Bartosz Taudul 63d074c5d8
Fix zone size calculation wrt text fitting.
Previously the zone size calculation hasn't took into account the possibility
of the zone going out of the screen. This is now fixed.
2022-08-15 19:38:40 +02:00

949 lines
44 KiB

#include <inttypes.h>
#include "TracyColor.hpp"
#include "TracyImGui.hpp"
#include "TracyMouse.hpp"
#include "TracyPrint.hpp"
#include "TracyView.hpp"
namespace tracy
constexpr float MinVisSize = 3;
static tracy_force_inline uint32_t MixGhostColor( uint32_t c0, uint32_t c1 )
return 0xFF000000 |
( ( ( ( ( c0 & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 16 ) + 3 * ( ( c1 & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 16 ) ) >> 2 ) << 16 ) |
( ( ( ( ( c0 & 0x0000FF00 ) >> 8 ) + 3 * ( ( c1 & 0x0000FF00 ) >> 8 ) ) >> 2 ) << 8 ) |
( ( ( ( ( c0 & 0x000000FF ) ) + 3 * ( ( c1 & 0x000000FF ) ) ) >> 2 ) );
int View::DispatchGhostLevel( const Vector<GhostZone>& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, float yMin, float yMax, uint64_t tid )
const auto ty = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight();
const auto ostep = ty + 1;
const auto offset = _offset + ostep * depth;
const auto yPos = wpos.y + offset;
// Inline frames have to be taken into account, hence the multiply by 16 (arbitrary limit for inline frames in client)
if( yPos + 16 * ostep >= yMin && yPos <= yMax )
return DrawGhostLevel( vec, hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid );
return SkipGhostLevel( vec, hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid );
int View::DrawGhostLevel( const Vector<GhostZone>& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, float yMin, float yMax, uint64_t tid )
auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::max<int64_t>( 0, m_vd.zvStart ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.end.Val() < r; } );
if( it == vec.end() ) return depth;
const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_vd.zvEnd, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.start.Val() < r; } );
if( it == zitend ) return depth;
const auto w = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x - 1;
const auto ty = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight();
const auto ostep = ty + 1;
const auto offset = _offset + ostep * depth;
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const auto dpos = wpos + ImVec2( 0.5f, 0.5f );
int maxdepth = depth;
while( it < zitend )
auto& ev = *it;
const auto end = ev.end.Val();
const auto zsz = std::max( ( std::min( m_vd.zvEnd, end ) - std::max( m_vd.zvStart, ev.start.Val() ) ) * pxns, pxns * 0.5 );
if( zsz < MinVisSize )
const auto MinVisNs = MinVisSize * nspx;
const auto color = MixGhostColor( GetThreadColor( tid, depth ), 0x665555 );
const auto px0 = ( ev.start.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns;
auto px1ns = ev.end.Val() - m_vd.zvStart;
auto rend = end;
auto nextTime = end + MinVisNs;
const auto prevIt = it;
it = std::lower_bound( it, zitend, nextTime, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.end.Val() < r; } );
if( it == prevIt ) ++it;
if( it == zitend ) break;
const auto nend = it->end.Val();
const auto nsnext = nend - m_vd.zvStart;
if( nsnext - px1ns >= MinVisNs * 2 ) break;
px1ns = nsnext;
rend = nend;
nextTime = nend + nspx;
const auto px1 = px1ns * pxns;
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ), color );
DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ty/2 ), std::max( px0, -10.0 ), std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), ty/4, DarkenColor( color ) );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty + 1 ) ) )
if( IsMouseClickReleased( 1 ) ) m_setRangePopup = RangeSlim { ev.start.Val(), rend , true };
ImGui::TextUnformatted( "Multiple ghost zones" );
TextFocused( "Execution time:", TimeToString( rend - ev.start.Val() ) );
if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) && rend - ev.start.Val() > 0 )
ZoomToRange( ev.start.Val(), rend );
const auto& ghostKey = m_worker.GetGhostFrame( ev.frame );
const auto frame = m_worker.GetCallstackFrame( ghostKey.frame );
uint32_t color;
if( m_vd.dynamicColors == 2 )
if( frame )
const auto& sym = frame->data[ghostKey.inlineFrame];
color = GetHsvColor(, depth );
color = GetHsvColor(, depth );
color = MixGhostColor( GetThreadColor( tid, depth ), 0x665555 );
const auto pr0 = ( ev.start.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto pr1 = ( ev.end.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto px0 = std::max( pr0, -10.0 );
