Terence Rokop 9366e58d12
Introduce "Non-reentrant time" radio button
Add to the statistics view an option for "Non-reentrant
time", which displays the count of and time spent in zone
events which were the only appearances (at that time) of
their zones on their threads' stacks.

Besides the GUI changes, this involves:

- Introducing a tri-state accumulation mode to replace the
boolean "self time":  now there's "Self time only",
"Child time", and "Non-reentrant time".

- Removing the separate "selfTotal" from SrcLocZonesSlim,
making "total" represent whichever of the now three options
is active, which in turn requires keeping track of the
accumulation mode in StatisticsCache and invalidating that
cache when the accumulation mode changes.
2021-06-20 17:56:15 -07:00

741 lines
25 KiB

#ifndef __TRACYVIEW_HPP__
#define __TRACYVIEW_HPP__
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include "TracyBadVersion.hpp"
#include "TracyBuzzAnim.hpp"
#include "TracyDecayValue.hpp"
#include "TracyFileWrite.hpp"
#include "TracyImGui.hpp"
#include "TracyShortPtr.hpp"
#include "TracySourceContents.hpp"
#include "TracyTexture.hpp"
#include "TracyUserData.hpp"
#include "TracyVector.hpp"
#include "TracyViewData.hpp"
#include "TracyWorker.hpp"
#include "tracy_robin_hood.h"
struct ImVec2;
struct ImFont;
namespace tracy
struct MemoryPage;
class FileRead;
class SourceView;
class View
struct Animation
bool active = false;
int64_t start0, start1;
int64_t end0, end1;
double progress;
struct Region
bool active = false;
int64_t start;
int64_t end;
struct ZoneTimeData
int64_t time;
uint64_t count;
enum class AccumulationMode
struct StatisticsCache
RangeSlim range;
AccumulationMode accumulationMode;
size_t sourceCount;
size_t count;
int64_t total;
struct VisData
bool visible = true;
bool showFull = true;
bool ghost = false;
int offset = 0;
int height = 0;
struct PlotView
double min;
double max;
using SetTitleCallback = void(*)( const char* );
using GetWindowCallback = void*(*)();
View( void(*cbMainThread)(std::function<void()>), ImFont* fixedWidth = nullptr, ImFont* smallFont = nullptr, ImFont* bigFont = nullptr, SetTitleCallback stcb = nullptr, GetWindowCallback gwcb = nullptr ) : View( cbMainThread, "", 8086, fixedWidth, smallFont, bigFont, stcb, gwcb ) {}
View( void(*cbMainThread)(std::function<void()>), const char* addr, uint16_t port, ImFont* fixedWidth = nullptr, ImFont* smallFont = nullptr, ImFont* bigFont = nullptr, SetTitleCallback stcb = nullptr, GetWindowCallback gwcb = nullptr );
View( void(*cbMainThread)(std::function<void()>), FileRead& f, ImFont* fixedWidth = nullptr, ImFont* smallFont = nullptr, ImFont* bigFont = nullptr, SetTitleCallback stcb = nullptr, GetWindowCallback gwcb = nullptr );
static bool Draw();
void NotifyRootWindowSize( float w, float h ) { m_rootWidth = w; m_rootHeight = h; }
void ViewSource( const char* fileName, int line );
void ViewSymbol( const char* fileName, int line, uint64_t baseAddr, uint64_t symAddr );
bool ViewDispatch( const char* fileName, int line, uint64_t symAddr );
bool ReconnectRequested() const { return m_reconnectRequested; }
std::string GetAddress() const { return m_worker.GetAddr(); }
uint16_t GetPort() const { return m_worker.GetPort(); }
const char* SourceSubstitution( const char* srcFile ) const;
void ShowSampleParents( uint64_t symAddr ) { m_sampleParents.symAddr = symAddr; m_sampleParents.sel = 0; }
const ViewData& GetViewData() const { return m_vd; }
bool m_showRanges = false;
Range m_statRange;
enum class Namespace : uint8_t
enum class ShortcutAction : uint8_t
enum { InvalidId = 0xFFFFFFFF };
struct PathData
uint32_t cnt;
uint64_t mem;
enum class ViewMode
struct ZoneColorData
uint32_t color;
