mirror of
synced 2024-11-30 01:04:36 +00:00
Frame offset can be retrieved internally.
335 lines
12 KiB
335 lines
12 KiB
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
#include "TracyImGui.hpp"
#include "TracyMouse.hpp"
#include "TracyPrint.hpp"
#include "TracyTexture.hpp"
#include "TracyView.hpp"
namespace tracy
constexpr float MinVisSize = 3;
constexpr float MinFrameSize = 5;
static tracy_force_inline uint32_t GetColorMuted( uint32_t color, bool active )
if( active )
return 0xFF000000 | color;
return 0x66000000 | color;
void View::DrawTimelineFramesHeader()
const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
const auto dpos = wpos + ImVec2( 0.5f, 0.5f );
const auto w = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x - ImGui::GetStyle().ScrollbarSize;
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const auto ty = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight();
const auto ty025 = round( ty * 0.25f );
const auto ty0375 = round( ty * 0.375f );
const auto ty05 = round( ty * 0.5f );
const auto timespan = m_vd.zvEnd - m_vd.zvStart;
const auto pxns = w / double( timespan );
const auto nspx = 1.0 / pxns;
const auto scale = std::max( 0.0, round( log10( nspx ) + 2 ) );
const auto step = pow( 10, scale );
ImGui::InvisibleButton( "##zoneFrames", ImVec2( w, ty * 1.5f ) );
TooltipIfHovered( TimeToStringExact( m_vd.zvStart + ( ImGui::GetIO().MousePos.x - wpos.x ) * nspx ) );
const auto dx = step * pxns;
double x = 0;
int tw = 0;
int tx = 0;
int64_t tt = 0;
while( x < w )
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( x, 0 ), dpos + ImVec2( x, ty05 ), 0x66FFFFFF );
if( tw == 0 )
char buf[128];
auto txt = TimeToStringExact( m_vd.zvStart );
if( m_vd.zvStart >= 0 )
sprintf( buf, "+%s", txt );
txt = buf;
draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( x, ty05 ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt );
tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x;
else if( x > tx + tw + ty * 2 )
tx = x;
auto txt = TimeToString( tt );
draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( x, ty05 ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt );
tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x;
if( scale != 0 )
for( int i=1; i<5; i++ )
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( x + i * dx / 10, 0 ), dpos + ImVec2( x + i * dx / 10, ty025 ), 0x33FFFFFF );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( x + 5 * dx / 10, 0 ), dpos + ImVec2( x + 5 * dx / 10, ty0375 ), 0x33FFFFFF );
for( int i=6; i<10; i++ )
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( x + i * dx / 10, 0 ), dpos + ImVec2( x + i * dx / 10, ty025 ), 0x33FFFFFF );
x += dx;
tt += step;
void View::DrawTimelineFrames( const FrameData& frames )
const std::pair <int, int> zrange = m_worker.GetFrameRange( frames, m_vd.zvStart, m_vd.zvEnd );
if( zrange.first < 0 ) return;
if( m_worker.GetFrameBegin( frames, zrange.first ) > m_vd.zvEnd || m_worker.GetFrameEnd( frames, zrange.second ) < m_vd.zvStart ) return;
const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
const auto dpos = wpos + ImVec2( 0.5f, 0.5f );
const auto w = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x - ImGui::GetStyle().ScrollbarSize;
const auto wh = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().y;
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const auto ty = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight();
const auto ty025 = ty * 0.25f;
const auto ty05 = round( ty * 0.5f );
ImGui::InvisibleButton( "##zoneFrames", ImVec2( w, ty ) );
bool hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered();
auto timespan = m_vd.zvEnd - m_vd.zvStart;
auto pxns = w / double( timespan );
const auto nspx = 1.0 / pxns;
int64_t prev = -1;
int64_t prevEnd = -1;
int64_t endPos = -1;
bool tooltipDisplayed = false;
const auto activeFrameSet = m_frames == &frames;
const int64_t frameTarget = ( activeFrameSet && m_vd.drawFrameTargets ) ? 1000000000ll / m_vd.frameTarget : std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
const auto inactiveColor = GetColorMuted( 0x888888, activeFrameSet );
const auto activeColor = GetColorMuted( 0xFFFFFF, activeFrameSet );
const auto redColor = GetColorMuted( 0x4444FF, activeFrameSet );
int i = zrange.first;
auto x1 = ( m_worker.GetFrameBegin( frames, i ) - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns;
while( i < zrange.second )
const auto ftime = m_worker.GetFrameTime( frames, i );
const auto fbegin = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( frames, i );
const auto fend = m_worker.GetFrameEnd( frames, i );
const auto fsz = pxns * ftime;
if( hover )
const auto x0 = frames.continuous ? x1 : ( fbegin - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns;
x1 = ( fend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns;
if( ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( x0, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( x1, ty ) ) )
tooltipDisplayed = true;
if( IsMouseClickReleased( 1 ) ) m_setRangePopup = RangeSlim { fbegin, fend, true };
ImGui::TextUnformatted( GetFrameText( frames, i, ftime ) );
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%.1f FPS)", 1000000000.0 / ftime );
TextFocused( "Time from start of program:", TimeToStringExact( m_worker.GetFrameBegin( frames, i ) ) );
auto fi = m_worker.GetFrameImage( frames, i );
if( fi )
const auto scale = GetScale();
if( fi != m_frameTexturePtr )
if( !m_frameTexture ) m_frameTexture = MakeTexture();
