Bartosz Taudul 788d9b77fc
Use proper start time to determine if break combining locks.
Without this correction the code would combine all lock regions according
to the minimum visibility range rules, and assign the combined area the
highest lock state within all items. This could produce quote long combined
lock regions, where apparently lock contention happened.

Combined lock regions should instead be split to show exactly where the
lock contention is present. Combining is still performed here, but only
within the minimum visibility range.

This new behavior was also present previously, but was mistakenly omitted
during code refactor.
2023-04-15 22:56:44 +02:00

1012 lines
35 KiB

#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include "TracyImGui.hpp"
#include "TracyLockHelpers.hpp"
#include "TracyMouse.hpp"
#include "TracyPrint.hpp"
#include "TracyTimelineContext.hpp"
#include "TracyTimelineItemThread.hpp"
#include "TracyView.hpp"
#include "TracyWorker.hpp"
namespace tracy
constexpr float MinVisSize = 3;
constexpr float MinCtxSize = 4;
TimelineItemThread::TimelineItemThread( View& view, Worker& worker, const ThreadData* thread )
: TimelineItem( view, worker, thread, true )
, m_thread( thread )
, m_ghost( false )
auto name = worker.GetThreadName( thread->id );
if( strncmp( name, "Tracy ", 6 ) == 0 )
m_showFull = false;
bool TimelineItemThread::IsEmpty() const
auto& crash = m_worker.GetCrashEvent();
return crash.thread != m_thread->id &&
m_thread->timeline.empty() &&
m_thread->messages.empty() &&
uint32_t TimelineItemThread::HeaderColor() const
auto& crash = m_worker.GetCrashEvent();
if( crash.thread == m_thread->id ) return 0xFF2222FF;
if( m_thread->isFiber ) return 0xFF88FF88;
return 0xFFFFFFFF;
uint32_t TimelineItemThread::HeaderColorInactive() const
auto& crash = m_worker.GetCrashEvent();
if( crash.thread == m_thread->id ) return 0xFF111188;
if( m_thread->isFiber ) return 0xFF448844;
return 0xFF888888;
uint32_t TimelineItemThread::HeaderLineColor() const
return 0x33FFFFFF;
const char* TimelineItemThread::HeaderLabel() const
return m_worker.GetThreadName( m_thread->id );
int64_t TimelineItemThread::RangeBegin() const
int64_t first = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
const auto ctx = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( m_thread->id );
if( ctx && !ctx->v.empty() )
first = ctx->v.begin()->Start();
if( !m_thread->timeline.empty() )
if( m_thread->timeline.is_magic() )
auto& tl = *((Vector<ZoneEvent>*)&m_thread->timeline);
first = std::min( first, tl.front().Start() );
first = std::min( first, m_thread->timeline.front()->Start() );
if( !m_thread->messages.empty() )
first = std::min( first, m_thread->messages.front()->time );
for( const auto& lock : m_worker.GetLockMap() )
const auto& lockmap = *lock.second;
if( !lockmap.valid ) continue;
auto it = lockmap.threadMap.find( m_thread->id );
if( it == lockmap.threadMap.end() ) continue;
const auto thread = it->second;
auto lptr =;
while( lptr->ptr->thread != thread ) lptr++;
if( lptr->ptr->Time() < first ) first = lptr->ptr->Time();
return first;
int64_t TimelineItemThread::RangeEnd() const
int64_t last = -1;
const auto ctx = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( m_thread->id );
if( ctx && !ctx->v.empty() )
const auto& back = ctx->v.back();
last = back.IsEndValid() ? back.End() : back.Start();
if( !m_thread->timeline.empty() )
if( m_thread->timeline.is_magic() )
auto& tl = *((Vector<ZoneEvent>*)&m_thread->timeline);
last = std::max( last, m_worker.GetZoneEnd( tl.back() ) );
last = std::max( last, m_worker.GetZoneEnd( *m_thread->timeline.back() ) );
if( !m_thread->messages.empty() )
last = std::max( last, m_thread->messages.back()->time );
for( const auto& lock : m_worker.GetLockMap() )
const auto& lockmap = *lock.second;
if( !lockmap.valid ) continue;
auto it = lockmap.threadMap.find( m_thread->id );
if( it == lockmap.threadMap.end() ) continue;
const auto thread = it->second;
