mirror of
synced 2024-11-10 10:41:50 +00:00
This makes is much easier to process on the server and opens new optimization possibilities. It also fixes theoretical problems, which may be caused by invalid ordering of events with the same timestamp.
4420 lines
134 KiB
4420 lines
134 KiB
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning( disable: 4244 4267 ) // conversion from don't care to whatever, possible loss of data
#ifdef _WIN32
# include <winsock2.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
# include <malloc.h>
# include <alloca.h>
#include <cctype>
#include <chrono>
#include <mutex>
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#if ( defined _MSC_VER && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L ) || __cplusplus >= 201703L
# if __has_include(<execution>)
# include <execution>
# else
# endif
# include "tracy_pdqsort.h"
#include "../common/TracyProtocol.hpp"
#include "../common/TracySystem.hpp"
#include "TracyFileRead.hpp"
#include "TracyFileWrite.hpp"
#include "TracyVersion.hpp"
#include "TracyWorker.hpp"
#include "tracy_flat_hash_map.hpp"
namespace tracy
static inline CallstackFrameId PackPointer( uint64_t ptr )
assert( ( ( ptr & 0x4000000000000000 ) << 1 ) == ( ptr & 0x8000000000000000 ) );
CallstackFrameId id;
id.idx = ptr;
id.sel = 0;
return id;
static constexpr int FileVersion( uint8_t h5, uint8_t h6, uint8_t h7 )
return ( h5 << 16 ) | ( h6 << 8 ) | h7;
static const uint8_t FileHeader[8] { 't', 'r', 'a', 'c', 'y', Version::Major, Version::Minor, Version::Patch };
enum { FileHeaderMagic = 5 };
static const int CurrentVersion = FileVersion( Version::Major, Version::Minor, Version::Patch );
static const int MinSupportedVersion = FileVersion( 0, 4, 0 );
static void UpdateLockCountLockable( LockMap& lockmap, size_t pos )
auto& timeline = lockmap.timeline;
bool isContended = lockmap.isContended;
uint8_t lockingThread;
uint8_t lockCount;
uint64_t waitList;
if( pos == 0 )
lockingThread = 0;
lockCount = 0;
waitList = 0;
const auto& tl = timeline[pos-1];
lockingThread = tl.lockingThread;
lockCount = tl.lockCount;
waitList = tl.waitList;
const auto end = timeline.size();
while( pos != end )
auto& tl = timeline[pos];
const auto tbit = uint64_t( 1 ) << tl.ptr->thread;
switch( (LockEvent::Type)tl.ptr->type )
case LockEvent::Type::Wait:
waitList |= tbit;
case LockEvent::Type::Obtain:
assert( lockCount < std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max() );
assert( ( waitList & tbit ) != 0 );
waitList &= ~tbit;
lockingThread = tl.ptr->thread;
case LockEvent::Type::Release:
assert( lockCount > 0 );
tl.lockingThread = lockingThread;
tl.waitList = waitList;
tl.lockCount = lockCount;
if( !isContended ) isContended = lockCount != 0 && waitList != 0;
lockmap.isContended = isContended;
static void UpdateLockCountSharedLockable( LockMap& lockmap, size_t pos )
auto& timeline = lockmap.timeline;
bool isContended = lockmap.isContended;
uint8_t lockingThread;
uint8_t lockCount;
uint64_t waitShared;
uint64_t waitList;
uint64_t sharedList;
if( pos == 0 )
lockingThread = 0;
lockCount = 0;
waitShared = 0;
waitList = 0;
sharedList = 0;
const auto& tl = timeline[pos-1];
const auto tlp = (LockEventShared*)tl.ptr;
lockingThread = tl.lockingThread;
lockCount = tl.lockCount;
waitShared = tlp->waitShared;
waitList = tl.waitList;
sharedList = tlp->sharedList;
const auto end = timeline.size();
// ObtainShared and ReleaseShared should assert on lockCount == 0, but
// due to the async retrieval of data from threads that's not possible.
while( pos != end )
auto& tl = timeline[pos];
const auto tlp = (LockEventShared*)tl.ptr;
const auto tbit = uint64_t( 1 ) << tlp->thread;
switch( (LockEvent::Type)tlp->type )
case LockEvent::Type::Wait:
waitList |= tbit;
case LockEvent::Type::WaitShared:
waitShared |= tbit;
case LockEvent::Type::Obtain:
assert( lockCount < std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max() );
assert( ( waitList & tbit ) != 0 );
waitList &= ~tbit;
lockingThread = tlp->thread;
case LockEvent::Type::Release:
assert( lockCount > 0 );
case LockEvent::Type::ObtainShared:
assert( ( waitShared & tbit ) != 0 );
assert( ( sharedList & tbit ) == 0 );
waitShared &= ~tbit;
sharedList |= tbit;
case LockEvent::Type::ReleaseShared:
assert( ( sharedList & tbit ) != 0 );
sharedList &= ~tbit;
tl.lockingThread = lockingThread;
tlp->waitShared = waitShared;
tl.waitList = waitList;
tlp->sharedList = sharedList;
tl.lockCount = lockCount;
if( !isContended ) isContended = ( lockCount != 0 && ( waitList != 0 || waitShared != 0 ) ) || ( sharedList != 0 && waitList != 0 );
lockmap.isContended = isContended;
static inline void UpdateLockCount( LockMap& lockmap, size_t pos )
if( lockmap.type == LockType::Lockable )
UpdateLockCountLockable( lockmap, pos );
UpdateLockCountSharedLockable( lockmap, pos );
static tracy_force_inline void WriteTimeOffset( FileWrite& f, int64_t& refTime, int64_t time )
int64_t timeOffset = time - refTime;
refTime += timeOffset;
f.Write( &timeOffset, sizeof( timeOffset ) );
static tracy_force_inline int64_t ReadTimeOffset( FileRead& f, int64_t& refTime )
int64_t timeOffset;
f.Read( timeOffset );
refTime += timeOffset;
return refTime;
static tracy_force_inline void UpdateLockRange( LockMap& lockmap, const LockEvent& ev )
const auto lt = ev.time;
auto& range = lockmap.range[ev.thread];
if( range.start > lt ) range.start = lt;
if( range.end < lt ) range.end = lt;
LoadProgress Worker::s_loadProgress;
Worker::Worker( const char* addr )
: m_addr( addr )
, m_hasData( false )
, m_stream( LZ4_createStreamDecode() )
, m_buffer( new char[TargetFrameSize*3 + 1] )
, m_bufferOffset( 0 )
, m_pendingStrings( 0 )
, m_pendingThreads( 0 )
, m_pendingSourceLocation( 0 )
, m_pendingCallstackFrames( 0 )
, m_pendingCallstackSubframes( 0 )
, m_callstackFrameStaging( nullptr )
, m_traceVersion( CurrentVersion )
, m_loadTime( 0 )
m_data.sourceLocationExpand.push_back( 0 );
m_data.threadExpand.push_back( 0 );
m_data.callstackPayload.push_back( nullptr );
memset( m_gpuCtxMap, 0, sizeof( m_gpuCtxMap ) );
m_data.sourceLocationZonesReady = true;
m_thread = std::thread( [this] { Exec(); } );
SetThreadName( m_thread, "Tracy Worker" );
Worker::Worker( FileRead& f, EventType::Type eventMask )
: m_hasData( true )
, m_stream( nullptr )
, m_buffer( nullptr )
auto loadStart = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
m_data.callstackPayload.push_back( nullptr );
int fileVer = 0;
uint8_t hdr[8];
f.Read( hdr, sizeof( hdr ) );
if( memcmp( FileHeader, hdr, FileHeaderMagic ) == 0 )
fileVer = FileVersion( hdr[FileHeaderMagic], hdr[FileHeaderMagic+1], hdr[FileHeaderMagic+2] );
if( fileVer > CurrentVersion )
throw UnsupportedVersion( fileVer );
if( fileVer < MinSupportedVersion )
throw LegacyVersion( fileVer );
f.Read( m_delay );
throw LegacyVersion( FileVersion( 0, 2, 0 ) );
m_traceVersion = fileVer;
if( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 4, 8 ) )
s_loadProgress.total.store( 8, std::memory_order_relaxed );
s_loadProgress.total.store( 9, std::memory_order_relaxed );
s_loadProgress.subTotal.store( 0, std::memory_order_relaxed );
s_loadProgress.progress.store( LoadProgress::Initialization, std::memory_order_relaxed );
f.Read( m_resolution );
f.Read( m_timerMul );
f.Read( m_data.lastTime );
f.Read( m_data.frameOffset );
uint64_t sz;
f.Read( sz );
assert( sz < 1024 );
char tmp[1024];
f.Read( tmp, sz );
m_captureName = std::string( tmp, tmp+sz );
f.Read( sz );
assert( sz < 1024 );
char tmp[1024];
f.Read( tmp, sz );
m_captureProgram = std::string( tmp, tmp+sz );
f.Read( m_captureTime );
f.Read( sz );
assert( sz < 1024 );
char tmp[1024];
f.Read( tmp, sz );
m_hostInfo = std::string( tmp, tmp+sz );
f.Read( &m_data.crashEvent, sizeof( m_data.crashEvent ) );
f.Read( sz );
m_data.frames.Data().reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
auto ptr = m_slab.AllocInit<FrameData>();
f.Read( &ptr->name, sizeof( ptr->name ) );
f.Read( &ptr->continuous, sizeof( ptr->continuous ) );
uint64_t fsz;
f.Read( &fsz, sizeof( fsz ) );
ptr->frames.reserve_exact( fsz, m_slab );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 9 ) )
int64_t refTime = 0;
if( ptr->continuous )
for( uint64_t j=0; j<fsz; j++ )
ptr->frames[j].start = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
ptr->frames[j].end = -1;
f.Read( &ptr->frames[j].frameImage, sizeof( int32_t ) );
for( uint64_t j=0; j<fsz; j++ )
ptr->frames[j].start = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
ptr->frames[j].end = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
f.Read( &ptr->frames[j].frameImage, sizeof( int32_t ) );
else if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 2 ) )
int64_t refTime = 0;
if( ptr->continuous )
for( uint64_t j=0; j<fsz; j++ )
ptr->frames[j].start = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
ptr->frames[j].end = -1;
ptr->frames[j].frameImage = -1;
for( uint64_t j=0; j<fsz; j++ )
ptr->frames[j].start = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
ptr->frames[j].end = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
ptr->frames[j].frameImage = -1;
if( ptr->continuous )
for( uint64_t j=0; j<fsz; j++ )
f.Read( &ptr->frames[j].start, sizeof( int64_t ) );
ptr->frames[j].end = -1;
ptr->frames[j].frameImage = -1;
for( uint64_t j=0; j<fsz; j++ )
f.Read( &ptr->frames[j].start, sizeof( int64_t ) );
f.Read( &ptr->frames[j].end, sizeof( int64_t ) );
ptr->frames[j].frameImage = -1;
m_data.frames.Data()[i] = ptr;
m_data.framesBase = m_data.frames.Data()[0];
assert( m_data.framesBase->name == 0 );
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, const char*, nohash<uint64_t>> pointerMap;
f.Read( sz );
m_data.stringData.reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint64_t ptr, ssz;
f.Read2( ptr, ssz );
auto dst = m_slab.Alloc<char>( ssz+1 );
f.Read( dst, ssz );
dst[ssz] = '\0';
m_data.stringData[i] = ( dst );
pointerMap.emplace( ptr, dst );
f.Read( sz );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint64_t id, ptr;
f.Read2( id, ptr );
auto it = pointerMap.find( ptr );
if( it != pointerMap.end() )
m_data.strings.emplace( id, it->second );
f.Read( sz );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint64_t id, ptr;
f.Read2( id, ptr );
auto it = pointerMap.find( ptr );
if( it != pointerMap.end() )
m_data.threadNames.emplace( id, it->second );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 4 ) )
f.Read( sz );
m_data.threadExpand.reserve_and_use( sz );
f.Read( m_data.threadExpand.data(), sizeof( uint64_t ) * sz );
m_data.threadMap.reserve( sz );
for( size_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
m_data.threadMap.emplace( m_data.threadExpand[i], i );
f.Read( sz );
m_data.threadExpand.reserve( sz );
m_data.threadExpand.push_back( 0 );
f.Read( sz );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint64_t ptr;
f.Read( ptr );
SourceLocation srcloc;
f.Read( srcloc );
m_data.sourceLocation.emplace( ptr, srcloc );
f.Read( sz );
m_data.sourceLocationExpand.reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
f.Read( m_data.sourceLocationExpand.data(), sizeof( uint64_t ) * sz );
const auto sle = sz;
f.Read( sz );
m_data.sourceLocationPayload.reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
auto srcloc = m_slab.Alloc<SourceLocation>();
f.Read( srcloc, sizeof( *srcloc ) );
m_data.sourceLocationPayload[i] = srcloc;
m_data.sourceLocationPayloadMap.emplace( srcloc, uint32_t( i ) );
m_data.sourceLocationZonesReady = false;
m_data.sourceLocationZones.reserve( sle + sz );
f.Read( sz );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
int32_t id;
uint64_t cnt;
f.Read( id );
f.Read( cnt );
auto status = m_data.sourceLocationZones.emplace( id, SourceLocationZones() );
assert( status.second );
status.first->second.zones.reserve( cnt );
f.Read( sz );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
int32_t id;
f.Read( id );
f.Skip( sizeof( uint64_t ) );
m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt.emplace( id, 0 );
s_loadProgress.progress.store( LoadProgress::Locks, std::memory_order_relaxed );
f.Read( sz );
if( eventMask & EventType::Locks )
s_loadProgress.subTotal.store( sz, std::memory_order_relaxed );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
s_loadProgress.subProgress.store( i, std::memory_order_relaxed );
auto lockmapPtr = m_slab.AllocInit<LockMap>();
auto& lockmap = *lockmapPtr;
uint32_t id;
uint64_t tsz;
f.Read( id );
f.Read( lockmap.srcloc );
f.Read( lockmap.type );
f.Read( lockmap.valid );
lockmap.isContended = false;
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 1 ) )
f.Read2( lockmap.timeAnnounce, lockmap.timeTerminate );
lockmap.timeAnnounce = lockmap.timeTerminate = 0;
f.Read( tsz );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<tsz; i++ )
uint64_t t;
f.Read( t );
lockmap.threadMap.emplace( t, lockmap.threadList.size() );
lockmap.threadList.emplace_back( t );
f.Read( tsz );
lockmap.timeline.reserve_exact( tsz, m_slab );
auto ptr = lockmap.timeline.data();
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 2 ) )
int64_t refTime = lockmap.timeAnnounce;
if( lockmap.type == LockType::Lockable )
for( uint64_t i=0; i<tsz; i++ )
auto lev = m_slab.Alloc<LockEvent>();
lev->time = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
f.Read( &lev->srcloc, sizeof( LockEvent::srcloc ) + sizeof( LockEvent::thread ) + sizeof( LockEvent::type ) );
*ptr++ = { lev };
UpdateLockRange( lockmap, *lev );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<tsz; i++ )
auto lev = m_slab.Alloc<LockEventShared>();
lev->time = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
f.Read( &lev->srcloc, sizeof( LockEventShared::srcloc ) + sizeof( LockEventShared::thread ) + sizeof( LockEventShared::type ) );
*ptr++ = { lev };
UpdateLockRange( lockmap, *lev );
if( lockmap.type == LockType::Lockable )
for( uint64_t i=0; i<tsz; i++ )
auto lev = m_slab.Alloc<LockEvent>();
f.Read( lev, sizeof( LockEvent::time ) + sizeof( LockEvent::srcloc ) + sizeof( LockEvent::thread ) + sizeof( LockEvent::type ) );
*ptr++ = { lev };
UpdateLockRange( lockmap, *lev );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<tsz; i++ )
auto lev = m_slab.Alloc<LockEventShared>();
f.Read( lev, sizeof( LockEventShared::time ) + sizeof( LockEventShared::srcloc ) + sizeof( LockEventShared::thread ) + sizeof( LockEventShared::type ) );
