t2;
tx0 = px1;
px1 = px2;
next = n;
state = ns;
pxend = std::max( { px1, px0+MinVisSize, px0 + pxns * 0.5 } );
bool itemHovered = hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( pxend, double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ) );
if( itemHovered )
if( condensed > 1 )
ImGui::Text( "Multiple lock events (%s)", RealToString( condensed, true ) );
highlight.blocked = drawState == LockState::HasBlockingLock;
if( !highlight.blocked )
{ = v.first;
highlight.begin = t0;
highlight.end = t1;
highlight.thread = thread;
highlight.blocked = false;
auto b = vbegin;
while( b != tl.begin() )
if( (*b)->lockingThread != (*vbegin)->lockingThread )
highlight.begin = (*b)->time;
auto e = next;
while( e != tl.end() )
if( (*e)->lockingThread != (*next)->lockingThread )
{ = v.first;
highlight.end = (*e)->time;
highlight.thread = thread;
ImGui::Text( "Lock #%" PRIu32 ": %s", v.first, m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) );
ImGui::Text( "%s:%i", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ), srcloc.line );
ImGui::Text( "Time: %s", TimeToString( t1 - t0 ) );
uint32_t markloc = 0;
auto it = vbegin;
if( (*it)->thread == thread )
if( ( (*it)->lockingThread == thread || IsThreadWaiting( (*it)->waitList, threadBit ) ) && (*it)->srcloc != 0 )
markloc = (*it)->srcloc;
if( it == tl.begin() ) break;
if( markloc != 0 )
const auto& marklocdata = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( markloc );
ImGui::Text( "Lock event location:" );
ImGui::Text( "%s", m_worker.GetString( marklocdata.function ) );
ImGui::Text( "%s:%i", m_worker.GetString( marklocdata.file ), marklocdata.line );
if( v.second.type == LockType::Lockable )
switch( drawState )
case LockState::HasLock:
if( (*vbegin)->lockCount == 1 )
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has lock. No other threads are waiting.", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ) );
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has %i locks. No other threads are waiting.", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ), (*vbegin)->lockCount );
if( (*vbegin)->waitList != 0 )
assert( !AreOtherWaiting( (*next)->waitList, threadBit ) );
ImGui::Text( "Recursive lock acquire in thread." );
case LockState::HasBlockingLock:
if( (*vbegin)->lockCount == 1 )
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has lock. Blocked threads (%i):", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ), TracyCountBits( (*vbegin)->waitList ) );
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has %i locks. Blocked threads (%i):", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ), (*vbegin)->lockCount, TracyCountBits( (*vbegin)->waitList ) );
auto waitList = (*vbegin)->waitList;
int t = 0;
ImGui::Indent( ty );
while( waitList != 0 )
if( waitList & 0x1 )
ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadString( lockmap.threadList[t] ) );
waitList >>= 1;
ImGui::Unindent( ty );
case LockState::WaitLock:
if( (*vbegin)->lockCount > 0 )
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" is blocked by other thread:", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ) );
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" waits to obtain lock after release by thread:", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ) );
ImGui::Indent( ty );
ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadString( lockmap.threadList[(*vbegin)->lockingThread] ) );
ImGui::Unindent( ty );
assert( false );
const auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)*vbegin;
switch( drawState )
case LockState::HasLock:
assert( ptr->waitList == 0 );
if( ptr->sharedList == 0 )
assert( ptr->lockCount == 1 );
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has lock. No other threads are waiting.", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ) );
else if( TracyCountBits( ptr->sharedList ) == 1 )
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has a sole shared lock. No other threads are waiting.", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ) );
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has shared lock. No other threads are waiting.", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ) );
ImGui::Text( "Threads sharing the lock (%i):", TracyCountBits( ptr->sharedList ) - 1 );
auto sharedList = ptr->sharedList;
int t = 0;
ImGui::Indent( ty );
while( sharedList != 0 )
if( sharedList & 0x1 && t != thread )
ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadString( lockmap.threadList[t] ) );
sharedList >>= 1;
ImGui::Unindent( ty );
case LockState::HasBlockingLock:
if( ptr->sharedList == 0 )
assert( ptr->lockCount == 1 );
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has lock. Blocked threads (%i):", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ), TracyCountBits( ptr->waitList ) + TracyCountBits( ptr->waitShared ) );
else if( TracyCountBits( ptr->sharedList ) == 1 )
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has a sole shared lock. Blocked threads (%i):", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ), TracyCountBits( ptr->waitList ) + TracyCountBits( ptr->waitShared ) );
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has shared lock.", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ) );
ImGui::Text( "Threads sharing the lock (%i):", TracyCountBits( ptr->sharedList ) - 1 );
auto sharedList = ptr->sharedList;
int t = 0;
ImGui::Indent( ty );
while( sharedList != 0 )
if( sharedList & 0x1 && t != thread )
ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadString( lockmap.threadList[t] ) );