const auto px1 = std::max( { std::min( pr1, double( w + 10 ) ), px0 + pxns * 0.5, px0 + MinVisSize } );
if( !frame )
char symName[64];
sprintf( symName, "0x%" PRIx64, m_worker.GetCanonicalPointer( ghostKey.frame ) );
const auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( symName );
const auto accentColor = HighlightColor( color );
const auto darkColor = DarkenColor( color );
const auto txtColor = 0xFF888888;
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), DarkenColor( color ) );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( px0, offset + tsz.y ), dpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), dpos + ImVec2( px1-1, offset ), accentColor, 1.f );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( px0, offset + tsz.y ), dpos + ImVec2( px1-1, offset + tsz.y ), dpos + ImVec2( px1-1, offset ), darkColor, 1.f );
if( tsz.x < zsz )
const auto x = ( ev.start.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + ( ( end - ev.start.Val() ) * pxns - tsz.x ) / 2;
if( x < 0 || x > w - tsz.x )
ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( std::max( std::max( 0., px0 ), std::min( double( w - tsz.x ), x ) ), offset ), txtColor, symName );
else if( ev.start.Val() == ev.end.Val() )
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) * 0.5, offset ), txtColor, symName );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), txtColor, symName );
ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( ( ev.start.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, offset ), txtColor, symName );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y + 1 ) ) )
if( IsMouseClickReleased( 1 ) ) m_setRangePopup = RangeSlim { ev.start.Val(), ev.end.Val() , true };
TextDisabledUnformatted( ICON_FA_GHOST " Ghost zone" );
TextFocused( "Unknown frame:", symName );
TextFocused( "Thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) );
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( tid ) );
if( m_worker.IsThreadFiber( tid ) )
TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 0.2f, 0.6f, 0.2f, 1.f ), "Fiber" );
TextFocused( "Execution time:", TimeToString( ev.end.Val() - ev.start.Val() ) );
if( ! && IsMouseClicked( 2 ) )
ZoomToRange( ev.start.Val(), ev.end.Val() );
const auto& sym = frame->data[ghostKey.inlineFrame];
const auto isInline = ghostKey.inlineFrame != frame->size-1;
const auto col = isInline ? DarkenColor( color ) : color;
auto symName = m_worker.GetString( );
uint32_t txtColor;
if( symName[0] == '[' )
txtColor = 0xFF999999;
else if( !isInline && ( m_worker.GetCanonicalPointer( ghostKey.frame ) >> 63 != 0 ) )
txtColor = 0xFF8888FF;
txtColor = 0xFFFFFFFF;
auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( symName );
const auto accentColor = HighlightColor( col );
const auto darkColor = DarkenColor( col );
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), col );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( px0, offset + tsz.y ), dpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), dpos + ImVec2( px1-1, offset ), accentColor, 1.f );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( px0, offset + tsz.y ), dpos + ImVec2( px1-1, offset + tsz.y ), dpos + ImVec2( px1-1, offset ), darkColor, 1.f );
auto origSymName = symName;
if( m_shortenName != ShortenName::Never && ( m_shortenName != ShortenName::NoSpace || tsz.x > zsz ) )
symName = ShortenZoneName( m_shortenName, symName, tsz, zsz );
if( tsz.x < zsz )
const auto x = ( ev.start.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + ( ( end - ev.start.Val() ) * pxns - tsz.x ) / 2;
if( x < 0 || x > w - tsz.x )
ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( std::max( std::max( 0., px0 ), std::min( double( w - tsz.x ), x ) ), offset ), txtColor, symName );
else if( ev.start.Val() == ev.end.Val() )
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) * 0.5, offset ), txtColor, symName );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), txtColor, symName );
ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( std::max( int64_t( 0 ), ev.start.Val() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, offset ), txtColor, symName );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y + 1 ) ) )
if( IsMouseClickReleased( 1 ) ) m_setRangePopup = RangeSlim { ev.start.Val(), ev.end.Val(), true };
TextDisabledUnformatted( ICON_FA_GHOST " Ghost zone" );
if( sym.symAddr >> 63 != 0 )
TextDisabledUnformatted( ICON_FA_HAT_WIZARD " kernel" );
const auto normalized = m_shortenName == ShortenName::Never ? origSymName : ShortenZoneName( ShortenName::OnlyNormalize, origSymName );
