Bartosz Taudul 745b795d50
Detect context switch callstack samples.
Context switch callstack samples are not included in the sampling data
statistics (as these don't represent random sampling), but are rather put into
a separate dedicated data structure.

For this to work, a complete context switch data has to be available for the
callstack timestamp. There is no guarantee it will be present at the time it
is needed, so a second structure is added to allow postponing qualification of
2021-11-13 02:40:32 +01:00

859 lines
25 KiB

#ifndef __TRACYEVENT_HPP__
#define __TRACYEVENT_HPP__
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include "TracyCharUtil.hpp"
#include "TracyShortPtr.hpp"
#include "TracySortedVector.hpp"
#include "TracyVector.hpp"
#include "tracy_robin_hood.h"
#include "../common/TracyForceInline.hpp"
#include "../common/TracyQueue.hpp"
namespace tracy
#pragma pack( 1 )
struct StringRef
enum Type { Ptr, Idx };
tracy_force_inline StringRef() : str( 0 ), __data( 0 ) {}
tracy_force_inline StringRef( Type t, uint64_t data )
: str( data )
, __data( 0 )
isidx = t == Idx;
active = 1;
uint64_t str;
uint8_t isidx : 1;
uint8_t active : 1;
uint8_t __data;
struct StringRefHasher
size_t operator()( const StringRef& key ) const
return charutil::hash( (const char*)&key, sizeof( StringRef ) );
struct StringRefComparator
bool operator()( const StringRef& lhs, const StringRef& rhs ) const
return memcmp( &lhs, &rhs, sizeof( StringRef ) ) == 0;
class StringIdx
tracy_force_inline StringIdx() { memset( m_idx, 0, sizeof( m_idx ) ); }
tracy_force_inline StringIdx( uint32_t idx )
SetIdx( idx );
tracy_force_inline void SetIdx( uint32_t idx )
memcpy( m_idx, &idx, 3 );
tracy_force_inline uint32_t Idx() const
uint32_t idx = 0;
memcpy( &idx, m_idx, 3 );
assert( idx != 0 );
return idx - 1;
tracy_force_inline bool Active() const
uint32_t zero = 0;
return memcmp( m_idx, &zero, 3 ) != 0;
uint8_t m_idx[3];
struct StringIdxHasher
size_t operator()( const StringIdx& key ) const
return charutil::hash( (const char*)&key, sizeof( StringIdx ) );
struct StringIdxComparator
bool operator()( const StringIdx& lhs, const StringIdx& rhs ) const
return memcmp( &lhs, &rhs, sizeof( StringIdx ) ) == 0;
class Int24
tracy_force_inline Int24() { memset( m_val, 0, sizeof( m_val ) ); }
tracy_force_inline Int24( uint32_t val )
SetVal( val );
tracy_force_inline void SetVal( uint32_t val )
memcpy( m_val, &val, 2 );
val >>= 16;
memcpy( m_val+2, &val, 1 );
tracy_force_inline uint32_t Val() const
uint8_t hi;
memcpy( &hi, m_val+2, 1 );
uint16_t lo;
memcpy( &lo, m_val, 2 );
return ( uint32_t( hi ) << 16 ) | lo;
uint8_t m_val[3];
class Int48
tracy_force_inline Int48() {}
tracy_force_inline Int48( int64_t val )
SetVal( val );
tracy_force_inline void Clear()
memset( m_val, 0, 6 );
tracy_force_inline void SetVal( int64_t val )
memcpy( m_val, &val, 4 );
val >>= 32;
memcpy( m_val+4, &val, 2 );
tracy_force_inline int64_t Val() const
int16_t hi;
memcpy( &hi, m_val+4, 2 );
uint32_t lo;
memcpy( &lo, m_val, 4 );
return ( int64_t( uint64_t( hi ) << 32 ) ) | lo;
tracy_force_inline bool IsNonNegative() const
return ( m_val[5] >> 7 ) == 0;
uint8_t m_val[6];
struct Int48Sort { bool operator()( const Int48& lhs, const Int48& rhs ) { return lhs.Val() < rhs.Val(); }; };
struct SourceLocationBase
StringRef name;
StringRef function;
StringRef file;
uint32_t line;
uint32_t color;
