mirror of
synced 2024-11-30 09:14:36 +00:00
3265 lines
121 KiB
3265 lines
121 KiB
#include <algorithm>
#include <assert.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits>
#include <math.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "../common/TracySystem.hpp"
#include "tracy_pdqsort.h"
#include "TracyFileWrite.hpp"
#include "TracyImGui.hpp"
#include "TracyPopcnt.hpp"
#include "TracyView.hpp"
# include "../nfd/nfd.h"
namespace tracy
static const char* TimeToString( int64_t ns )
enum { Pool = 8 };
static char bufpool[Pool][64];
static int bufsel = 0;
char* buf = bufpool[bufsel];
bufsel = ( bufsel + 1 ) % Pool;
const char* sign = "";
if( ns < 0 )
sign = "-";
ns = -ns;
if( ns < 1000 )
sprintf( buf, "%s%" PRIi64 " ns", sign, ns );
else if( ns < 1000ll * 1000 )
sprintf( buf, "%s%.2f us", sign, ns / 1000. );
else if( ns < 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 )
sprintf( buf, "%s%.2f ms", sign, ns / ( 1000. * 1000. ) );
else if( ns < 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 )
sprintf( buf, "%s%.2f s", sign, ns / ( 1000. * 1000. * 1000. ) );
const auto m = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 ) );
const auto s = int64_t( ns - m * ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 ) );
sprintf( buf, "%s%" PRIi64 ":%04.1f", sign, m, s / ( 1000. * 1000. * 1000. ) );
return buf;
static const char* TimeToStringInteger( int64_t ns )
enum { Pool = 8 };
static char bufpool[Pool][64];
static int bufsel = 0;
char* buf = bufpool[bufsel];
bufsel = ( bufsel + 1 ) % Pool;
const char* sign = "";
if( ns < 0 )
sign = "-";
ns = -ns;
if( ns < 1000 )
sprintf( buf, "%s%" PRIi64 " ns", sign, ns );
else if( ns < 1000ll * 1000 )
sprintf( buf, "%s%.0f us", sign, ns / 1000. );
else if( ns < 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 )
sprintf( buf, "%s%.0f ms", sign, ns / ( 1000. * 1000. ) );
else if( ns < 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 )
sprintf( buf, "%s%.0f s", sign, ns / ( 1000. * 1000. * 1000. ) );
const auto m = int64_t( ns / ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 ) );
const auto s = int64_t( ns - m * ( 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 ) );
sprintf( buf, "%s%" PRIi64 ":%02.0f", sign, m, s / ( 1000. * 1000. * 1000. ) );
return buf;
static const char* RealToString( double val, bool separator )
enum { Pool = 8 };
static char bufpool[Pool][64];
static int bufsel = 0;
char* buf = bufpool[bufsel];
bufsel = ( bufsel + 1 ) % Pool;
sprintf( buf, "%f", val );
auto ptr = buf;
if( *ptr == '-' ) ptr++;
const auto vbegin = ptr;
if( separator )
while( *ptr != '\0' && *ptr != ',' && *ptr != '.' ) ptr++;
auto end = ptr;
while( *end != '\0' ) end++;
auto sz = end - ptr;
while( ptr - vbegin > 3 )
ptr -= 3;
memmove( ptr+1, ptr, sz );
*ptr = ',';
sz += 4;
while( *ptr != '\0' && *ptr != ',' && *ptr != '.' ) ptr++;
if( *ptr == '\0' ) return buf;
while( *ptr != '\0' ) ptr++;
while( *ptr == '0' && *ptr != ',' && *ptr != '.' ) ptr--;
if( *ptr != '.' && *ptr != ',' ) ptr++;
*ptr = '\0';
return buf;
enum { MinVisSize = 3 };
static View* s_instance = nullptr;
View::View( const char* addr )
: m_worker( addr )
, m_staticView( false )
, m_frameScale( 0 )
, m_pause( false )
, m_frameStart( 0 )
, m_zvStart( 0 )
, m_zvEnd( 0 )
, m_zvHeight( 0 )
, m_zvScroll( 0 )
, m_zoneInfoWindow( nullptr )
, m_lockHighlight { -1 }
, m_gpuInfoWindow( nullptr )
, m_drawRegion( false )
, m_gpuThread( 0 )
, m_gpuStart( 0 )
, m_gpuEnd( 0 )
, m_showOptions( false )
, m_showMessages( false )
, m_drawGpuZones( true )
, m_drawZones( true )
, m_drawLocks( true )
, m_drawPlots( true )
, m_onlyContendedLocks( false )
, m_namespace( Namespace::Full )
assert( s_instance == nullptr );
s_instance = this;
ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
style.FrameRounding = 2.f;
View::View( FileRead& f )
: m_worker( f )
, m_staticView( true )
, m_frameScale( 0 )
, m_pause( false )
, m_frameStart( 0 )
, m_zvStart( 0 )
, m_zvEnd( 0 )
, m_zvHeight( 0 )
, m_zvScroll( 0 )
, m_zoneInfoWindow( nullptr )
, m_gpuInfoWindow( nullptr )
, m_drawRegion( false )
, m_gpuThread( 0 )
, m_gpuStart( 0 )
, m_gpuEnd( 0 )
, m_showOptions( false )
, m_showMessages( false )
, m_drawGpuZones( true )
, m_drawZones( true )
, m_drawLocks( true )
, m_drawPlots( true )
, m_onlyContendedLocks( false )
, m_namespace( Namespace::Full )
assert( s_instance == nullptr );
s_instance = this;
assert( s_instance != nullptr );
s_instance = nullptr;
const char* View::ShortenNamespace( const char* name ) const