uint32_t accentColor;
float thickness;
bool highlight;
void InitMemory();
void InitTextEditor( ImFont* font );
const char* ShortenNamespace( const char* name ) const;
void DrawHelpMarker( const char* desc ) const;
bool DrawImpl();
void DrawNotificationArea();
bool DrawConnection();
void DrawFrames();
void DrawZoneFramesHeader();
void DrawZoneFrames( const FrameData& frames );
void DrawZones();
void DrawContextSwitches( const ContextSwitch* ctx, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset, int endOffset );
void DrawSamples( const Vector<SampleData>& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset );
int DispatchGhostLevel( const Vector<GhostZone>& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset, int depth, float yMin, float yMax, uint64_t tid );
int DrawGhostLevel( const Vector<GhostZone>& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset, int depth, float yMin, float yMax, uint64_t tid );
int SkipGhostLevel( const Vector<GhostZone>& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset, int depth, float yMin, float yMax, uint64_t tid );
int DispatchZoneLevel( const Vector<short_ptr<ZoneEvent>>& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset, int depth, float yMin, float yMax, uint64_t tid );
template<typename Adapter, typename V>
int DrawZoneLevel( const V& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset, int depth, float yMin, float yMax, uint64_t tid );
template<typename Adapter, typename V>
int SkipZoneLevel( const V& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset, int depth, float yMin, float yMax, uint64_t tid );
int DispatchGpuZoneLevel( const Vector<short_ptr<GpuEvent>>& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset, int depth, uint64_t thread, float yMin, float yMax, int64_t begin, int drift );
template<typename Adapter, typename V>
int DrawGpuZoneLevel( const V& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset, int depth, uint64_t thread, float yMin, float yMax, int64_t begin, int drift );
template<typename Adapter, typename V>
int SkipGpuZoneLevel( const V& vec, bool hover, double pxns, int64_t nspx, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset, int depth, uint64_t thread, float yMin, float yMax, int64_t begin, int drift );
void DrawLockHeader( uint32_t id, const LockMap& lockmap, const SourceLocation& srcloc, bool hover, ImDrawList* draw, const ImVec2& wpos, float w, float ty, float offset, uint8_t tid );
int DrawLocks( uint64_t tid, bool hover, double pxns, const ImVec2& wpos, int offset, LockHighlight& highlight, float yMin, float yMax );
int DrawPlots( int offset, double pxns, const ImVec2& wpos, bool hover, float yMin, float yMax );
void DrawPlotPoint( const ImVec2& wpos, float x, float y, int offset, uint32_t color, bool hover, bool hasPrev, const PlotItem* item, double prev, bool merged, PlotType type, PlotValueFormatting format, float PlotHeight, uint64_t name );
void DrawPlotPoint( const ImVec2& wpos, float x, float y, int offset, uint32_t color, bool hover, bool hasPrev, double val, double prev, bool merged, PlotValueFormatting format, float PlotHeight );
int DrawCpuData( int offset, double pxns, const ImVec2& wpos, bool hover, float yMin, float yMax );
void DrawOptions();
void DrawMessages();
void DrawMessageLine( const MessageData& msg, bool hasCallstack, int& idx );
void DrawFindZone();
void AccumulationModeRadioButtons();
void DrawStatistics();
void DrawMemory();
void DrawAllocList();
void DrawCompare();
void DrawCallstackWindow();
void DrawMemoryAllocWindow();
void DrawInfo();
void DrawTextEditor();
void DrawLockInfoWindow();
void DrawPlayback();
void DrawCpuDataWindow();
void DrawSelectedAnnotation();