auto eptr = + lockmap.timeline.size() - 1;
while( eptr->ptr->thread != thread ) eptr--;
if( eptr->ptr->Time() > last ) last = eptr->ptr->Time();
return last;
void TimelineItemThread::HeaderTooltip( const char* label ) const
m_view.HighlightThread( m_thread->id );
SmallColorBox( GetThreadColor( m_thread->id, 0, m_view.GetViewData().dynamicColors ) );
ImGui::TextUnformatted( m_worker.GetThreadName( m_thread->id ) );
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%s)", RealToString( m_thread->id ) );
auto& crash = m_worker.GetCrashEvent();
if( crash.thread == m_thread->id )
TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 1.f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.f ), ICON_FA_SKULL " Crashed" );
if( m_thread->isFiber )
TextColoredUnformatted( ImVec4( 0.2f, 0.6f, 0.2f, 1.f ), "Fiber" );
const auto ctx = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( m_thread->id );
const auto first = RangeBegin();
const auto last = RangeEnd();
size_t lockCnt = 0;
for( const auto& lock : m_worker.GetLockMap() )
const auto& lockmap = *lock.second;
if( !lockmap.valid ) continue;
auto it = lockmap.threadMap.find( m_thread->id );
if( it == lockmap.threadMap.end() ) continue;
if( last >= 0 )
const auto lifetime = last - first;
const auto traceLen = m_worker.GetLastTime() - m_worker.GetFirstTime();
TextFocused( "Appeared at", TimeToString( first ) );
TextFocused( "Last event at", TimeToString( last ) );
TextFocused( "Lifetime:", TimeToString( lifetime ) );
char buf[64];
PrintStringPercent( buf, lifetime / double( traceLen ) * 100 );
TextDisabledUnformatted( buf );
if( ctx )
TextFocused( "Time in running state:", TimeToString( ctx->runningTime ) );
PrintStringPercent( buf, ctx->runningTime / double( lifetime ) * 100 );
TextDisabledUnformatted( buf );
if( !m_thread->timeline.empty() )
TextFocused( "Zone count:", RealToString( m_thread->count ) );
TextFocused( "Top-level zones:", RealToString( m_thread->timeline.size() ) );
if( !m_thread->messages.empty() )
TextFocused( "Messages:", RealToString( m_thread->messages.size() ) );
if( lockCnt != 0 )
TextFocused( "Locks:", RealToString( lockCnt ) );
if( ctx )
TextFocused( "Running state regions:", RealToString( ctx->v.size() ) );
if( !m_thread->samples.empty() )
TextFocused( "Call stack samples:", RealToString( m_thread->samples.size() ) );
if( m_thread->kernelSampleCnt != 0 )
TextFocused( "Kernel samples:", RealToString( m_thread->kernelSampleCnt ) );
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(%.2f%%)", 100.f * m_thread->kernelSampleCnt / m_thread->samples.size() );
void TimelineItemThread::HeaderExtraContents( const TimelineContext& ctx, int offset, float labelWidth )
m_view.DrawThreadMessagesList( ctx, m_msgDraw, offset, m_thread->id );
const bool hasGhostZones = m_worker.AreGhostZonesReady() && !m_thread->ghostZones.empty();
if( hasGhostZones && !m_thread->timeline.empty() )
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const auto ty = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight();
const auto color = m_ghost ? 0xFFAA9999 : 0x88AA7777;
draw->AddText( ctx.wpos + ImVec2( 1.5f * ty + labelWidth, offset ), color, ICON_FA_GHOST );
float ghostSz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( ICON_FA_GHOST ).x;
if( ctx.hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( ctx.wpos + ImVec2( 1.5f * ty + labelWidth, offset ), ctx.wpos + ImVec2( 1.5f * ty + labelWidth + ghostSz, offset + ty ) ) )
if( IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
m_ghost = !m_ghost;
bool TimelineItemThread::DrawContents( const TimelineContext& ctx, int& offset )
m_view.DrawThread( ctx, *m_thread, m_draw, m_ctxDraw, m_samplesDraw, m_lockDraw, offset, m_depth, m_hasCtxSwitch, m_hasSamples );
if( m_depth == 0 && !m_hasMessages )
auto& crash = m_worker.GetCrashEvent();
return crash.thread == m_thread->id;
return true;
void TimelineItemThread::DrawOverlay( const ImVec2& ul, const ImVec2& dr )