if( m_namespace == Namespace::Full ) return name;
if( m_namespace == Namespace::Short )
auto ptr = name;
while( *ptr != '\0' ) ptr++;
while( ptr > name && *ptr != ':' ) ptr--;
if( *ptr == ':' ) ptr++;
return ptr;
static char buf[1024];
auto dst = buf;
auto ptr = name;
auto start = ptr;
while( *ptr != '\0' && *ptr != ':' ) ptr++;
if( *ptr == '\0' )
memcpy( dst, start, ptr - start + 1 );
return buf;
*dst++ = *start;
*dst++ = ':';
while( *ptr == ':' ) ptr++;
void View::DrawHelpMarker( const char* desc ) const
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(?)" );
if ( ImGui::IsItemHovered() )
ImGui::PushTextWrapPos( 450.0f );
ImGui::TextUnformatted( desc );
void View::DrawTextContrast( ImDrawList* draw, const ImVec2& pos, uint32_t color, const char* text )
draw->AddText( pos + ImVec2( 1, 1 ), 0x88000000, text );
draw->AddText( pos, color, text );
void View::Draw()
void View::DrawImpl()
if( !m_worker.HasData() )
ImGui::Begin( m_worker.GetAddr().c_str(), nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize );
ImGui::Text( "Waiting for connection..." );
if( !m_staticView )
std::lock_guard<NonRecursiveBenaphore> lock( m_worker.GetDataLock() );
ImGui::Begin( m_worker.GetCaptureName().c_str(), nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar );
if( ImGui::Button( m_pause ? "Resume" : "Pause", ImVec2( 70, 0 ) ) ) m_pause = !m_pause;
if( ImGui::Button( "Options", ImVec2( 70, 0 ) ) ) m_showOptions = true;
if( ImGui::Button( "Messages", ImVec2( 70, 0 ) ) ) m_showMessages = true;
if ( ImGui::Button( "Find Zone", ImVec2( 70, 0 ) ) ) m_findZone.show = true;
ImGui::Text( "Frames: %-7" PRIu64 " Time span: %-10s View span: %-10s Zones: %-13s Queue delay: %s Timer resolution: %s", m_worker.GetFrameCount(), TimeToString( m_worker.GetLastTime() - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 ) ), TimeToString( m_zvEnd - m_zvStart ), RealToString( m_worker.GetZoneCount(), true ), TimeToString( m_worker.GetDelay() ), TimeToString( m_worker.GetResolution() ) );
m_zoneHighlight = nullptr;
m_gpuHighlight = nullptr;
if( m_showOptions ) DrawOptions();
if( m_showMessages ) DrawMessages();
if( m_findZone.show ) DrawFindZone();
if( m_zoomAnim.active )
const auto& io = ImGui::GetIO();
m_zoomAnim.progress += io.DeltaTime * m_zoomAnim.lenMod;
if( m_zoomAnim.progress >= 1.f )
m_zoomAnim.active = false;
m_zvStart = m_zoomAnim.start1;
m_zvEnd = m_zoomAnim.end1;
const auto v = sqrt( sin( M_PI_2 * m_zoomAnim.progress ) );
m_zvStart = int64_t( m_zoomAnim.start0 + ( m_zoomAnim.start1 - m_zoomAnim.start0 ) * v );
m_zvEnd = int64_t( m_zoomAnim.end0 + ( m_zoomAnim.end1 - m_zoomAnim.end0 ) * v );
void View::DrawConnection()
const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize();
const auto cs = ty * 0.9f;
std::lock_guard<NonRecursiveBenaphore> lock( m_worker.GetMbpsDataLock() );
ImGui::Begin( m_worker.GetAddr().c_str(), nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize );
const auto& mbpsVector = m_worker.GetMbpsData();
const auto mbps = mbpsVector.back();
char buf[64];
if( mbps < 0.1f )
sprintf( buf, "%6.2f Kbps", mbps * 1000.f );
sprintf( buf, "%6.2f Mbps", mbps );
ImGui::Dummy( ImVec2( cs, 0 ) );
ImGui::PlotLines( buf, mbpsVector.data(), mbpsVector.size(), 0, nullptr, 0, std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), ImVec2( 150, 0 ) );
ImGui::Text( "Ratio %.1f%% Real: %6.2f Mbps", m_worker.GetCompRatio() * 100.f, mbps / m_worker.GetCompRatio() );
ImGui::Text( "Memory usage: %.2f MB", memUsage.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ) / ( 1024.f * 1024.f ) );
const auto wpos = ImGui::GetWindowPos() + ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMin();
ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddCircleFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 1 + cs * 0.5, 3 + ty * 0.5 ), cs * 0.5, m_worker.IsConnected() ? 0xFF2222CC : 0xFF444444, 10 );
std::lock_guard<NonRecursiveBenaphore> lock( m_worker.GetDataLock() );
const auto sz = m_worker.GetFrameCount();
if( sz > 1 )
const auto dt = m_worker.GetFrameTime( sz - 2 );
const auto dtm = dt / 1000000.f;
const auto fps = 1000.f / dtm;
ImGui::Text( "FPS: %6.1f Frame time: %.2f ms", fps, dtm );
if( ImGui::Button( "Save trace" ) )
nfdchar_t* fn;
auto res = NFD_SaveDialog( "tracy", nullptr, &fn );
if( res == NFD_OKAY )
const char* fn = "trace.tracy";
std::unique_ptr<FileWrite> f;
const auto sz = strlen( fn );
if( sz < 7 || memcmp( fn + sz - 6, ".tracy", 6 ) != 0 )
char tmp[1024];