sharedList >>= 1;
ImGui::Unindent( ty );
ImGui::Text( "Blocked threads (%i):", TracyCountBits( ptr->waitList ) + TracyCountBits( ptr->waitShared ) );
auto waitList = ptr->waitList;
int t = 0;
ImGui::Indent( ty );
while( waitList != 0 )
if( waitList & 0x1 )
ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadString( lockmap.threadList[t] ) );
waitList >>= 1;
auto waitShared = ptr->waitShared;
t = 0;
while( waitShared != 0 )
if( waitShared & 0x1 )
ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadString( lockmap.threadList[t] ) );
waitShared >>= 1;
ImGui::Unindent( ty );
case LockState::WaitLock:
assert( ptr->lockCount == 0 || ptr->lockCount == 1 );
if( ptr->lockCount != 0 || ptr->sharedList != 0 )
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" is blocked by other threads (%i):", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ), ptr->lockCount + TracyCountBits( ptr->sharedList ) );
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" waits to obtain lock after release by thread:", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ) );
ImGui::Indent( ty );
if( ptr->lockCount != 0 )
ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadString( lockmap.threadList[ptr->lockingThread] ) );
auto sharedList = ptr->sharedList;
int t = 0;
while( sharedList != 0 )
if( sharedList & 0x1 )
ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadString( lockmap.threadList[t] ) );
sharedList >>= 1;
ImGui::Unindent( ty );
assert( false );
const auto cfilled = drawState == LockState::HasLock ? 0xFF228A22 : ( drawState == LockState::HasBlockingLock ? 0xFF228A8A : 0xFF2222BD );
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( pxend, double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ), cfilled );
if( m_lockHighlight.thread != thread && ( drawState == LockState::HasBlockingLock ) != m_lockHighlight.blocked && next != tl.end() && == int64_t( v.first ) && m_lockHighlight.begin <= (*vbegin)->time && m_lockHighlight.end >= (*next)->time )
const auto t = uint8_t( ( sin( std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>( std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch() ).count() * 0.01 ) * 0.5 + 0.5 ) * 255 );
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( pxend, double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ), 0x00FFFFFF | ( t << 24 ), 0.f, -1, 2.f );
else if( condensed == 0 )
const auto coutline = drawState == LockState::HasLock ? 0xFF3BA33B : ( drawState == LockState::HasBlockingLock ? 0xFF3BA3A3 : 0xFF3B3BD6 );
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( pxend, double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ), coutline );
const auto rx0 = ( t0 - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
if( dsz >= MinVisSize )
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( rx0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( rx0+dsz, px1 ), offset + ty ), 0x882222DD );
if( rsz >= MinVisSize )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( rx0 + rsz, offset + round( ty/2 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( rx0 - rsz, offset + round( ty/2 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( rx0 + rsz, offset + round( ty/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( rx0 + rsz, offset + round( 3*ty/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( rx0 - rsz, offset + round( ty/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( rx0 - rsz, offset + round( 3*ty/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( px1 + rsz, offset + round( ty/2 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( px1 - rsz, offset + round( ty/2 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( px1 + rsz, offset + round( ty/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( px1 + rsz, offset + round( 3*ty/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( px1 - rsz, offset + round( ty/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( px1 - rsz, offset + round( 3*ty/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
vbegin = next;
if( drawn )
char buf[1024];
sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", v.first, m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), 0xFF8888FF, buf );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + ImGui::CalcTextSize( buf ).x, offset + ty ) ) )
switch( v.second.type )
case LockType::Lockable:
ImGui::Text( "Type: lockable" );
case LockType::SharedLockable:
ImGui::Text( "Type: shared lockable" );
assert( false );
ImGui::Text( "Thread list:" );
ImGui::Indent( ty );
for( const auto& t : v.second.threadList )
ImGui::Text( "%s", m_worker.GetThreadString( t ) );
ImGui::Unindent( ty );
ImGui::Text( "Lock events: %s", RealToString( v.second.timeline.size(), true ) );
return cnt;
enum { PlotHeight = 100 };
int View::DrawPlots( int offset, double pxns, const ImVec2& wpos, bool hover )
enum { MaxPoints = 512 };
float tmpvec[MaxPoints*2];
const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - 1;
const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize();
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const auto to = 9.f;
const auto th = ( ty - to ) * sqrt( 3 ) * 0.5;
const auto nspx = 1.0 / pxns;
for( const auto& v : m_worker.GetPlots() )
if( !Visible( v ) ) continue;
assert( !v->data.empty() );
bool& showFull = ShowFull( v );
if( showFull )
draw->AddTriangleFilled( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty - to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty * 0.5, offset + to/2 + th ), 0xFF44DDDD );