void DrawAnnotationList();
void DrawSampleParents();
void DrawRanges();
void DrawRangeEntry( Range& range, const char* label, uint32_t color, const char* popupLabel, int id );
void DrawSourceTooltip( const char* filename, uint32_t line, int before = 3, int after = 3, bool separateTooltip = true );
void ListMemData( std::vector<const MemEvent*>& vec, std::function<void(const MemEvent*)> DrawAddress, const char* id = nullptr, int64_t startTime = -1, uint64_t pool = 0 );
unordered_flat_map<uint32_t, PathData> GetCallstackPaths( const MemData& mem, bool onlyActive ) const;
unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, CallstackFrameTree> GetCallstackFrameTreeBottomUp( const MemData& mem ) const;
unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, CallstackFrameTree> GetCallstackFrameTreeTopDown( const MemData& mem ) const;
void DrawFrameTreeLevel( const unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, CallstackFrameTree>& tree, int& idx );
void DrawZoneList( int id, const Vector<short_ptr<ZoneEvent>>& zones );
void DrawInfoWindow();
void DrawZoneInfoWindow();
void DrawGpuInfoWindow();
template<typename Adapter, typename V>
void DrawZoneInfoChildren( const V& children, int64_t ztime );
template<typename Adapter, typename V>
void DrawGpuInfoChildren( const V& children, int64_t ztime );
void HandleRange( Range& range, int64_t timespan, const ImVec2& wpos, float w );
void HandleZoneViewMouse( int64_t timespan, const ImVec2& wpos, float w, double& pxns );
uint32_t GetThreadColor( uint64_t thread, int depth );
uint32_t GetSrcLocColor( const SourceLocation& srcloc, int depth );
uint32_t GetRawSrcLocColor( const SourceLocation& srcloc, int depth );
uint32_t GetZoneColor( const ZoneEvent& ev, uint64_t thread, int depth );
uint32_t GetZoneColor( const GpuEvent& ev );
ZoneColorData GetZoneColorData( const ZoneEvent& ev, uint64_t thread, int depth );
ZoneColorData GetZoneColorData( const GpuEvent& ev );
void ZoomToZone( const ZoneEvent& ev );
void ZoomToZone( const GpuEvent& ev );
void ZoomToRange( int64_t start, int64_t end, bool pause = true );
void ZoomToPrevFrame();
void ZoomToNextFrame();
void CenterAtTime( int64_t t );
void ShowZoneInfo( const ZoneEvent& ev );
void ShowZoneInfo( const GpuEvent& ev, uint64_t thread );
void ZoneTooltip( const ZoneEvent& ev );
void ZoneTooltip( const GpuEvent& ev );
void CallstackTooltip( uint32_t idx );
void CrashTooltip();
const ZoneEvent* GetZoneParent( const ZoneEvent& zone ) const;
const ZoneEvent* GetZoneParent( const ZoneEvent& zone, uint64_t tid ) const;
bool IsZoneReentry( const ZoneEvent& zone ) const;
bool IsZoneReentry( const ZoneEvent& zone, uint64_t tid ) const;
const GpuEvent* GetZoneParent( const GpuEvent& zone ) const;
const ThreadData* GetZoneThreadData( const ZoneEvent& zone ) const;
uint64_t GetZoneThread( const ZoneEvent& zone ) const;
uint64_t GetZoneThread( const GpuEvent& zone ) const;
const GpuCtxData* GetZoneCtx( const GpuEvent& zone ) const;
bool FindMatchingZone( int prev0, int prev1, int flags );
const ZoneEvent* FindZoneAtTime( uint64_t thread, int64_t time ) const;
uint64_t GetFrameNumber( const FrameData& fd, int i, uint64_t offset ) const;
const char* GetFrameText( const FrameData& fd, int i, uint64_t ftime, uint64_t offset ) const;
void FindZones();
void FindZonesCompare();
std::vector<MemoryPage> GetMemoryPages() const;
const char* GetPlotName( const PlotData* plot ) const;
void SmallCallstackButton( const char* name, uint32_t callstack, int& idx, bool tooltip = true );
void DrawCallstackCalls( uint32_t callstack, uint16_t limit ) const;
void SetViewToLastFrames();
int64_t GetZoneChildTime( const ZoneEvent& zone );
int64_t GetZoneChildTime( const GpuEvent& zone );