*ptr++ = { lev };
UpdateLockRange( lockmap, *lev );
UpdateLockCount( lockmap, 0 );
m_data.lockMap.emplace( id, lockmapPtr );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
LockType type;
uint64_t tsz;
f.Skip( sizeof( uint32_t ) + sizeof( LockMap::srcloc ) );
f.Read( type );
f.Skip( sizeof( LockMap::valid ) );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 1 ) )
f.Skip( sizeof( LockMap::timeAnnounce ) + sizeof( LockMap::timeTerminate ) );
f.Read( tsz );
f.Skip( tsz * sizeof( uint64_t ) );
f.Read( tsz );
f.Skip( tsz * ( sizeof( LockEvent::time ) + sizeof( LockEvent::type ) + sizeof( LockEvent::srcloc ) + sizeof( LockEvent::thread ) ) );
s_loadProgress.subTotal.store( 0, std::memory_order_relaxed );
s_loadProgress.progress.store( LoadProgress::Messages, std::memory_order_relaxed );
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, MessageData*, nohash<uint64_t>> msgMap;
f.Read( sz );
if( eventMask & EventType::Messages )
m_data.messages.reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 8 ) )
int64_t refTime = 0;
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint64_t ptr;
f.Read( ptr );
auto msgdata = m_slab.Alloc<MessageData>();
msgdata->time = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
f.Read( msgdata->ref );
f.Read( msgdata->color );
m_data.messages[i] = msgdata;
msgMap.emplace( ptr, msgdata );
else if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 2 ) )
int64_t refTime = 0;
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint64_t ptr;
f.Read( ptr );
auto msgdata = m_slab.Alloc<MessageData>();
msgdata->time = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
f.Read( msgdata->ref );
msgdata->color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
m_data.messages[i] = msgdata;
msgMap.emplace( ptr, msgdata );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint64_t ptr;
f.Read( ptr );
auto msgdata = m_slab.Alloc<MessageData>();
f.Read( msgdata, sizeof( MessageData::time ) + sizeof( MessageData::ref ) );
msgdata->color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
m_data.messages[i] = msgdata;
msgMap.emplace( ptr, msgdata );
if( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 4, 7 ) )
f.Skip( sz * ( sizeof( uint64_t ) + sizeof( MessageData::time ) + sizeof( MessageData::ref ) ) );
f.Skip( sz * ( sizeof( uint64_t ) + sizeof( MessageData::time ) + sizeof( MessageData::ref ) + sizeof( MessageData::color ) ) );
s_loadProgress.progress.store( LoadProgress::Zones, std::memory_order_relaxed );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 7 ) )
f.Read( sz );
s_loadProgress.subTotal.store( sz, std::memory_order_relaxed );
s_loadProgress.subProgress.store( 0, std::memory_order_relaxed );
f.Read( sz );
m_data.threads.reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
auto td = m_slab.AllocInit<ThreadData>();
uint64_t tid;
f.Read( tid );
td->id = tid;
f.Read( td->count );
uint64_t tsz;
f.Read( tsz );
if( fileVer < FileVersion( 0, 4, 7 ) )
s_loadProgress.subTotal.store( td->count, std::memory_order_relaxed );
s_loadProgress.subProgress.store( 0, std::memory_order_relaxed );
if( tsz != 0 )
if( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 4, 1 ) )
ReadTimelinePre042( f, td->timeline, CompressThread( tid ), tsz, fileVer );
int64_t refTime = 0;
ReadTimeline( f, td->timeline, CompressThread( tid ), tsz, refTime );
uint64_t msz;
f.Read( msz );
if( eventMask & EventType::Messages )
td->messages.reserve_exact( msz, m_slab );
for( uint64_t j=0; j<msz; j++ )
uint64_t ptr;
f.Read( ptr );
auto md = msgMap[ptr];
td->messages[j] = md;
md->thread = tid;
f.Skip( msz * sizeof( uint64_t ) );
m_data.threads[i] = td;
s_loadProgress.progress.store( LoadProgress::GpuZones, std::memory_order_relaxed );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 7 ) )
f.Read( sz );
s_loadProgress.subTotal.store( sz, std::memory_order_relaxed );
s_loadProgress.subProgress.store( 0, std::memory_order_relaxed );
f.Read( sz );
m_data.gpuData.reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
auto ctx = m_slab.AllocInit<GpuCtxData>();
f.Read( ctx->thread );
f.Read( ctx->accuracyBits );
f.Read( ctx->count );
if( fileVer < FileVersion( 0, 4, 7 ) )
s_loadProgress.subTotal.store( ctx->count, std::memory_order_relaxed );
s_loadProgress.subProgress.store( 0, std::memory_order_relaxed );
int64_t refTime = 0;
int64_t refGpuTime = 0;
f.Read( ctx->period );
uint64_t tsz;
f.Read( tsz );
if( tsz != 0 )
if( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 4, 3 ) )
ReadTimelinePre044( f, ctx->timeline, tsz, refTime, refGpuTime, fileVer );
ReadTimeline( f, ctx->timeline, tsz, refTime, refGpuTime );
m_data.gpuData[i] = ctx;
s_loadProgress.progress.store( LoadProgress::Plots, std::memory_order_relaxed );
f.Read( sz );
if( eventMask & EventType::Plots )
m_data.plots.Data().reserve( sz );
s_loadProgress.subTotal.store( sz, std::memory_order_relaxed );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
s_loadProgress.subProgress.store( i, std::memory_order_relaxed );
auto pd = m_slab.AllocInit<PlotData>();
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 5 ) )
f.Read( pd->type );
pd->type = PlotType::User;
f.Read( pd->name );
f.Read( pd->min );
f.Read( pd->max );
uint64_t psz;
f.Read( psz );
pd->data.reserve_exact( psz, m_slab );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 2 ) )
int64_t refTime = 0;
for( uint64_t j=0; j<psz; j++ )
pd->data[j].time = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
f.Read( pd->data[j].val );
f.Read( pd->data.data(), psz * sizeof( PlotItem ) );
m_data.plots.Data().push_back_no_space_check( pd );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 5 ) )
f.Skip( sizeof( PlotData::name ) + sizeof( PlotData::min ) + sizeof( PlotData::max ) + sizeof( PlotData::type ) );
f.Skip( sizeof( PlotData::name ) + sizeof( PlotData::min ) + sizeof( PlotData::max ) );
uint64_t psz;
f.Read( psz );
f.Skip( psz * sizeof( PlotItem ) );
bool reconstructMemAllocPlot = false;
s_loadProgress.subTotal.store( 0, std::memory_order_relaxed );
s_loadProgress.progress.store( LoadProgress::Memory, std::memory_order_relaxed );
f.Read( sz );
if( eventMask & EventType::Memory )
m_data.memory.data.reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
uint64_t activeSz, freesSz;
f.Read2( activeSz, freesSz );
m_data.memory.active.reserve( activeSz );
m_data.memory.frees.reserve_exact( freesSz, m_slab );
auto mem = m_data.memory.data.data();
s_loadProgress.subTotal.store( sz, std::memory_order_relaxed );
size_t fidx = 0;
int64_t refTime = 0;
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 4 ) )
auto& frees = m_data.memory.frees;
auto& active = m_data.memory.active;
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
s_loadProgress.subProgress.store( i, std::memory_order_relaxed );
f.Read( mem, sizeof( MemEvent::ptr ) + sizeof( MemEvent::size ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeFree ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csFree ) + sizeof( MemEvent::threadAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::threadFree ) );
refTime += mem->timeAlloc;
mem->timeAlloc = refTime;
if( mem->timeFree >= 0 )
mem->timeFree += refTime;
frees[fidx++] = i;
active.emplace( mem->ptr, i );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
s_loadProgress.subProgress.store( i, std::memory_order_relaxed );
if( fileVer > FileVersion( 0, 4, 1 ) )
f.Read( mem, sizeof( MemEvent::ptr ) + sizeof( MemEvent::size ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeFree ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csFree ) );
refTime += mem->timeAlloc;
mem->timeAlloc = refTime;
if( mem->timeFree >= 0 ) mem->timeFree += refTime;
f.Read( mem, sizeof( MemEvent::ptr ) + sizeof( MemEvent::size ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeFree ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csFree ) );
uint64_t t0, t1;
f.Read2( t0, t1 );
mem->threadAlloc = CompressThread( t0 );
if( t0 == t1 )
mem->threadFree = mem->threadAlloc;
mem->threadFree = CompressThread( t1 );
if( mem->timeFree < 0 )
m_data.memory.active.emplace( mem->ptr, i );
m_data.memory.frees[fidx++] = i;
f.Read( m_data.memory.high );
f.Read( m_data.memory.low );
f.Read( m_data.memory.usage );
if( sz != 0 )
reconstructMemAllocPlot = true;
f.Skip( 2 * sizeof( uint64_t ) );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 4 ) )
f.Skip( sz * ( sizeof( MemEvent::ptr ) + sizeof( MemEvent::size ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeFree ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csFree ) + sizeof( MemEvent::threadAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::threadFree ) ) );
else if( fileVer > FileVersion( 0, 4, 1 ) )
f.Skip( sz * ( sizeof( MemEvent::ptr ) + sizeof( MemEvent::size ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeFree ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csFree ) + 2 * sizeof( uint64_t ) ) );
f.Skip( sz * ( sizeof( MemEvent::ptr ) + sizeof( MemEvent::size ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::timeFree ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csAlloc ) + sizeof( MemEvent::csFree ) + 2 * sizeof( uint64_t ) ) );
f.Skip( sizeof( MemData::high ) + sizeof( MemData::low ) + sizeof( MemData::usage ) );
s_loadProgress.subTotal.store( 0, std::memory_order_relaxed );
s_loadProgress.progress.store( LoadProgress::CallStacks, std::memory_order_relaxed );
f.Read( sz );
m_data.callstackPayload.reserve( sz );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 6 ) )
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint8_t csz;
f.Read( csz );
const auto memsize = sizeof( VarArray<CallstackFrameId> ) + csz * sizeof( CallstackFrameId );
auto mem = (char*)m_slab.AllocRaw( memsize );
auto data = (CallstackFrameId*)mem;
f.Read( data, csz * sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) );
auto arr = (VarArray<CallstackFrameId>*)( mem + csz * sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) );
new(arr) VarArray<CallstackFrameId>( csz, data );
m_data.callstackPayload.push_back_no_space_check( arr );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint8_t csz;
f.Read( csz );
const auto memsize = sizeof( VarArray<CallstackFrameId> ) + csz * sizeof( CallstackFrameId );
auto mem = (char*)m_slab.AllocRaw( memsize );
auto data = (CallstackFrameId*)mem;
for( uint8_t j=0; j<csz; j++ )
uint64_t ptr;
f.Read( ptr );
data[j] = PackPointer( ptr );
auto arr = (VarArray<CallstackFrameId>*)( mem + csz * sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) );
new(arr) VarArray<CallstackFrameId>( csz, data );
m_data.callstackPayload.push_back_no_space_check( arr );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 6 ) )
f.Read( sz );
m_data.callstackFrameMap.reserve( sz );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
CallstackFrameId id;
f.Read( id );
auto frameData = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrameData>();
f.Read( frameData->size );
frameData->data = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrame>( frameData->size );
f.Read( frameData->data, sizeof( CallstackFrame ) * frameData->size );
m_data.callstackFrameMap.emplace( id, frameData );
else if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 3 ) )
f.Read( sz );
m_data.callstackFrameMap.reserve( sz );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint64_t ptr;
f.Read( ptr );
auto frameData = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrameData>();
f.Read( frameData->size );
frameData->data = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrame>( frameData->size );
f.Read( frameData->data, sizeof( CallstackFrame ) * frameData->size );
m_data.callstackFrameMap.emplace( PackPointer( ptr ), frameData );
f.Read( sz );
m_data.callstackFrameMap.reserve( sz );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint64_t ptr;
f.Read( ptr );
auto frameData = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrameData>();
frameData->size = 1;
frameData->data = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrame>();
f.Read( frameData->data, sizeof( CallstackFrame ) );
m_data.callstackFrameMap.emplace( PackPointer( ptr ), frameData );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 11 ) )
f.Read( sz );
if( sz > 0 )
m_data.appInfo.reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
f.Read( m_data.appInfo.data(), sizeof( m_data.appInfo[0] ) * sz );
if( fileVer >= FileVersion( 0, 4, 9 ) )
s_loadProgress.subTotal.store( 0, std::memory_order_relaxed );
s_loadProgress.progress.store( LoadProgress::FrameImages, std::memory_order_relaxed );
if( eventMask & EventType::FrameImages )
size_t tmpbufsz = 0;
char* tmpbuf = nullptr;
f.Read( sz );
m_data.frameImage.reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
s_loadProgress.subTotal.store( sz, std::memory_order_relaxed );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
s_loadProgress.subProgress.store( i, std::memory_order_relaxed );
auto fi = m_slab.Alloc<FrameImage>();
f.Read2( fi->w, fi->h );
f.Read( fi->flip );
const auto sz = size_t( fi->w * fi->h / 2 );
if( tmpbufsz < sz )
tmpbufsz = sz;
delete[] tmpbuf;
tmpbuf = new char[sz];
f.Read( tmpbuf, sz );
fi->ptr = PackFrameImage( tmpbuf, fi->w, fi->h, fi->csz );
m_data.frameImage[i] = fi;
delete[] tmpbuf;
const auto& frames = GetFramesBase()->frames;
const auto fsz = uint32_t( frames.size() );
for( uint32_t i=0; i<fsz; i++ )
const auto& f = frames[i];
if( f.frameImage != -1 )
m_data.frameImage[f.frameImage]->frameRef = i;
// Implement skip, if more data is added after frame image section
s_loadProgress.total.store( 0, std::memory_order_relaxed );
m_loadTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>( std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - loadStart ).count();
m_backgroundDone.store( false, std::memory_order_relaxed );
m_threadBackground = std::thread( [this, reconstructMemAllocPlot] {
std::function<void(const Vector<ZoneEvent*>&, uint16_t)> ProcessTimeline;
ProcessTimeline = [this, &ProcessTimeline] ( const Vector<ZoneEvent*>& vec, uint16_t thread )
for( auto& zone : vec )
ReadTimelineUpdateStatistics( zone, thread );
if( zone->child >= 0 )
ProcessTimeline( GetZoneChildren( zone->child ), thread );
for( auto& t : m_data.threads )
if( !t->timeline.empty() )
// Don't touch thread compression cache in a thread.