draw->AddTriangle( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + ty - to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2 + th, offset + ty * 0.5 ), 0xFF226E6E );
const auto txt = m_worker.GetString( v->name );
draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( ty, offset ), showFull ? 0xFF44DDDD : 0xFF226E6E, txt );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ty - 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ty - 1 ), 0x8844DDDD );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x, offset + ty ) ) )
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
showFull = !showFull;
const auto tr = v->data.back().time - v->data.front().time;
ImGui::Text( "Plot \"%s\"", txt );
ImGui::Text( "Data points: %s", RealToString( v->data.size(), true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Data range: %s", RealToString( v->max - v->min, true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Min value: %s", RealToString( v->min, true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Max value: %s", RealToString( v->max, true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Time range: %s", TimeToString( tr ) );
ImGui::Text( "Data/second: %s", RealToString( double( v->data.size() ) / tr * 1000000000ll, true ) );
const auto it = std::lower_bound( v->data.begin(), v->data.end(), v->data.back().time - 1000000000ll * 10, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time < r; } );
const auto tr10 = v->data.back().time - it->time;
if( tr10 != 0 )
ImGui::Text( "D/s (10s): %s", RealToString( double( std::distance( it, v->data.end() ) ) / tr10 * 1000000000ll, true ) );
offset += ty;
if( showFull )
const auto& vec = v->data;
auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), m_zvStart - m_worker.GetDelay(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time < r; } );
auto end = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_zvEnd + m_worker.GetResolution(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time < r; } );
if( end != vec.end() ) end++;
if( it != vec.begin() ) it--;
double min = it->val;
double max = it->val;
if( std::distance( it, end ) > 1000000 )
min = v->min;
max = v->max;
auto tmp = it;
const auto sz = end - tmp;
for( ptrdiff_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
min = tmp[i].val < min ? tmp[i].val : min;
max = tmp[i].val > max ? tmp[i].val : max;
tmp += sz;
const auto revrange = 1.0 / ( max - min );
if( it == vec.begin() )
const auto x = ( it->time - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto y = PlotHeight - ( it->val - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight;
DrawPlotPoint( wpos, x, y, offset, 0xFF44DDDD, hover, false, it->val, 0, false );
auto prevx = it;
auto prevy = it;
ptrdiff_t skip = 0;
while( it < end )
const auto x0 = ( prevx->time - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto x1 = ( it->time - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto y0 = PlotHeight - ( prevy->val - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight;
const auto y1 = PlotHeight - ( it->val - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight;
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x0, offset + y0 ), wpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + y1 ), 0xFF44DDDD );
const auto rx = skip == 0 ? 2.0 : ( skip == 1 ? 2.5 : 4.0 );
auto range = std::upper_bound( it, end, int64_t( it->time + nspx * rx ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r.time; } );
assert( range > it );
const auto rsz = std::distance( it, range );
if( rsz == 1 )
DrawPlotPoint( wpos, x1, y1, offset, 0xFF44DDDD, hover, true, it->val, prevy->val, false );
prevx = it;
prevy = it;
prevx = it;
skip = rsz / MaxPoints;
const auto skip1 = std::max<ptrdiff_t>( 1, skip );
const auto sz = rsz / skip1 + 1;
assert( sz <= MaxPoints*2 );
auto dst = tmpvec;
*dst++ = float( it->val );
if( std::distance( it, range ) > skip1 )
it += skip1;
pdqsort_branchless( tmpvec, dst );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + PlotHeight - ( tmpvec[0] - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight ), wpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + PlotHeight - ( dst[-1] - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight ), 0xFF44DDDD );
auto vit = tmpvec;
while( vit != dst )
auto vrange = std::upper_bound( vit, dst, *vit + 3.0 / ( revrange * PlotHeight ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r; } );
assert( vrange > vit );
if( std::distance( vit, vrange ) == 1 )
DrawPlotPoint( wpos, x1, PlotHeight - ( *vit - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight, offset, 0xFF44DDDD, hover, false, *vit, 0, false );
DrawPlotPoint( wpos, x1, PlotHeight - ( *vit - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight, offset, 0xFF44DDDD, hover, false, *vit, 0, true );
vit = vrange;
prevy = it - 1;
char tmp[64];
sprintf( tmp, "%s", RealToString( max, true ) );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), 0x8844DDDD, tmp );
offset += PlotHeight - ty;
sprintf( tmp, "%s", RealToString( min, true ) );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), 0x8844DDDD, tmp );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ty - 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ty - 1 ), 0x8844DDDD );
offset += ty;
offset += 0.2 * ty;
return offset;
void View::DrawPlotPoint( const ImVec2& wpos, float x, float y, int offset, uint32_t color, bool hover, bool hasPrev, double val, double prev, bool merged )
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
if( merged )