int64_t GetZoneChildTimeFast( const ZoneEvent& zone );
int64_t GetZoneChildTimeFastClamped( const ZoneEvent& zone, int64_t t0, int64_t t1 );
int64_t GetZoneSelfTime( const ZoneEvent& zone );
int64_t GetZoneSelfTime( const GpuEvent& zone );
bool GetZoneRunningTime( const ContextSwitch* ctx, const ZoneEvent& ev, int64_t& time, uint64_t& cnt );
const char* GetThreadContextData( uint64_t thread, bool& local, bool& untracked, const char*& program );
tracy_force_inline void CalcZoneTimeData( unordered_flat_map<int16_t, ZoneTimeData>& data, int64_t& ztime, const ZoneEvent& zone );
tracy_force_inline void CalcZoneTimeData( const ContextSwitch* ctx, unordered_flat_map<int16_t, ZoneTimeData>& data, int64_t& ztime, const ZoneEvent& zone );
template<typename Adapter, typename V>
void CalcZoneTimeDataImpl( const V& children, unordered_flat_map<int16_t, ZoneTimeData>& data, int64_t& ztime, const ZoneEvent& zone );
template<typename Adapter, typename V>
void CalcZoneTimeDataImpl( const V& children, const ContextSwitch* ctx, unordered_flat_map<int16_t, ZoneTimeData>& data, int64_t& ztime, const ZoneEvent& zone );
void SetPlaybackFrame( uint32_t idx );
bool Save( const char* fn, FileWrite::Compression comp, int zlevel, bool buildDict );
unordered_flat_map<const void*, VisData> m_visData;
unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, bool> m_visibleMsgThread;
unordered_flat_map<const void*, int> m_gpuDrift;
unordered_flat_map<const PlotData*, PlotView> m_plotView;
Vector<const ThreadData*> m_threadOrder;
Vector<float> m_threadDnd;
tracy_force_inline VisData& Vis( const void* ptr )
auto it = m_visData.find( ptr );
if( it == m_visData.end() )
it = m_visData.emplace( ptr, VisData {} ).first;
return it->second;
tracy_force_inline bool& VisibleMsgThread( uint64_t thread )
auto it = m_visibleMsgThread.find( thread );
if( it == m_visibleMsgThread.end() )
it = m_visibleMsgThread.emplace( thread, true ).first;
return it->second;
tracy_force_inline int& GpuDrift( const void* ptr )
auto it = m_gpuDrift.find( ptr );
if( it == m_gpuDrift.end() )
it = m_gpuDrift.emplace( ptr, 0 ).first;
return it->second;
void AdjustThreadHeight( View::VisData& vis, int oldOffset, int& offset );
Worker m_worker;
std::string m_filename, m_filenameStaging;
bool m_staticView;
ViewMode m_viewMode;
bool m_viewModeHeuristicTry = false;
DecayValue<bool> m_forceConnectionPopup = false;
uint64_t m_totalMemory;
ViewData m_vd;
const ZoneEvent* m_zoneInfoWindow = nullptr;
const ZoneEvent* m_zoneHighlight;
DecayValue<int16_t> m_zoneSrcLocHighlight = 0;
LockHighlight m_lockHighlight { -1 };
DecayValue<const MessageData*> m_msgHighlight = nullptr;
DecayValue<uint32_t> m_lockHoverHighlight = InvalidId;
DecayValue<const MessageData*> m_msgToFocus = nullptr;
const GpuEvent* m_gpuInfoWindow = nullptr;
const GpuEvent* m_gpuHighlight;
uint64_t m_gpuInfoWindowThread;
uint32_t m_callstackInfoWindow = 0;
int64_t m_memoryAllocInfoWindow = -1;
uint64_t m_memoryAllocInfoPool = 0;
int64_t m_memoryAllocHover = -1;
uint64_t m_memoryAllocHoverPool = 0;
int m_memoryAllocHoverWait = 0;
const FrameData* m_frames;
uint32_t m_lockInfoWindow = InvalidId;
const ZoneEvent* m_zoneHover = nullptr;
DecayValue<const ZoneEvent*> m_zoneHover2 = nullptr;
int m_frameHover = -1;
bool m_messagesScrollBottom;
ImGuiTextFilter m_messageFilter;
bool m_showMessageImages = false;
int m_visibleMessages = 0;
size_t m_prevMessages = 0;
Vector<uint32_t> m_msgList;
bool m_disconnectIssued = false;
DecayValue<uint64_t> m_drawThreadMigrations = 0;
DecayValue<uint64_t> m_drawThreadHighlight = 0;
Annotation* m_selectedAnnotation = nullptr;
bool m_reactToCrash = false;
bool m_reactToLostConnection = false;
ImGuiTextFilter m_statisticsFilter;