auto it = m_data.threadMap.find( t->id );
assert( it != m_data.threadMap.end() );
ProcessTimeline( t->timeline, it->second );
for( auto& v : m_data.sourceLocationZones )
auto& zones = v.second.zones;
pdqsort_branchless( zones.begin(), zones.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.zone->start < rhs.zone->start; } );
std::sort( std::execution::par_unseq, zones.begin(), zones.end(), []( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.zone->start < rhs.zone->start; } );
std::lock_guard<std::shared_mutex> lock( m_data.lock );
m_data.sourceLocationZonesReady = true;
if( reconstructMemAllocPlot ) ReconstructMemAllocPlot();
m_backgroundDone.store( true, std::memory_order_relaxed );
} );
if( reconstructMemAllocPlot )
m_threadBackground = std::thread( [this] { ReconstructMemAllocPlot(); m_backgroundDone.store( true, std::memory_order_relaxed ); } );
if( m_thread.joinable() ) m_thread.join();
if( m_threadBackground.joinable() ) m_threadBackground.join();
delete[] m_buffer;
LZ4_freeStreamDecode( m_stream );
delete[] m_frameImageBuffer;
for( auto& v : m_data.threads )
for( auto& v : m_data.gpuData )
for( auto& v : m_data.plots.Data() )
for( auto& v : m_data.frames.Data() )
for( auto& v : m_data.lockMap )
uint64_t Worker::GetLockCount() const
uint64_t cnt = 0;
for( auto& l : m_data.lockMap )
cnt += l.second->timeline.size();
return cnt;
uint64_t Worker::GetPlotCount() const
uint64_t cnt = 0;
for( auto& p : m_data.plots.Data() )
if( p->type != PlotType::Memory )
cnt += p->data.size();
return cnt;
size_t Worker::GetFullFrameCount( const FrameData& fd ) const
const auto sz = fd.frames.size();
assert( sz != 0 );
if( fd.continuous )
if( IsConnected() )
return sz - 1;
return sz;
const auto& last = fd.frames.back();
if( last.end >= 0 )
return sz;
return sz - 1;
int64_t Worker::GetFrameTime( const FrameData& fd, size_t idx ) const
if( fd.continuous )
if( idx < fd.frames.size() - 1 )
return fd.frames[idx+1].start - fd.frames[idx].start;
assert( m_data.lastTime != 0 );
return m_data.lastTime - fd.frames.back().start;
const auto& frame = fd.frames[idx];
if( frame.end >= 0 )
return frame.end - frame.start;
return m_data.lastTime - fd.frames.back().start;
int64_t Worker::GetFrameBegin( const FrameData& fd, size_t idx ) const
assert( idx < fd.frames.size() );
return fd.frames[idx].start;
int64_t Worker::GetFrameEnd( const FrameData& fd, size_t idx ) const
if( fd.continuous )
if( idx < fd.frames.size() - 1 )
return fd.frames[idx+1].start;
return m_data.lastTime;
if( fd.frames[idx].end >= 0 )
return fd.frames[idx].end;
return m_data.lastTime;
const FrameImage* Worker::GetFrameImage( const FrameData& fd, size_t idx ) const
assert( idx < fd.frames.size() );
const auto& v = fd.frames[idx].frameImage;
if( v < 0 ) return nullptr;
return m_data.frameImage[v];
std::pair<int, int> Worker::GetFrameRange( const FrameData& fd, int64_t from, int64_t to )
auto zitbegin = std::lower_bound( fd.frames.begin(), fd.frames.end(), from, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.start < rhs; } );
if( zitbegin == fd.frames.end() ) zitbegin--;
const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( zitbegin, fd.frames.end(), to, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.start < rhs; } );
int zbegin = std::distance( fd.frames.begin(), zitbegin );
if( zbegin > 0 && zitbegin->start != from ) --zbegin;
const int zend = std::distance( fd.frames.begin(), zitend );
return std::make_pair( zbegin, zend );
const CallstackFrameData* Worker::GetCallstackFrame( const CallstackFrameId& ptr ) const
auto it = m_data.callstackFrameMap.find( ptr );
if( it == m_data.callstackFrameMap.end() )
return nullptr;
return it->second;
int64_t Worker::GetZoneEnd( const ZoneEvent& ev )
auto ptr = &ev;
if( ptr->end >= 0 ) return ptr->end;
if( ptr->child < 0 ) return ptr->start;
ptr = GetZoneChildren( ptr->child ).back();
int64_t Worker::GetZoneEnd( const GpuEvent& ev )
auto ptr = &ev;
if( ptr->gpuEnd >= 0 ) return ptr->gpuEnd;
if( ptr->child < 0 ) return ptr->gpuStart;
ptr = GetGpuChildren( ptr->child ).back();
const char* Worker::GetString( uint64_t ptr ) const
const auto it = m_data.strings.find( ptr );
if( it == m_data.strings.end() || it->second == nullptr )
return "???";
return it->second;
const char* Worker::GetString( const StringRef& ref ) const
if( ref.isidx )
assert( ref.active );
return m_data.stringData[ref.str];
if( ref.active )
return GetString( ref.str );
return "???";
const char* Worker::GetString( const StringIdx& idx ) const
assert( idx.active );
return m_data.stringData[idx.idx];
const char* Worker::GetThreadString( uint64_t id ) const
const auto it = m_data.threadNames.find( id );
if( it == m_data.threadNames.end() )
return "???";
return it->second;
const SourceLocation& Worker::GetSourceLocation( int32_t srcloc ) const
if( srcloc < 0 )
return *m_data.sourceLocationPayload[-srcloc-1];
const auto it = m_data.sourceLocation.find( m_data.sourceLocationExpand[srcloc] );
assert( it != m_data.sourceLocation.end() );
return it->second;
const char* Worker::GetZoneName( const SourceLocation& srcloc ) const
if( srcloc.name.active )
return GetString( srcloc.name );
return GetString( srcloc.function );
const char* Worker::GetZoneName( const ZoneEvent& ev ) const
auto& srcloc = GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
return GetZoneName( ev, srcloc );
const char* Worker::GetZoneName( const ZoneEvent& ev, const SourceLocation& srcloc ) const
if( ev.name.active )
return GetString( ev.name );
else if( srcloc.name.active )
return GetString( srcloc.name );
return GetString( srcloc.function );
const char* Worker::GetZoneName( const GpuEvent& ev ) const
auto& srcloc = GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
return GetZoneName( ev, srcloc );
const char* Worker::GetZoneName( const GpuEvent& ev, const SourceLocation& srcloc ) const
if( srcloc.name.active )
return GetString( srcloc.name );
return GetString( srcloc.function );
static bool strstr_nocase( const char* l, const char* r )
const auto lsz = strlen( l );
const auto rsz = strlen( r );
auto ll = (char*)alloca( lsz + 1 );
auto rl = (char*)alloca( lsz + 1 );
for( size_t i=0; i<lsz; i++ )
ll[i] = tolower( l[i] );
ll[lsz] = '\0';
for( size_t i=0; i<rsz; i++ )
rl[i] = tolower( r[i] );
rl[rsz] = '\0';
return strstr( ll, rl ) != nullptr;
std::vector<int32_t> Worker::GetMatchingSourceLocation( const char* query, bool ignoreCase ) const
std::vector<int32_t> match;
const auto sz = m_data.sourceLocationExpand.size();
for( size_t i=1; i<sz; i++ )
const auto it = m_data.sourceLocation.find( m_data.sourceLocationExpand[i] );
assert( it != m_data.sourceLocation.end() );
const auto& srcloc = it->second;
const auto str = GetString( srcloc.name.active ? srcloc.name : srcloc.function );
bool found = false;
if( ignoreCase )
found = strstr_nocase( str, query );
found = strstr( str, query ) != nullptr;
if( found )
match.push_back( (int32_t)i );
for( auto& srcloc : m_data.sourceLocationPayload )
const auto str = GetString( srcloc->name.active ? srcloc->name : srcloc->function );
bool found = false;
if( ignoreCase )
found = strstr_nocase( str, query );
found = strstr( str, query ) != nullptr;
if( found )
auto it = m_data.sourceLocationPayloadMap.find( srcloc );
assert( it != m_data.sourceLocationPayloadMap.end() );
match.push_back( -int32_t( it->second + 1 ) );
return match;
const Worker::SourceLocationZones& Worker::GetZonesForSourceLocation( int32_t srcloc ) const
static const SourceLocationZones empty;
auto it = m_data.sourceLocationZones.find( srcloc );
return it != m_data.sourceLocationZones.end() ? it->second : empty;
uint16_t Worker::CompressThreadReal( uint64_t thread )
auto it = m_data.threadMap.find( thread );
if( it != m_data.threadMap.end() )
m_data.threadLast.first = thread;
m_data.threadLast.second = it->second;
return it->second;
return CompressThreadNew( thread );
uint16_t Worker::CompressThreadNew( uint64_t thread )
auto sz = m_data.threadExpand.size();
m_data.threadExpand.push_back( thread );
m_data.threadMap.emplace( thread, sz );
m_data.threadLast.first = thread;
m_data.threadLast.second = sz;
return sz;
void Worker::Exec()
auto ShouldExit = [this]
return m_shutdown.load( std::memory_order_relaxed );
if( m_shutdown.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ) ) return;
if( m_sock.Connect( m_addr.c_str(), "8086" ) ) break;
auto lz4buf = std::make_unique<char[]>( LZ4Size );
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> t0;
uint64_t bytes = 0;
uint64_t decBytes = 0;
m_sock.Send( HandshakeShibboleth, HandshakeShibbolethSize );
uint32_t protocolVersion = ProtocolVersion;
m_sock.Send( &protocolVersion, sizeof( protocolVersion ) );
HandshakeStatus handshake;
if( !m_sock.Read( &handshake, sizeof( handshake ), 10, ShouldExit ) )
m_handshake.store( HandshakeDropped, std::memory_order_relaxed );
goto close;
m_handshake.store( handshake, std::memory_order_relaxed );
switch( handshake )
case HandshakeWelcome:
case HandshakeProtocolMismatch:
case HandshakeNotAvailable:
goto close;
m_data.framesBase = m_data.frames.Retrieve( 0, [this] ( uint64_t name ) {
auto fd = m_slab.AllocInit<FrameData>();
fd->name = name;
fd->continuous = 1;
return fd;
}, [this] ( uint64_t name ) {
assert( name == 0 );
char tmp[6] = "Frame";
HandleFrameName( name, tmp, 5 );
} );
WelcomeMessage welcome;
if( !m_sock.Read( &welcome, sizeof( welcome ), 10, ShouldExit ) )
m_handshake.store( HandshakeDropped, std::memory_order_relaxed );
goto close;
m_timerMul = welcome.timerMul;
const auto initEnd = TscTime( welcome.initEnd );
m_data.framesBase->frames.push_back( FrameEvent{ TscTime( welcome.initBegin ), -1, -1 } );
m_data.framesBase->frames.push_back( FrameEvent{ initEnd, -1, -1 } );
m_data.lastTime = initEnd;
m_delay = TscTime( welcome.delay );
m_resolution = TscTime( welcome.resolution );
m_onDemand = welcome.onDemand;
m_captureProgram = welcome.programName;
m_captureTime = welcome.epoch;
m_ignoreMemFreeFaults = welcome.onDemand || welcome.isApple;
char dtmp[64];
time_t date = welcome.epoch;
auto lt = localtime( &date );
strftime( dtmp, 64, "%F %T", lt );
char tmp[1024];
sprintf( tmp, "%s @ %s", welcome.programName, dtmp );
m_captureName = tmp;
m_hostInfo = welcome.hostInfo;
if( welcome.onDemand != 0 )
OnDemandPayloadMessage onDemand;
if( !m_sock.Read( &onDemand, sizeof( onDemand ), 10, ShouldExit ) )
m_handshake.store( HandshakeDropped, std::memory_order_relaxed );
goto close;
m_data.frameOffset = onDemand.frames;
m_data.framesBase->frames.push_back( FrameEvent{ TscTime( onDemand.currentTime ), -1, -1 } );
m_serverQuerySpaceLeft = ( m_sock.GetSendBufSize() / ServerQueryPacketSize ) - ServerQueryPacketSize; // leave space for terminate request
m_hasData.store( true, std::memory_order_release );
LZ4_setStreamDecode( m_stream, nullptr, 0 );
m_connected.store( true, std::memory_order_relaxed );
t0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
if( m_shutdown.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ) )
auto buf = m_buffer + m_bufferOffset;
lz4sz_t lz4sz;
if( !m_sock.Read( &lz4sz, sizeof( lz4sz ), 10, ShouldExit ) ) goto close;
if( !m_sock.Read( lz4buf.get(), lz4sz, 10, ShouldExit ) ) goto close;
bytes += sizeof( lz4sz ) + lz4sz;
auto sz = LZ4_decompress_safe_continue( m_stream, lz4buf.get(), buf, lz4sz, TargetFrameSize );
assert( sz >= 0 );
decBytes += sz;
char* ptr = buf;
const char* end = buf + sz;
std::lock_guard<std::shared_mutex> lock( m_data.lock );
while( ptr < end )
auto ev = (const QueueItem*)ptr;
if( !DispatchProcess( *ev, ptr ) )
goto close;
m_bufferOffset += sz;
if( m_bufferOffset > TargetFrameSize * 2 ) m_bufferOffset = 0;
while( !m_serverQueryQueue.empty() && m_serverQuerySpaceLeft > 0 )
const auto& query = m_serverQueryQueue.back();
m_sock.Send( &query, ServerQueryPacketSize );
auto t1 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto td = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>( t1 - t0 ).count();
enum { MbpsUpdateTime = 200 };
if( td > MbpsUpdateTime )
std::lock_guard<std::shared_mutex> lock( m_mbpsData.lock );
m_mbpsData.mbps.erase( m_mbpsData.mbps.begin() );
m_mbpsData.mbps.emplace_back( bytes / ( td * 125.f ) );
m_mbpsData.compRatio = float( bytes ) / decBytes;
m_mbpsData.queue = m_serverQueryQueue.size();
t0 = t1;
bytes = 0;
decBytes = 0;
if( m_terminate )
if( m_pendingStrings != 0 || m_pendingThreads != 0 || m_pendingSourceLocation != 0 || m_pendingCallstackFrames != 0 ||
!m_pendingCustomStrings.empty() || m_data.plots.IsPending() || m_pendingCallstackPtr != 0 ||
m_pendingCallstackSubframes != 0 || !m_pendingFrameImageData.empty() )
if( !m_crashed && !m_disconnect )
bool done = true;
for( auto& v : m_data.threads )
if( !v->stack.empty() )
done = false;
if( !done ) continue;
Query( ServerQueryTerminate, 0 );