m_view.DrawThreadOverlays( *m_thread, ul, dr );
void TimelineItemThread::DrawFinished()
void TimelineItemThread::Preprocess( const TimelineContext& ctx, TaskDispatch& td, bool visible, int yPos )
assert( m_samplesDraw.empty() );
assert( m_ctxDraw.empty() );
assert( m_draw.empty() );
assert( m_msgDraw.empty() );
assert( m_lockDraw.empty() );
td.Queue( [this, &ctx, visible] {
if( m_worker.AreGhostZonesReady() && ( m_ghost || ( m_view.GetViewData().ghostZones && m_thread->timeline.empty() ) ) )
m_depth = PreprocessGhostLevel( ctx, m_thread->ghostZones, 0, visible );
m_depth = PreprocessZoneLevel( ctx, m_thread->timeline, 0, visible );
} );
const auto& vd = m_view.GetViewData();
m_hasCtxSwitch = false;
if( vd.drawContextSwitches )
auto ctxSwitch = m_worker.GetContextSwitchData( m_thread->id );
if( ctxSwitch )
// There is no yPos passed here to enable more granular visibility check,
// as context switch shadows will usually be projected down onto zones.
td.Queue( [this, &ctx, ctxSwitch, visible] {
PreprocessContextSwitches( ctx, *ctxSwitch, visible );
} );
m_hasSamples = false;
if( vd.drawSamples && !m_thread->samples.empty() )
td.Queue( [this, &ctx, visible, yPos] {
PreprocessSamples( ctx, m_thread->samples, visible, yPos );
} );
m_hasMessages = false;
td.Queue( [this, &ctx, visible, yPos] {
PreprocessMessages( ctx, m_thread->messages, m_thread->id, visible, yPos );
} );
if( vd.drawLocks )
const auto& locks = m_worker.GetLockMap();
if( !locks.empty() )
PreprocessLocks( ctx, locks, m_thread->id, td, visible, yPos );
int TimelineItemThread::PreprocessGhostLevel( const TimelineContext& ctx, const Vector<GhostZone>& vec, int depth, bool visible )
const auto nspx = ctx.nspx;
const auto vStart = ctx.vStart;
const auto vEnd = ctx.vEnd;
const auto MinVisNs = int64_t( round( GetScale() * MinVisSize * nspx ) );
auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::max<int64_t>( 0, vStart - 2 * MinVisNs ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.end.Val() < r; } );
if( it == vec.end() ) return depth;
const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), vEnd, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.start.Val() < r; } );
if( it == zitend ) return depth;
if( (zitend-1)->end.Val() < vStart ) return depth;
int maxdepth = depth + 1;
while( it < zitend )
auto& ev = *it;
const auto end = ev.end.Val();
const auto zsz = end - ev.start.Val();
if( zsz < MinVisNs )
auto nextTime = end + MinVisNs;
auto next = it + 1;
next = std::lower_bound( next, zitend, nextTime, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.end.Val() < r; } );
if( next == zitend ) break;
auto prev = next - 1;
const auto pt = prev->end.Val();
const auto nt = next->end.Val();
if( nt - pt >= MinVisNs ) break;
nextTime = nt + MinVisNs;
if( visible ) m_draw.emplace_back( TimelineDraw { TimelineDrawType::GhostFolded, uint16_t( depth ), (void**)&ev, (next-1)->end } );
it = next;
if( ev.child >= 0 )
const auto d = PreprocessGhostLevel( ctx, m_worker.GetGhostChildren( ev.child ), depth + 1, visible );
if( d > maxdepth ) maxdepth = d;
if( visible ) m_draw.emplace_back( TimelineDraw { TimelineDrawType::Ghost, uint16_t( depth ), (void**)&ev } );
return maxdepth;
int TimelineItemThread::PreprocessZoneLevel( const TimelineContext& ctx, const Vector<short_ptr<ZoneEvent>>& vec, int depth, bool visible )
if( vec.is_magic() )
return PreprocessZoneLevel<VectorAdapterDirect<ZoneEvent>>( ctx, *(Vector<ZoneEvent>*)( &vec ), depth, visible );
return PreprocessZoneLevel<VectorAdapterPointer<ZoneEvent>>( ctx, vec, depth, visible );
template<typename Adapter, typename V>
int TimelineItemThread::PreprocessZoneLevel( const TimelineContext& ctx, const V& vec, int depth, bool visible )
const auto delay = m_worker.GetDelay();
const auto resolution = m_worker.GetResolution();
const auto vStart = ctx.vStart;
const auto vEnd = ctx.vEnd;
const auto nspx = ctx.nspx;
const auto MinVisNs = int64_t( round( GetScale() * MinVisSize * nspx ) );
