Bartosz Taudul 7dbfed9aea
Drop access to native window.
The new NFD library is not using this information, and the old one was using
it only on Windows. Oh well.

Removal of this functionality also removes some build-time decisions.
2022-08-12 21:44:24 +02:00

274 lines
7.9 KiB

#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "tracy_robin_hood.h"
#include "TracyCharUtil.hpp"
#include "TracyDecayValue.hpp"
#include "TracySourceContents.hpp"
#include "TracySourceTokenizer.hpp"
#include "../public/common/TracyForceInline.hpp"
#include "../public/common/TracyProtocol.hpp"
struct ImFont;
struct ImVec2;
namespace tracy
class View;
class Worker;
class SourceView
enum class RegsX86 : uint8_t
invalid, flags,
rax, rbx, rcx, rdx, rsi, rdi, rbp, rsp, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15,
mm0, mm1, mm2, mm3, mm4, mm5, mm6, mm7,
xmm0, xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, xmm4, xmm5, xmm6, xmm7, xmm8, xmm9,
xmm10, xmm11, xmm12, xmm13, xmm14, xmm15, xmm16, xmm17, xmm18, xmm19,
xmm20, xmm21, xmm22, xmm23, xmm24, xmm25, xmm26, xmm27, xmm28, xmm29,
xmm30, xmm31, k0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7,
enum class CostType
struct AsmOpParams
uint8_t type;
uint16_t width;
enum class LeaData : uint8_t
enum { ReadBit = 0x100 };
enum { WriteBit = 0x200 };
enum { ReuseBit = 0x400 };
enum { RegMask = 0x0FF };
enum { FlagMask = 0xF00 };
struct AsmLine
uint64_t addr;
uint64_t jumpAddr;
std::string mnemonic;
std::string operands;
uint8_t len;
LeaData leaData;
bool jumpConditional;
std::vector<AsmOpParams> params;
RegsX86 readX86[12];
RegsX86 writeX86[20];
uint16_t regData[20];
enum { AsmLineSize = sizeof( AsmLine ) };
struct JumpData
uint64_t min;
uint64_t max;
size_t level;
std::vector<uint64_t> source;
struct AddrStat
uint64_t local;
uint64_t ext;
AddrStat& operator+=( const AddrStat& other )
local += other.local;
ext += other.ext;
return *this;
struct AddrStatData
AddrStat ipTotalSrc = {};
AddrStat ipTotalAsm = {};
AddrStat ipMaxSrc = {};
AddrStat ipMaxAsm = {};
AddrStat hwMaxSrc = {};
AddrStat hwMaxAsm = {};
unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, AddrStat> ipCountSrc, ipCountAsm;
unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, AddrStat> hwCountSrc, hwCountAsm;
void UpdateFont( ImFont* fixed, ImFont* small ) { m_font = fixed; m_smallFont = small; }
void SetCpuId( uint32_t cpuid );
void OpenSource( const char* fileName, int line, const View& view, const Worker& worker );
void OpenSymbol( const char* fileName, int line, uint64_t baseAddr, uint64_t symAddr, Worker& worker, const View& view );
void Render( Worker& worker, View& view );
void CalcInlineStats( bool val ) { m_calcInlineStats = val; }
bool IsSymbolView() const { return !m_asm.empty(); }
void ParseSource( const char* fileName, const Worker& worker, const View& view );
bool Disassemble( uint64_t symAddr, const Worker& worker );
void SelectViewMode();
void RenderSimpleSourceView();
void RenderSymbolView( Worker& worker, View& view );
void RenderSymbolSourceView( const AddrStatData& as, Worker& worker, const View& view );
uint64_t RenderSymbolAsmView( const AddrStatData& as, Worker& worker, View& view );
void RenderLine( const Tokenizer::Line& line, int lineNum, const AddrStat& ipcnt, const AddrStatData& as, Worker* worker, const View* view );
void RenderAsmLine( AsmLine& line, const AddrStat& ipcnt, const AddrStatData& as, Worker& worker, uint64_t& jumpOut, int maxAddrLen, View& view );