sprintf( tmp, "%s.tracy", fn );
f.reset( FileWrite::Open( tmp ) );
f.reset( FileWrite::Open( fn ) );
if( f )
m_worker.Write( *f );
static ImU32 GetFrameColor( uint64_t frameTime )
enum { BestTime = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 / 143 };
enum { GoodTime = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 / 59 };
enum { BadTime = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 / 29 };
return frameTime > BadTime ? 0xFF2222DD :
frameTime > GoodTime ? 0xFF22DDDD :
frameTime > BestTime ? 0xFF22DD22 : 0xFFDD9900;
static int GetFrameWidth( int frameScale )
return frameScale == 0 ? 4 : ( frameScale == -1 ? 6 : 1 );
static int GetFrameGroup( int frameScale )
return frameScale < 2 ? 1 : ( 1 << ( frameScale - 1 ) );
void View::DrawFrames()
assert( m_worker.GetFrameCount() != 0 );
enum { Height = 40 };
enum { MaxFrameTime = 50 * 1000 * 1000 }; // 50ms
ImGuiWindow* window = ImGui::GetCurrentWindow();
if( window->SkipItems ) return;
auto& io = ImGui::GetIO();
const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
const auto wspace = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMax() - ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMin();
const auto w = wspace.x;
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
ImGui::InvisibleButton( "##frames", ImVec2( w, Height ) );
bool hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered();
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( w, Height ), 0x33FFFFFF );
const auto wheel = io.MouseWheel;
const auto prevScale = m_frameScale;
if( hover )
if( wheel > 0 )
if( m_frameScale > -1 ) m_frameScale--;
else if( wheel < 0 )
if( m_frameScale < 10 ) m_frameScale++;
const int fwidth = GetFrameWidth( m_frameScale );
const int group = GetFrameGroup( m_frameScale );
const int total = m_worker.GetFrameCount();
const int onScreen = ( w - 2 ) / fwidth;
if( !m_pause )
m_frameStart = ( total < onScreen * group ) ? 0 : total - onScreen * group;
m_zvStart = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( std::max( 0, total - 4 ) );
if( total == 1 )
m_zvEnd = m_worker.GetLastTime();
m_zvEnd = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( total - 1 );
if( hover )
if( ImGui::IsMouseDragging( 1, 0 ) )
m_pause = true;
const auto delta = ImGui::GetMouseDragDelta( 1, 0 ).x;
if( abs( delta ) >= fwidth )
const auto d = (int)delta / fwidth;
m_frameStart = std::max( 0, m_frameStart - d * group );
io.MouseClickedPos[1].x = io.MousePos.x + d * fwidth - delta;
const auto mx = io.MousePos.x;
if( mx > wpos.x && mx < wpos.x + w - 1 )
const auto mo = mx - ( wpos.x + 1 );
const auto off = mo * group / fwidth;
const int sel = m_frameStart + off;
if( sel < total )
if( group > 1 )
auto f = m_worker.GetFrameTime( sel );
auto g = std::min( group, total - sel );
for( int j=1; j<g; j++ )
f = std::max( f, m_worker.GetFrameTime( sel + j ) );
ImGui::Text( "Frames: %i - %i (%i)", sel, sel + g - 1, g );
ImGui::Text( "Max frame time: %s", TimeToString( f ) );
if( sel == 0 )
ImGui::Text( "Tracy initialization" );
ImGui::Text( "Time: %s", TimeToString( m_worker.GetFrameTime( sel ) ) );
ImGui::Text( "Frame: %i", sel );
ImGui::Text( "Frame time: %s", TimeToString( m_worker.GetFrameTime( sel ) ) );
ImGui::Text( "Time from start of program: %s", TimeToString( m_worker.GetFrameBegin( sel ) - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 ) ) );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
m_pause = true;
m_zvStart = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( sel );
m_zvEnd = m_worker.GetFrameEnd( sel + group - 1 );
if( m_zvStart == m_zvEnd ) m_zvStart--;
else if( ImGui::IsMouseDragging( 0 ) )
m_zvStart = std::min( m_zvStart, m_worker.GetFrameBegin( sel ) );
m_zvEnd = std::max( m_zvEnd, m_worker.GetFrameEnd( sel + group - 1 ) );
if( m_pause && wheel != 0 )
const int pfwidth = GetFrameWidth( prevScale );
const int pgroup = GetFrameGroup( prevScale );
const auto oldoff = mo * pgroup / pfwidth;
m_frameStart = std::min( total, std::max( 0, m_frameStart - int( off - oldoff ) ) );
int i = 0, idx = 0;
while( i < onScreen && m_frameStart + idx < total )
auto f = m_worker.GetFrameTime( m_frameStart + idx );
int g;
if( group > 1 )
g = std::min( group, total - ( m_frameStart + idx ) );
for( int j=1; j<g; j++ )
f = std::max( f, m_worker.GetFrameTime( m_frameStart + idx + j ) );
const auto h = float( std::min<uint64_t>( MaxFrameTime, f ) ) / MaxFrameTime * ( Height - 2 );
if( fwidth != 1 )