struct SourceLocation : public SourceLocationBase
mutable uint32_t namehash;
enum { SourceLocationSize = sizeof( SourceLocation ) };
struct ZoneEvent
tracy_force_inline ZoneEvent() {};
tracy_force_inline int64_t Start() const { return int64_t( _start_srcloc ) >> 16; }
tracy_force_inline void SetStart( int64_t start ) { assert( start < (int64_t)( 1ull << 47 ) ); memcpy( ((char*)&_start_srcloc)+2, &start, 4 ); memcpy( ((char*)&_start_srcloc)+6, ((char*)&start)+4, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline int64_t End() const { return int64_t( _end_child1 ) >> 16; }
tracy_force_inline void SetEnd( int64_t end ) { assert( end < (int64_t)( 1ull << 47 ) ); memcpy( ((char*)&_end_child1)+2, &end, 4 ); memcpy( ((char*)&_end_child1)+6, ((char*)&end)+4, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline bool IsEndValid() const { return ( _end_child1 >> 63 ) == 0; }
tracy_force_inline int16_t SrcLoc() const { return int16_t( _start_srcloc & 0xFFFF ); }
tracy_force_inline void SetSrcLoc( int16_t srcloc ) { memcpy( &_start_srcloc, &srcloc, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline int32_t Child() const { int32_t child; memcpy( &child, &_child2, 4 ); return child; }
tracy_force_inline void SetChild( int32_t child ) { memcpy( &_child2, &child, 4 ); }
tracy_force_inline bool HasChildren() const { uint8_t tmp; memcpy( &tmp, ((char*)&_end_child1)+1, 1 ); return ( tmp >> 7 ) == 0; }
tracy_force_inline void SetStartSrcLoc( int64_t start, int16_t srcloc ) { assert( start < (int64_t)( 1ull << 47 ) ); start <<= 16; start |= uint16_t( srcloc ); memcpy( &_start_srcloc, &start, 8 ); }
uint64_t _start_srcloc;
uint16_t _child2;
uint64_t _end_child1;
uint32_t extra;
enum { ZoneEventSize = sizeof( ZoneEvent ) };
static_assert( std::is_standard_layout<ZoneEvent>::value, "ZoneEvent is not standard layout" );
struct ZoneExtra
Int24 callstack;
StringIdx text;
StringIdx name;
Int24 color;
enum { ZoneExtraSize = sizeof( ZoneExtra ) };
// This union exploits the fact that the current implementations of x64 and arm64 do not provide
// full 64 bit address space. The high bits must be bit-extended, so 0x80... is an invalid pointer.
// This allows using the highest bit as a selector between a native pointer and a table index here.
union CallstackFrameId
uint64_t idx : 62;
uint64_t sel : 1;
uint64_t custom : 1;
uint64_t data;
enum { CallstackFrameIdSize = sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) };
static tracy_force_inline bool operator==( const CallstackFrameId& lhs, const CallstackFrameId& rhs ) { return ==; }
struct SampleData
Int48 time;
Int24 callstack;
enum { SampleDataSize = sizeof( SampleData ) };
struct SampleDataRange
Int48 time;
uint16_t thread;
CallstackFrameId ip;
enum { SampleDataRangeSize = sizeof( SampleDataRange ) };
struct HwSampleData
SortedVector<Int48, Int48Sort> cycles;
SortedVector<Int48, Int48Sort> retired;
SortedVector<Int48, Int48Sort> cacheRef;
SortedVector<Int48, Int48Sort> cacheMiss;
SortedVector<Int48, Int48Sort> branchRetired;
SortedVector<Int48, Int48Sort> branchMiss;
bool is_sorted() const
cycles.is_sorted() &&
retired.is_sorted() &&
cacheRef.is_sorted() &&
cacheMiss.is_sorted() &&
branchRetired.is_sorted() &&
void sort()
if( !cycles.is_sorted() ) cycles.sort();
if( !retired.is_sorted() ) retired.sort();
if( !cacheRef.is_sorted() ) cacheRef.sort();
if( !cacheMiss.is_sorted() ) cacheMiss.sort();