ImGui::TextUnformatted( normalized );
if( isInline )
TextDisabledUnformatted( "[inline]" );
if( normalized != origSymName && strcmp( normalized, origSymName ) != 0 )
ImGui::PushFont( m_smallFont );
TextDisabledUnformatted( origSymName );
const auto symbol = m_worker.GetSymbolData( sym.symAddr );
if( symbol ) TextFocused( "Image:", m_worker.GetString( symbol->imageName ) );
TextDisabledUnformatted( "Location:" );
const char* file = m_worker.GetString( sym.file );
uint32_t line = sym.line;
ImGui::TextUnformatted( LocationToString( file, line ) );
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(0x%" PRIx64 ")", sym.symAddr );
TextFocused( "Thread:", m_worker.GetThreadName( tid ) );
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( tid ) );
if( m_worker.IsThreadFiber( tid ) )
TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 0.2f, 0.6f, 0.2f, 1.f ), "Fiber" );
TextFocused( "Execution time:", TimeToString( ev.end.Val() - ev.start.Val() ) );
if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
ViewDispatch( file, line, sym.symAddr );
else if( ! && IsMouseClicked( 2 ) )
ZoomToRange( ev.start.Val(), ev.end.Val() );
if( ev.child >= 0 )
const auto d = DispatchGhostLevel( m_worker.GetGhostChildren( ev.child ), hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid );
if( d > maxdepth ) maxdepth = d;
return maxdepth;
int View::SkipGhostLevel( const Vector<GhostZone>& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, float yMin, float yMax, uint64_t tid )
auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::max<int64_t>( 0, m_vd.zvStart ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.end.Val() < r; } );
if( it == vec.end() ) return depth;
const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_vd.zvEnd, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.start.Val() < r; } );
if( it == zitend ) return depth;
int maxdepth = depth;
while( it < zitend )
auto& ev = *it;
const auto end = ev.end.Val();
const auto zsz = std::max( ( std::min( m_vd.zvEnd, end ) - std::max( m_vd.zvStart, ev.start.Val() ) ) * pxns, pxns * 0.5 );
if( zsz < MinVisSize )
const auto MinVisNs = MinVisSize * nspx;
auto px1ns = ev.end.Val() - m_vd.zvStart;
auto nextTime = end + MinVisNs;
const auto prevIt = it;
it = std::lower_bound( it, zitend, nextTime, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.end.Val() < r; } );
if( it == prevIt ) ++it;
if( it == zitend ) break;
const auto nend = it->end.Val();
const auto nsnext = nend - m_vd.zvStart;
if( nsnext - px1ns >= MinVisNs * 2 ) break;
px1ns = nsnext;
nextTime = nend + nspx;
if( ev.child >= 0 )
const auto d = DispatchGhostLevel( m_worker.GetGhostChildren( ev.child ), hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid );
if( d > maxdepth ) maxdepth = d;
return maxdepth;
int View::DispatchZoneLevel( const Vector<short_ptr<ZoneEvent>>& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, float yMin, float yMax, uint64_t tid )
const auto ty = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight();
const auto ostep = ty + 1;
const auto offset = _offset + ostep * depth;
const auto yPos = wpos.y + offset;
if( yPos + ostep >= yMin && yPos <= yMax )
if( vec.is_magic() )
return DrawZoneLevel<VectorAdapterDirect<ZoneEvent>>( *(Vector<ZoneEvent>*)( &vec ), hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid );
return DrawZoneLevel<VectorAdapterPointer<ZoneEvent>>( vec, hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid );
if( vec.is_magic() )
return SkipZoneLevel<VectorAdapterDirect<ZoneEvent>>( *(Vector<ZoneEvent>*)( &vec ), hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid );
return SkipZoneLevel<VectorAdapterPointer<ZoneEvent>>( vec, hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid );
template<typename Adapter, typename V>
int View::DrawZoneLevel( const V& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, float yMin, float yMax, uint64_t tid )
const auto delay = m_worker.GetDelay();
const auto resolution = m_worker.GetResolution();
// cast to uint64_t, so that unended zones (end = -1) are still drawn
auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::max<int64_t>( 0, m_vd.zvStart - delay ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)a(l).End() < (uint64_t)r; } );
if( it == vec.end() ) return depth;
const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_vd.zvEnd + resolution, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return a(l).Start() < r; } );