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 1 + i*fwidth, Height-1-h ), wpos + ImVec2( fwidth + i*fwidth, Height-1 ), GetFrameColor( f ) );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 1+i, Height-2-h ), wpos + ImVec2( 1+i, Height-2 ), GetFrameColor( f ) );
idx += group;
const std::pair <int, int> zrange = m_worker.GetFrameRange( m_zvStart, m_zvEnd );
if( zrange.second > m_frameStart && zrange.first < m_frameStart + onScreen * group )
auto x1 = std::min( onScreen * fwidth, ( zrange.second - m_frameStart ) * fwidth / group );
auto x0 = std::max( 0, ( zrange.first - m_frameStart ) * fwidth / group );
if( x0 == x1 ) x1 = x0 + 1;
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 1+x0, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( 1+x1, Height ), 0x55DD22DD );
void View::HandleZoneViewMouse( int64_t timespan, const ImVec2& wpos, float w, double& pxns )
assert( timespan > 0 );
auto& io = ImGui::GetIO();
const auto nspx = double( timespan ) / w;
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
m_drawRegion = true;
m_regionEnd = m_regionStart = m_zvStart + ( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x ) * nspx;
else if( ImGui::IsMouseDragging( 0, 0 ) )
m_regionEnd = m_zvStart + ( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x ) * nspx;
m_drawRegion = false;
if( ImGui::IsMouseDragging( 1, 0 ) )
m_pause = true;
const auto delta = ImGui::GetMouseDragDelta( 1, 0 );
const auto dpx = int64_t( delta.x * nspx );
if( dpx != 0 )
m_zvStart -= dpx;
m_zvEnd -= dpx;
io.MouseClickedPos[1].x = io.MousePos.x;
if( delta.y != 0 )
auto y = ImGui::GetScrollY();
ImGui::SetScrollY( y - delta.y );
io.MouseClickedPos[1].y = io.MousePos.y;
const auto wheel = io.MouseWheel;
if( wheel != 0 )
m_pause = true;
const double mouse = io.MousePos.x - wpos.x;
const auto p = mouse / w;
const auto p1 = timespan * p;
const auto p2 = timespan - p1;
if( wheel > 0 )
m_zvStart += int64_t( p1 * 0.25 );
m_zvEnd -= int64_t( p2 * 0.25 );
else if( timespan < 1000ll * 1000 * 1000 * 60 )
m_zvStart -= std::max( int64_t( 1 ), int64_t( p1 * 0.25 ) );
m_zvEnd += std::max( int64_t( 1 ), int64_t( p2 * 0.25 ) );
timespan = m_zvEnd - m_zvStart;
pxns = w / double( timespan );
static const char* GetFrameText( int i, uint64_t ftime )
static char buf[128];
if( i == 0 )
sprintf( buf, "Tracy init (%s)", TimeToString( ftime ) );
sprintf( buf, "Frame %i (%s)", i, TimeToString( ftime ) );
return buf;
bool View::DrawZoneFrames()
const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - ImGui::GetStyle().ScrollbarSize;
const auto h = ImGui::GetFontSize();
const auto wh = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().y;
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize();
const auto fy = round( h * 1.5 );
ImGui::InvisibleButton( "##zoneFrames", ImVec2( w, h * 2.5 ) );
bool hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered();
auto timespan = m_zvEnd - m_zvStart;
auto pxns = w / double( timespan );
if( hover ) HandleZoneViewMouse( timespan, wpos, w, pxns );
const auto nspx = 1.0 / pxns;
const auto scale = std::max( 0.0, round( log10( nspx ) + 2 ) );
const auto step = pow( 10, scale );
const auto dx = step * pxns;
double x = 0;
int tw = 0;
int tx = 0;
int64_t tt = 0;
while( x < w )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( x, round( ty * 0.5 ) ), 0x66FFFFFF );
if( tw == 0 )
char buf[128];
const auto t = m_zvStart - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 );
auto txt = TimeToString( t );
if( t >= 0 )
sprintf( buf, "+%s", txt );
txt = buf;
draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( x, round( ty * 0.5 ) ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt );
tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x;
else if( x > tx + tw + ty * 2 )
tx = x;
auto txt = TimeToString( tt );
draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( x, round( ty * 0.5 ) ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt );
tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x;
for( int i=1; i<5; i++ )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x + i * dx / 10, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( x + i * dx / 10, round( ty * 0.25 ) ), 0x33FFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x + 5 * dx / 10, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 5 * dx / 10, round( ty * 0.375 ) ), 0x33FFFFFF );
for( int i=6; i<10; i++ )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x + i * dx / 10, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( x + i * dx / 10, round( ty * 0.25 ) ), 0x33FFFFFF );