if( !branchRetired.is_sorted() ) branchRetired.sort();
if( !branchMiss.is_sorted() ) branchMiss.sort();
enum { HwSampleDataSize = sizeof( HwSampleData ) };
struct LockEvent
enum class Type : uint8_t
tracy_force_inline int64_t Time() const { return int64_t( _time_srcloc ) >> 16; }
tracy_force_inline void SetTime( int64_t time ) { assert( time < (int64_t)( 1ull << 47 ) ); memcpy( ((char*)&_time_srcloc)+2, &time, 4 ); memcpy( ((char*)&_time_srcloc)+6, ((char*)&time)+4, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline int16_t SrcLoc() const { return int16_t( _time_srcloc & 0xFFFF ); }
tracy_force_inline void SetSrcLoc( int16_t srcloc ) { memcpy( &_time_srcloc, &srcloc, 2 ); }
uint64_t _time_srcloc;
uint8_t thread;
Type type;
struct LockEventShared : public LockEvent
uint64_t waitShared;
uint64_t sharedList;
struct LockEventPtr
short_ptr<LockEvent> ptr;
uint8_t lockingThread;
uint8_t lockCount;
uint64_t waitList;
enum { LockEventSize = sizeof( LockEvent ) };
enum { LockEventSharedSize = sizeof( LockEventShared ) };
enum { LockEventPtrSize = sizeof( LockEventPtr ) };
enum { MaxLockThreads = sizeof( LockEventPtr::waitList ) * 8 };
static_assert( std::numeric_limits<decltype(LockEventPtr::lockCount)>::max() >= MaxLockThreads, "Not enough space for lock count." );
struct GpuEvent
tracy_force_inline int64_t CpuStart() const { return int64_t( _cpuStart_srcloc ) >> 16; }
tracy_force_inline void SetCpuStart( int64_t cpuStart ) { assert( cpuStart < (int64_t)( 1ull << 47 ) ); memcpy( ((char*)&_cpuStart_srcloc)+2, &cpuStart, 4 ); memcpy( ((char*)&_cpuStart_srcloc)+6, ((char*)&cpuStart)+4, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline int64_t CpuEnd() const { return int64_t( _cpuEnd_thread ) >> 16; }
tracy_force_inline void SetCpuEnd( int64_t cpuEnd ) { assert( cpuEnd < (int64_t)( 1ull << 47 ) ); memcpy( ((char*)&_cpuEnd_thread)+2, &cpuEnd, 4 ); memcpy( ((char*)&_cpuEnd_thread)+6, ((char*)&cpuEnd)+4, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline int64_t GpuStart() const { return int64_t( _gpuStart_child1 ) >> 16; }
tracy_force_inline void SetGpuStart( int64_t gpuStart ) { /*assert( gpuStart < (int64_t)( 1ull << 47 ) );*/ memcpy( ((char*)&_gpuStart_child1)+2, &gpuStart, 4 ); memcpy( ((char*)&_gpuStart_child1)+6, ((char*)&gpuStart)+4, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline int64_t GpuEnd() const { return int64_t( _gpuEnd_child2 ) >> 16; }
tracy_force_inline void SetGpuEnd( int64_t gpuEnd ) { assert( gpuEnd < (int64_t)( 1ull << 47 ) ); memcpy( ((char*)&_gpuEnd_child2)+2, &gpuEnd, 4 ); memcpy( ((char*)&_gpuEnd_child2)+6, ((char*)&gpuEnd)+4, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline int16_t SrcLoc() const { return int16_t( _cpuStart_srcloc & 0xFFFF ); }
tracy_force_inline void SetSrcLoc( int16_t srcloc ) { memcpy( &_cpuStart_srcloc, &srcloc, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline uint16_t Thread() const { return uint16_t( _cpuEnd_thread & 0xFFFF ); }
tracy_force_inline void SetThread( uint16_t thread ) { memcpy( &_cpuEnd_thread, &thread, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline int32_t Child() const { return int32_t( uint32_t( _gpuStart_child1 & 0xFFFF ) | ( uint32_t( _gpuEnd_child2 & 0xFFFF ) << 16 ) ); }
tracy_force_inline void SetChild( int32_t child ) { memcpy( &_gpuStart_child1, &child, 2 ); memcpy( &_gpuEnd_child2, ((char*)&child)+2, 2 ); }