m_connected.store( false, std::memory_order_relaxed );
void Worker::Query( ServerQuery type, uint64_t data )
ServerQueryPacket query { type, data };
if( m_serverQuerySpaceLeft > 0 )
m_sock.Send( &query, ServerQueryPacketSize );
m_serverQueryQueue.insert( m_serverQueryQueue.begin(), query );
void Worker::QueryTerminate()
ServerQueryPacket query { ServerQueryTerminate, 0 };
m_sock.Send( &query, ServerQueryPacketSize );
bool Worker::DispatchProcess( const QueueItem& ev, char*& ptr )
if( ev.hdr.idx >= (int)QueueType::StringData )
ptr += sizeof( QueueHeader ) + sizeof( QueueStringTransfer );
if( ev.hdr.type == QueueType::FrameImageData )
uint32_t sz;
memcpy( &sz, ptr, sizeof( sz ) );
ptr += sizeof( sz );
AddFrameImageData( ev.stringTransfer.ptr, ptr, sz );
ptr += sz;
uint16_t sz;
memcpy( &sz, ptr, sizeof( sz ) );
ptr += sizeof( sz );
switch( ev.hdr.type )
case QueueType::CustomStringData:
AddCustomString( ev.stringTransfer.ptr, ptr, sz );
case QueueType::StringData:
AddString( ev.stringTransfer.ptr, ptr, sz );
case QueueType::ThreadName:
AddThreadString( ev.stringTransfer.ptr, ptr, sz );
case QueueType::PlotName:
HandlePlotName( ev.stringTransfer.ptr, ptr, sz );
case QueueType::SourceLocationPayload:
AddSourceLocationPayload( ev.stringTransfer.ptr, ptr, sz );
case QueueType::CallstackPayload:
AddCallstackPayload( ev.stringTransfer.ptr, ptr, sz );
case QueueType::FrameName:
HandleFrameName( ev.stringTransfer.ptr, ptr, sz );
case QueueType::CallstackAllocPayload:
AddCallstackAllocPayload( ev.stringTransfer.ptr, ptr, sz );
assert( false );
ptr += sz;
return true;
ptr += QueueDataSize[ev.hdr.idx];
return Process( ev );
void Worker::CheckSourceLocation( uint64_t ptr )
if( m_data.sourceLocation.find( ptr ) == m_data.sourceLocation.end() )
NewSourceLocation( ptr );
void Worker::NewSourceLocation( uint64_t ptr )
static const SourceLocation emptySourceLocation = {};
m_data.sourceLocation.emplace( ptr, emptySourceLocation );
m_sourceLocationQueue.push_back( ptr );
Query( ServerQuerySourceLocation, ptr );
uint32_t Worker::ShrinkSourceLocation( uint64_t srcloc )
auto it = m_sourceLocationShrink.find( srcloc );
if( it != m_sourceLocationShrink.end() )
return it->second;
return NewShrinkedSourceLocation( srcloc );
uint32_t Worker::NewShrinkedSourceLocation( uint64_t srcloc )
const auto sz = int32_t( m_data.sourceLocationExpand.size() );
m_data.sourceLocationExpand.push_back( srcloc );
m_data.sourceLocationZones.emplace( sz, SourceLocationZones() );
m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt.emplace( sz, 0 );
m_sourceLocationShrink.emplace( srcloc, sz );
return sz;
void Worker::InsertMessageData( MessageData* msg, uint64_t thread )
if( m_data.messages.empty() )
m_data.messages.push_back( msg );
else if( m_data.messages.back()->time < msg->time )
m_data.messages.push_back_non_empty( msg );
auto mit = std::lower_bound( m_data.messages.begin(), m_data.messages.end(), msg->time, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->time < rhs; } );
m_data.messages.insert( mit, msg );
auto vec = &NoticeThread( thread )->messages;
if( vec->empty() )
vec->push_back( msg );
else if( vec->back()->time < msg->time )
vec->push_back_non_empty( msg );
auto tmit = std::lower_bound( vec->begin(), vec->end(), msg->time, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->time < rhs; } );
vec->insert( tmit, msg );
ThreadData* Worker::NoticeThreadReal( uint64_t thread )
auto it = m_threadMap.find( thread );
if( it != m_threadMap.end() )
m_data.threadDataLast.first = thread;
m_data.threadDataLast.second = it->second;
return it->second;
return NewThread( thread );
ThreadData* Worker::NewThread( uint64_t thread )
CheckThreadString( thread );
auto td = m_slab.AllocInit<ThreadData>();
td->id = thread;
td->count = 0;
td->nextZoneId = 0;
m_data.threads.push_back( td );
m_threadMap.emplace( thread, td );
m_data.threadDataLast.first = thread;
m_data.threadDataLast.second = td;
return td;
void Worker::NewZone( ZoneEvent* zone, uint64_t thread )
auto it = m_data.sourceLocationZones.find( zone->srcloc );
assert( it != m_data.sourceLocationZones.end() );
it->second.zones.push_back( ZoneThreadData { zone, CompressThread( thread ) } );
auto it = m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt.find( zone->srcloc );
assert( it != m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt.end() );
auto td = NoticeThread( thread );
if( td->stack.empty() )
td->stack.push_back( zone );
td->timeline.push_back( zone );
auto back = td->stack.back();
if( back->child < 0 )
back->child = int32_t( m_data.zoneChildren.size() );
if( m_data.zoneVectorCache.empty() )
m_data.zoneChildren.push_back( Vector<ZoneEvent*>( zone ) );
Vector<ZoneEvent*> vze = std::move( m_data.zoneVectorCache.back_and_pop() );
assert( !vze.empty() );
vze.push_back_non_empty( zone );
m_data.zoneChildren.push_back( std::move( vze ) );
m_data.zoneChildren[back->child].push_back( zone );
td->stack.push_back_non_empty( zone );
td->zoneIdStack.push_back( td->nextZoneId );
td->nextZoneId = 0;
void Worker::InsertLockEvent( LockMap& lockmap, LockEvent* lev, uint64_t thread )
const auto lt = lev->time;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, lt );
NoticeThread( thread );
auto it = lockmap.threadMap.find( thread );
if( it == lockmap.threadMap.end() )
assert( lockmap.threadList.size() < MaxLockThreads );
it = lockmap.threadMap.emplace( thread, lockmap.threadList.size() ).first;
lockmap.threadList.emplace_back( thread );
lev->thread = it->second;
assert( lev->thread == it->second );
auto& timeline = lockmap.timeline;
if( timeline.empty() )
timeline.push_back( { lev } );
UpdateLockCount( lockmap, timeline.size() - 1 );
assert( timeline.back().ptr->time <= lt );
timeline.push_back_non_empty( { lev } );
UpdateLockCount( lockmap, timeline.size() - 1 );
auto& range = lockmap.range[it->second];
if( range.start > lt ) range.start = lt;
if( range.end < lt ) range.end = lt;
void Worker::CheckString( uint64_t ptr )
if( ptr == 0 ) return;
if( m_data.strings.find( ptr ) != m_data.strings.end() ) return;
m_data.strings.emplace( ptr, "???" );
Query( ServerQueryString, ptr );
void Worker::CheckThreadString( uint64_t id )
if( m_data.threadNames.find( id ) != m_data.threadNames.end() ) return;
m_data.threadNames.emplace( id, "???" );
Query( ServerQueryThreadString, id );
void Worker::AddSourceLocation( const QueueSourceLocation& srcloc )
assert( m_pendingSourceLocation > 0 );
const auto ptr = m_sourceLocationQueue.front();
m_sourceLocationQueue.erase( m_sourceLocationQueue.begin() );
auto it = m_data.sourceLocation.find( ptr );
assert( it != m_data.sourceLocation.end() );
CheckString( srcloc.name );
CheckString( srcloc.file );
CheckString( srcloc.function );
const uint32_t color = ( srcloc.r << 16 ) | ( srcloc.g << 8 ) | srcloc.b;
it->second = SourceLocation { srcloc.name == 0 ? StringRef() : StringRef( StringRef::Ptr, srcloc.name ), StringRef( StringRef::Ptr, srcloc.function ), StringRef( StringRef::Ptr, srcloc.file ), srcloc.line, color };
void Worker::AddSourceLocationPayload( uint64_t ptr, char* data, size_t sz )
const auto start = data;
assert( m_pendingSourceLocationPayload.find( ptr ) == m_pendingSourceLocationPayload.end() );
uint32_t color, line;
memcpy( &color, data, 4 );
memcpy( &line, data + 4, 4 );
data += 8;
auto end = data;
while( *end ) end++;
const auto func = StoreString( data, end - data );
data = end;
while( *end ) end++;
const auto source = StoreString( data, end - data );
const auto nsz = sz - ( end - start );
color = ( ( color & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 16 ) |
( ( color & 0x0000FF00 ) ) |
( ( color & 0x000000FF ) << 16 );
SourceLocation srcloc { nsz == 0 ? StringRef() : StringRef( StringRef::Idx, StoreString( end, nsz ).idx ), StringRef( StringRef::Idx, func.idx ), StringRef( StringRef::Idx, source.idx ), line, color };
auto it = m_data.sourceLocationPayloadMap.find( &srcloc );
if( it == m_data.sourceLocationPayloadMap.end() )
auto slptr = m_slab.Alloc<SourceLocation>();
memcpy( slptr, &srcloc, sizeof( srcloc ) );
uint32_t idx = m_data.sourceLocationPayload.size();
m_data.sourceLocationPayloadMap.emplace( slptr, idx );
m_pendingSourceLocationPayload.emplace( ptr, -int32_t( idx + 1 ) );
m_data.sourceLocationPayload.push_back( slptr );
m_data.sourceLocationZones.emplace( -int32_t( idx + 1 ), SourceLocationZones() );
m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt.emplace( -int32_t( idx + 1 ), 0 );
m_pendingSourceLocationPayload.emplace( ptr, -int32_t( it->second + 1 ) );
void Worker::AddString( uint64_t ptr, char* str, size_t sz )
assert( m_pendingStrings > 0 );
auto it = m_data.strings.find( ptr );
assert( it != m_data.strings.end() && strcmp( it->second, "???" ) == 0 );
const auto sl = StoreString( str, sz );
it->second = sl.ptr;
void Worker::AddThreadString( uint64_t id, char* str, size_t sz )
assert( m_pendingThreads > 0 );
auto it = m_data.threadNames.find( id );
assert( it != m_data.threadNames.end() && strcmp( it->second, "???" ) == 0 );
const auto sl = StoreString( str, sz );
it->second = sl.ptr;
void Worker::AddCustomString( uint64_t ptr, char* str, size_t sz )
assert( m_pendingCustomStrings.find( ptr ) == m_pendingCustomStrings.end() );
m_pendingCustomStrings.emplace( ptr, StoreString( str, sz ) );
static const uint8_t DxtcIndexTable[256] = {
85, 87, 86, 84, 93, 95, 94, 92, 89, 91, 90, 88, 81, 83, 82, 80,
117, 119, 118, 116, 125, 127, 126, 124, 121, 123, 122, 120, 113, 115, 114, 112,
101, 103, 102, 100, 109, 111, 110, 108, 105, 107, 106, 104, 97, 99, 98, 96,
69, 71, 70, 68, 77, 79, 78, 76, 73, 75, 74, 72, 65, 67, 66, 64,
213, 215, 214, 212, 221, 223, 222, 220, 217, 219, 218, 216, 209, 211, 210, 208,
245, 247, 246, 244, 253, 255, 254, 252, 249, 251, 250, 248, 241, 243, 242, 240,
229, 231, 230, 228, 237, 239, 238, 236, 233, 235, 234, 232, 225, 227, 226, 224,
197, 199, 198, 196, 205, 207, 206, 204, 201, 203, 202, 200, 193, 195, 194, 192,
149, 151, 150, 148, 157, 159, 158, 156, 153, 155, 154, 152, 145, 147, 146, 144,
181, 183, 182, 180, 189, 191, 190, 188, 185, 187, 186, 184, 177, 179, 178, 176,
165, 167, 166, 164, 173, 175, 174, 172, 169, 171, 170, 168, 161, 163, 162, 160,
133, 135, 134, 132, 141, 143, 142, 140, 137, 139, 138, 136, 129, 131, 130, 128,
21, 23, 22, 20, 29, 31, 30, 28, 25, 27, 26, 24, 17, 19, 18, 16,
53, 55, 54, 52, 61, 63, 62, 60, 57, 59, 58, 56, 49, 51, 50, 48,
37, 39, 38, 36, 45, 47, 46, 44, 41, 43, 42, 40, 33, 35, 34, 32,
5, 7, 6, 4, 13, 15, 14, 12, 9, 11, 10, 8, 1, 3, 2, 0
void Worker::AddFrameImageData( uint64_t ptr, char* data, size_t sz )
assert( m_pendingFrameImageData.find( ptr ) == m_pendingFrameImageData.end() );
auto image = m_slab.AllocBig( sz );
auto src = (uint8_t*)data;
auto dst = (uint8_t*)image;
assert( sz % 8 == 0 );
for( size_t i=0; i<sz; i+=8 )
memcpy( dst, src, 4 );
dst += 4;
src += 4;
for( int j=0; j<4; j++ ) *dst++ = DxtcIndexTable[*src++];
m_pendingFrameImageData.emplace( ptr, image );
uint64_t Worker::GetCanonicalPointer( const CallstackFrameId& id ) const
assert( id.sel == 0 );
return ( id.idx & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ) | ( ( id.idx & 0x4000000000000000 ) << 1 );
void Worker::AddCallstackPayload( uint64_t ptr, char* _data, size_t _sz )
assert( m_pendingCallstackPtr == 0 );
const auto sz = _sz / sizeof( uint64_t );
const auto memsize = sizeof( VarArray<CallstackFrameId> ) + sz * sizeof( CallstackFrameId );
auto mem = (char*)m_slab.AllocRaw( memsize );
auto data = (CallstackFrameId*)mem;
auto dst = data;
auto src = (uint64_t*)_data;
for( size_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
*dst++ = PackPointer( *src++ );
auto arr = (VarArray<CallstackFrameId>*)( mem + sz * sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) );
new(arr) VarArray<CallstackFrameId>( sz, data );
uint32_t idx;
auto it = m_data.callstackMap.find( arr );
if( it == m_data.callstackMap.end() )
idx = m_data.callstackPayload.size();
m_data.callstackMap.emplace( arr, idx );
m_data.callstackPayload.push_back( arr );
for( auto& frame : *arr )
auto fit = m_data.callstackFrameMap.find( frame );
if( fit == m_data.callstackFrameMap.end() )
Query( ServerQueryCallstackFrame, GetCanonicalPointer( frame ) );
idx = it->second;
m_slab.Unalloc( memsize );
m_pendingCallstackPtr = ptr;
m_pendingCallstackId = idx;
void Worker::AddCallstackAllocPayload( uint64_t ptr, char* data, size_t _sz )
assert( m_pendingCallstackPtr != 0 );
CallstackFrameId stack[64];
const auto sz = *(uint32_t*)data; data += 4;
assert( sz <= 64 );
for( uint32_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
uint32_t sz;
CallstackFrame cf;
memcpy( &cf.line, data, 4 ); data += 4;
memcpy( &sz, data, 4 ); data += 4;
cf.name = StoreString( data, sz ).idx; data += sz;
memcpy( &sz, data, 4 ); data += 4;