x += dx;
tt += step;
const std::pair <int, int> zrange = m_worker.GetFrameRange( m_zvStart, m_zvEnd );
if( zrange.first == -1 ) return hover;
for( int i = zrange.first; i < zrange.second; i++ )
const auto ftime = m_worker.GetFrameTime( i );
const auto fbegin = m_worker.GetFrameBegin( i );
const auto fend = m_worker.GetFrameEnd( i );
const auto fsz = pxns * ftime;
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns, fy ), wpos + ImVec2( ( fend - m_zvStart ) * pxns, fy + ty ) ) )
ImGui::Text( "%s", GetFrameText( i, ftime ) );
ImGui::Text( "Time from start of program: %s", TimeToString( m_worker.GetFrameBegin( i ) - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 ) ) );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 2 ) )
ZoomToRange( fbegin, fend );
m_pause = true;
if( fsz <= 4 ) continue;
if( fbegin >= m_zvStart )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns, wh ), 0x22FFFFFF );
if( fsz >= 5 )
auto buf = GetFrameText( i, ftime );
auto tx = ImGui::CalcTextSize( buf ).x;
uint32_t color = i == 0 ? 0xFF4444FF : 0xFFFFFFFF;
if( fsz - 5 <= tx )
buf = TimeToString( ftime );
tx = ImGui::CalcTextSize( buf ).x;
if( fbegin >= m_zvStart )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns + 2, fy + 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns + 2, fy + ty - 1 ), color );
if( fend <= m_zvEnd )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( ( fend - m_zvStart ) * pxns - 2, fy + 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( ( fend - m_zvStart ) * pxns - 2, fy + ty - 1 ), color );
if( fsz - 5 > tx )
const auto part = ( fsz - 5 - tx ) / 2;
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( -10.0, ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns + 2 ), fy + round( ty / 2 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( w + 20.0, ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns + part ), fy + round( ty / 2 ) ), color );
draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns + 2 + part, fy ), color, buf );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( -10.0, ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns + 2 + part + tx ), fy + round( ty / 2 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( w + 20.0, ( fend - m_zvStart ) * pxns - 2 ), fy + round( ty / 2 ) ), color );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( -10.0, ( fbegin - m_zvStart ) * pxns + 2 ), fy + round( ty / 2 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( w + 20.0, ( fend - m_zvStart ) * pxns - 2 ), fy + round( ty / 2 ) ), color );
const auto fend = m_worker.GetFrameEnd( zrange.second-1 );
if( fend == m_zvEnd )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( ( fend - m_zvStart ) * pxns, 0 ), wpos + ImVec2( ( fend - m_zvStart ) * pxns, wh ), 0x22FFFFFF );
return hover;
void View::DrawZones()
m_msgHighlight = nullptr;
if( m_zvStart == m_zvEnd ) return;
assert( m_zvStart < m_zvEnd );
ImGuiWindow* window = ImGui::GetCurrentWindow();
if( window->SkipItems ) return;
m_gpuThread = 0;
m_gpuStart = 0;
m_gpuEnd = 0;
const auto linepos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
const auto lineh = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().y;
auto drawMouseLine = DrawZoneFrames();
ImGui::BeginChild( "##zoneWin", ImVec2( ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth(), ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().y ), false, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysVerticalScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse );
window = ImGui::GetCurrentWindow();
const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - 1;
const auto h = std::max<float>( m_zvHeight, ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().y - 4 ); // magic border value
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
ImGui::InvisibleButton( "##zones", ImVec2( w, h ) );
bool hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered();
const auto timespan = m_zvEnd - m_zvStart;
auto pxns = w / double( timespan );
if( hover )
drawMouseLine = true;
HandleZoneViewMouse( timespan, wpos, w, pxns );
const auto nspx = 1.0 / pxns;
const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize();
const auto ostep = ty + 1;
int offset = 0;
const auto to = 9.f;
const auto th = ( ty - to ) * sqrt( 3 ) * 0.5;
// gpu zones
if( m_drawGpuZones )
for( size_t i=0; i<m_worker.GetGpuData().size(); i++ )
const auto& v = m_worker.GetGpuData()[i];
if( !Visible( v ) ) continue;