// cast to uint64_t, so that unended zones (end = -1) are still drawn
auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::max<int64_t>( 0, vStart - std::max<int64_t>( delay, 2 * MinVisNs ) ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return (uint64_t)a(l).End() < (uint64_t)r; } );
if( it == vec.end() ) return depth;
const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), vEnd + resolution, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return a(l).Start() < r; } );
if( it == zitend ) return depth;
Adapter a;
if( !a(*it).IsEndValid() && m_worker.GetZoneEnd( a(*it) ) < vStart ) return depth;
if( m_worker.GetZoneEnd( a(*(zitend-1)) ) < vStart ) return depth;
int maxdepth = depth + 1;
while( it < zitend )
auto& ev = a(*it);
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
const auto zsz = end - ev.Start();
if( zsz < MinVisNs )
auto nextTime = end + MinVisNs;
auto next = it + 1;
next = std::lower_bound( next, zitend, nextTime, [this] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { Adapter a; return m_worker.GetZoneEnd( a(l) ) < r; } );
if( next == zitend ) break;
auto prev = next - 1;
const auto pt = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( a(*prev) );
const auto nt = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( a(*next) );
if( nt - pt >= MinVisNs ) break;
nextTime = nt + MinVisNs;
if( visible ) m_draw.emplace_back( TimelineDraw { TimelineDrawType::Folded, uint16_t( depth ), (void**)&ev, m_worker.GetZoneEnd( a(*(next-1)) ), uint32_t( next - it ) } );
it = next;
if( ev.HasChildren() )
const auto d = PreprocessZoneLevel( ctx, m_worker.GetZoneChildren( ev.Child() ), depth + 1, visible );
if( d > maxdepth ) maxdepth = d;
if( visible ) m_draw.emplace_back( TimelineDraw { TimelineDrawType::Zone, uint16_t( depth ), (void**)&ev } );
return maxdepth;
void TimelineItemThread::PreprocessContextSwitches( const TimelineContext& ctx, const ContextSwitch& ctxSwitch, bool visible )
const auto nspx = ctx.nspx;
const auto vStart = ctx.vStart;
const auto vEnd = ctx.vEnd;
auto& vec = ctxSwitch.v;
auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::max<int64_t>( 0, vStart ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l.End() < (uint64_t)r; } );
if( it == vec.end() ) return;
if( it != vec.begin() ) --it;
auto citend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), vEnd, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.Start() < r; } );
if( it == citend ) return;
if( citend != vec.end() ) ++citend;
m_hasCtxSwitch = true;
if( !visible ) return;
const auto MinCtxNs = int64_t( round( GetScale() * MinCtxSize * nspx ) );
const auto& sampleData = m_thread->samples;
bool first = true;
while( it < citend )
auto& ev = *it;
if( first )
first = false;
uint32_t waitStack = 0;
if( !sampleData.empty() )
auto sdit = std::lower_bound( sampleData.begin(), sampleData.end(), ev.Start(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time.Val() < r; } );
bool found = sdit != sampleData.end() && sdit->time.Val() == ev.Start();
if( !found && it != vec.begin() )
auto eit = it;
sdit = std::lower_bound( sampleData.begin(), sampleData.end(), eit->End(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time.Val() < r; } );
found = sdit != sampleData.end() && sdit->time.Val() == eit->End();
if( found ) waitStack = sdit->callstack.Val();
m_ctxDraw.emplace_back( ContextSwitchDraw { ContextSwitchDrawType::Waiting, uint32_t( it - vec.begin() ), waitStack } );
const auto end = ev.IsEndValid() ? ev.End() : ev.Start();
const auto zsz = end - ev.Start();
if( zsz < MinCtxNs )
auto nextTime = end + MinCtxNs;
auto next = it + 1;
next = std::lower_bound( next, citend, nextTime, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return ( l.IsEndValid() ? l.End() : l.Start() ) < r; } );
if( next == citend ) break;
auto prev = next - 1;
const auto pt = prev->IsEndValid() ? prev->End() : prev->Start();
const auto nt = next->IsEndValid() ? next->End() : next->Start();