ImGuiTextFilter m_statisticsImageFilter;
Region m_highlight;
Region m_highlightZoom;
DecayValue<uint64_t> m_cpuDataThread = 0;
uint64_t m_gpuThread = 0;
int64_t m_gpuStart = 0;
int64_t m_gpuEnd = 0;
bool m_showOptions = false;
bool m_showMessages = false;
bool m_showStatistics = false;
bool m_showInfo = false;
bool m_showPlayback = false;
bool m_showCpuDataWindow = false;
bool m_showAnnotationList = false;
AccumulationMode m_statAccumulationMode = AccumulationMode::SelfOnly;
bool m_statSampleTime = true;
int m_statMode = 0;
int m_statSampleLocation = 2;
bool m_statHideUnknown = true;
bool m_showAllSymbols = false;
int m_showCallstackFrameAddress = 0;
bool m_showUnknownFrames = true;
bool m_statSeparateInlines = false;
bool m_statShowAddress = false;
bool m_statShowKernel = true;
bool m_groupChildrenLocations = false;
bool m_allocTimeRelativeToZone = true;
bool m_ctxSwitchTimeRelativeToZone = true;
bool m_messageTimeRelativeToZone = true;
uint64_t m_zoneInfoMemPool = 0;
ShortcutAction m_shortcut = ShortcutAction::None;
Namespace m_namespace = Namespace::Short;
Animation m_zoomAnim;
BuzzAnim<int> m_callstackBuzzAnim;
BuzzAnim<int> m_sampleParentBuzzAnim;
BuzzAnim<int> m_callstackTreeBuzzAnim;
BuzzAnim<const void*> m_zoneinfoBuzzAnim;
BuzzAnim<int> m_findZoneBuzzAnim;
BuzzAnim<int16_t> m_optionsLockBuzzAnim;
BuzzAnim<uint32_t> m_lockInfoAnim;
BuzzAnim<uint32_t> m_statBuzzAnim;
Vector<const ZoneEvent*> m_zoneInfoStack;
Vector<const GpuEvent*> m_gpuInfoStack;
SourceContents m_srcHintCache;
std::unique_ptr<SourceView> m_sourceView;
const char* m_sourceViewFile;
bool m_uarchSet = false;
ImFont* m_smallFont;
ImFont* m_bigFont;
ImFont* m_fixedFont;
float m_rootWidth, m_rootHeight;
SetTitleCallback m_stcb;
bool m_titleSet = false;
GetWindowCallback m_gwcb;
float m_notificationTime = 0;
std::string m_notificationText;
bool m_groupCallstackTreeByNameBottomUp = true;
bool m_groupCallstackTreeByNameTopDown = true;
bool m_activeOnlyBottomUp = false;
bool m_activeOnlyTopDown = false;
enum class SaveThreadState
FindMatchingZoneFlagDefault = 0,
FindMatchingZoneFlagSourceFile = (1 << 0),
FindMatchingZoneFlagLineNum = (1 << 1),
std::atomic<SaveThreadState> m_saveThreadState { SaveThreadState::Inert };
std::thread m_saveThread;
std::atomic<size_t> m_srcFileBytes { 0 };
std::atomic<size_t> m_dstFileBytes { 0 };
void* m_frameTexture = nullptr;
const void* m_frameTexturePtr = nullptr;
void* m_frameTextureConn = nullptr;
const void* m_frameTextureConnPtr = nullptr;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Annotation>> m_annotations;
UserData m_userData;
bool m_reconnectRequested = false;
int m_firstFrame = 10;
float m_yDelta;
std::vector<SourceRegex> m_sourceSubstitutions;
bool m_sourceRegexValid = true;
RangeSlim m_setRangePopup;
bool m_setRangePopupOpen = false;
unordered_flat_map<int16_t, StatisticsCache> m_statCache;
struct FindZone {
enum : uint64_t { Unselected = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() - 1 };
enum class GroupBy : int { Thread, UserText, ZoneName, Callstack, Parent, NoGrouping };
enum class SortBy : int { Order, Count, Time, Mtpc };
struct Group
uint16_t id;
Vector<short_ptr<ZoneEvent>> zones;
int64_t time = 0;
bool show = false;
bool ignoreCase = false;
std::vector<int16_t> match;
unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, Group> groups;
size_t processed;
uint16_t groupId;
int selMatch = 0;
uint64_t selGroup = Unselected;
char pattern[1024] = {};
bool logVal = false;
bool logTime = true;
bool cumulateTime = false;
bool selfTime = false;
bool runningTime = false;
GroupBy groupBy = GroupBy::Thread;
SortBy sortBy = SortBy::Count;
Region highlight;
int64_t hlOrig_t0, hlOrig_t1;