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ostep - 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ostep - 1 ), 0x33FFFFFF );
bool& showFull = ShowFull( v );
if( showFull )
draw->AddTriangleFilled( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty - to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty * 0.5, offset + to/2 + th ), 0xFFFFAAAA );
draw->AddTriangle( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + ty - to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2 + th, offset + ty * 0.5 ), 0xFF886666 );
char buf[64];
sprintf( buf, "GPU context %i", i );
draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( ty, offset ), showFull ? 0xFFFFAAAA : 0xFF886666, buf );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + ImGui::CalcTextSize( buf ).x, offset + ty ) ) )
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
showFull = !showFull;
ImGui::Text( "%s", buf );
ImGui::Text( "Thread: %s", m_worker.GetThreadString( v->thread ) );
if( !v->timeline.empty() )
const auto t = v->timeline.front()->gpuStart;
if( t != std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() )
ImGui::Text( "Appeared at %s", TimeToString( t - m_worker.GetFrameTime( 0 ) ) );
ImGui::Text( "Zone count: %s", RealToString( v->count, true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Top-level zones: %s", RealToString( v->timeline.size(), true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Query accuracy bits: %i", v->accuracyBits );
offset += ostep;
if( showFull )
const auto depth = DrawGpuZoneLevel( v->timeline, hover, pxns, wpos, offset, 0, v->thread );
offset += ostep * depth;
offset += ostep * 0.2f;
// zones
LockHighlight nextLockHighlight { -1 };
for( const auto& v : m_worker.GetThreadData() )
if( !Visible( v ) ) continue;
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ostep - 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ostep - 1 ), 0x33FFFFFF );
bool& showFull = ShowFull( v );
if( showFull )
draw->AddTriangleFilled( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty - to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty * 0.5, offset + to/2 + th ), 0xFFFFFFFF );
auto it = std::lower_bound( v->messages.begin(), v->messages.end(), m_zvStart, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->time < rhs; } );
auto end = std::lower_bound( it, v->messages.end(), m_zvEnd, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs->time < rhs; } );
while( it < end )
const auto next = std::upper_bound( it, v->messages.end(), (*it)->time + MinVisSize * nspx, [] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return lhs < rhs->time; } );
const auto dist = std::distance( it, next );
const auto px = ( (*it)->time - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
if( dist > 1 )
draw->AddTriangleFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px - (ty - to) * 0.5, offset + to ), wpos + ImVec2( px + (ty - to) * 0.5, offset + to ), wpos + ImVec2( px, offset + to + th ), 0xFFDDDDDD );
draw->AddTriangle( wpos + ImVec2( px - (ty - to) * 0.5, offset + to ), wpos + ImVec2( px + (ty - to) * 0.5, offset + to ), wpos + ImVec2( px, offset + to + th ), 0xFFDDDDDD );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px - (ty - to) * 0.5 - 1, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px + (ty - to) * 0.5 + 1, offset + ty ) ) )
if( dist > 1 )
ImGui::Text( "%i messages", (int)dist );
ImGui::Text( "%s", TimeToString( (*it)->time - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 ) ) );
ImGui::Text( "Message text:" );
ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0xCC / 255.f, 0xCC / 255.f, 0x22 / 255.f, 1.f ), "%s", m_worker.GetString( (*it)->ref ) );
m_msgHighlight = *it;
it = next;
draw->AddTriangle( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + ty - to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2 + th, offset + ty * 0.5 ), 0xFF888888 );
const auto txt = m_worker.GetThreadString( v->id );
const auto txtsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt );
if( m_gpuThread == v->id )
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + txtsz.x + 4, offset + ty ), 0x448888DD );
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + txtsz.x + 4, offset + ty ), 0x888888DD );
if( m_gpuInfoWindow && m_gpuInfoWindowThread == v->id )
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + txtsz.x + 4, offset + ty ), 0x4488DD88 );
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + txtsz.x + 4, offset + ty ), 0x8888DD88 );
draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( ty, offset ), showFull ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFF888888, txt );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + txtsz.x, offset + ty ) ) )
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
showFull = !showFull;
ImGui::Text( "%s", m_worker.GetThreadString( v->id ) );
if( !v->timeline.empty() )
ImGui::Text( "Appeared at %s", TimeToString( v->timeline.front()->start - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 ) ) );
ImGui::Text( "Zone count: %s", RealToString( v->count, true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Top-level zones: %s", RealToString( v->timeline.size(), true ) );
offset += ostep;
if( showFull )
m_lastCpu = -1;
if( m_drawZones )
const auto depth = DrawZoneLevel( v->timeline, hover, pxns, wpos, offset, 0 );
offset += ostep * depth;
if( m_drawLocks )
const auto depth = DrawLocks( v->id, hover, pxns, wpos, offset, nextLockHighlight );
offset += ostep * depth;
offset += ostep * 0.2f;
m_lockHighlight = nextLockHighlight;
if( m_drawPlots )
offset = DrawPlots( offset, pxns, wpos, hover );
const auto scrollPos = ImGui::GetScrollY();
if( scrollPos == 0 && m_zvScroll != 0 )
m_zvHeight = 0;
if( offset > m_zvHeight ) m_zvHeight = offset;
m_zvScroll = scrollPos;
if( m_gpuStart != 0 && m_gpuEnd != 0 )
const auto px0 = ( m_gpuStart - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto px1 = std::max( px0 + std::max( 1.0, pxns * 0.5 ), ( m_gpuEnd - m_zvStart ) * pxns );
draw->AddRectFilled( ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x228888DD );
draw->AddRect( ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x448888DD );
if( m_gpuInfoWindow )
const auto px0 = ( m_gpuInfoWindow->cpuStart - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto px1 = std::max( px0 + std::max( 1.0, pxns * 0.5 ), ( m_gpuInfoWindow->cpuEnd - m_zvStart ) * pxns );
draw->AddRectFilled( ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x2288DD88 );
draw->AddRect( ImVec2( wpos.x + px0, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + px1, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x4488DD88 );
if( m_drawRegion && m_regionStart != m_regionEnd )
const auto s = std::min( m_regionStart, m_regionEnd );
const auto e = std::max( m_regionStart, m_regionEnd );
draw->AddRectFilled( ImVec2( wpos.x + ( s - m_zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + ( e - m_zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x22DD8888 );
draw->AddRect( ImVec2( wpos.x + ( s - m_zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y ), ImVec2( wpos.x + ( e - m_zvStart ) * pxns, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x44DD8888 );
ImGui::Text( "%s", TimeToString( e - s ) );
else if( drawMouseLine )
auto& io = ImGui::GetIO();
draw->AddLine( ImVec2( io.MousePos.x, linepos.y ), ImVec2( io.MousePos.x, linepos.y + lineh ), 0x33FFFFFF );
int View::DrawZoneLevel( const Vector<ZoneEvent*>& vec, bool hover, double pxns, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth )
const auto delay = m_worker.GetDelay();
const auto resolution = m_worker.GetResolution();
// cast to uint64_t, so that unended zones (end = -1) are still drawn
auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), m_zvStart - delay, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l->end < (uint64_t)r; } );
if( it == vec.end() ) return depth;
const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_zvEnd + resolution, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->start < r; } );
if( it == zitend ) return depth;
const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - 1;
const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize();
const auto ostep = ty + 1;
const auto offset = _offset + ostep * depth;
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const auto dsz = delay * pxns;
const auto rsz = resolution * pxns;
int maxdepth = depth;
while( it < zitend )
auto& ev = **it;
auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
const auto color = GetZoneColor( ev );
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
const auto zsz = std::max( ( end - ev.start ) * pxns, pxns * 0.5 );
if( zsz < MinVisSize )
int num = 1;
const auto px0 = ( ev.start - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
auto px1 = ( end - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
auto rend = end;
if( it == zitend ) break;
const auto nend = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( **it );