cf.file = StoreString( data, sz ).idx; data += sz;
CallstackFrameData cfd = { &cf, 1 };
CallstackFrameId id;
auto it = m_data.revFrameMap.find( &cfd );
if( it == m_data.revFrameMap.end() )
auto frame = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrame>();
memcpy( frame, &cf, sizeof( CallstackFrame ) );
auto frameData = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrameData>();
frameData->data = frame;
frameData->size = 1;
id.idx = m_callstackAllocNextIdx++;
id.sel = 1;
m_data.callstackFrameMap.emplace( id, frameData );
m_data.revFrameMap.emplace( frameData, id );
id = it->second;
stack[i] = id;
const auto nativeCs = m_data.callstackPayload[m_pendingCallstackId];
const auto nsz = nativeCs->size();
const auto tsz = sz + nsz;
const auto memsize = sizeof( VarArray<CallstackFrameId> ) + tsz * sizeof( CallstackFrameId );
auto mem = (char*)m_slab.AllocRaw( memsize );
memcpy( mem, stack, sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) * sz );
memcpy( mem + sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) * sz, nativeCs->data(), sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) * nsz );
auto arr = (VarArray<CallstackFrameId>*)( mem + tsz * sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) );
new(arr) VarArray<CallstackFrameId>( tsz, (CallstackFrameId*)mem );
uint32_t idx;
auto it = m_data.callstackMap.find( arr );
if( it == m_data.callstackMap.end() )
idx = m_data.callstackPayload.size();
m_data.callstackMap.emplace( arr, idx );
m_data.callstackPayload.push_back( arr );
for( auto& frame : *arr )
auto fit = m_data.callstackFrameMap.find( frame );
if( fit == m_data.callstackFrameMap.end() )
Query( ServerQueryCallstackFrame, GetCanonicalPointer( frame ) );
idx = it->second;
m_slab.Unalloc( memsize );
m_pendingCallstackPtr = ptr;
m_pendingCallstackId = idx;
void Worker::InsertPlot( PlotData* plot, int64_t time, double val )
if( plot->data.empty() )
plot->min = val;
plot->max = val;
plot->data.push_back( { time, val } );
else if( plot->data.back().time < time )
if( plot->min > val ) plot->min = val;
else if( plot->max < val ) plot->max = val;
plot->data.push_back_non_empty( { time, val } );
if( plot->min > val ) plot->min = val;
else if( plot->max < val ) plot->max = val;
if( plot->postpone.empty() )
plot->postponeTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>( std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch() ).count();
plot->postpone.push_back( { time, val } );
plot->postpone.push_back_non_empty( { time, val } );
void Worker::HandlePlotName( uint64_t name, char* str, size_t sz )
const auto sl = StoreString( str, sz );
m_data.plots.StringDiscovered( name, sl, m_data.strings, [this] ( PlotData* dst, PlotData* src ) {
for( auto& v : src->data )
InsertPlot( dst, v.time, v.val );
} );
void Worker::HandleFrameName( uint64_t name, char* str, size_t sz )
const auto sl = StoreString( str, sz );
m_data.frames.StringDiscovered( name, sl, m_data.strings, [] ( FrameData* dst, FrameData* src ) {
auto sz = dst->frames.size();
dst->frames.insert( dst->frames.end(), src->frames.begin(), src->frames.end() );
std::inplace_merge( dst->frames.begin(), dst->frames.begin() + sz, dst->frames.end(), [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs.start < rhs.start; } );
} );
void Worker::HandlePostponedPlots()
for( auto& plot : m_data.plots.Data() )
auto& src = plot->postpone;
if( src.empty() ) continue;
if( std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>( std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch() ).count() - plot->postponeTime < 100 ) continue;
auto& dst = plot->data;
pdqsort_branchless( src.begin(), src.end(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time < r.time; } );
std::sort( std::execution::par_unseq, src.begin(), src.end(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time < r.time; } );
const auto ds = std::lower_bound( dst.begin(), dst.end(), src.front().time, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time < r; } );
const auto dsd = std::distance( dst.begin(), ds ) ;
const auto de = std::lower_bound( ds, dst.end(), src.back().time, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time < r; } );
const auto ded = std::distance( dst.begin(), de );
dst.insert( de, src.begin(), src.end() );
std::inplace_merge( dst.begin() + dsd, dst.begin() + ded, dst.begin() + ded + src.size(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time < r.time; } );
StringLocation Worker::StoreString( char* str, size_t sz )
StringLocation ret;
const char backup = str[sz];
str[sz] = '\0';
charutil::StringKey key = { str, sz };
auto sit = m_data.stringMap.find( key );
if( sit == m_data.stringMap.end() )
auto ptr = m_slab.Alloc<char>( sz+1 );
memcpy( ptr, str, sz );
ptr[sz] = '\0';
ret.ptr = ptr;
ret.idx = m_data.stringData.size();
m_data.stringMap.emplace( charutil::StringKey { ptr, sz }, m_data.stringData.size() );
m_data.stringData.push_back( ptr );
ret.ptr = sit->first.ptr;
ret.idx = sit->second;
str[sz] = backup;
return ret;
bool Worker::Process( const QueueItem& ev )
switch( ev.hdr.type )
case QueueType::ThreadContext:
ProcessThreadContext( ev.threadCtx );
case QueueType::ZoneBegin:
ProcessZoneBegin( ev.zoneBegin );
case QueueType::ZoneBeginCallstack:
ProcessZoneBeginCallstack( ev.zoneBegin );
case QueueType::ZoneBeginAllocSrcLoc:
ProcessZoneBeginAllocSrcLoc( ev.zoneBegin );
case QueueType::ZoneBeginAllocSrcLocCallstack:
ProcessZoneBeginAllocSrcLocCallstack( ev.zoneBegin );
case QueueType::ZoneEnd:
ProcessZoneEnd( ev.zoneEnd );
case QueueType::ZoneValidation:
ProcessZoneValidation( ev.zoneValidation );
case QueueType::FrameMarkMsg:
ProcessFrameMark( ev.frameMark );
case QueueType::FrameMarkMsgStart:
ProcessFrameMarkStart( ev.frameMark );
case QueueType::FrameMarkMsgEnd:
ProcessFrameMarkEnd( ev.frameMark );
case QueueType::FrameImage:
ProcessFrameImage( ev.frameImage );
case QueueType::SourceLocation:
AddSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
case QueueType::ZoneText:
ProcessZoneText( ev.zoneText );
case QueueType::ZoneName:
ProcessZoneName( ev.zoneText );
case QueueType::LockAnnounce:
ProcessLockAnnounce( ev.lockAnnounce );
case QueueType::LockTerminate:
ProcessLockTerminate( ev.lockTerminate );
case QueueType::LockWait:
ProcessLockWait( ev.lockWait );
case QueueType::LockObtain:
ProcessLockObtain( ev.lockObtain );
case QueueType::LockRelease:
ProcessLockRelease( ev.lockRelease );
case QueueType::LockSharedWait:
ProcessLockSharedWait( ev.lockWait );
case QueueType::LockSharedObtain:
ProcessLockSharedObtain( ev.lockObtain );
case QueueType::LockSharedRelease:
ProcessLockSharedRelease( ev.lockRelease );
case QueueType::LockMark:
ProcessLockMark( ev.lockMark );
case QueueType::PlotData:
ProcessPlotData( ev.plotData );
case QueueType::Message:
ProcessMessage( ev.message );
case QueueType::MessageLiteral:
ProcessMessageLiteral( ev.message );
case QueueType::MessageColor:
ProcessMessageColor( ev.messageColor );
case QueueType::MessageLiteralColor:
ProcessMessageLiteralColor( ev.messageColor );
case QueueType::MessageAppInfo:
ProcessMessageAppInfo( ev.message );
case QueueType::GpuNewContext:
ProcessGpuNewContext( ev.gpuNewContext );
case QueueType::GpuZoneBegin:
ProcessGpuZoneBegin( ev.gpuZoneBegin );
case QueueType::GpuZoneBeginCallstack:
ProcessGpuZoneBeginCallstack( ev.gpuZoneBegin );
case QueueType::GpuZoneEnd:
ProcessGpuZoneEnd( ev.gpuZoneEnd );
case QueueType::GpuTime:
ProcessGpuTime( ev.gpuTime );
case QueueType::MemAlloc:
ProcessMemAlloc( ev.memAlloc );
case QueueType::MemFree:
ProcessMemFree( ev.memFree );
case QueueType::MemAllocCallstack:
ProcessMemAllocCallstack( ev.memAlloc );
case QueueType::MemFreeCallstack:
ProcessMemFreeCallstack( ev.memFree );
case QueueType::CallstackMemory:
ProcessCallstackMemory( ev.callstackMemory );
case QueueType::Callstack:
ProcessCallstack( ev.callstack );
case QueueType::CallstackAlloc:
ProcessCallstackAlloc( ev.callstackAlloc );
case QueueType::CallstackFrameSize:
ProcessCallstackFrameSize( ev.callstackFrameSize );
case QueueType::CallstackFrame:
ProcessCallstackFrame( ev.callstackFrame );
case QueueType::Terminate:
m_terminate = true;
case QueueType::KeepAlive:
case QueueType::Crash:
m_crashed = true;
case QueueType::CrashReport:
ProcessCrashReport( ev.crashReport );
case QueueType::SysTimeReport:
ProcessSysTime( ev.sysTime );
assert( false );
return m_failure == Failure::None;
void Worker::ProcessThreadContext( const QueueThreadContext& ev )
m_threadCtx = ev.thread;
void Worker::ProcessZoneBeginImpl( ZoneEvent* zone, const QueueZoneBegin& ev )
CheckSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
zone->start = TscTime( ev.time );
zone->end = -1;
zone->srcloc = ShrinkSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
assert( ev.cpu == 0xFFFFFFFF || ev.cpu <= std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::max() );
zone->cpu_start = ev.cpu == 0xFFFFFFFF ? -1 : (int8_t)ev.cpu;
zone->callstack = 0;
zone->child = -1;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, zone->start );
NewZone( zone, m_threadCtx );
void Worker::ProcessZoneBegin( const QueueZoneBegin& ev )
auto zone = m_slab.AllocInit<ZoneEvent>();
ProcessZoneBeginImpl( zone, ev );
void Worker::ProcessZoneBeginCallstack( const QueueZoneBegin& ev )
auto zone = m_slab.AllocInit<ZoneEvent>();
ProcessZoneBeginImpl( zone, ev );
auto& next = m_nextCallstack[m_threadCtx];
next.type = NextCallstackType::Zone;
next.zone = zone;
void Worker::ProcessZoneBeginAllocSrcLocImpl( ZoneEvent* zone, const QueueZoneBegin& ev )
auto it = m_pendingSourceLocationPayload.find( ev.srcloc );
assert( it != m_pendingSourceLocationPayload.end() );
zone->start = TscTime( ev.time );
zone->end = -1;
zone->srcloc = it->second;
assert( ev.cpu == 0xFFFFFFFF || ev.cpu <= std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::max() );
zone->cpu_start = ev.cpu == 0xFFFFFFFF ? -1 : (int8_t)ev.cpu;
zone->callstack = 0;
zone->child = -1;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, zone->start );
NewZone( zone, m_threadCtx );
m_pendingSourceLocationPayload.erase( it );
void Worker::ProcessZoneBeginAllocSrcLoc( const QueueZoneBegin& ev )
auto zone = m_slab.AllocInit<ZoneEvent>();
ProcessZoneBeginAllocSrcLocImpl( zone, ev );
void Worker::ProcessZoneBeginAllocSrcLocCallstack( const QueueZoneBegin& ev )
auto zone = m_slab.AllocInit<ZoneEvent>();
ProcessZoneBeginAllocSrcLocImpl( zone, ev );
auto& next = m_nextCallstack[m_threadCtx];
next.type = NextCallstackType::Zone;
next.zone = zone;
void Worker::ProcessZoneEnd( const QueueZoneEnd& ev )
auto tit = m_threadMap.find( m_threadCtx );
if( tit == m_threadMap.end() || tit->second->zoneIdStack.empty() )
ZoneEndFailure( m_threadCtx );
auto td = tit->second;
auto zoneId = td->zoneIdStack.back_and_pop();
if( zoneId != td->nextZoneId )
ZoneStackFailure( m_threadCtx, td->stack.back() );
td->nextZoneId = 0;
auto& stack = td->stack;
assert( !stack.empty() );
auto zone = stack.back_and_pop();
assert( zone->end == -1 );
zone->end = TscTime( ev.time );
assert( ev.cpu == 0xFFFFFFFF || ev.cpu <= std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::max() );
zone->cpu_end = ev.cpu == 0xFFFFFFFF ? -1 : (int8_t)ev.cpu;
assert( zone->end >= zone->start );
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, zone->end );
if( zone->child >= 0 )
auto& childVec = m_data.zoneChildren[zone->child];
const auto sz = childVec.size();
if( sz <= 8 * 1024 )
Vector<ZoneEvent*> fitVec;
fitVec.reserve_exact( sz, m_slab );
memcpy( fitVec.data(), childVec.data(), sz * sizeof( ZoneEvent* ) );
fitVec.swap( childVec );
m_data.zoneVectorCache.push_back( std::move( fitVec ) );
auto timeSpan = zone->end - zone->start;
if( timeSpan > 0 )
auto it = m_data.sourceLocationZones.find( zone->srcloc );
assert( it != m_data.sourceLocationZones.end() );
auto& slz = it->second;
slz.min = std::min( slz.min, timeSpan );
slz.max = std::max( slz.max, timeSpan );
slz.total += timeSpan;
slz.sumSq += double( timeSpan ) * timeSpan;
if( zone->child >= 0 )
for( auto& v : GetZoneChildren( zone->child ) )
const auto childSpan = std::max( int64_t( 0 ), v->end - v->start );
timeSpan -= childSpan;
slz.selfMin = std::min( slz.selfMin, timeSpan );
slz.selfMax = std::max( slz.selfMax, timeSpan );
slz.selfTotal += timeSpan;
void Worker::ZoneStackFailure( uint64_t thread, const ZoneEvent* ev )
m_failure = Failure::ZoneStack;
m_failureData.thread = thread;
m_failureData.srcloc = ev->srcloc;
void Worker::ZoneEndFailure( uint64_t thread )
m_failure = Failure::ZoneEnd;
m_failureData.thread = thread;
m_failureData.srcloc = 0;
void Worker::ZoneTextFailure( uint64_t thread )
m_failure = Failure::ZoneText;
m_failureData.thread = thread;
m_failureData.srcloc = 0;
void Worker::ZoneNameFailure( uint64_t thread )
m_failure = Failure::ZoneName;