UpdateTexture( m_frameTexture, m_worker.UnpackFrameImage( *fi ), fi->w, fi->h );
m_frameTexturePtr = fi;
if( fi->flip )
ImGui::Image( m_frameTexture, ImVec2( fi->w * scale, fi->h * scale ), ImVec2( 0, 1 ), ImVec2( 1, 0 ) );
ImGui::Image( m_frameTexture, ImVec2( fi->w * scale, fi->h * scale ) );
if( ImGui::GetIO().KeyCtrl && IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
m_showPlayback = true;
m_playback.pause = true;
SetPlaybackFrame( frames.frames[i].frameImage );
if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) )
ZoomToRange( fbegin, fend );
if( activeFrameSet ) m_frameHover = i;
if( fsz < MinFrameSize )
if( !frames.continuous && prev != -1 )
if( ( fbegin - prevEnd ) * pxns >= MinFrameSize )
DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, ty05 ), ( prev - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, ( prevEnd - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, ty025, inactiveColor );
prev = -1;
prevEnd = std::max<int64_t>( fend, fbegin + MinFrameSize * nspx );
if( prev == -1 )
prev = fbegin;
prevEnd = std::max<int64_t>( fend, fbegin + MinFrameSize * nspx );
const auto begin = frames.frames.begin() + i;
const auto end = frames.frames.begin() + zrange.second;
auto it = std::lower_bound( begin, end, int64_t( fbegin + MinVisSize * nspx ), [this, &frames] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return m_worker.GetFrameEnd( frames, std::distance( frames.frames.begin(), &l ) ) < r; } );
if( it == begin ) ++it;
i += std::distance( begin, it );
if( prev != -1 )
if( frames.continuous )
DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, ty05 ), ( prev - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, ( fbegin - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, ty025, inactiveColor );
DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, ty05 ), ( prev - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, ( prevEnd - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, ty025, inactiveColor );
prev = -1;
if( activeFrameSet )
if( fend - fbegin > frameTarget )
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin + frameTarget - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( ( fend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, wh ), 0x224444FF );
if( fbegin >= m_vd.zvStart && endPos != fbegin )
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, 0 ), dpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, wh ), 0x22FFFFFF );
if( fend <= m_vd.zvEnd )
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( ( fend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, 0 ), dpos + ImVec2( ( fend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, wh ), 0x22FFFFFF );
endPos = fend;
auto buf = GetFrameText( frames, i, ftime );
auto tx = ImGui::CalcTextSize( buf ).x;
uint32_t color = ( frames.name == 0 && i == 0 ) ? redColor : activeColor;
if( fsz - 7 <= tx )
static char tmp[256];
sprintf( tmp, "%s (%s)", RealToString( i ), TimeToString( ftime ) );
buf = tmp;
tx = ImGui::CalcTextSize( buf ).x;
if( fsz - 7 <= tx )
buf = TimeToString( ftime );
tx = ImGui::CalcTextSize( buf ).x;
if( fbegin >= m_vd.zvStart )
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + 2, 1 ), dpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + 2, ty - 1 ), color );
if( fend <= m_vd.zvEnd )
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( ( fend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns - 2, 1 ), dpos + ImVec2( ( fend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns - 2, ty - 1 ), color );
if( fsz - 7 > tx )
const auto f0 = ( fbegin - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + 2;
const auto f1 = ( fend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns - 2;
const auto x0 = f0 + 1;
const auto x1 = f1 - 1;
const auto te = x1 - tx;
auto tpos = ( x0 + te ) / 2;
if( tpos < 0 )
tpos = std::min( std::min( 0., te - tpos ), te );
else if( tpos > w - tx )
tpos = std::max( double( w - tx ), x0 );
tpos = round( tpos );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( std::max( -10.0, f0 ), ty05 ), dpos + ImVec2( tpos, ty05 ), color );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( std::max( -10.0, tpos + tx + 1 ), ty05 ), dpos + ImVec2( std::min( w + 20.0, f1 ), ty05 ), color );
draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( tpos, 0 ), color, buf );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( std::max( -10.0, ( fbegin - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + 2 ), ty05 ), dpos + ImVec2( std::min( w + 20.0, ( fend - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns - 2 ), ty05 ), color );
if( prev != -1 )
if( frames.continuous )
DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, ty05 ), ( prev - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, ( m_worker.GetFrameBegin( frames, zrange.second-1 ) - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, ty025, inactiveColor );
const auto begin = ( prev - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto end = ( m_worker.GetFrameBegin( frames, zrange.second-1 ) - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns;
DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, ty05 ), begin, std::max( begin + MinFrameSize, end ), ty025, inactiveColor );
if( hover )
if( !tooltipDisplayed )
TextDisabledUnformatted( "Frame set:" );
ImGui::TextUnformatted( GetFrameSetName( frames ) );
if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
m_frames = &frames;