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( x - 1.5f, offset + y - 1.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2.5f, offset + y + 2.5f ), color );
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( x - 1.5f, offset + y - 1.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2.5f, offset + y + 2.5f ), color );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( x - 2, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2, offset + PlotHeight ) ) )
ImGui::Text( "Value: %s", RealToString( val, true ) );
if( hasPrev )
ImGui::Text( "Change: %s", RealToString( val - prev, true ) );
void View::DrawInfoWindow()
if( m_zoneInfoWindow )
else if( m_gpuInfoWindow )
void View::DrawZoneInfoWindow()
auto& ev = *m_zoneInfoWindow;
int dmul = 1;
bool show = true;
ImGui::Begin( "Zone info", &show );
if( ImGui::Button( "Zoom to zone" ) )
ZoomToZone( ev );
if( ImGui::Button( "Go to parent" ) )
auto parent = GetZoneParent( ev );
if( parent )
m_zoneInfoWindow = parent;
const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
if( )
ImGui::Text( "Zone name: %s", m_worker.GetString( ) );
ImGui::Text( "Function: %s", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) );
ImGui::Text( "Location: %s:%i", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ), srcloc.line );
if( )
ImGui::Text( "User text: %s", m_worker.GetString( ev.text ) );
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
const auto ztime = end - ev.start;
ImGui::Text( "Time from start of program: %s", TimeToString( ev.start - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 ) ) );
ImGui::Text( "Execution time: %s", TimeToString( ztime ) );
ImGui::Text( "Without profiling: %s", TimeToString( ztime - m_worker.GetDelay() * dmul ) );
auto ctt = std::make_unique<uint64_t[]>( ev.child.size() );
auto cti = std::make_unique<uint32_t[]>( ev.child.size() );
uint64_t ctime = 0;
for( size_t i=0; i<ev.child.size(); i++ )
const auto cend = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( *ev.child[i] );
const auto ct = cend - ev.child[i]->start;
ctime += ct;
ctt[i] = ct;
cti[i] = uint32_t( i );
std::sort( cti.get(), cti.get() + ev.child.size(), [&ctt] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return ctt[lhs] > ctt[rhs]; } );
if( !ev.child.empty() )
const auto ty = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight();
ImGui::Columns( 2 );
ImGui::Text( "Child zones: %s", RealToString( ev.child.size(), true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Exclusive time: %s (%.2f%%)", TimeToString( ztime - ctime ), double( ztime - ctime ) / ztime * 100 );
for( size_t i=0; i<ev.child.size(); i++ )
auto& cev = *ev.child[cti[i]];
const auto& csl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( cev.srcloc );
const auto txt = ? m_worker.GetString( ) : m_worker.GetString( csl.function );
bool b = false;
if( ImGui::Selectable( txt, &b, ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns ) )
m_zoneInfoWindow = &cev;
if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() )
m_zoneHighlight = &cev;
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 2 ) )
ZoomToZone( cev );
ZoneTooltip( cev );
const auto part = double( ctt[cti[i]] ) / ztime;
char buf[128];
sprintf( buf, "%s (%.2f%%)", TimeToString( ctt[cti[i]] ), part * 100 );
ImGui::ProgressBar( part, ImVec2( -1, ty ), buf );
if( !show ) m_zoneInfoWindow = nullptr;
void View::DrawGpuInfoWindow()
auto& ev = *m_gpuInfoWindow;
bool show = true;
ImGui::Begin( "Zone info", &show );
if( ImGui::Button( "Zoom to zone" ) )
ZoomToZone( ev );
if( ImGui::Button( "Go to parent" ) )
auto parent = GetZoneParent( ev );
if( parent )
m_gpuInfoWindow = parent;
const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
ImGui::Text( "Zone name: %s", m_worker.GetString( ) );
ImGui::Text( "Function: %s", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) );
ImGui::Text( "Location: %s:%i", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ), srcloc.line );
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
const auto ztime = end - ev.gpuStart;
ImGui::Text( "Time from start of program: %s", TimeToString( ev.gpuStart - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 ) ) );
ImGui::Text( "GPU execution time: %s", TimeToString( ztime ) );
ImGui::Text( "CPU command setup time: %s", TimeToString( ev.cpuEnd - ev.cpuStart ) );
ImGui::Text( "Delay to execution: %s", TimeToString( ev.gpuStart - ev.cpuStart ) );
auto ctt = std::make_unique<uint64_t[]>( ev.child.size() );
auto cti = std::make_unique<uint32_t[]>( ev.child.size() );
uint64_t ctime = 0;
for( size_t i=0; i<ev.child.size(); i++ )
const auto cend = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( *ev.child[i] );
const auto ct = cend - ev.child[i]->gpuStart;
ctime += ct;
ctt[i] = ct;
cti[i] = uint32_t( i );
std::sort( cti.get(), cti.get() + ev.child.size(), [&ctt] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return ctt[lhs] > ctt[rhs]; } );
if( !ev.child.empty() )
const auto ty = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight();
ImGui::Columns( 2 );
ImGui::Text( "Child zones: %s", RealToString( ev.child.size(), true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Exclusive time: %s (%.2f%%)", TimeToString( ztime - ctime ), double( ztime - ctime ) / ztime * 100 );
for( size_t i=0; i<ev.child.size(); i++ )
auto& cev = *ev.child[cti[i]];
const auto& csl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( cev.srcloc );
ImGui::Text( "%s", m_worker.GetString( ) );
if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() )
m_gpuHighlight = &cev;
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