m_failureData.thread = thread;
m_failureData.srcloc = 0;
void Worker::MemFreeFailure( uint64_t thread )
m_failure = Failure::MemFree;
m_failureData.thread = thread;
m_failureData.srcloc = 0;
void Worker::FrameEndFailure()
m_failure = Failure::ZoneEnd;
m_failureData.thread = 0;
m_failureData.srcloc = 0;
void Worker::FrameImageIndexFailure()
m_failure = Failure::FrameImageIndex;
m_failureData.thread = 0;
m_failureData.srcloc = 0;
void Worker::FrameImageTwiceFailure()
m_failure = Failure::FrameImageTwice;
m_failureData.thread = 0;
m_failureData.srcloc = 0;
void Worker::ProcessZoneValidation( const QueueZoneValidation& ev )
auto td = NoticeThread( m_threadCtx );
td->nextZoneId = ev.id;
void Worker::ProcessFrameMark( const QueueFrameMark& ev )
auto fd = m_data.frames.Retrieve( ev.name, [this] ( uint64_t name ) {
auto fd = m_slab.AllocInit<FrameData>();
fd->name = name;
fd->continuous = 1;
return fd;
}, [this] ( uint64_t name ) {
Query( ServerQueryFrameName, name );
} );
int32_t frameImage = -1;
auto fis = m_frameImageStaging.find( fd->frames.size() );
if( fis != m_frameImageStaging.end() )
frameImage = fis->second;
m_frameImageStaging.erase( fis );
assert( fd->continuous == 1 );
const auto time = TscTime( ev.time );
assert( fd->frames.empty() || fd->frames.back().start <= time );
fd->frames.push_back( FrameEvent{ time, -1, frameImage } );
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, time );
void Worker::ProcessFrameMarkStart( const QueueFrameMark& ev )
auto fd = m_data.frames.Retrieve( ev.name, [this] ( uint64_t name ) {
auto fd = m_slab.AllocInit<FrameData>();
fd->name = name;
fd->continuous = 0;
return fd;
}, [this] ( uint64_t name ) {
Query( ServerQueryFrameName, name );
} );
assert( fd->continuous == 0 );
const auto time = TscTime( ev.time );
assert( fd->frames.empty() || ( fd->frames.back().end <= time && fd->frames.back().end != -1 ) );
fd->frames.push_back( FrameEvent{ time, -1, -1 } );
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, time );
void Worker::ProcessFrameMarkEnd( const QueueFrameMark& ev )
auto fd = m_data.frames.Retrieve( ev.name, [this] ( uint64_t name ) {
auto fd = m_slab.AllocInit<FrameData>();
fd->name = name;
fd->continuous = 0;
return fd;
}, [this] ( uint64_t name ) {
Query( ServerQueryFrameName, name );
} );
assert( fd->continuous == 0 );
const auto time = TscTime( ev.time );
if( fd->frames.empty() )
assert( fd->frames.back().end == -1 );
fd->frames.back().end = time;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, time );
void Worker::ProcessFrameImage( const QueueFrameImage& ev )
auto it = m_pendingFrameImageData.find( ev.image );
assert( it != m_pendingFrameImageData.end() );
auto& frames = m_data.framesBase->frames;
const auto fidx = ev.frame - m_data.frameOffset + 1;
if( m_onDemand && fidx <= 1 )
m_pendingFrameImageData.erase( it );
else if( fidx <= 0 )
auto fi = m_slab.Alloc<FrameImage>();
fi->ptr = PackFrameImage( (const char*)it->second, ev.w, ev.h, fi->csz );
fi->w = ev.w;
fi->h = ev.h;
fi->frameRef = fidx;
fi->flip = ev.flip;
const auto idx = m_data.frameImage.size();
m_data.frameImage.push_back( fi );
m_pendingFrameImageData.erase( it );
if( fidx >= frames.size() )
if( m_frameImageStaging.find( fidx ) != m_frameImageStaging.end() )
m_frameImageStaging.emplace( fidx, idx );
else if( frames[fidx].frameImage >= 0 )
frames[fidx].frameImage = idx;
void Worker::ProcessZoneText( const QueueZoneText& ev )
auto tit = m_threadMap.find( m_threadCtx );
if( tit == m_threadMap.end() || tit->second->stack.empty() || tit->second->nextZoneId != tit->second->zoneIdStack.back() )
ZoneTextFailure( m_threadCtx );
auto td = tit->second;
td->nextZoneId = 0;
auto& stack = td->stack;
auto zone = stack.back();
auto it = m_pendingCustomStrings.find( ev.text );
assert( it != m_pendingCustomStrings.end() );
zone->text = StringIdx( it->second.idx );
m_pendingCustomStrings.erase( it );
void Worker::ProcessZoneName( const QueueZoneText& ev )
auto tit = m_threadMap.find( m_threadCtx );
if( tit == m_threadMap.end() || tit->second->stack.empty() || tit->second->nextZoneId != tit->second->zoneIdStack.back() )
ZoneNameFailure( m_threadCtx );
auto td = tit->second;
td->nextZoneId = 0;
auto& stack = td->stack;
auto zone = stack.back();
auto it = m_pendingCustomStrings.find( ev.text );
assert( it != m_pendingCustomStrings.end() );
zone->name = StringIdx( it->second.idx );
m_pendingCustomStrings.erase( it );
void Worker::ProcessLockAnnounce( const QueueLockAnnounce& ev )
auto it = m_data.lockMap.find( ev.id );
if( it == m_data.lockMap.end() )
auto lm = m_slab.AllocInit<LockMap>();
lm->srcloc = ShrinkSourceLocation( ev.lckloc );
lm->type = ev.type;
lm->timeAnnounce = TscTime( ev.time );
lm->timeTerminate = 0;
lm->valid = true;
lm->isContended = false;
m_data.lockMap.emplace( ev.id, lm );
it->second->srcloc = ShrinkSourceLocation( ev.lckloc );
assert( it->second->type == ev.type );
it->second->timeAnnounce = TscTime( ev.time );
it->second->valid = true;
CheckSourceLocation( ev.lckloc );
void Worker::ProcessLockTerminate( const QueueLockTerminate& ev )
auto it = m_data.lockMap.find( ev.id );
if( it == m_data.lockMap.end() )
auto lm = m_slab.AllocInit<LockMap>();
lm->type = ev.type;
lm->timeAnnounce = 0;
lm->timeTerminate = TscTime( ev.time );
lm->valid = false;
lm->isContended = false;
m_data.lockMap.emplace( ev.id, lm );
assert( it->second->type == ev.type );
it->second->timeTerminate = TscTime( ev.time );
void Worker::ProcessLockWait( const QueueLockWait& ev )
auto it = m_data.lockMap.find( ev.id );
if( it == m_data.lockMap.end() )
auto lm = m_slab.AllocInit<LockMap>();
lm->timeAnnounce = 0;
lm->timeTerminate = 0;
lm->valid = false;
lm->type = ev.type;
lm->isContended = false;
it = m_data.lockMap.emplace( ev.id, lm ).first;
auto lev = ev.type == LockType::Lockable ? m_slab.Alloc<LockEvent>() : m_slab.Alloc<LockEventShared>();
lev->time = TscTime( ev.time );
lev->type = LockEvent::Type::Wait;
lev->srcloc = 0;
InsertLockEvent( *it->second, lev, ev.thread );
void Worker::ProcessLockObtain( const QueueLockObtain& ev )
auto it = m_data.lockMap.find( ev.id );
assert( it != m_data.lockMap.end() );
auto& lock = *it->second;
auto lev = lock.type == LockType::Lockable ? m_slab.Alloc<LockEvent>() : m_slab.Alloc<LockEventShared>();
lev->time = TscTime( ev.time );
lev->type = LockEvent::Type::Obtain;
lev->srcloc = 0;
InsertLockEvent( lock, lev, ev.thread );
void Worker::ProcessLockRelease( const QueueLockRelease& ev )
auto it = m_data.lockMap.find( ev.id );
assert( it != m_data.lockMap.end() );
auto& lock = *it->second;
auto lev = lock.type == LockType::Lockable ? m_slab.Alloc<LockEvent>() : m_slab.Alloc<LockEventShared>();
lev->time = TscTime( ev.time );
lev->type = LockEvent::Type::Release;
lev->srcloc = 0;
InsertLockEvent( lock, lev, ev.thread );
void Worker::ProcessLockSharedWait( const QueueLockWait& ev )
auto it = m_data.lockMap.find( ev.id );
if( it == m_data.lockMap.end() )
auto lm = m_slab.AllocInit<LockMap>();
lm->valid = false;
lm->type = ev.type;
lm->isContended = false;
it = m_data.lockMap.emplace( ev.id, lm ).first;
assert( ev.type == LockType::SharedLockable );
auto lev = m_slab.Alloc<LockEventShared>();
lev->time = TscTime( ev.time );
lev->type = LockEvent::Type::WaitShared;
lev->srcloc = 0;
InsertLockEvent( *it->second, lev, ev.thread );
void Worker::ProcessLockSharedObtain( const QueueLockObtain& ev )
auto it = m_data.lockMap.find( ev.id );
assert( it != m_data.lockMap.end() );
auto& lock = *it->second;
assert( lock.type == LockType::SharedLockable );
auto lev = m_slab.Alloc<LockEventShared>();
lev->time = TscTime( ev.time );
lev->type = LockEvent::Type::ObtainShared;
lev->srcloc = 0;
InsertLockEvent( lock, lev, ev.thread );
void Worker::ProcessLockSharedRelease( const QueueLockRelease& ev )
auto it = m_data.lockMap.find( ev.id );
assert( it != m_data.lockMap.end() );
auto& lock = *it->second;
assert( lock.type == LockType::SharedLockable );
auto lev = m_slab.Alloc<LockEventShared>();
lev->time = TscTime( ev.time );
lev->type = LockEvent::Type::ReleaseShared;
lev->srcloc = 0;
InsertLockEvent( lock, lev, ev.thread );
void Worker::ProcessLockMark( const QueueLockMark& ev )
CheckSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
auto lit = m_data.lockMap.find( ev.id );
assert( lit != m_data.lockMap.end() );
auto& lockmap = *lit->second;
auto tid = lockmap.threadMap.find( ev.thread );
assert( tid != lockmap.threadMap.end() );
const auto thread = tid->second;
auto it = lockmap.timeline.end();
if( it->ptr->thread == thread )
switch( it->ptr->type )
case LockEvent::Type::Obtain:
case LockEvent::Type::ObtainShared:
case LockEvent::Type::Wait:
case LockEvent::Type::WaitShared:
it->ptr->srcloc = ShrinkSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
void Worker::ProcessPlotData( const QueuePlotData& ev )
PlotData* plot = m_data.plots.Retrieve( ev.name, [this] ( uint64_t name ) {
auto plot = m_slab.AllocInit<PlotData>();
plot->name = name;
plot->type = PlotType::User;
return plot;
}, [this]( uint64_t name ) {
Query( ServerQueryPlotName, name );
} );
const auto time = TscTime( ev.time );
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, time );
switch( ev.type )
case PlotDataType::Double:
InsertPlot( plot, time, ev.data.d );
case PlotDataType::Float:
InsertPlot( plot, time, (double)ev.data.f );
case PlotDataType::Int:
InsertPlot( plot, time, (double)ev.data.i );
assert( false );
void Worker::ProcessMessage( const QueueMessage& ev )
auto it = m_pendingCustomStrings.find( ev.text );
assert( it != m_pendingCustomStrings.end() );
auto msg = m_slab.Alloc<MessageData>();
msg->time = TscTime( ev.time );
msg->ref = StringRef( StringRef::Type::Idx, it->second.idx );
msg->thread = m_threadCtx;
msg->color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, msg->time );
InsertMessageData( msg, m_threadCtx );
m_pendingCustomStrings.erase( it );
void Worker::ProcessMessageLiteral( const QueueMessage& ev )
CheckString( ev.text );
auto msg = m_slab.Alloc<MessageData>();
msg->time = TscTime( ev.time );
msg->ref = StringRef( StringRef::Type::Ptr, ev.text );
msg->thread = m_threadCtx;
msg->color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, msg->time );
InsertMessageData( msg, m_threadCtx );
void Worker::ProcessMessageColor( const QueueMessageColor& ev )
auto it = m_pendingCustomStrings.find( ev.text );
assert( it != m_pendingCustomStrings.end() );
auto msg = m_slab.Alloc<MessageData>();
msg->time = TscTime( ev.time );
msg->ref = StringRef( StringRef::Type::Idx, it->second.idx );
msg->thread = m_threadCtx;
msg->color = 0xFF000000 | ( ev.r << 16 ) | ( ev.g << 8 ) | ev.b;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, msg->time );
InsertMessageData( msg, m_threadCtx );
m_pendingCustomStrings.erase( it );
void Worker::ProcessMessageLiteralColor( const QueueMessageColor& ev )
CheckString( ev.text );
auto msg = m_slab.Alloc<MessageData>();
msg->time = TscTime( ev.time );
msg->ref = StringRef( StringRef::Type::Ptr, ev.text );
msg->thread = m_threadCtx;
msg->color = 0xFF000000 | ( ev.r << 16 ) | ( ev.g << 8 ) | ev.b;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, msg->time );
InsertMessageData( msg, m_threadCtx );
void Worker::ProcessMessageAppInfo( const QueueMessage& ev )
auto it = m_pendingCustomStrings.find( ev.text );
assert( it != m_pendingCustomStrings.end() );
m_data.appInfo.push_back( StringRef( StringRef::Type::Idx, it->second.idx ) );
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, TscTime( ev.time ) );
m_pendingCustomStrings.erase( it );
void Worker::ProcessGpuNewContext( const QueueGpuNewContext& ev )
assert( !m_gpuCtxMap[ev.context] );
int64_t gpuTime;
if( ev.period == 1.f )
gpuTime = ev.gpuTime;
gpuTime = int64_t( double( ev.period ) * ev.gpuTime ); // precision loss
auto gpu = m_slab.AllocInit<GpuCtxData>();
memset( gpu->query, 0, sizeof( gpu->query ) );
gpu->timeDiff = TscTime( ev.cpuTime ) - gpuTime;
gpu->thread = ev.thread;
gpu->accuracyBits = ev.accuracyBits;
gpu->period = ev.period;
gpu->count = 0;
m_data.gpuData.push_back( gpu );
m_gpuCtxMap[ev.context] = gpu;
void Worker::ProcessGpuZoneBeginImpl( GpuEvent* zone, const QueueGpuZoneBegin& ev )
auto ctx = m_gpuCtxMap[ev.context];
assert( ctx );
CheckSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
zone->cpuStart = TscTime( ev.cpuTime );
zone->cpuEnd = -1;
zone->gpuStart = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
zone->gpuEnd = -1;
zone->srcloc = ShrinkSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
zone->callstack = 0;
zone->child = -1;
if( ctx->thread == 0 )
// Vulkan context is not bound to any single thread.
zone->thread = CompressThread( ev.thread );
// OpenGL doesn't need per-zone thread id. It still can be sent,
// because it may be needed for callstack collection purposes.