if( nt - pt >= MinCtxNs ) break;
nextTime = nt + MinCtxNs;
m_ctxDraw.emplace_back( ContextSwitchDraw { ContextSwitchDrawType::Folded, uint32_t( it - vec.begin() ), uint32_t( next - it ) } );
it = next;
m_ctxDraw.emplace_back( ContextSwitchDraw { ContextSwitchDrawType::Running, uint32_t( it - vec.begin() ) } );
void TimelineItemThread::PreprocessSamples( const TimelineContext& ctx, const Vector<SampleData>& vec, bool visible, int yPos )
const auto vStart = ctx.vStart;
const auto vEnd = ctx.vEnd;
const auto nspx = ctx.nspx;
const auto ty = ctx.ty;
const auto ostep = ty + 1;
const auto pos = yPos + ostep;
const auto MinVis = 5 * GetScale();
const auto MinVisNs = int64_t( round( MinVis * nspx ) );
auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), vStart - MinVisNs, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time.Val() < r; } );
if( it == vec.end() ) return;
const auto itend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), vEnd, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time.Val() < r; } );
if( it == itend ) return;
m_hasSamples = true;
if( !visible ) return;
const auto ty0375 = pos + round( ty * 0.375f );
const auto ty02 = round( ty * 0.2f );
const auto y0 = ty0375 - ty02 - 3;
const auto y1 = ty0375 + ty02 - 1;
if( y0 > ctx.yMax || y1 < ctx.yMin ) return;
while( it < itend )
auto next = it + 1;
if( next != itend )
const auto t0 = it->time.Val();
auto nextTime = t0 + MinVisNs;
next = std::lower_bound( next, itend, nextTime, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time.Val() < r; } );
if( next == itend ) break;
auto prev = next - 1;
const auto pt = prev->time.Val();
const auto nt = next->time.Val();
if( nt - pt >= MinVisNs ) break;
nextTime = nt + MinVisNs;
m_samplesDraw.emplace_back( SamplesDraw { uint32_t( next - it - 1 ), uint32_t( it - vec.begin() ) } );
it = next;
void TimelineItemThread::PreprocessMessages( const TimelineContext& ctx, const Vector<short_ptr<MessageData>>& vec, uint64_t tid, bool visible, int yPos )
const auto vStart = ctx.vStart;
const auto vEnd = ctx.vEnd;
const auto nspx = ctx.nspx;
const auto MinVisNs = int64_t( round( GetScale() * MinVisSize * nspx ) );
auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), vStart, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->time < rhs; } );
if( it == vec.end() ) return;
auto end = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), vEnd+1, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->time < rhs; } );
if( it == end ) return;
m_hasMessages = true;
if( !visible ) return;
if( yPos > ctx.yMax || yPos + ctx.ty < ctx.yMin ) return;
const auto hMsg = m_view.GetMessageHighlight();
const auto hThread = hMsg ? m_worker.DecompressThread( hMsg->thread ) : 0;
while( it < end )
const auto msgTime = (*it)->time;
const auto nextTime = msgTime + MinVisNs;
const auto next = std::upper_bound( it, vec.end(), nextTime, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs < rhs->time; } );
const auto num = next - it;
bool hilite;
if( num == 1 )
hilite = hMsg == *it;
if( hMsg && hThread == tid )
const auto hTime = hMsg->time;
hilite = (*it)->time <= hTime && ( next == vec.end() || (*next)->time > hTime );
hilite = false;
m_msgDraw.emplace_back( MessagesDraw { *it, hilite, uint32_t( num ) } );
it = next;
static Vector<LockEventPtr>::const_iterator GetNextLockEvent( const Vector<LockEventPtr>::const_iterator& it, const Vector<LockEventPtr>::const_iterator& end, LockState::Type& nextState, uint64_t threadBit )
auto next = it;
switch( nextState )
case LockState::Nothing:
while( next < end )
if( next->lockCount != 0 )
if( GetThreadBit( next->lockingThread ) == threadBit )
nextState = AreOtherWaiting( next->waitList, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
else if( IsThreadWaiting( next->waitList, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::WaitLock;
case LockState::HasLock:
while( next < end )
if( next->lockCount == 0 )