m_gpuInfoWindow = &cev;
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 2 ) )
ZoomToZone( cev );
ZoneTooltip( cev );
const auto part = double( ctt[cti[i]] ) / ztime;
char buf[128];
sprintf( buf, "%s (%.2f%%)", TimeToString( ctt[cti[i]] ), part * 100 );
ImGui::ProgressBar( part, ImVec2( -1, ty ), buf );
if( !show ) m_gpuInfoWindow = nullptr;
void View::DrawOptions()
const auto tw = ImGui::GetFontSize();
ImGui::Begin( "Options", &m_showOptions, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize );
auto sz = m_worker.GetGpuData().size();
if( sz > 0 )
ImGui::Checkbox( "Draw GPU zones", &m_drawGpuZones );
const auto expand = ImGui::TreeNode( "GPU zones" );
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", sz );
if( expand )
for( size_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
char buf[1024];
sprintf( buf, "GPU context %zu", i );
ImGui::Checkbox( buf, &Visible( m_worker.GetGpuData()[i] ) );
ImGui::Checkbox( "Draw CPU zones", &m_drawZones );
int ns = (int)m_namespace;
ImGui::Combo( "Namespaces", &ns, "Full\0Shortened\0None\0" );
m_namespace = (Namespace)ns;
if( !m_worker.GetLockMap().empty() )
ImGui::Checkbox( "Draw locks", &m_drawLocks );
ImGui::Checkbox( "Only contended", &m_onlyContendedLocks );
const auto expand = ImGui::TreeNode( "Locks" );
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", m_worker.GetLockMap().size() );
if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() )
ImGui::Text( "Locks with no recorded events are counted, but not listed." );
if( expand )
for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() )
if( l.second.valid )
char buf[1024];
sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", l.first, m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second.srcloc ).function ) );
ImGui::Checkbox( buf, &Visible( &l.second ) );
if( !m_worker.GetPlots().empty() )
ImGui::Checkbox( "Draw plots", &m_drawPlots );
const auto expand = ImGui::TreeNode( "Plots" );
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", m_worker.GetPlots().size() );
if( expand )
for( const auto& p : m_worker.GetPlots() )
ImGui::Checkbox( m_worker.GetString( p->name ), &Visible( p ) );
const auto expand = ImGui::TreeNode( "Visible threads:" );
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%zu)", m_worker.GetThreadData().size() );
if( expand )
int idx = 0;
for( const auto& t : m_worker.GetThreadData() )
ImGui::PushID( idx++ );
ImGui::Checkbox( m_worker.GetThreadString( t->id ), &Visible( t ) );
void View::DrawMessages()
ImGui::Begin( "Messages", &m_showMessages );
for( const auto& v : m_worker.GetMessages() )
char tmp[64 * 1024];
sprintf( tmp, "%10s | %s", TimeToString( v->time - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 ) ), m_worker.GetString( v->ref ) );
if( m_msgHighlight == v )
ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0xDD / 255.f, 0x22 / 255.f, 0x22 / 255.f, 1.f ), "%s", tmp );
ImGui::Text( "%s", tmp );
if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() )
m_pause = true;
const auto hr = std::max<uint64_t>( 1, ( m_zvEnd - m_zvStart ) / 2 );
ZoomToRange( v->time - hr, v->time + hr );
void View::DrawFindZone()
ImGui::Begin( "Find Zone", & );
ImGui::InputText( "", m_findZone.pattern, 1024 );
const bool findClicked = ImGui::Button( "Find" );
if( ImGui::Button( "Clear" ) )
if( findClicked )
if( !m_findZone.match.empty() )
if( ImGui::TreeNode( "Matched source locations" ) )
int idx = 0;
for( auto& v : m_findZone.match )
auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( v.first );
bool tmp = v.second;
ImGui::PushID( idx++ );
ImGui::Checkbox( m_worker.GetString( ? : srcloc.function ), &tmp );
ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1 ), "%s:%i", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ), srcloc.line );
if( v.second != tmp ) v.second = tmp;
if( ImGui::TreeNode( "Histogram" ) )
const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize();
int64_t tmin = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
int64_t tmax = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min();
for( auto& v : m_findZone.match )
if( !v.second ) continue;
auto& zones = m_worker.GetZonesForSourceLocation( v.first );
for( auto& ev : zones )
const auto timeSpan = m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *ev ) - ev->start;
if( timeSpan != 0 )
tmin = std::min( tmin, timeSpan );
tmax = std::max( tmax, timeSpan );
if( tmin != std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() )
ImGui::Checkbox( "Log values", &m_findZone.logVal );
ImGui::Checkbox( "Log time", &m_findZone.logTime );
ImGui::Checkbox( "Cumulate time", &m_findZone.cumulateTime );
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(?)" );
if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() )
ImGui::Text( "Show total time taken by calls in each bin instead of call counts." );
ImGui::Text( "Time range: %s - %s (%s)", TimeToString( tmin ), TimeToString( tmax ), TimeToString( tmax - tmin ) );
const auto dt = double( tmax - tmin );
if( dt > 0 )
const auto w = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x;
const auto numBins = int64_t( w - 4 );
if( numBins > 1 )
auto bins = std::make_unique<int64_t[]>( numBins );
memset( bins.get(), 0, sizeof( int64_t ) * numBins );
auto binTime = std::make_unique<int64_t[]>( numBins );
memset( binTime.get(), 0, sizeof( int64_t ) * numBins );
int64_t selectionTime = 0;
if( )
const auto s = std::min( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end );
const auto e = std::max( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end );