if( it == zitend ) return depth;
Adapter a;
if( !a(*it).IsEndValid() && m_worker.GetZoneEnd( a(*it) ) < m_vd.zvStart ) return depth;
const auto w = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x - 1;
const auto ty = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight();
const auto ostep = ty + 1;
const auto offset = _offset + ostep * depth;
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const auto dsz = delay * pxns;
const auto rsz = resolution * pxns;
const auto dpos = wpos + ImVec2( 0.5f, 0.5f );
const auto ty025 = round( ty * 0.25f );
const auto ty05 = round( ty * 0.5f );
const auto ty075 = round( ty * 0.75f );
int maxdepth = depth;
while( it < zitend )
auto& ev = a(*it);
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
const auto zsz = std::max( ( std::min( m_vd.zvEnd, end ) - std::max( m_vd.zvStart, ev.Start() ) ) * pxns, pxns * 0.5 );
if( zsz < MinVisSize )
const auto MinVisNs = MinVisSize * nspx;
const auto color = GetThreadColor( tid, depth );
int num = 0;
const auto px0 = ( ev.Start() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns;
auto px1ns = end - m_vd.zvStart;
auto rend = end;
auto nextTime = end + MinVisNs;
const auto prevIt = it;
it = std::lower_bound( it, zitend, nextTime, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)a(l).End() < (uint64_t)r; } );
if( it == prevIt ) ++it;
num += std::distance( prevIt, it );
if( it == zitend ) break;
const auto nend = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( a(*it) );
const auto nsnext = nend - m_vd.zvStart;
if( nsnext - px1ns >= MinVisNs * 2 ) break;
px1ns = nsnext;
rend = nend;
nextTime = nend + nspx;
const auto px1 = px1ns * pxns;
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ), color );
DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ty/2 ), std::max( px0, -10.0 ), std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), ty/4, DarkenColor( color ) );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty + 1 ) ) )
if( IsMouseClickReleased( 1 ) ) m_setRangePopup = RangeSlim { ev.Start(), rend, true };
if( num > 1 )
TextFocused( "Zones too small to display:", RealToString( num ) );
TextFocused( "Execution time:", TimeToString( rend - ev.Start() ) );
if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) && rend - ev.Start() > 0 )
ZoomToRange( ev.Start(), rend );
ZoneTooltip( ev );
if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) && rend - ev.Start() > 0 )
ZoomToZone( ev );
if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
if( ImGui::GetIO().KeyCtrl )
auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.SrcLoc() );
m_findZone.ShowZone( ev.SrcLoc(), m_worker.GetString( ? : srcloc.function ) );
ShowZoneInfo( ev );
m_zoneSrcLocHighlight = ev.SrcLoc();
m_zoneHover = &ev;
const auto tmp = RealToString( num );
const auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( tmp );
if( tsz.x < px1 - px0 )
const auto x = px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) / 2;
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), 0xFF4488DD, tmp );
const auto zoneColor = GetZoneColorData( ev, tid, depth );
const char* zoneName = m_worker.GetZoneName( ev );
if( ev.HasChildren() )
const auto d = DispatchZoneLevel( m_worker.GetZoneChildren( ev.Child() ), hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid );
if( d > maxdepth ) maxdepth = d;
auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( zoneName );
if( m_shortenName == ShortenName::Always || ( ( m_shortenName == ShortenName::NoSpace || m_shortenName == ShortenName::NoSpaceAndNormalize ) && tsz.x > zsz ) )
zoneName = ShortenZoneName( m_shortenName, zoneName, tsz, zsz );
const auto pr0 = ( ev.Start() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto pr1 = ( end - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto px0 = std::max( pr0, -10.0 );
const auto px1 = std::max( { std::min( pr1, double( w + 10 ) ), px0 + pxns * 0.5, px0 + MinVisSize } );
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), zoneColor.color );
if( zoneColor.highlight )
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), zoneColor.accentColor, 0.f, -1, zoneColor.thickness );
const auto darkColor = DarkenColor( zoneColor.color );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( px0, offset + tsz.y ), dpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), dpos + ImVec2( px1-1, offset ), zoneColor.accentColor, zoneColor.thickness );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( px0, offset + tsz.y ), dpos + ImVec2( px1-1, offset + tsz.y ), dpos + ImVec2( px1-1, offset ), darkColor, zoneColor.thickness );