zone->thread = 0;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, zone->cpuStart );
auto timeline = &ctx->timeline;
if( !ctx->stack.empty() )
auto back = ctx->stack.back();
if( back->child < 0 )
back->child = int32_t( m_data.gpuChildren.size() );
m_data.gpuChildren.push_back( Vector<GpuEvent*>() );
timeline = &m_data.gpuChildren[back->child];
timeline->push_back( zone );
ctx->stack.push_back( zone );
assert( !ctx->query[ev.queryId] );
ctx->query[ev.queryId] = zone;
void Worker::ProcessGpuZoneBegin( const QueueGpuZoneBegin& ev )
auto zone = m_slab.Alloc<GpuEvent>();
ProcessGpuZoneBeginImpl( zone, ev );
void Worker::ProcessGpuZoneBeginCallstack( const QueueGpuZoneBegin& ev )
auto zone = m_slab.Alloc<GpuEvent>();
ProcessGpuZoneBeginImpl( zone, ev );
auto& next = m_nextCallstack[ev.thread];
next.type = NextCallstackType::Gpu;
next.gpu = zone;
void Worker::ProcessGpuZoneEnd( const QueueGpuZoneEnd& ev )
auto ctx = m_gpuCtxMap[ev.context];
assert( ctx );
assert( !ctx->stack.empty() );
auto zone = ctx->stack.back_and_pop();
assert( !ctx->query[ev.queryId] );
ctx->query[ev.queryId] = zone;
zone->cpuEnd = TscTime( ev.cpuTime );
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, zone->cpuEnd );
void Worker::ProcessGpuTime( const QueueGpuTime& ev )
auto ctx = m_gpuCtxMap[ev.context];
assert( ctx );
int64_t gpuTime;
if( ctx->period == 1.f )
gpuTime = ev.gpuTime;
gpuTime = int64_t( double( ctx->period ) * ev.gpuTime ); // precision loss
auto zone = ctx->query[ev.queryId];
assert( zone );
ctx->query[ev.queryId] = nullptr;
if( zone->gpuStart == std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() )
zone->gpuStart = ctx->timeDiff + gpuTime;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, zone->gpuStart );
zone->gpuEnd = ctx->timeDiff + gpuTime;
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, zone->gpuEnd );
if( zone->gpuEnd < zone->gpuStart )
std::swap( zone->gpuEnd, zone->gpuStart );
void Worker::ProcessMemAlloc( const QueueMemAlloc& ev )
const auto time = TscTime( ev.time );
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, time );
NoticeThread( ev.thread );
assert( m_data.memory.active.find( ev.ptr ) == m_data.memory.active.end() );
assert( m_data.memory.data.empty() || m_data.memory.data.back().timeAlloc <= time );
m_data.memory.active.emplace( ev.ptr, m_data.memory.data.size() );
const auto ptr = ev.ptr;
uint32_t lo;
uint16_t hi;
memcpy( &lo, ev.size, 4 );
memcpy( &hi, ev.size+4, 2 );
const uint64_t size = lo | ( uint64_t( hi ) << 32 );
auto& mem = m_data.memory.data.push_next();
mem.ptr = ptr;
mem.size = size;
mem.timeAlloc = time;
mem.threadAlloc = CompressThread( ev.thread );
mem.timeFree = -1;
mem.threadFree = 0;
mem.csAlloc = 0;
mem.csFree = 0;
const auto low = m_data.memory.low;
const auto high = m_data.memory.high;
const auto ptrend = ptr + size;
m_data.memory.low = std::min( low, ptr );
m_data.memory.high = std::max( high, ptrend );
m_data.memory.usage += size;
MemAllocChanged( time );
bool Worker::ProcessMemFree( const QueueMemFree& ev )
if( ev.ptr == 0 ) return false;
auto it = m_data.memory.active.find( ev.ptr );
if( it == m_data.memory.active.end() )
if( !m_ignoreMemFreeFaults )
MemFreeFailure( ev.thread );
return false;
const auto time = TscTime( ev.time );
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, time );
NoticeThread( ev.thread );
m_data.memory.frees.push_back( it->second );
auto& mem = m_data.memory.data[it->second];
mem.timeFree = time;
mem.threadFree = CompressThread( ev.thread );
m_data.memory.usage -= mem.size;
m_data.memory.active.erase( it );
MemAllocChanged( time );
return true;
void Worker::ProcessMemAllocCallstack( const QueueMemAlloc& ev )
m_lastMemActionCallstack = m_data.memory.data.size();
ProcessMemAlloc( ev );
m_lastMemActionWasAlloc = true;
void Worker::ProcessMemFreeCallstack( const QueueMemFree& ev )
if( ProcessMemFree( ev ) )
m_lastMemActionCallstack = m_data.memory.frees.back();
m_lastMemActionWasAlloc = false;
m_lastMemActionCallstack = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
void Worker::ProcessCallstackMemory( const QueueCallstackMemory& ev )
assert( m_pendingCallstackPtr == ev.ptr );
m_pendingCallstackPtr = 0;
if( m_lastMemActionCallstack != std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() )
auto& mem = m_data.memory.data[m_lastMemActionCallstack];
if( m_lastMemActionWasAlloc )
mem.csAlloc = m_pendingCallstackId;
mem.csFree = m_pendingCallstackId;
void Worker::ProcessCallstack( const QueueCallstack& ev )
assert( m_pendingCallstackPtr == ev.ptr );
m_pendingCallstackPtr = 0;
auto nit = m_nextCallstack.find( m_threadCtx );
assert( nit != m_nextCallstack.end() );
auto& next = nit->second;
switch( next.type )
case NextCallstackType::Zone:
next.zone->callstack = m_pendingCallstackId;
case NextCallstackType::Gpu:
next.gpu->callstack = m_pendingCallstackId;
case NextCallstackType::Crash:
m_data.crashEvent.callstack = m_pendingCallstackId;
assert( false );
void Worker::ProcessCallstackAlloc( const QueueCallstackAlloc& ev )
assert( m_pendingCallstackPtr == ev.ptr );
m_pendingCallstackPtr = 0;
auto nit = m_nextCallstack.find( m_threadCtx );
assert( nit != m_nextCallstack.end() );
auto& next = nit->second;
switch( next.type )
case NextCallstackType::Zone:
next.zone->callstack = m_pendingCallstackId;
case NextCallstackType::Gpu:
next.gpu->callstack = m_pendingCallstackId;
case NextCallstackType::Crash:
m_data.crashEvent.callstack = m_pendingCallstackId;
assert( false );
void Worker::ProcessCallstackFrameSize( const QueueCallstackFrameSize& ev )
assert( !m_callstackFrameStaging );
assert( m_pendingCallstackSubframes == 0 );
assert( m_pendingCallstackFrames > 0 );
m_pendingCallstackSubframes = ev.size;
// Frames may be duplicated due to recursion
auto fmit = m_data.callstackFrameMap.find( PackPointer( ev.ptr ) );
if( fmit == m_data.callstackFrameMap.end() )
m_callstackFrameStaging = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrameData>();
m_callstackFrameStaging->size = ev.size;
m_callstackFrameStaging->data = m_slab.Alloc<CallstackFrame>( ev.size );
m_callstackFrameStagingPtr = ev.ptr;
void Worker::ProcessCallstackFrame( const QueueCallstackFrame& ev )
assert( m_pendingCallstackSubframes > 0 );
auto nit = m_pendingCustomStrings.find( ev.name );
assert( nit != m_pendingCustomStrings.end() );
auto fit = m_pendingCustomStrings.find( ev.file );
assert( fit != m_pendingCustomStrings.end() );
if( m_callstackFrameStaging )
const auto idx = m_callstackFrameStaging->size - m_pendingCallstackSubframes;
m_callstackFrameStaging->data[idx].name = StringIdx( nit->second.idx );
m_callstackFrameStaging->data[idx].file = StringIdx( fit->second.idx );
m_callstackFrameStaging->data[idx].line = ev.line;
if( --m_pendingCallstackSubframes == 0 )
assert( m_data.callstackFrameMap.find( PackPointer( m_callstackFrameStagingPtr ) ) == m_data.callstackFrameMap.end() );
m_data.callstackFrameMap.emplace( PackPointer( m_callstackFrameStagingPtr ), m_callstackFrameStaging );
m_callstackFrameStaging = nullptr;
m_pendingCustomStrings.erase( nit );
m_pendingCustomStrings.erase( m_pendingCustomStrings.find( ev.file ) );
void Worker::ProcessCrashReport( const QueueCrashReport& ev )
CheckString( ev.text );
auto& next = m_nextCallstack[m_threadCtx];
next.type = NextCallstackType::Crash;
m_data.crashEvent.thread = m_threadCtx;
m_data.crashEvent.time = TscTime( ev.time );
m_data.crashEvent.message = ev.text;
m_data.crashEvent.callstack = 0;
void Worker::ProcessSysTime( const QueueSysTime& ev )
const auto time = TscTime( ev.time );
m_data.lastTime = std::max( m_data.lastTime, time );
const auto val = ev.sysTime;
if( !m_sysTimePlot )
m_sysTimePlot = m_slab.AllocInit<PlotData>();
m_sysTimePlot->name = 0;
m_sysTimePlot->type = PlotType::SysTime;
m_sysTimePlot->min = val;
m_sysTimePlot->max = val;
m_sysTimePlot->data.push_back( { time, val } );
m_data.plots.Data().push_back( m_sysTimePlot );
assert( !m_sysTimePlot->data.empty() );
assert( m_sysTimePlot->data.back().time <= time );
if( m_sysTimePlot->min > val ) m_sysTimePlot->min = val;
else if( m_sysTimePlot->max < val ) m_sysTimePlot->max = val;
m_sysTimePlot->data.push_back_non_empty( { time, val } );
void Worker::MemAllocChanged( int64_t time )
const auto val = (double)m_data.memory.usage;
if( !m_data.memory.plot )
m_data.memory.plot->min = val;
m_data.memory.plot->max = val;
m_data.memory.plot->data.push_back( { time, val } );
assert( !m_data.memory.plot->data.empty() );
assert( m_data.memory.plot->data.back().time <= time );
if( m_data.memory.plot->min > val ) m_data.memory.plot->min = val;
else if( m_data.memory.plot->max < val ) m_data.memory.plot->max = val;
m_data.memory.plot->data.push_back_non_empty( { time, val } );
void Worker::CreateMemAllocPlot()
assert( !m_data.memory.plot );
m_data.memory.plot = m_slab.AllocInit<PlotData>();
m_data.memory.plot->name = 0;
m_data.memory.plot->type = PlotType::Memory;
m_data.memory.plot->data.push_back( { GetFrameBegin( *m_data.framesBase, 0 ), 0. } );
m_data.plots.Data().push_back( m_data.memory.plot );
void Worker::ReconstructMemAllocPlot()
auto& mem = m_data.memory;
pdqsort_branchless( mem.frees.begin(), mem.frees.end(), [&mem] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return mem.data[lhs].timeFree < mem.data[rhs].timeFree; } );
std::sort( std::execution::par_unseq, mem.frees.begin(), mem.frees.end(), [&mem] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return mem.data[lhs].timeFree < mem.data[rhs].timeFree; } );
const auto psz = mem.data.size() + mem.frees.size() + 1;
PlotData* plot;
std::lock_guard<std::shared_mutex> lock( m_data.lock );
plot = m_slab.AllocInit<PlotData>();
plot->name = 0;
plot->type = PlotType::Memory;
plot->data.reserve_exact( psz, m_slab );
auto aptr = mem.data.begin();
auto aend = mem.data.end();
auto fptr = mem.frees.begin();
auto fend = mem.frees.end();
double max = 0;
double usage = 0;
auto ptr = plot->data.data();
ptr->time = GetFrameBegin( *m_data.framesBase, 0 );
ptr->val = 0;
if( aptr != aend && fptr != fend )
auto atime = aptr->timeAlloc;
auto ftime = mem.data[*fptr].timeFree;
if( atime < ftime )
usage += int64_t( aptr->size );
assert( usage >= 0 );
if( max < usage ) max = usage;
ptr->time = atime;
ptr->val = usage;
if( aptr == aend ) break;
atime = aptr->timeAlloc;
usage -= int64_t( mem.data[*fptr].size );
assert( usage >= 0 );
if( max < usage ) max = usage;
ptr->time = ftime;
ptr->val = usage;
if( fptr == fend ) break;
ftime = mem.data[*fptr].timeFree;
while( aptr != aend )
assert( aptr->timeFree < 0 );
int64_t time = aptr->timeAlloc;
usage += int64_t( aptr->size );
assert( usage >= 0 );
if( max < usage ) max = usage;
ptr->time = time;
ptr->val = usage;
while( fptr != fend )
const auto& memData = mem.data[*fptr];
int64_t time = memData.timeFree;
usage -= int64_t( memData.size );
assert( usage >= 0 );
assert( max >= usage );
ptr->time = time;
ptr->val = usage;
plot->min = 0;
plot->max = max;
std::lock_guard<std::shared_mutex> lock( m_data.lock );
m_data.plots.Data().insert( m_data.plots.Data().begin(), plot );
m_data.memory.plot = plot;
void Worker::ReadTimeline( FileRead& f, ZoneEvent* zone, uint16_t thread, int64_t& refTime )
uint64_t sz;
f.Read( sz );
if( sz == 0 )
zone->child = -1;
zone->child = m_data.zoneChildren.size();
// Put placeholder to have proper size of zone children in nested calls
m_data.zoneChildren.push_back( Vector<ZoneEvent*>() );
// Real data buffer. Can't use placeholder, as the vector can be reallocated
// and the buffer address will change, but the reference won't.
Vector<ZoneEvent*> tmp;
ReadTimeline( f, tmp, thread, sz, refTime );
m_data.zoneChildren[zone->child] = std::move( tmp );
void Worker::ReadTimelinePre042( FileRead& f, ZoneEvent* zone, uint16_t thread, int fileVer )
uint64_t sz;
f.Read( sz );
if( sz == 0 )
zone->child = -1;
zone->child = m_data.zoneChildren.size();
m_data.zoneChildren.push_back( Vector<ZoneEvent*>() );
Vector<ZoneEvent*> tmp;
ReadTimelinePre042( f, tmp, thread, sz, fileVer );
m_data.zoneChildren[zone->child] = std::move( tmp );
void Worker::ReadTimeline( FileRead& f, GpuEvent* zone, int64_t& refTime, int64_t& refGpuTime )
uint64_t sz;
f.Read( sz );
if( sz == 0 )
zone->child = -1;
zone->child = m_data.gpuChildren.size();
m_data.gpuChildren.push_back( Vector<GpuEvent*>() );
Vector<GpuEvent*> tmp;
ReadTimeline( f, tmp, sz, refTime, refGpuTime );
m_data.gpuChildren[zone->child] = std::move( tmp );
void Worker::ReadTimelinePre044( FileRead& f, GpuEvent* zone, int64_t& refTime, int64_t& refGpuTime, int fileVer )
uint64_t sz;
f.Read( sz );
if( sz == 0 )
zone->child = -1;
zone->child = m_data.gpuChildren.size();
m_data.gpuChildren.push_back( Vector<GpuEvent*>() );
Vector<GpuEvent*> tmp;
ReadTimelinePre044( f, tmp, sz, refTime, refGpuTime, fileVer );
m_data.gpuChildren[zone->child] = std::move( tmp );
void Worker::ReadTimelineUpdateStatistics( ZoneEvent* zone, uint16_t thread )
auto it = m_data.sourceLocationZones.find( zone->srcloc );
assert( it != m_data.sourceLocationZones.end() );
auto& slz = it->second;
auto& ztd = slz.zones.push_next();
ztd.zone = zone;
ztd.thread = thread;
if( zone->end >= 0 )
auto timeSpan = zone->end - zone->start;
if( timeSpan > 0 )
slz.min = std::min( slz.min, timeSpan );
slz.max = std::max( slz.max, timeSpan );
slz.total += timeSpan;
slz.sumSq += double( timeSpan ) * timeSpan;
if( zone->child >= 0 )
for( auto& v : GetZoneChildren( zone->child ) )
const auto childSpan = std::max( int64_t( 0 ), v->end - v->start );
timeSpan -= childSpan;
slz.selfMin = std::min( slz.selfMin, timeSpan );
slz.selfMax = std::max( slz.selfMax, timeSpan );
slz.selfTotal += timeSpan;
auto it = m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt.find( zone->srcloc );
assert( it != m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt.end() );
void Worker::ReadTimeline( FileRead& f, Vector<ZoneEvent*>& vec, uint16_t thread, uint64_t size, int64_t& refTime )
assert( size != 0 );
vec.reserve_exact( size, m_slab );
m_data.zonesCnt += size;
auto zone = (ZoneEvent*)m_slab.AllocBig( sizeof( ZoneEvent ) * size );
auto zptr = zone;
auto vptr = vec.data();
for( uint64_t i=0; i<size; i++ )
*vptr++ = zptr++;
s_loadProgress.subProgress.fetch_add( 1, std::memory_order_relaxed );
// Use zone->end as scratch buffer for zone start time offset.
f.Read( &zone->end, sizeof( zone->end ) + sizeof( zone->srcloc ) + sizeof( zone->cpu_start ) + sizeof( zone->cpu_end ) + sizeof( zone->text ) + sizeof( zone->callstack ) + sizeof( zone->name ) );
refTime += zone->end;
zone->start = refTime;
ReadTimeline( f, zone, thread, refTime );
zone->end = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
ReadTimelineUpdateStatistics( zone, thread );
while( ++zone != zptr );
void Worker::ReadTimelinePre042( FileRead& f, Vector<ZoneEvent*>& vec, uint16_t thread, uint64_t size, int fileVer )
assert( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 4, 1 ) );
assert( size != 0 );
vec.reserve_exact( size, m_slab );
m_data.zonesCnt += size;
for( uint64_t i=0; i<size; i++ )
s_loadProgress.subProgress.fetch_add( 1, std::memory_order_relaxed );
auto zone = m_slab.Alloc<ZoneEvent>();
vec[i] = zone;
f.Read( zone, sizeof( ZoneEvent ) - sizeof( ZoneEvent::child ) );
ReadTimelinePre042( f, zone, thread, fileVer );
ReadTimelineUpdateStatistics( zone, thread );
void Worker::ReadTimeline( FileRead& f, Vector<GpuEvent*>& vec, uint64_t size, int64_t& refTime, int64_t& refGpuTime )
assert( size != 0 );
vec.reserve_exact( size, m_slab );
auto zone = (GpuEvent*)m_slab.AllocBig( sizeof( GpuEvent ) * size );
auto zptr = zone;
auto vptr = vec.data();
for( uint64_t i=0; i<size; i++ )
*vptr++ = zptr++;
s_loadProgress.subProgress.fetch_add( 1, std::memory_order_relaxed );
// Use zone->gpuStart as scratch buffer for CPU zone start time offset.
