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synced 2024-11-25 15:34:36 +00:00
PPQSort is supposedly quite fast: https://github.com/GabTux/PPQSort More importantly, it does not depend on TBB fuckery, so there's no longer a need to link with an external library that people may or may not have. The NO_PARALLEL_STL option is out, as it was provided solely to deal with TBB being not available. Sequential sorting is still used on emscripten.
128 lines
3.6 KiB
128 lines
3.6 KiB
#include "TracySort.hpp"
#include "TracyVector.hpp"
namespace tracy
#pragma pack( push, 1 )
template<typename T, class CompareDefault = std::less<T>>
class SortedVector
using iterator = T*;
using const_iterator = const T*;
tracy_force_inline SortedVector()
: sortedEnd( 0 )
SortedVector( const SortedVector& ) = delete;
tracy_force_inline SortedVector( SortedVector&& src ) noexcept
: v( std::move( src.v ) )
, sortedEnd( src.sortedEnd )
tracy_force_inline SortedVector( const T& value )
: v( value )
, sortedEnd( 0 )
SortedVector& operator=( const SortedVector& ) = delete;
tracy_force_inline SortedVector& operator=( SortedVector&& src ) noexcept
v = std::move( src.v );
sortedEnd = src.sortedEnd;
return *this;
tracy_force_inline void swap( SortedVector& other )
v.swap( other.v );
std::swap( sortedEnd, other.sortedEnd );
tracy_force_inline bool empty() const { return v.empty(); }
tracy_force_inline size_t size() const { return v.size(); }
tracy_force_inline bool is_sorted() const { return sortedEnd == 0; }
tracy_force_inline T* data() { return v.data(); }
tracy_force_inline const T* data() const { return v.data(); };
tracy_force_inline T* begin() { return v.begin(); }
tracy_force_inline const T* begin() const { return v.begin(); }
tracy_force_inline T* end() { return v.end(); }
tracy_force_inline const T* end() const { return v.end(); }
tracy_force_inline T& front() { return v.front(); }
tracy_force_inline const T& front() const { return v.front(); }
tracy_force_inline T& back() { return v.back(); }
tracy_force_inline const T& back() const { return v.back(); }
tracy_force_inline T& operator[]( size_t idx ) { return v[idx]; }
tracy_force_inline const T& operator[]( size_t idx ) const { return v[idx]; }
tracy_force_inline void push_back( const T& val ) { push_back( val, CompareDefault() ); }
template<class Compare>
tracy_force_inline void push_back( const T& val, Compare comp )
if( sortedEnd == 0 && !v.empty() && !comp( v.back(), val ) )
sortedEnd = (uint32_t)v.size();
v.push_back( val );
tracy_force_inline void reserve( size_t cap ) { v.reserve( cap ); }
template<size_t U>
tracy_force_inline void reserve_exact( uint32_t sz, Slab<U>& slab ) { v.reserve_exact( sz, slab ); }
tracy_force_inline void clear() { v.clear(); sortedEnd = 0; }
tracy_force_inline T* erase( T* begin, T* end )
assert( is_sorted() );
return v.erase( begin, end );
tracy_force_inline void sort() { sort( CompareDefault() ); }
tracy_force_inline void ensure_sorted() { if( !is_sorted() ) sort(); }
template<class Compare>
void sort( Compare comp )
assert( !is_sorted() );
const auto sb = v.begin();
const auto se = sb + sortedEnd;
const auto sl = se - 1;
const auto ue = v.end();
#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
pdqsort_branchless( sb, se, comp );
ppqsort::sort( ppqsort::execution::par, sb, se, comp );
const auto ss = std::lower_bound( sb, se, *se, comp );
const auto uu = std::lower_bound( se, ue, *sl, comp );
std::inplace_merge( ss, se, uu, comp );
sortedEnd = 0;
Vector<T> v;
uint32_t sortedEnd;
#pragma pack( pop )
enum { SortedVectorSize = sizeof( SortedVector<int> ) };