if( dsz > MinVisSize )
const auto diff = dsz - MinVisSize;
uint32_t color;
if( diff < 1 )
color = ( uint32_t( diff * 0x88 ) << 24 ) | 0x2222DD;
color = 0x882222DD;
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( pr0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( pr0+dsz, pr1 ), offset + tsz.y ), color );
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( pr1, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1+dsz, offset + tsz.y ), color );
if( rsz > MinVisSize )
const auto diff = rsz - MinVisSize;
uint32_t color;
if( diff < 1 )
color = ( uint32_t( diff * 0xAA ) << 24 ) | 0xFFFFFF;
color = 0xAAFFFFFF;
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( pr0 + rsz, offset + ty05 ), dpos + ImVec2( pr0 - rsz, offset + ty05 ), color );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( pr0 + rsz, offset + ty025 ), dpos + ImVec2( pr0 + rsz, offset + ty075 ), color );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( pr0 - rsz, offset + ty025 ), dpos + ImVec2( pr0 - rsz, offset + ty075 ), color );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( pr1 + rsz, offset + ty05 ), dpos + ImVec2( pr1 - rsz, offset + ty05 ), color );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( pr1 + rsz, offset + ty025 ), dpos + ImVec2( pr1 + rsz, offset + ty075 ), color );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( pr1 - rsz, offset + ty025 ), dpos + ImVec2( pr1 - rsz, offset + ty075 ), color );
if( tsz.x < zsz )
const auto x = ( ev.Start() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + ( ( end - ev.Start() ) * pxns - tsz.x ) / 2;
if( x < 0 || x > w - tsz.x )
ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( std::max( std::max( 0., px0 ), std::min( double( w - tsz.x ), x ) ), offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
else if( ev.Start() == ev.End() )
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) * 0.5, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( std::max( int64_t( 0 ), ev.Start() - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y + 1 ) ) )
ZoneTooltip( ev );
if( IsMouseClickReleased( 1 ) ) m_setRangePopup = RangeSlim { ev.Start(), m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev ), true };
if( ! && IsMouseClicked( 2 ) )
ZoomToZone( ev );
if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
if( ImGui::GetIO().KeyCtrl )
auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.SrcLoc() );
m_findZone.ShowZone( ev.SrcLoc(), m_worker.GetString( ? : srcloc.function ) );
ShowZoneInfo( ev );
m_zoneSrcLocHighlight = ev.SrcLoc();
m_zoneHover = &ev;
return maxdepth;
template<typename Adapter, typename V>
int View::SkipZoneLevel( const V& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, float yMin, float yMax, uint64_t tid )
const auto delay = m_worker.GetDelay();
const auto resolution = m_worker.GetResolution();
// cast to uint64_t, so that unended zones (end = -1) are still drawn
auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::max<int64_t>( 0, m_vd.zvStart - delay ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)a(l).End() < (uint64_t)r; } );
if( it == vec.end() ) return depth;
const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_vd.zvEnd + resolution, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return a(l).Start() < r; } );
if( it == zitend ) return depth;
int maxdepth = depth;
Adapter a;
while( it < zitend )
auto& ev = a(*it);
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
const auto zsz = std::max( ( std::min( m_vd.zvEnd, end ) - std::max( m_vd.zvStart, ev.Start() ) ) * pxns, pxns * 0.5 );
if( zsz < MinVisSize )
const auto MinVisNs = MinVisSize * nspx;
auto px1ns = end - m_vd.zvStart;
auto nextTime = end + MinVisNs;
const auto prevIt = it;
it = std::lower_bound( it, zitend, nextTime, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)a(l).End() < (uint64_t)r; } );
if( it == prevIt ) ++it;
if( it == zitend ) break;
const auto nend = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( a(*it) );
const auto nsnext = nend - m_vd.zvStart;
if( nsnext - px1ns >= MinVisNs * 2 ) break;
px1ns = nsnext;
nextTime = nend + nspx;
if( ev.HasChildren() )
const auto d = DispatchZoneLevel( m_worker.GetZoneChildren( ev.Child() ), hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, yMin, yMax, tid );
if( d > maxdepth ) maxdepth = d;
return maxdepth;
int View::DispatchGpuZoneLevel( const Vector<short_ptr<GpuEvent>>& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, uint64_t thread, float yMin, float yMax, int64_t begin, int drift )