uint64_t _cpuStart_srcloc;
uint64_t _cpuEnd_thread;
uint64_t _gpuStart_child1;
uint64_t _gpuEnd_child2;
Int24 callstack;
enum { GpuEventSize = sizeof( GpuEvent ) };
static_assert( std::is_standard_layout<GpuEvent>::value, "GpuEvent is not standard layout" );
struct MemEvent
tracy_force_inline uint64_t Ptr() const { return uint64_t( int64_t( _ptr_csalloc1 ) >> 8 ); }
tracy_force_inline void SetPtr( uint64_t ptr ) { memcpy( ((char*)&_ptr_csalloc1)+1, &ptr, 4 ); memcpy( ((char*)&_ptr_csalloc1)+5, ((char*)&ptr)+4, 2 ); memcpy( ((char*)&_ptr_csalloc1)+7, ((char*)&ptr)+6, 1 ); }
tracy_force_inline uint64_t Size() const { return _size_csalloc2 >> 16; }
tracy_force_inline void SetSize( uint64_t size ) { assert( size < ( 1ull << 47 ) ); memcpy( ((char*)&_size_csalloc2)+2, &size, 4 ); memcpy( ((char*)&_size_csalloc2)+6, ((char*)&size)+4, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline uint32_t CsAlloc() const { return uint8_t( _ptr_csalloc1 ) | ( uint16_t( _size_csalloc2 ) << 8 ); }
tracy_force_inline void SetCsAlloc( uint32_t csAlloc ) { memcpy( &_ptr_csalloc1, &csAlloc, 1 ); memcpy( &_size_csalloc2, ((char*)&csAlloc)+1, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline int64_t TimeAlloc() const { return int64_t( _time_thread_alloc ) >> 16; }
tracy_force_inline void SetTimeAlloc( int64_t time ) { assert( time < (int64_t)( 1ull << 47 ) ); memcpy( ((char*)&_time_thread_alloc)+2, &time, 4 ); memcpy( ((char*)&_time_thread_alloc)+6, ((char*)&time)+4, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline int64_t TimeFree() const { return int64_t( _time_thread_free ) >> 16; }
tracy_force_inline void SetTimeFree( int64_t time ) { assert( time < (int64_t)( 1ull << 47 ) ); memcpy( ((char*)&_time_thread_free)+2, &time, 4 ); memcpy( ((char*)&_time_thread_free)+6, ((char*)&time)+4, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline uint16_t ThreadAlloc() const { return uint16_t( _time_thread_alloc ); }
tracy_force_inline void SetThreadAlloc( uint16_t thread ) { memcpy( &_time_thread_alloc, &thread, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline uint16_t ThreadFree() const { return uint16_t( _time_thread_free ); }
tracy_force_inline void SetThreadFree( uint16_t thread ) { memcpy( &_time_thread_free, &thread, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline void SetTimeThreadAlloc( int64_t time, uint16_t thread ) { time <<= 16; time |= thread; memcpy( &_time_thread_alloc, &time, 8 ); }
tracy_force_inline void SetTimeThreadFree( int64_t time, uint16_t thread ) { uint64_t t; memcpy( &t, &time, 8 ); t <<= 16; t |= thread; memcpy( &_time_thread_free, &t, 8 ); }
uint64_t _ptr_csalloc1;
uint64_t _size_csalloc2;
Int24 csFree;
uint64_t _time_thread_alloc;
uint64_t _time_thread_free;
enum { MemEventSize = sizeof( MemEvent ) };
static_assert( std::is_standard_layout<MemEvent>::value, "MemEvent is not standard layout" );
struct CallstackFrameBasic
StringIdx name;
StringIdx file;
uint32_t line;
struct CallstackFrame : public CallstackFrameBasic
uint64_t symAddr;
struct SymbolData : public CallstackFrameBasic
StringIdx imageName;
StringIdx callFile;
uint32_t callLine;
uint8_t isInline;
Int24 size;
enum { CallstackFrameBasicSize = sizeof( CallstackFrameBasic ) };
enum { CallstackFrameSize = sizeof( CallstackFrame ) };
enum { SymbolDataSize = sizeof( SymbolData ) };
struct SymbolLocation
uint64_t addr;