if( m_findZone.logTime )
const auto tMinLog = log10( tmin );
const auto idt = numBins / ( log10( tmax ) - tMinLog );
for( auto& v : m_findZone.match )
if( !v.second ) continue;
auto& zones = m_worker.GetZonesForSourceLocation( v.first );
for( auto& ev : zones )
const auto timeSpan = m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *ev ) - ev->start;
if( timeSpan != 0 )
const auto bin = std::min( numBins - 1, int64_t( ( log10( timeSpan ) - tMinLog ) * idt ) );
binTime[bin] += timeSpan;
if( timeSpan >= s && timeSpan <= e ) selectionTime += timeSpan;
const auto idt = numBins / dt;
for( auto& v : m_findZone.match )
if( !v.second ) continue;
auto& zones = m_worker.GetZonesForSourceLocation( v.first );
for( auto& ev : zones )
const auto timeSpan = m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *ev ) - ev->start;
if( timeSpan != 0 )
const auto bin = std::min( numBins - 1, int64_t( ( timeSpan - tmin ) * idt ) );
binTime[bin] += timeSpan;
if( timeSpan >= s && timeSpan <= e ) selectionTime += timeSpan;
if( m_findZone.logTime )
const auto tMinLog = log10( tmin );
const auto idt = numBins / ( log10( tmax ) - tMinLog );
for( auto& v : m_findZone.match )
if( !v.second ) continue;
auto& zones = m_worker.GetZonesForSourceLocation( v.first );
for( auto& ev : zones )
const auto timeSpan = m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *ev ) - ev->start;
if( timeSpan != 0 )
const auto bin = std::min( numBins - 1, int64_t( ( log10( timeSpan ) - tMinLog ) * idt ) );
binTime[bin] += timeSpan;
const auto idt = numBins / dt;
for( auto& v : m_findZone.match )
if( !v.second ) continue;
auto& zones = m_worker.GetZonesForSourceLocation( v.first );
for( auto& ev : zones )
const auto timeSpan = m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *ev ) - ev->start;
if( timeSpan != 0 )
const auto bin = std::min( numBins - 1, int64_t( ( timeSpan - tmin ) * idt ) );
binTime[bin] += timeSpan;
int64_t timeTotal = binTime[0];
int64_t maxVal;
if( m_findZone.cumulateTime )
maxVal = binTime[0];
for( int i=1; i<numBins; i++ )
maxVal = std::max( maxVal, binTime[i] );
timeTotal += binTime[i];
maxVal = bins[0];
for( int i=1; i<numBins; i++ )
maxVal = std::max( maxVal, bins[i] );
timeTotal += binTime[i];
ImGui::Text( "Total time: %s", TimeToString( timeTotal ) );
ImGui::Text( "Max counts: %s", m_findZone.cumulateTime ? TimeToString( maxVal ) : RealToString( maxVal, true ) );
if( )
const auto s = std::min( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end );
const auto e = std::max( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end );
ImGui::Text( "Selection range: %s - %s (%s)", TimeToString( s ), TimeToString( e ), TimeToString( e - s ) );
ImGui::Text( "Selection range: none" );
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(?)" );
if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() )
ImGui::Text( "Left draw on histogram to select range. Right click to clear selection." );
if( )
ImGui::Text( "Selection time: %s", TimeToString( selectionTime ) );
ImGui::Text( "Selection time: none" );
enum { Height = 200 };
const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
ImGui::InvisibleButton( "##histogram", ImVec2( w, Height + round( ty * 1.5 ) ) );
const bool hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered();
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( w, Height ), 0x22FFFFFF );
draw->AddRect( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( w, Height ), 0x88FFFFFF );
if( m_findZone.logVal )
const auto hAdj = double( Height - 4 ) / log10( maxVal + 1 );
for( int i=0; i<numBins; i++ )
const auto val = m_findZone.cumulateTime ? binTime[i] : bins[i];
if( val > 0 )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 ), wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - log10( val + 1 ) * hAdj ), 0xFF22DDDD );
const auto hAdj = double( Height - 4 ) / maxVal;
for( int i=0; i<numBins; i++ )
const auto val = m_findZone.cumulateTime ? binTime[i] : bins[i];
if( val > 0 )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 ), wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - val * hAdj ), 0xFF22DDDD );
const auto xoff = 2;
const auto yoff = Height + 1;
if( m_findZone.logTime )
const auto ltmin = log10( tmin );
const auto ltmax = log10( tmax );
const auto start = int( floor( ltmin ) );
const auto end = int( ceil( ltmax ) );
const auto range = ltmax - ltmin;
const auto step = w / range;
auto offset = start - ltmin;
int tw = 0;
int tx = 0;
auto tt = int64_t( pow( 10, start ) );
static const double logticks[] = { log10( 2 ), log10( 3 ), log10( 4 ), log10( 5 ), log10( 6 ), log10( 7 ), log10( 8 ), log10( 9 ) };
for( int i=start; i<=end; i++ )
const auto x = ( i - start + offset ) * step;
if( x >= 0 )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x, yoff ), wpos + ImVec2( x, yoff + round( ty * 0.5 ) ), 0x66FFFFFF );
if( tw == 0 || x > tx + tw + ty * 1.1 )
tx = x;
auto txt = TimeToStringInteger( tt );
draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( x, yoff + round( ty * 0.5 ) ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt );
tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x;
for( int j=0; j<8; j++ )
const auto xoff = x + logticks[j] * step;
if( xoff >= 0 )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xoff, yoff ), wpos + ImVec2( xoff, yoff + round( ty * 0.25 ) ), 0x66FFFFFF );
tt *= 10;
const auto pxns = numBins / dt;
const auto nspx = 1.0 / pxns;
const auto scale = std::max( 0.0, round( log10( nspx ) + 2 ) );
const auto step = pow( 10, scale );
const auto dx = step * pxns;
double x = 0;
