Bartosz Taudul 3b03e849f0 Harden client code against unaligned memory access.
There shouldn't be any changes in generated code on modern
architectures, as the memcpy will be reduced to a store/load operation
identical to the one generated with plain struct member access.

GetTime( cpu ) needs special handling, as the MSVC intrinsic for rdtscp
can't store cpu identifier in a register. Using intermediate variable
would cause store to stack, read from stack, store to the destination
address. Since rdtscp is only available on x86, which handles unaligned
stores without any problems, we can have one place with direct struct
member access.
2018-03-31 14:15:04 +02:00

183 lines
5.6 KiB

// Include this file after you include OpenGL 3.2 headers.
#if !defined TRACY_ENABLE || defined __APPLE__
#define TracyGpuContext
#define TracyGpuZone(x)
#define TracyGpuZoneC(x,y)
#define TracyGpuCollect
#include <atomic>
#include "Tracy.hpp"
#include "client/TracyProfiler.hpp"
#include "common/TracyAlign.hpp"
#include "common/TracyAlloc.hpp"
#define TracyGpuContext tracy::s_gpuCtx.ptr = (tracy::GpuCtx*)tracy::tracy_malloc( sizeof( tracy::GpuCtx ) ); new(tracy::s_gpuCtx.ptr) tracy::GpuCtx;
#define TracyGpuZone( name ) static const tracy::SourceLocation __tracy_gpu_source_location { name, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, (uint32_t)__LINE__, 0 }; tracy::GpuCtxScope ___tracy_gpu_zone( &__tracy_gpu_source_location );
#define TracyGpuZoneC( name, color ) static const tracy::SourceLocation __tracy_gpu_source_location { name, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, (uint32_t)__LINE__, color }; tracy::GpuCtxScope ___tracy_gpu_zone( &__tracy_gpu_source_location );
#define TracyGpuCollect tracy::s_gpuCtx.ptr->Collect();
namespace tracy
extern std::atomic<uint16_t> s_gpuCtxCounter;
class GpuCtx
friend class GpuCtxScope;
enum { QueryCount = 64 * 1024 };
: m_context( s_gpuCtxCounter.fetch_add( 1, std::memory_order_relaxed ) )
, m_head( 0 )
, m_tail( 0 )
glGenQueries( QueryCount, m_query );
int64_t tgpu;
glGetInteger64v( GL_TIMESTAMP, &tgpu );
int64_t tcpu = Profiler::GetTime();
GLint bits;
Magic magic;
auto& token = s_token.ptr;
auto& tail = token->get_tail_index();
auto item = token->enqueue_begin<moodycamel::CanAlloc>( magic );
MemWrite( &item->hdr.type, QueueType::GpuNewContext );
MemWrite( &item->gpuNewContext.cpuTime, tcpu );
MemWrite( &item->gpuNewContext.gpuTime, tgpu );
MemWrite( &item->gpuNewContext.thread, GetThreadHandle() );
MemWrite( &item->gpuNewContext.context, m_context );
MemWrite( &item->gpuNewContext.accuracyBits, (uint8_t)bits ); magic + 1, std::memory_order_release );
void Collect()
ZoneScopedC( Color::Red4 );
auto start = m_tail;
auto end = m_head + QueryCount;
auto cnt = ( end - start ) % QueryCount;
while( cnt > 1 )
auto mid = start + cnt / 2;
GLint available;
glGetQueryObjectiv( m_query[mid % QueryCount], GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE, &available );
if( available )
start = mid;
end = mid;
cnt = ( end - start ) % QueryCount;
start %= QueryCount;
Magic magic;
auto& token = s_token.ptr;
auto& tail = token->get_tail_index();
while( m_tail != start )
uint64_t time;
glGetQueryObjectui64v( m_query[m_tail], GL_QUERY_RESULT, &time );
auto item = token->enqueue_begin<moodycamel::CanAlloc>( magic );
MemWrite( &item->hdr.type, QueueType::GpuTime );
MemWrite( &item->gpuTime.gpuTime, (int64_t)time );
MemWrite( &item->gpuTime.context, m_context ); magic + 1, std::memory_order_release );
m_tail = ( m_tail + 1 ) % QueryCount;
int64_t tgpu;
glGetInteger64v( GL_TIMESTAMP, &tgpu );
int64_t tcpu = Profiler::GetTime();
auto item = token->enqueue_begin<moodycamel::CanAlloc>( magic );
MemWrite( &item->hdr.type, QueueType::GpuResync );
MemWrite( &item->gpuResync.cpuTime, tcpu );
MemWrite( &item->gpuResync.gpuTime, tgpu );
MemWrite( &item->gpuResync.context, m_context ); magic + 1, std::memory_order_release );
tracy_force_inline unsigned int NextQueryId()
const auto id = m_head;
m_head = ( m_head + 1 ) % QueryCount;
assert( m_head != m_tail );
return m_query[id];
tracy_force_inline uint16_t GetId() const
return m_context;
unsigned int m_query[QueryCount];
uint16_t m_context;
unsigned int m_head;
unsigned int m_tail;
extern thread_local GpuCtxWrapper s_gpuCtx;
class GpuCtxScope
tracy_force_inline GpuCtxScope( const SourceLocation* srcloc )
glQueryCounter( s_gpuCtx.ptr->NextQueryId(), GL_TIMESTAMP );
Magic magic;
auto& token = s_token.ptr;
auto& tail = token->get_tail_index();
auto item = token->enqueue_begin<moodycamel::CanAlloc>( magic );
MemWrite( &item->hdr.type, QueueType::GpuZoneBegin );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.cpuTime, Profiler::GetTime() );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.srcloc, (uint64_t)srcloc );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneBegin.context, s_gpuCtx.ptr->GetId() ); magic + 1, std::memory_order_release );
tracy_force_inline ~GpuCtxScope()
glQueryCounter( s_gpuCtx.ptr->NextQueryId(), GL_TIMESTAMP );
Magic magic;
auto& token = s_token.ptr;
auto& tail = token->get_tail_index();
auto item = token->enqueue_begin<moodycamel::CanAlloc>( magic );
MemWrite( &item->hdr.type, QueueType::GpuZoneEnd );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneEnd.cpuTime, Profiler::GetTime() );
MemWrite( &item->gpuZoneEnd.context, s_gpuCtx.ptr->GetId() ); magic + 1, std::memory_order_release );