uint32_t len;
enum { SymbolLocationSize = sizeof( SymbolLocation ) };
struct CallstackFrameData
short_ptr<CallstackFrame> data;
uint8_t size;
StringIdx imageName;
enum { CallstackFrameDataSize = sizeof( CallstackFrameData ) };
struct CallstackFrameTree
CallstackFrameTree( CallstackFrameId id ) : frame( id ), alloc( 0 ), count( 0 ) {}
CallstackFrameId frame;
uint64_t alloc;
uint32_t count;
unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, CallstackFrameTree> children;
unordered_flat_set<uint32_t> callstacks;
enum { CallstackFrameTreeSize = sizeof( CallstackFrameTree ) };
struct CrashEvent
uint64_t thread = 0;
int64_t time = 0;
uint64_t message = 0;
uint32_t callstack = 0;
enum { CrashEventSize = sizeof( CrashEvent ) };
struct ContextSwitchData
enum : int8_t { Fiber = 99 };
enum : int8_t { NoState = 100 };
enum : int8_t { Wakeup = -2 };
tracy_force_inline int64_t Start() const { return int64_t( _start_cpu ) >> 16; }
tracy_force_inline void SetStart( int64_t start ) { assert( start < (int64_t)( 1ull << 47 ) ); memcpy( ((char*)&_start_cpu)+2, &start, 4 ); memcpy( ((char*)&_start_cpu)+6, ((char*)&start)+4, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline int64_t End() const { return int64_t( _end_reason_state ) >> 16; }
tracy_force_inline void SetEnd( int64_t end ) { assert( end < (int64_t)( 1ull << 47 ) ); memcpy( ((char*)&_end_reason_state)+2, &end, 4 ); memcpy( ((char*)&_end_reason_state)+6, ((char*)&end)+4, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline bool IsEndValid() const { return ( _end_reason_state >> 63 ) == 0; }
tracy_force_inline uint8_t Cpu() const { return uint8_t( _start_cpu & 0xFF ); }
tracy_force_inline void SetCpu( uint8_t cpu ) { memcpy( &_start_cpu, &cpu, 1 ); }
tracy_force_inline int8_t Reason() const { return int8_t( (_end_reason_state >> 8) & 0xFF ); }
tracy_force_inline void SetReason( int8_t reason ) { memcpy( ((char*)&_end_reason_state)+1, &reason, 1 ); }
tracy_force_inline int8_t State() const { return int8_t( _end_reason_state & 0xFF ); }
tracy_force_inline void SetState( int8_t state ) { memcpy( &_end_reason_state, &state, 1 ); }
tracy_force_inline int64_t WakeupVal() const { return _wakeup.Val(); }
tracy_force_inline void SetWakeup( int64_t wakeup ) { assert( wakeup < (int64_t)( 1ull << 47 ) ); _wakeup.SetVal( wakeup ); }
tracy_force_inline uint16_t Thread() const { return _thread; }
tracy_force_inline void SetThread( uint16_t thread ) { _thread = thread; }
tracy_force_inline void SetStartCpu( int64_t start, uint8_t cpu ) { assert( start < (int64_t)( 1ull << 47 ) ); _start_cpu = ( uint64_t( start ) << 16 ) | cpu; }
tracy_force_inline void SetEndReasonState( int64_t end, int8_t reason, int8_t state ) { assert( end < (int64_t)( 1ull << 47 ) ); _end_reason_state = ( uint64_t( end ) << 16 ) | ( uint64_t( reason ) << 8 ) | uint8_t( state ); }
uint64_t _start_cpu;
uint64_t _end_reason_state;
Int48 _wakeup;
uint16_t _thread;
enum { ContextSwitchDataSize = sizeof( ContextSwitchData ) };
struct ContextSwitchCpu
tracy_force_inline int64_t Start() const { return int64_t( _start_thread ) >> 16; }
tracy_force_inline void SetStart( int64_t start ) { assert( start < (int64_t)( 1ull << 47 ) ); memcpy( ((char*)&_start_thread)+2, &start, 4 ); memcpy( ((char*)&_start_thread)+6, ((char*)&start)+4, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline int64_t End() const { int64_t v; memcpy( &v, ((char*)&_end)-2, 8 ); return v >> 16; }