const auto ty = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight();
const auto ostep = ty + 1;
const auto offset = _offset + ostep * depth;
const auto yPos = wpos.y + offset;
if( yPos + ostep >= yMin && yPos <= yMax )
if( vec.is_magic() )
return DrawGpuZoneLevel<VectorAdapterDirect<GpuEvent>>( *(Vector<GpuEvent>*)&vec, hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, thread, yMin, yMax, begin, drift );
return DrawGpuZoneLevel<VectorAdapterPointer<GpuEvent>>( vec, hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, thread, yMin, yMax, begin, drift );
if( vec.is_magic() )
return SkipGpuZoneLevel<VectorAdapterDirect<GpuEvent>>( *(Vector<GpuEvent>*)&vec, hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, thread, yMin, yMax, begin, drift );
return SkipGpuZoneLevel<VectorAdapterPointer<GpuEvent>>( vec, hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, thread, yMin, yMax, begin, drift );
template<typename Adapter, typename V>
int View::DrawGpuZoneLevel( const V& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, uint64_t thread, float yMin, float yMax, int64_t begin, int drift )
const auto delay = m_worker.GetDelay();
const auto resolution = m_worker.GetResolution();
// cast to uint64_t, so that unended zones (end = -1) are still drawn
auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::max<int64_t>( 0, m_vd.zvStart - delay ), [begin, drift] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)AdjustGpuTime( a(l).GpuEnd(), begin, drift ) < (uint64_t)r; } );
if( it == vec.end() ) return depth;
const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), std::max<int64_t>( 0, m_vd.zvEnd + resolution ), [begin, drift] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)AdjustGpuTime( a(l).GpuStart(), begin, drift ) < (uint64_t)r; } );
if( it == zitend ) return depth;
const auto w = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x - 1;
const auto ty = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight();
const auto ostep = ty + 1;
const auto offset = _offset + ostep * depth;
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const auto dpos = wpos + ImVec2( 0.5f, 0.5f );
int maxdepth = depth;
Adapter a;
while( it < zitend )
auto& ev = a(*it);
auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
if( end == std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() ) break;
const auto start = AdjustGpuTime( ev.GpuStart(), begin, drift );
end = AdjustGpuTime( end, begin, drift );
const auto zsz = std::max( ( end - start ) * pxns, pxns * 0.5 );
if( zsz < MinVisSize )
const auto color = GetZoneColor( ev );
const auto MinVisNs = MinVisSize * nspx;
int num = 0;
const auto px0 = ( start - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns;
auto px1ns = end - m_vd.zvStart;
auto rend = end;
auto nextTime = end + MinVisNs;
const auto prevIt = it;
it = std::lower_bound( it, zitend, std::max<int64_t>( 0, nextTime ), [begin, drift] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)AdjustGpuTime( a(l).GpuEnd(), begin, drift ) < (uint64_t)r; } );
if( it == prevIt ) ++it;
num += std::distance( prevIt, it );
if( it == zitend ) break;
const auto nend = AdjustGpuTime( m_worker.GetZoneEnd( a(*it) ), begin, drift );
const auto nsnext = nend - m_vd.zvStart;
if( nsnext < 0 || nsnext - px1ns >= MinVisNs * 2 ) break;
px1ns = nsnext;
rend = nend;
nextTime = nend + nspx;
const auto px1 = px1ns * pxns;
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ), color );
DrawZigZag( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ty/2 ), std::max( px0, -10.0 ), std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), ty/4, DarkenColor( color ) );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty + 1 ) ) )
if( num > 1 )
TextFocused( "Zones too small to display:", RealToString( num ) );
TextFocused( "Execution time:", TimeToString( rend - start ) );
if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) && rend - start > 0 )
ZoomToRange( start, rend );
const auto zoneThread = thread != 0 ? thread : m_worker.DecompressThread( ev.Thread() );
ZoneTooltip( ev );
if( IsMouseClicked( 2 ) && rend - start > 0 )
ZoomToZone( ev );
if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
ShowZoneInfo( ev, zoneThread );
m_gpuThread = zoneThread;
m_gpuStart = ev.CpuStart();
m_gpuEnd = ev.CpuEnd();
const auto tmp = RealToString( num );
const auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( tmp );
if( tsz.x < px1 - px0 )
