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synced 2024-11-22 14:44:34 +00:00
Requires vector to be sorted, in order to not bother with recalculating sortedEnd value.
128 lines
3.6 KiB
128 lines
3.6 KiB
#include "TracySort.hpp"
#include "TracyVector.hpp"
namespace tracy
#pragma pack( 1 )
template<typename T, class CompareDefault = std::less<T>>
class SortedVector
using iterator = T*;
using const_iterator = const T*;
tracy_force_inline SortedVector()
: sortedEnd( 0 )
SortedVector( const SortedVector& ) = delete;
tracy_force_inline SortedVector( SortedVector&& src ) noexcept
: v( std::move( src.v ) )
, sortedEnd( src.sortedEnd )
tracy_force_inline SortedVector( const T& value )
: v( value )
, sortedEnd( 0 )
SortedVector& operator=( const SortedVector& ) = delete;
tracy_force_inline SortedVector& operator=( SortedVector&& src ) noexcept
v = std::move( src.v );
sortedEnd = src.sortedEnd;
return *this;
tracy_force_inline void swap( SortedVector& other )
v.swap( other.v );
std::swap( sortedEnd, other.sortedEnd );
tracy_force_inline bool empty() const { return v.empty(); }
tracy_force_inline size_t size() const { return v.size(); }
tracy_force_inline bool is_sorted() const { return sortedEnd == 0; }
tracy_force_inline T* data() { return v.data(); }
tracy_force_inline const T* data() const { return v.data(); };
tracy_force_inline T* begin() { return v.begin(); }
tracy_force_inline const T* begin() const { return v.begin(); }
tracy_force_inline T* end() { return v.end(); }
tracy_force_inline const T* end() const { return v.end(); }
tracy_force_inline T& front() { return v.front(); }
tracy_force_inline const T& front() const { return v.front(); }
tracy_force_inline T& back() { return v.back(); }
tracy_force_inline const T& back() const { return v.back(); }
tracy_force_inline T& operator[]( size_t idx ) { return v[idx]; }
tracy_force_inline const T& operator[]( size_t idx ) const { return v[idx]; }
tracy_force_inline void push_back( const T& val ) { push_back( val, CompareDefault() ); }
template<class Compare>
tracy_force_inline void push_back( const T& val, Compare comp )
if( sortedEnd == 0 && !v.empty() && !comp( v.back(), val ) )
sortedEnd = (uint32_t)v.size();
v.push_back( val );
tracy_force_inline void reserve( size_t cap ) { v.reserve( cap ); }
template<size_t U>
tracy_force_inline void reserve_exact( uint32_t sz, Slab<U>& slab ) { v.reserve_exact( sz, slab ); }
tracy_force_inline void clear() { v.clear(); sortedEnd = 0; }
tracy_force_inline T* erase( T* begin, T* end )
assert( is_sorted() );
return v.erase( begin, end );
tracy_force_inline void sort() { sort( CompareDefault() ); }
tracy_force_inline void ensure_sorted() { if( !is_sorted() ) sort(); }
template<class Compare>
void sort( Compare comp )
assert( !is_sorted() );
const auto sb = v.begin();
const auto se = sb + sortedEnd;
const auto sl = se - 1;
const auto ue = v.end();
pdqsort_branchless( se, ue, comp );
std::sort( std::execution::par_unseq, se, ue, comp );
const auto ss = std::lower_bound( sb, se, *se, comp );
const auto uu = std::lower_bound( se, ue, *sl, comp );
std::inplace_merge( ss, se, uu, comp );
sortedEnd = 0;
Vector<T> v;
uint32_t sortedEnd;
#pragma pack()
enum { SortedVectorSize = sizeof( SortedVector<int> ) };