tracy_force_inline void SetEnd( int64_t end ) { assert( end < (int64_t)( 1ull << 47 ) ); _end.SetVal( end ); }
tracy_force_inline bool IsEndValid() const { return _end.IsNonNegative(); }
tracy_force_inline uint16_t Thread() const { return uint16_t( _start_thread ); }
tracy_force_inline void SetThread( uint16_t thread ) { memcpy( &_start_thread, &thread, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline void SetStartThread( int64_t start, uint16_t thread ) { assert( start < (int64_t)( 1ull << 47 ) ); _start_thread = ( uint64_t( start ) << 16 ) | thread; }
uint64_t _start_thread;
Int48 _end;
enum { ContextSwitchCpuSize = sizeof( ContextSwitchCpu ) };
struct ContextSwitchUsage
ContextSwitchUsage() {}
ContextSwitchUsage( int64_t time, uint8_t other, uint8_t own ) { SetTime( time ); SetOther( other ); SetOwn( own ); }
tracy_force_inline int64_t Time() const { return int64_t( _time_other_own ) >> 16; }
tracy_force_inline void SetTime( int64_t time ) { assert( time < (int64_t)( 1ull << 47 ) ); memcpy( ((char*)&_time_other_own)+2, &time, 4 ); memcpy( ((char*)&_time_other_own)+6, ((char*)&time)+4, 2 ); }
tracy_force_inline uint8_t Other() const { return uint8_t( _time_other_own ); }
tracy_force_inline void SetOther( uint8_t other ) { memcpy( &_time_other_own, &other, 1 ); }
tracy_force_inline uint8_t Own() const { uint8_t v; memcpy( &v, ((char*)&_time_other_own)+1, 1 );return v; }
tracy_force_inline void SetOwn( uint8_t own ) { memcpy( ((char*)&_time_other_own)+1, &own, 1 ); }
uint64_t _time_other_own;
enum { ContextSwitchUsageSize = sizeof( ContextSwitchUsage ) };
struct MessageData
int64_t time;
StringRef ref;
uint16_t thread;
uint32_t color;
Int24 callstack;
enum { MessageDataSize = sizeof( MessageData ) };
struct PlotItem
Int48 time;
double val;
enum { PlotItemSize = sizeof( PlotItem ) };
struct FrameEvent
int64_t start;
int64_t end;
int32_t frameImage;
enum { FrameEventSize = sizeof( FrameEvent ) };
struct FrameImage
short_ptr<const char> ptr;
uint32_t csz;
uint16_t w, h;
uint32_t frameRef;
uint8_t flip;
enum { FrameImageSize = sizeof( FrameImage ) };
struct GhostZone
Int48 start, end;
Int24 frame;
int32_t child;
enum { GhostZoneSize = sizeof( GhostZone ) };
#pragma pack()
using SrcLocCountMap = unordered_flat_map<int16_t, size_t>;
static tracy_force_inline void IncSrcLocCount( SrcLocCountMap& countMap, int16_t srcloc )
const auto it = countMap.find( srcloc );
if( it == countMap.end() )
countMap.emplace( srcloc, 1 );
assert( it->second != 0 );
static tracy_force_inline bool DecSrcLocCount( SrcLocCountMap& countMap, int16_t srcloc )
const auto it = countMap.find( srcloc );
assert( it != countMap.end() );
assert( it->second != 0 );
if( it->second == 1 )
countMap.erase( it );
return false;
return true;
static tracy_force_inline bool HasSrcLocCount( const SrcLocCountMap& countMap, int16_t srcloc )
const auto it = countMap.find( srcloc );
if( it != countMap.end() )
assert( it->second != 0 );
return true;
return false;
struct ThreadData
uint64_t id;
uint64_t count;
Vector<short_ptr<ZoneEvent>> timeline;
Vector<short_ptr<ZoneEvent>> stack;
SrcLocCountMap stackCount;
Vector<short_ptr<MessageData>> messages;
uint32_t nextZoneId;
Vector<uint32_t> zoneIdStack;
Vector<int64_t> childTimeStack;
Vector<GhostZone> ghostZones;
uint64_t ghostIdx;
Vector<SampleData> postponedSamples;