nextState = LockState::Nothing;
if( next->waitList != 0 )
if( AreOtherWaiting( next->waitList, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::HasBlockingLock;
if( next->waitList != it->waitList || next->lockCount != it->lockCount )
case LockState::HasBlockingLock:
while( next < end )
if( next->lockCount == 0 )
nextState = LockState::Nothing;
if( next->waitList != it->waitList || next->lockCount != it->lockCount )
case LockState::WaitLock:
while( next < end )
if( GetThreadBit( next->lockingThread ) == threadBit )
nextState = AreOtherWaiting( next->waitList, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
if( next->lockingThread != it->lockingThread )
if( next->lockCount == 0 )
assert( false );
return next;
static LockState::Type CombineLockState( LockState::Type state, LockState::Type next )
return std::max( state, next );
static Vector<LockEventPtr>::const_iterator GetNextLockEventShared( const Vector<LockEventPtr>::const_iterator& it, const Vector<LockEventPtr>::const_iterator& end, LockState::Type& nextState, uint64_t threadBit )
const auto itptr = (const LockEventShared*)(const LockEvent*)it->ptr;
auto next = it;
switch( nextState )
case LockState::Nothing:
while( next < end )
const auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)(const LockEvent*)next->ptr;
if( next->lockCount != 0 )
const auto wait = next->waitList | ptr->waitShared;
if( GetThreadBit( next->lockingThread ) == threadBit )
nextState = AreOtherWaiting( wait, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
else if( IsThreadWaiting( wait, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::WaitLock;
else if( IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) )
nextState = ( next->waitList != 0 ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
else if( ptr->sharedList != 0 && IsThreadWaiting( next->waitList, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::WaitLock;
case LockState::HasLock:
while( next < end )
const auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)(const LockEvent*)next->ptr;
if( next->lockCount == 0 && !IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::Nothing;
if( next->waitList != 0 )
if( AreOtherWaiting( next->waitList, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::HasBlockingLock;
else if( !IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) && ptr->waitShared != 0 )
nextState = LockState::HasBlockingLock;
if( next->waitList != it->waitList || ptr->waitShared != itptr->waitShared || next->lockCount != it->lockCount || ptr->sharedList != itptr->sharedList )
case LockState::HasBlockingLock:
while( next < end )
const auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)(const LockEvent*)next->ptr;
if( next->lockCount == 0 && !IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::Nothing;
if( next->waitList != it->waitList || ptr->waitShared != itptr->waitShared || next->lockCount != it->lockCount || ptr->sharedList != itptr->sharedList )
case LockState::WaitLock:
while( next < end )
const auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)(const LockEvent*)next->ptr;
if( GetThreadBit( next->lockingThread ) == threadBit )
const auto wait = next->waitList | ptr->waitShared;
nextState = AreOtherWaiting( wait, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
if( IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) )
nextState = ( next->waitList != 0 ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
if( next->lockingThread != it->lockingThread )
if( next->lockCount == 0 && !IsThreadWaiting( ptr->waitShared, threadBit ) )
assert( false );
return next;
void TimelineItemThread::PreprocessLocks( const TimelineContext& ctx, const unordered_flat_map<uint32_t, LockMap*>& locks, uint32_t tid, TaskDispatch& td, bool visible, int yPos )
const auto vStart = ctx.vStart;
const auto vEnd = ctx.vEnd;
const auto nspx = ctx.nspx;
const auto& vd = m_view.GetViewData();
const auto lockInfoWindow = m_view.GetLockInfoWindow();