const auto x = px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) / 2;
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), 0xFF4488DD, tmp );
if( ev.Child() >= 0 )
const auto d = DispatchGpuZoneLevel( m_worker.GetGpuChildren( ev.Child() ), hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, thread, yMin, yMax, begin, drift );
if( d > maxdepth ) maxdepth = d;
const char* zoneName = m_worker.GetZoneName( ev );
auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( zoneName );
const auto pr0 = ( start - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto pr1 = ( end - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto px0 = std::max( pr0, -10.0 );
const auto px1 = std::max( { std::min( pr1, double( w + 10 ) ), px0 + pxns * 0.5, px0 + MinVisSize } );
const auto zoneColor = GetZoneColorData( ev );
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), zoneColor.color );
if( zoneColor.highlight )
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), zoneColor.accentColor, 0.f, -1, zoneColor.thickness );
const auto darkColor = DarkenColor( zoneColor.color );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( px0, offset + tsz.y ), dpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), dpos + ImVec2( px1-1, offset ), zoneColor.accentColor, zoneColor.thickness );
DrawLine( draw, dpos + ImVec2( px0, offset + tsz.y ), dpos + ImVec2( px1-1, offset + tsz.y ), dpos + ImVec2( px1-1, offset ), darkColor, zoneColor.thickness );
if( tsz.x < zsz )
const auto x = ( start - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns + ( ( end - start ) * pxns - tsz.x ) / 2;
if( x < 0 || x > w - tsz.x )
ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( std::max( std::max( 0., px0 ), std::min( double( w - tsz.x ), x ) ), offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
else if( ev.GpuStart() == ev.GpuEnd() )
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) * 0.5, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( ( start - m_vd.zvStart ) * pxns, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y + 1 ) ) )
const auto zoneThread = thread != 0 ? thread : m_worker.DecompressThread( ev.Thread() );
ZoneTooltip( ev );
if( ! && IsMouseClicked( 2 ) )
ZoomToZone( ev );
if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
ShowZoneInfo( ev, zoneThread );
m_gpuThread = zoneThread;
m_gpuStart = ev.CpuStart();
m_gpuEnd = ev.CpuEnd();
return maxdepth;
template<typename Adapter, typename V>
int View::SkipGpuZoneLevel( const V& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, uint64_t thread, float yMin, float yMax, int64_t begin, int drift )
const auto delay = m_worker.GetDelay();
const auto resolution = m_worker.GetResolution();
// cast to uint64_t, so that unended zones (end = -1) are still drawn
auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::max<int64_t>( 0, m_vd.zvStart - delay ), [begin, drift] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)AdjustGpuTime( a(l).GpuEnd(), begin, drift ) < (uint64_t)r; } );
if( it == vec.end() ) return depth;
const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), std::max<int64_t>( 0, m_vd.zvEnd + resolution ), [begin, drift] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)AdjustGpuTime( a(l).GpuStart(), begin, drift ) < (uint64_t)r; } );
if( it == zitend ) return depth;
int maxdepth = depth;
Adapter a;
while( it < zitend )
auto& ev = a(*it);
auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
if( end == std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() ) break;
const auto start = AdjustGpuTime( ev.GpuStart(), begin, drift );
end = AdjustGpuTime( end, begin, drift );
const auto zsz = std::max( ( end - start ) * pxns, pxns * 0.5 );
if( zsz < MinVisSize )
const auto MinVisNs = MinVisSize * nspx;
auto px1ns = end - m_vd.zvStart;
auto nextTime = end + MinVisNs;
const auto prevIt = it;
it = std::lower_bound( it, zitend, nextTime, [begin, drift] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)AdjustGpuTime( a(l).GpuEnd(), begin, drift ) < (uint64_t)r; } );
if( it == prevIt ) ++it;
if( it == zitend ) break;
const auto nend = AdjustGpuTime( m_worker.GetZoneEnd( a(*it) ), begin, drift );
const auto nsnext = nend - m_vd.zvStart;
if( nsnext - px1ns >= MinVisNs * 2 ) break;
px1ns = nsnext;
nextTime = nend + nspx;
if( ev.Child() >= 0 )
const auto d = DispatchGpuZoneLevel( m_worker.GetGpuChildren( ev.Child() ), hover, pxns, nspx, wpos, _offset, depth, thread, yMin, yMax, begin, drift );
if( d > maxdepth ) maxdepth = d;
return maxdepth;