// Use zone->gpuEnd as scratch buffer for GPU zone start time offset.
f.Read( &zone->gpuStart, sizeof( zone->gpuStart ) + sizeof( zone->gpuEnd ) + sizeof( zone->srcloc ) + sizeof( zone->callstack ) + sizeof( zone->thread ) );
refTime += zone->gpuStart;
refGpuTime += zone->gpuEnd;
zone->cpuStart = refTime;
zone->gpuStart = refGpuTime;
ReadTimeline( f, zone, refTime, refGpuTime );
zone->cpuEnd = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
zone->gpuEnd = ReadTimeOffset( f, refGpuTime );
while( ++zone != zptr );
void Worker::ReadTimelinePre044( FileRead& f, Vector<GpuEvent*>& vec, uint64_t size, int64_t& refTime, int64_t& refGpuTime, int fileVer )
assert( size != 0 );
vec.reserve_exact( size, m_slab );
for( uint64_t i=0; i<size; i++ )
s_loadProgress.subProgress.fetch_add( 1, std::memory_order_relaxed );
auto zone = m_slab.Alloc<GpuEvent>();
vec[i] = zone;
if( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 4, 1 ) )
f.Read( zone, sizeof( GpuEvent::cpuStart ) + sizeof( GpuEvent::cpuEnd ) + sizeof( GpuEvent::gpuStart ) + sizeof( GpuEvent::gpuEnd ) + sizeof( GpuEvent::srcloc ) + sizeof( GpuEvent::callstack ) );
uint64_t thread;
f.Read( thread );
if( thread == 0 )
zone->thread = 0;
zone->thread = CompressThread( thread );
assert( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 4, 3 ) );
f.Read( &zone->gpuStart, sizeof( zone->gpuStart ) + sizeof( zone->gpuEnd ) + sizeof( zone->srcloc ) + sizeof( zone->callstack ) );
refTime += zone->gpuStart;
refGpuTime += zone->gpuEnd;
zone->cpuStart = refTime;
zone->gpuStart = refGpuTime;
uint64_t thread;
f.Read( thread );
if( thread == 0 )
zone->thread = 0;
zone->thread = CompressThread( thread );
ReadTimelinePre044( f, zone, refTime, refGpuTime, fileVer );
if( fileVer > FileVersion( 0, 4, 1 ) )
assert( fileVer <= FileVersion( 0, 4, 3 ) );
zone->cpuEnd = ReadTimeOffset( f, refTime );
zone->gpuEnd = ReadTimeOffset( f, refGpuTime );
void Worker::Disconnect()
Query( ServerQueryDisconnect, 0 );
m_disconnect = true;
void Worker::Write( FileWrite& f )
f.Write( FileHeader, sizeof( FileHeader ) );
f.Write( &m_delay, sizeof( m_delay ) );
f.Write( &m_resolution, sizeof( m_resolution ) );
f.Write( &m_timerMul, sizeof( m_timerMul ) );
f.Write( &m_data.lastTime, sizeof( m_data.lastTime ) );
f.Write( &m_data.frameOffset, sizeof( m_data.frameOffset ) );
uint64_t sz = m_captureName.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
f.Write( m_captureName.c_str(), sz );
sz = m_captureProgram.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
f.Write( m_captureProgram.c_str(), sz );
f.Write( &m_captureTime, sizeof( m_captureTime ) );
sz = m_hostInfo.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
f.Write( m_hostInfo.c_str(), sz );
f.Write( &m_data.crashEvent, sizeof( m_data.crashEvent ) );
sz = m_data.frames.Data().size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& fd : m_data.frames.Data() )
int64_t refTime = 0;
f.Write( &fd->name, sizeof( fd->name ) );
f.Write( &fd->continuous, sizeof( fd->continuous ) );
sz = fd->frames.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
if( fd->continuous )
for( auto& fe : fd->frames )
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, fe.start );
f.Write( &fe.frameImage, sizeof( fe.frameImage ) );
for( auto& fe : fd->frames )
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, fe.start );
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, fe.end );
f.Write( &fe.frameImage, sizeof( fe.frameImage ) );
sz = m_data.stringData.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.stringData )
uint64_t ptr = (uint64_t)v;
f.Write( &ptr, sizeof( ptr ) );
sz = strlen( v );
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
f.Write( v, sz );
sz = m_data.strings.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.strings )
f.Write( &v.first, sizeof( v.first ) );
uint64_t ptr = (uint64_t)v.second;
f.Write( &ptr, sizeof( ptr ) );
sz = m_data.threadNames.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.threadNames )
f.Write( &v.first, sizeof( v.first ) );
uint64_t ptr = (uint64_t)v.second;
f.Write( &ptr, sizeof( ptr ) );
sz = m_data.threadExpand.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
f.Write( m_data.threadExpand.data(), sz * sizeof( uint64_t ) );
sz = m_data.sourceLocation.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.sourceLocation )
f.Write( &v.first, sizeof( v.first ) );
f.Write( &v.second, sizeof( v.second ) );
sz = m_data.sourceLocationExpand.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.sourceLocationExpand )
f.Write( &v, sizeof( v ) );
sz = m_data.sourceLocationPayload.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.sourceLocationPayload )
f.Write( v, sizeof( *v ) );
sz = m_data.sourceLocationZones.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.sourceLocationZones )
int32_t id = v.first;
uint64_t cnt = v.second.zones.size();
f.Write( &id, sizeof( id ) );
f.Write( &cnt, sizeof( cnt ) );
sz = m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.sourceLocationZonesCnt )
int32_t id = v.first;
uint64_t cnt = v.second;
f.Write( &id, sizeof( id ) );
f.Write( &cnt, sizeof( cnt ) );
sz = m_data.lockMap.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.lockMap )
f.Write( &v.first, sizeof( v.first ) );
f.Write( &v.second->srcloc, sizeof( v.second->srcloc ) );
f.Write( &v.second->type, sizeof( v.second->type ) );
f.Write( &v.second->valid, sizeof( v.second->valid ) );
f.Write( &v.second->timeAnnounce, sizeof( v.second->timeAnnounce ) );
f.Write( &v.second->timeTerminate, sizeof( v.second->timeTerminate ) );
sz = v.second->threadList.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& t : v.second->threadList )
f.Write( &t, sizeof( t ) );
int64_t refTime = v.second->timeAnnounce;
sz = v.second->timeline.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& lev : v.second->timeline )
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, lev.ptr->time );
f.Write( &lev.ptr->srcloc, sizeof( lev.ptr->srcloc ) );
f.Write( &lev.ptr->thread, sizeof( lev.ptr->thread ) );
f.Write( &lev.ptr->type, sizeof( lev.ptr->type ) );
int64_t refTime = 0;
sz = m_data.messages.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : m_data.messages )
const auto ptr = (uint64_t)v;
f.Write( &ptr, sizeof( ptr ) );
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, v->time );
f.Write( &v->ref, sizeof( v->ref ) );
f.Write( &v->color, sizeof( v->color ) );
sz = 0;
for( auto& v : m_data.threads ) sz += v->count;
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
sz = m_data.threads.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& thread : m_data.threads )
int64_t refTime = 0;
f.Write( &thread->id, sizeof( thread->id ) );
f.Write( &thread->count, sizeof( thread->count ) );
WriteTimeline( f, thread->timeline, refTime );
sz = thread->messages.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : thread->messages )
auto ptr = uint64_t( v );
f.Write( &ptr, sizeof( ptr ) );
sz = 0;
for( auto& v : m_data.gpuData ) sz += v->count;
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
sz = m_data.gpuData.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& ctx : m_data.gpuData )
int64_t refTime = 0;
int64_t refGpuTime = 0;
f.Write( &ctx->thread, sizeof( ctx->thread ) );
f.Write( &ctx->accuracyBits, sizeof( ctx->accuracyBits ) );
f.Write( &ctx->count, sizeof( ctx->count ) );
f.Write( &ctx->period, sizeof( ctx->period ) );
WriteTimeline( f, ctx->timeline, refTime, refGpuTime );
sz = m_data.plots.Data().size();
for( auto& plot : m_data.plots.Data() ) { if( plot->type == PlotType::Memory ) sz--; }
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& plot : m_data.plots.Data() )
if( plot->type == PlotType::Memory ) continue;
f.Write( &plot->type, sizeof( plot->type ) );
f.Write( &plot->name, sizeof( plot->name ) );
f.Write( &plot->min, sizeof( plot->min ) );
f.Write( &plot->max, sizeof( plot->max ) );
int64_t refTime = 0;
sz = plot->data.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : plot->data )
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, v.time );
f.Write( &v.val, sizeof( v.val ) );
int64_t refTime = 0;
sz = m_data.memory.data.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
sz = m_data.memory.active.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
sz = m_data.memory.frees.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& mem : m_data.memory.data )
f.Write( &mem.ptr, sizeof( mem.ptr ) );
f.Write( &mem.size, sizeof( mem.size ) );
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, mem.timeAlloc );
int64_t freeOffset = mem.timeFree < 0 ? mem.timeFree : mem.timeFree - mem.timeAlloc;
f.Write( &freeOffset, sizeof( freeOffset ) );
f.Write( &mem.csAlloc, sizeof( mem.csAlloc ) );
f.Write( &mem.csFree, sizeof( mem.csFree ) );
f.Write( &mem.threadAlloc, sizeof( mem.threadAlloc ) );
f.Write( &mem.threadFree, sizeof( mem.threadFree ) );
f.Write( &m_data.memory.high, sizeof( m_data.memory.high ) );
f.Write( &m_data.memory.low, sizeof( m_data.memory.low ) );
f.Write( &m_data.memory.usage, sizeof( m_data.memory.usage ) );
sz = m_data.callstackPayload.size() - 1;
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( size_t i=1; i<=sz; i++ )
auto cs = m_data.callstackPayload[i];
uint8_t csz = cs->size();
f.Write( &csz, sizeof( csz ) );
f.Write( cs->data(), sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) * csz );
sz = m_data.callstackFrameMap.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& frame : m_data.callstackFrameMap )
f.Write( &frame.first, sizeof( CallstackFrameId ) );
f.Write( &frame.second->size, sizeof( frame.second->size ) );
f.Write( frame.second->data, sizeof( CallstackFrame ) * frame.second->size );
sz = m_data.appInfo.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
f.Write( m_data.appInfo.data(), sizeof( m_data.appInfo[0] ) * sz );
sz = m_data.frameImage.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& fi : m_data.frameImage )
f.Write( &fi->w, sizeof( fi->w ) );
f.Write( &fi->h, sizeof( fi->h ) );
f.Write( &fi->flip, sizeof( fi->flip ) );
const auto image = UnpackFrameImage( *fi );
f.Write( image, fi->w * fi->h / 2 );
void Worker::WriteTimeline( FileWrite& f, const Vector<ZoneEvent*>& vec, int64_t& refTime )
uint64_t sz = vec.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : vec )
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, v->start );
f.Write( &v->srcloc, sizeof( v->srcloc ) );
f.Write( &v->cpu_start, sizeof( v->cpu_start ) );
f.Write( &v->cpu_end, sizeof( v->cpu_end ) );
f.Write( &v->text, sizeof( v->text ) );
f.Write( &v->callstack, sizeof( v->callstack ) );
f.Write( &v->name, sizeof( v->name ) );
if( v->child < 0 )
sz = 0;
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
WriteTimeline( f, GetZoneChildren( v->child ), refTime );
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, v->end );
void Worker::WriteTimeline( FileWrite& f, const Vector<GpuEvent*>& vec, int64_t& refTime, int64_t& refGpuTime )
uint64_t sz = vec.size();
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
for( auto& v : vec )
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, v->cpuStart );
WriteTimeOffset( f, refGpuTime, v->gpuStart );
f.Write( &v->srcloc, sizeof( v->srcloc ) );
f.Write( &v->callstack, sizeof( v->callstack ) );
f.Write( &v->thread, sizeof( v->thread ) );
if( v->child < 0 )
sz = 0;
f.Write( &sz, sizeof( sz ) );
WriteTimeline( f, GetGpuChildren( v->child ), refTime, refGpuTime );
WriteTimeOffset( f, refTime, v->cpuEnd );
WriteTimeOffset( f, refGpuTime, v->gpuEnd );
static const char* s_failureReasons[] = {
"<unknown reason>",
"Invalid order of zone begin and end events.",
"Received zone end event without a matching zone begin event.",
"Zone text transfer destination doesn't match active zone.",
"Zone name transfer destination doesn't match active zone.",
"Memory free event without a matching allocation.",
"Discontinuous frame begin/end mismatch.",
"Frame image offset is invalid.",
"Multiple frame images were sent for a single frame.",
static_assert( sizeof( s_failureReasons ) / sizeof( *s_failureReasons ) == (int)Worker::Failure::NUM_FAILURES, "Missing failure reason description." );
const char* Worker::GetFailureString( Worker::Failure failure )
return s_failureReasons[(int)failure];
const char* Worker::PackFrameImage( const char* image, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint32_t& csz )
const auto insz = size_t( w ) * size_t( h ) / 2;
const auto maxout = LZ4_COMPRESSBOUND( insz );
if( m_frameImageBufferSize < maxout )
m_frameImageBufferSize = maxout;
delete[] m_frameImageBuffer;
m_frameImageBuffer = new char[maxout];
const auto outsz = LZ4_compress_default( image, m_frameImageBuffer, insz, maxout );
csz = uint32_t( outsz );
auto ptr = (char*)m_slab.AllocBig( outsz );
memcpy( ptr, m_frameImageBuffer, outsz );
return ptr;
const char* Worker::UnpackFrameImage( const FrameImage& image )
const auto outsz = size_t( image.w ) * size_t( image.h ) / 2;
if( m_frameImageBufferSize < outsz )
m_frameImageBufferSize = outsz;
delete[] m_frameImageBuffer;
m_frameImageBuffer = new char[outsz];
LZ4_decompress_safe( image.ptr, m_frameImageBuffer, image.csz, outsz );
return m_frameImageBuffer;
bool Worker::HasEtc1FrameImages() const
return m_traceVersion <= FileVersion( 0, 4, 9 );