Vector<SampleData> samples;
SampleData pendingSample;
Vector<SampleData> ctxSwitchSamples;
uint64_t kernelSampleCnt;
uint8_t isFiber;
ThreadData* fiber;
tracy_force_inline void IncStackCount( int16_t srcloc ) { IncSrcLocCount( stackCount, srcloc ); }
tracy_force_inline bool DecStackCount( int16_t srcloc ) { return DecSrcLocCount( stackCount, srcloc ); }
struct GpuCtxThreadData
Vector<short_ptr<GpuEvent>> timeline;
Vector<short_ptr<GpuEvent>> stack;
struct GpuCtxData
int64_t timeDiff;
uint64_t thread;
uint64_t count;
float period;
GpuContextType type;
bool hasPeriod;
bool hasCalibration;
int64_t calibratedGpuTime;
int64_t calibratedCpuTime;
double calibrationMod;
int64_t lastGpuTime;
uint64_t overflow;
uint32_t overflowMul;
StringIdx name;
unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, GpuCtxThreadData> threadData;
short_ptr<GpuEvent> query[64*1024];
enum { GpuCtxDataSize = sizeof( GpuCtxData ) };
enum class LockType : uint8_t;
struct LockMap
struct TimeRange
int64_t start = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
int64_t end = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min();
StringIdx customName;
int16_t srcloc;
Vector<LockEventPtr> timeline;
unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, uint8_t> threadMap;
std::vector<uint64_t> threadList;
LockType type;
int64_t timeAnnounce;
int64_t timeTerminate;
bool valid;
bool isContended;
TimeRange range[64];
struct LockHighlight
int64_t id;
int64_t begin;
int64_t end;
uint8_t thread;
bool blocked;
enum class PlotType : uint8_t
enum class PlotValueFormatting : uint8_t
struct PlotData
struct PlotItemSort { bool operator()( const PlotItem& lhs, const PlotItem& rhs ) { return lhs.time.Val() < rhs.time.Val(); }; };
uint64_t name;
double min;
double max;
double sum;
SortedVector<PlotItem, PlotItemSort> data;
PlotType type;
PlotValueFormatting format;
struct MemData
Vector<MemEvent> data;
Vector<uint32_t> frees;
unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, size_t> active;
uint64_t high = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::min();
uint64_t low = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
uint64_t usage = 0;
PlotData* plot = nullptr;
bool reconstruct = false;
uint64_t name = 0;
struct FrameData
uint64_t name;
Vector<FrameEvent> frames;
uint8_t continuous;
int64_t min = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
int64_t max = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min();
int64_t total = 0;
double sumSq = 0;
struct StringLocation
const char* ptr;
uint32_t idx;
struct SourceLocationHasher
size_t operator()( const SourceLocation* ptr ) const
return charutil::hash( (const char*)ptr, sizeof( SourceLocationBase ) );
struct SourceLocationComparator
bool operator()( const SourceLocation* lhs, const SourceLocation* rhs ) const
return memcmp( lhs, rhs, sizeof( SourceLocationBase ) ) == 0;
struct ContextSwitch
Vector<ContextSwitchData> v;
int64_t runningTime = 0;
struct CpuData
Vector<ContextSwitchCpu> cs;
struct CpuThreadData
int64_t runningTime = 0;
uint32_t runningRegions = 0;
uint32_t migrations = 0;
enum { CpuThreadDataSize = sizeof( CpuThreadData ) };
struct Parameter
uint32_t idx;
StringRef name;
bool isBool;
int32_t val;
struct SymbolStats
uint32_t incl, excl;
unordered_flat_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> parents;
enum { SymbolStatsSize = sizeof( SymbolStats ) };