int tw = 0;
int tx = 0;
const auto sstep = step / 10.0;
const auto sdx = dx / 10.0;
static const double linelen[] = { 0.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.375, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 };
int64_t tt = int64_t( ceil( tmin / sstep ) * sstep );
const auto diff = tmin / sstep - int64_t( tmin / sstep );
const auto xo = ( diff == 0 ? 0 : ( ( 1 - diff ) * sstep * pxns ) ) + xoff;
int iter = int( ceil( ( tmin - int64_t( tmin / step ) * step ) / sstep ) );
while( x < numBins )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xo + x, yoff ), wpos + ImVec2( xo + x, yoff + round( ty * linelen[iter] ) ), 0x66FFFFFF );
if( iter == 0 && ( tw == 0 || x > tx + tw + ty * 1.1 ) )
tx = x;
auto txt = TimeToStringInteger( tt );
draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( xo + x, yoff + round( ty * 0.5 ) ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt );
tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x;
iter = ( iter + 1 ) % 10;
x += sdx;
tt += sstep;
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 2, 2 ), wpos + ImVec2( w-2, Height + round( ty * 1.5 ) ) ) )
const auto ltmin = log10( tmin );
const auto ltmax = log10( tmax );
auto& io = ImGui::GetIO();
draw->AddLine( ImVec2( io.MousePos.x, wpos.y ), ImVec2( io.MousePos.x, wpos.y+Height-2 ), 0x33FFFFFF );
const auto bin = double( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x - 2 );
int64_t t0, t1;
if( m_findZone.logTime )
t0 = int64_t( pow( 10, ltmin + bin / numBins * ( ltmax - ltmin ) ) );
t1 = int64_t( pow( 10, ltmin + (bin+1) / numBins * ( ltmax - ltmin ) ) );
t0 = int64_t( tmin + bin / numBins * ( tmax - tmin ) );
t1 = int64_t( tmin + (bin+1) / numBins * ( tmax - tmin ) );
int64_t tBefore = 0;
for( int i=0; i<bin; i++ )
tBefore += binTime[i];
int64_t tAfter = 0;
for( int i=bin+1; i<numBins; i++ )
tAfter += binTime[i];
ImGui::Text( "Time range: %s - %s", TimeToString( t0 ), TimeToString( t1 ) );
ImGui::Text( "Count: %" PRIu64, bins[bin] );
ImGui::Text( "Time spent in bin: %s", TimeToString( binTime[bin] ) );
ImGui::Text( "Time spent in the left bins: %s", TimeToString( tBefore ) );
ImGui::Text( "Time spent in the right bins: %s", TimeToString( tAfter ) );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 1 ) )
{ = false;
else if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
{ = true;
m_findZone.highlight.start = t0;
m_findZone.highlight.end = t1;
else if( ImGui::IsMouseDragging( 0, 0 ) )
m_findZone.highlight.end = t1 > m_findZone.highlight.start ? t1 : t0;
if( && m_findZone.highlight.start != m_findZone.highlight.end )
const auto s = std::min( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end );
const auto e = std::max( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end );
float t0, t1;
if( m_findZone.logTime )
const auto ltmin = log10( tmin );
const auto ltmax = log10( tmax );
t0 = ( log10( s ) - ltmin ) / float( ltmax - ltmin ) * numBins;
t1 = ( log10( e ) - ltmin ) / float( ltmax - ltmin ) * numBins;
t0 = ( s - tmin ) / float( tmax - tmin ) * numBins;
t1 = ( e - tmin ) / float( tmax - tmin ) * numBins;
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 2 + t0, 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( 2 + t1, Height-1 ), 0x22DD8888 );
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( 2 + t0, 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( 2 + t1, Height-1 ), 0x44DD8888 );
#if 0
ImGui::Text( "Found zones:" );
for( size_t i=0; i<m_findZone.result.size(); i++ )
auto& v = m_findZone.result[i];
ImGui::PushID( int( i ) );
const bool expand = ImGui::TreeNode( m_worker.GetThreadString( v->id ) );
ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f ), "(%s)", RealToString( m_findZone.counts[i], true ) );
if( expand )
ImGui::Columns( 3, m_worker.GetThreadString( v->id ) );
ImGui::Text( "Name" );
ImGui::Text( "Time from start" );
ImGui::Text( "Execution time" );
uint32_t cnt = 0;
for( auto& ev : v->timeline )
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *ev );
const auto timespan = end - ev->start;
if( )
const auto s = std::min( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end );
const auto e = std::max( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end );
if( timespan < s || timespan > e ) continue;
ImGui::PushID( ev );
auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev->srcloc );
if( ImGui::Selectable( m_worker.GetString( ? : srcloc.function ), m_zoneInfoWindow == ev, ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns ) )
m_zoneInfoWindow = ev;
if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() )
m_zoneHighlight = ev;
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 2 ) )
ZoomToZone( *ev );
ZoneTooltip( *ev );
ImGui::Text( TimeToString( ev->start - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 ) ) );
ImGui::Text( TimeToString( timespan ) );
ImGui::Columns( 1 );
m_findZone.counts[i] = cnt;
auto cnt = uint32_t( v->timeline.size() );
if( )
for( auto& ev : v->timeline )
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEndDirect( *ev );
const auto timespan = end - ev->start;
const auto s = std::min( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end );
const auto e = std::max( m_findZone.highlight.start, m_findZone.highlight.end );
if( timespan < s || timespan > e ) cnt--;
m_findZone.counts[i] = cnt;
uint32_t View::GetZoneColor( const ZoneEvent& ev )
const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
const auto color = srcloc.color;
return color != 0 ? ( color | 0xFF000000 ) : 0xFFCC5555;
uint32_t View::GetZoneColor( const GpuEvent& ev )