int64_t numBins = -1;
std::unique_ptr<int64_t[]> bins, binTime, selBin;
Vector<int64_t> sorted, selSort;
size_t sortedNum = 0, selSortNum, selSortActive;
float average, selAverage;
float median, selMedian;
int64_t total, selTotal;
int64_t selTime;
bool drawAvgMed = true;
bool drawSelAvgMed = true;
bool scheduleResetMatch = false;
int selCs = 0;
int minBinVal = 1;
int64_t tmin, tmax;
bool showZoneInFrames = false;
Range range;
RangeSlim rangeSlim;
int numBins = -1;
ptrdiff_t distBegin;
ptrdiff_t distEnd;
} binCache;
void Reset()
selMatch = 0;
selGroup = Unselected; = false;
void ResetMatch()
sortedNum = 0;
average = 0;
median = 0;
total = 0;
tmin = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
tmax = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min();
void ResetGroups()
processed = 0;
groupId = 0;
selCs = 0;
selGroup = Unselected;
void ResetSelection()
selSortNum = 0;
selSortActive = 0;
selAverage = 0;
selMedian = 0;
selTotal = 0;
selTime = 0;
binCache.numBins = -1;
void ShowZone( int16_t srcloc, const char* name )
show = true; = false;
match.emplace_back( srcloc );
strcpy( pattern, name );
void ShowZone( int16_t srcloc, const char* name, int64_t limitMin, int64_t limitMax )
assert( limitMin <= limitMax );
show = true; = true;
range.min = limitMin;
range.max = limitMax;
match.emplace_back( srcloc );
strcpy( pattern, name );
} m_findZone;
tracy_force_inline uint64_t GetSelectionTarget( const Worker::ZoneThreadData& ev, FindZone::GroupBy groupBy ) const;
struct CompVal
double v0;
double v1;
struct {
bool show = false;
bool ignoreCase = false;
bool link = true;
std::unique_ptr<Worker> second;
std::unique_ptr<UserData> userData;
std::thread loadThread;
BadVersionState badVer;
char pattern[1024] = {};
std::vector<int16_t> match[2];
int selMatch[2] = { 0, 0 };
bool logVal = false;
bool logTime = true;
bool cumulateTime = false;
bool normalize = true;
int64_t numBins = -1;
std::unique_ptr<CompVal[]> bins, binTime;
std::vector<int64_t> sorted[2];
size_t sortedNum[2] = { 0, 0 };
float average[2];
float median[2];
int64_t total[2];
int minBinVal = 1;
int compareMode = 0;
void ResetSelection()
for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
sortedNum[i] = 0;
average[i] = 0;
median[i] = 0;
total[i] = 0;
void Reset()
for( int i=0; i<2; i++ )
selMatch[i] = 0;
} m_compare;
struct {
bool show = false;
char pattern[1024] = {};
uint64_t ptrFind = 0;
uint64_t pool = 0;
bool restrictTime = false;
bool showAllocList = false;
std::vector<size_t> allocList;
} m_memInfo;
struct {
std::vector<int64_t> data;
const FrameData* frameSet = nullptr;
size_t frameNum = 0;
float average = 0;
float median = 0;
int64_t total = 0;
bool logVal = false;
bool logTime = true;
int64_t numBins = -1;
std::unique_ptr<int64_t[]> bins;
bool drawAvgMed = true;
bool limitToView = false;
std::pair<int, int> limitRange = { -1, 0 };
int minBinVal = 1;
} m_frameSortData;
struct {
std::pair<const ZoneEvent*, int64_t> zoneSelfTime = { nullptr, 0 };
std::pair<const ZoneEvent*, int64_t> zoneSelfTime2 = { nullptr, 0 };
std::pair<const GpuEvent*, int64_t> gpuSelfTime = { nullptr, 0 };
std::pair<const GpuEvent*, int64_t> gpuSelfTime2 = { nullptr, 0 };
} m_cache;
struct {
void* texture = nullptr;
float timeLeft = 0;
float speed = 1;
uint32_t frame = 0;
uint32_t currFrame = -1;
bool pause = true;
bool sync = false;
bool zoom = false;
} m_playback;
struct TimeDistribution {
bool runningTime = false;
bool exclusiveTime = true;
unordered_flat_map<int16_t, ZoneTimeData> data;
const ZoneEvent* dataValidFor = nullptr;
float fztime;
} m_timeDist;
struct {
uint64_t symAddr = 0;
int sel;
} m_sampleParents;
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> m_cpuUsageBuf;