const auto MinVisNs = int64_t( round( GetScale() * MinVisSize * nspx ) );
for( auto& v : locks )
const auto& lockmap = *v.second;
if( !lockmap.valid ) continue;
if( !m_view.Vis( &lockmap ) ) continue;
if( vd.onlyContendedLocks && lockInfoWindow != v.first && ( lockmap.threadList.size() == 1 || !lockmap.isContended ) ) continue;
auto it = lockmap.threadMap.find( tid );
if( it == lockmap.threadMap.end() ) continue;
assert( !lockmap.timeline.empty() );
const auto& range = lockmap.range[it->second];
if( range.start > vEnd || range.end < vStart )
if( lockInfoWindow == v.first )
m_lockDraw.emplace_back( std::make_unique<LockDraw>( LockDraw { v.first, true, it->second } ) );
auto drawData = std::make_unique<LockDraw>( LockDraw { v.first, false, it->second } );
auto drawPtr = drawData.get();
m_lockDraw.emplace_back( std::move( drawData ) );
td.Queue( [this, it, &lockmap, &ctx, &range, &vd, visible, drawPtr, MinVisNs] {
const auto vStart = ctx.vStart;
const auto vEnd = ctx.vEnd;
auto GetNextLockFunc = lockmap.type == LockType::Lockable ? GetNextLockEvent : GetNextLockEventShared;
const auto thread = it->second;
const auto threadBit = GetThreadBit( thread );
const auto& tl = lockmap.timeline;
auto vbegin = std::lower_bound( tl.begin(), tl.end(), std::max( range.start, vStart ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.ptr->Time() < r; } );
const auto vend = std::lower_bound( vbegin, tl.end(), std::min( range.end, vEnd ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.ptr->Time() < r; } );
if( vbegin > tl.begin() ) vbegin--;
LockState::Type state = LockState::Nothing;
if( lockmap.type == LockType::Lockable )
if( vbegin->lockCount != 0 )
if( vbegin->lockingThread == thread )
state = AreOtherWaiting( vbegin->waitList, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
else if( IsThreadWaiting( vbegin->waitList, threadBit ) )
state = LockState::WaitLock;
auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)(const LockEvent*)vbegin->ptr;
if( vbegin->lockCount != 0 )
if( vbegin->lockingThread == thread )
state = ( AreOtherWaiting( vbegin->waitList, threadBit ) || AreOtherWaiting( ptr->waitShared, threadBit ) ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
else if( IsThreadWaiting( vbegin->waitList, threadBit ) || IsThreadWaiting( ptr->waitShared, threadBit ) )
state = LockState::WaitLock;
else if( IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) )
state = vbegin->waitList != 0 ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
else if( ptr->sharedList != 0 && IsThreadWaiting( vbegin->waitList, threadBit ) )
state = LockState::WaitLock;
const uint8_t mask = vd.onlyContendedLocks ? ( LockState::Nothing | LockState::HasLock ) : LockState::Nothing;
if( !visible )
while( vbegin < vend && ( state & mask ) != 0 )
vbegin = GetNextLockFunc( vbegin, vend, state, threadBit );
drawPtr->forceDraw = vbegin < vend;
auto& dst = drawPtr->data;
while( vbegin < vend && ( state & mask ) != 0 )
vbegin = GetNextLockFunc( vbegin, vend, state, threadBit );
if( vbegin >= vend ) break;
assert( ( state & mask ) == 0 );
LockState::Type drawState = state;
auto next = GetNextLockFunc( vbegin, vend, state, threadBit );
const auto tStart = vbegin->ptr->Time();
int64_t t0 = tStart;
int64_t t1 = next == tl.end() ? m_worker.GetLastTime() : next->ptr->Time();
uint32_t condensed = 0;
if( next >= vend || t1 - t0 > MinVisNs ) break;
auto n = next;
auto ns = state;
while( n < vend && ( ns & mask ) != 0 )
n = GetNextLockFunc( n, vend, ns, threadBit );
if( n >= vend ) break;
if( n == next )
n = GetNextLockFunc( n, vend, ns, threadBit );
drawState = CombineLockState( drawState, state );
const auto t2 = n == tl.end() ? m_worker.GetLastTime() : n->ptr->Time();
if( t2 - t1 > MinVisNs ) break;
if( drawState != ns && t2 - tStart > MinVisNs && ( ns & mask ) == 0 ) break;
t0 = t1;
t1 = t2;
next = n;
state = ns;
dst.emplace_back( LockDrawItem { t1, drawState, condensed, vbegin, next } );
vbegin = next;
} );