const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
const auto color = srcloc.color;
return color != 0 ? ( color | 0xFF000000 ) : 0xFF222288;
uint32_t View::GetZoneHighlight( const ZoneEvent& ev, bool migration )
if( m_zoneInfoWindow == &ev )
return 0xFF44DD44;
else if( m_zoneHighlight == &ev )
return 0xFF4444FF;
else if( migration )
return 0xFFDD22DD;
const auto color = GetZoneColor( ev );
return 0xFF000000 |
( std::min<int>( 0xFF, ( ( ( color & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 16 ) + 25 ) ) << 16 ) |
( std::min<int>( 0xFF, ( ( ( color & 0x0000FF00 ) >> 8 ) + 25 ) ) << 8 ) |
( std::min<int>( 0xFF, ( ( ( color & 0x000000FF ) ) + 25 ) ) );
uint32_t View::GetZoneHighlight( const GpuEvent& ev )
if( m_gpuInfoWindow == &ev )
return 0xFF44DD44;
else if( m_gpuHighlight == &ev )
return 0xFF4444FF;
const auto color = GetZoneColor( ev );
return 0xFF000000 |
( std::min<int>( 0xFF, ( ( ( color & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 16 ) + 25 ) ) << 16 ) |
( std::min<int>( 0xFF, ( ( ( color & 0x0000FF00 ) >> 8 ) + 25 ) ) << 8 ) |
( std::min<int>( 0xFF, ( ( ( color & 0x000000FF ) ) + 25 ) ) );
float View::GetZoneThickness( const ZoneEvent& ev )
if( m_zoneInfoWindow == &ev || m_zoneHighlight == &ev )
return 3.f;
return 1.f;
float View::GetZoneThickness( const GpuEvent& ev )
if( m_gpuInfoWindow == &ev || m_gpuHighlight == &ev )
return 3.f;
return 1.f;
void View::ZoomToZone( const ZoneEvent& ev )
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
if( end - ev.start <= 0 ) return;
ZoomToRange( ev.start, end );
void View::ZoomToZone( const GpuEvent& ev )
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
if( end - ev.gpuStart <= 0 ) return;
ZoomToRange( ev.gpuStart, end );
void View::ZoomToRange( int64_t start, int64_t end )
m_pause = true; = true;
m_zoomAnim.start0 = m_zvStart;
m_zoomAnim.start1 = start;
m_zoomAnim.end0 = m_zvEnd;
m_zoomAnim.end1 = end;
m_zoomAnim.progress = 0;
const auto d0 = double( m_zoomAnim.end0 - m_zoomAnim.start0 );
const auto d1 = double( m_zoomAnim.end1 - m_zoomAnim.start1 );
const auto diff = d0>d1 ? d0/d1 : d1/d0;
m_zoomAnim.lenMod = 10.0 / log10( diff );
void View::ZoneTooltip( const ZoneEvent& ev )
int dmul = ? 2 : 1;
auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
const auto filename = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file );
const auto line = srcloc.line;
const char* func;
const char* zoneName;
if( )
zoneName = m_worker.GetString( );
func = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function );
func = zoneName = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function );
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
if( )
ImGui::Text( "%s", zoneName );
ImGui::Text( "%s", func );
ImGui::Text( "%s", func );
ImGui::Text( "%s:%i", filename, line );
ImGui::Text( "Execution time: %s", TimeToString( end - ev.start ) );
ImGui::Text( "Without profiling: %s", TimeToString( end - ev.start - m_worker.GetDelay() * dmul ) );
if( ev.cpu_start != -1 )
if( ev.end == -1 || ev.cpu_start == ev.cpu_end )
ImGui::Text( "CPU: %i", ev.cpu_start );
ImGui::Text( "CPU: %i -> %i", ev.cpu_start, ev.cpu_end );
if( )
ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0xCC / 255.f, 0xCC / 255.f, 0x22 / 255.f, 1.f ), "%s", m_worker.GetString( ev.text ) );
void View::ZoneTooltip( const GpuEvent& ev )
const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
const auto name = m_worker.GetString( );
const auto filename = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file );
const auto line = srcloc.line;
const auto func = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function );
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
ImGui::Text( "%s", name );
ImGui::Text( "%s", func );
ImGui::Text( "%s:%i", filename, line );
ImGui::Text( "GPU execution time: %s", TimeToString( end - ev.gpuStart ) );
ImGui::Text( "CPU command setup time: %s", TimeToString( ev.cpuEnd - ev.cpuStart ) );
ImGui::Text( "Delay to execution: %s", TimeToString( ev.gpuStart - ev.cpuStart ) );
const ZoneEvent* View::GetZoneParent( const ZoneEvent& zone ) const
for( const auto& thread : m_worker.GetThreadData() )
const ZoneEvent* parent = nullptr;
const Vector<ZoneEvent*>* timeline = &thread->timeline;
if( timeline->empty() ) continue;
auto it = std::upper_bound( timeline->begin(), timeline->end(), zone.start, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r->start; } );
if( it != timeline->begin() ) --it;
if( zone.end != -1 && (*it)->start > zone.end ) break;
if( *it == &zone ) return parent;
if( (*it)->child.empty() ) break;
parent = *it;
timeline = &parent->child;
return nullptr;
const GpuEvent* View::GetZoneParent( const GpuEvent& zone ) const
for( const auto& ctx : m_worker.GetGpuData() )
const GpuEvent* parent = nullptr;
const Vector<GpuEvent*>* timeline = &ctx->timeline;
if( timeline->empty() ) continue;
auto it = std::upper_bound( timeline->begin(), timeline->end(), zone.gpuStart, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r->gpuStart; } );
if( it != timeline->begin() ) --it;
if( zone.gpuEnd != -1 && (*it)->gpuStart > zone.gpuEnd ) break;
if( *it == &zone ) return parent;
if( (*it)->child.empty() ) break;
parent = *it;
timeline = &parent->child;
return nullptr;
void View::FindZones()
const auto match = m_worker.GetMatchingSourceLocation( m_findZone.pattern );
if( match.empty() ) return;
m_findZone.match.reserve( match.size() );
for( auto& v : match )
if( !m_worker.GetZonesForSourceLocation( v ).empty() )
m_findZone.match.emplace( v, true );