void RenderHwLinePart( size_t cycles, size_t retired, size_t branchRetired, size_t branchMiss, size_t cacheRef, size_t cacheMiss, size_t branchRel, size_t branchRelMax, size_t cacheRel, size_t cacheRelMax, const ImVec2& ts );
void SelectLine( uint32_t line, const Worker* worker, bool updateAsmLine = true, uint64_t targetAddr = 0, bool changeAsmLine = true );
void SelectAsmLines( uint32_t file, uint32_t line, const Worker& worker, bool updateAsmLine = true, uint64_t targetAddr = 0, bool changeAsmLine = true );
void SelectAsmLinesHover( uint32_t file, uint32_t line, const Worker& worker );
void GatherIpHwStats( AddrStatData& as, Worker& worker, const View& view, CostType cost );
void GatherIpStats( uint64_t baseAddr, AddrStatData& as, const Worker& worker, bool limitView, const View& view );
void GatherAdditionalIpStats( uint64_t baseAddr, AddrStatData& as, const Worker& worker, bool limitView, const View& view );
void GatherChildStats( uint64_t baseAddr, unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, uint32_t>& vec, Worker& worker, bool limitView, const View& view );
uint32_t CountAsmIpStats( uint64_t baseAddr, const Worker& worker, bool limitView, const View& view );
void CountHwStats( AddrStatData& as, Worker& worker, const View& view );
void SelectMicroArchitecture( const char* moniker );
void ResetAsm();
void FollowRead( size_t line, RegsX86 reg, size_t limit );
void FollowWrite( size_t line, RegsX86 reg, size_t limit );
void CheckRead( size_t line, RegsX86 reg, size_t limit );
void CheckWrite( size_t line, RegsX86 reg, size_t limit );
bool IsInContext( const Worker& worker, uint64_t addr ) const;
void Save( const Worker& worker, size_t start = 0, size_t stop = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() );
tracy_force_inline void SetFont();
tracy_force_inline void UnsetFont();
ImFont* m_font;
ImFont* m_smallFont;
uint64_t m_symAddr;
uint64_t m_baseAddr;
uint64_t m_targetAddr;
int m_targetLine;
int m_selectedLine;
int m_asmSelected;
DecayValue<int> m_hoveredLine;
DecayValue<uint32_t> m_hoveredSource;
int m_displayMode;
uint32_t m_codeLen;
int32_t m_disasmFail;
DecayValue<uint64_t> m_highlightAddr;
int m_asmCountBase;
bool m_asmRelative;
bool m_asmBytes;
bool m_asmShowSourceLocation;
bool m_calcInlineStats;
uint8_t m_maxAsmBytes;
bool m_atnt;
uint64_t m_jumpPopupAddr;
bool m_hwSamples, m_hwSamplesRelative;
bool m_childCalls;
bool m_childCallList;
CostType m_cost;
SourceContents m_source;
SourceContents m_sourceTooltip;
std::vector<AsmLine> m_asm;
unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, uint32_t> m_locMap;
unordered_flat_map<uint64_t, JumpData> m_jumpTable;
unordered_flat_set<uint64_t> m_jumpOut;
size_t m_maxJumpLevel;
bool m_showJumps;
unordered_flat_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> m_sourceFiles;
unordered_flat_set<uint64_t> m_selectedAddresses;
unordered_flat_set<uint64_t> m_selectedAddressesHover;
uint32_t m_maxLine;
int m_maxMnemonicLen;
unordered_flat_map<const char*, int, charutil::Hasher, charutil::Comparator> m_microArchOpMap;
CpuArchitecture m_cpuArch;
int m_selMicroArch;
int m_idxMicroArch, m_profileMicroArch;
bool m_showLatency;
unordered_flat_set<uint32_t> m_asmSampleSelect;
unordered_flat_set<uint32_t> m_srcSampleSelect;
int32_t m_asmGroupSelect = -1;
int32_t m_srcGroupSelect = -1;
float m_srcWidth;
float m_asmWidth;
float m_jumpOffset;
Tokenizer m_tokenizer;
uint32_t file = 0;
uint32_t line = 0;
size_t sel;
std::vector<uint64_t> target;
} m_asmTarget;