const auto pxnext = ( nend - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
if( pxnext - px1 >= MinVisSize * 2 ) break;
px1 = pxnext;
rend = nend;
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ), color );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ) ) )
if( num > 1 )
ImGui::Text( "Zones too small to display: %s", RealToString( num, true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Execution time: %s", TimeToString( rend - ev.start ) );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 2 ) && rend - ev.start > 0 )
ZoomToRange( ev.start, rend );
ZoneTooltip( ev );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 2 ) && rend - ev.start > 0 )
ZoomToZone( ev );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
m_zoneInfoWindow = &ev;
m_gpuInfoWindow = nullptr;
char tmp[32];
sprintf( tmp, "%i", num );
const auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( tmp );
if( tsz.x < px1 - px0 )
const auto x = px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) / 2;
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), 0xFF4488DD, tmp );
const char* zoneName;
if( srcloc.name.active )
zoneName = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name );
zoneName = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function );
int dmul = ev.text.active ? 2 : 1;
bool migration = false;
if( m_lastCpu != ev.cpu_start )
if( m_lastCpu != -1 )
migration = true;
m_lastCpu = ev.cpu_start;
if( !ev.child.empty() )
const auto d = DrawZoneLevel( ev.child, hover, pxns, wpos, _offset, depth );
if( d > maxdepth ) maxdepth = d;
if( ev.end != -1 && m_lastCpu != ev.cpu_end )
m_lastCpu = ev.cpu_end;
migration = true;
auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( zoneName );
if( tsz.x > zsz )
zoneName = ShortenNamespace( zoneName );
tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( zoneName );
const auto pr0 = ( ev.start - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto pr1 = ( end - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto px0 = std::max( pr0, -10.0 );
const auto px1 = std::max( { std::min( pr1, double( w + 10 ) ), px0 + pxns * 0.5, px0 + MinVisSize } );
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), color );
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), GetZoneHighlight( ev, migration ), 0.f, -1, GetZoneThickness( ev ) );
if( dsz * dmul >= MinVisSize )
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( pr0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( pr0+dsz*dmul, pr1 ), offset + tsz.y ), 0x882222DD );
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( pr1, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1+dsz, offset + tsz.y ), 0x882222DD );
if( rsz >= MinVisSize )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr0 + rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/2 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr0 - rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/2 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr0 + rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr0 + rsz, offset + round( 3*tsz.y/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr0 - rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr0 - rsz, offset + round( 3*tsz.y/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr1 + rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/2 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1 - rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/2 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr1 + rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1 + rsz, offset + round( 3*tsz.y/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr1 - rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1 - rsz, offset + round( 3*tsz.y/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
if( tsz.x < zsz )
const auto x = ( ev.start - m_zvStart ) * pxns + ( ( end - ev.start ) * pxns - tsz.x ) / 2;
if( x < 0 || x > w - tsz.x )
ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( std::max( std::max( 0., px0 ), std::min( double( w - tsz.x ), x ) ), offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
else if( ev.start == ev.end )
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) * 0.5, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( ( ev.start - m_zvStart ) * pxns, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ) ) )
ZoneTooltip( ev );
if( !m_zoomAnim.active && ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 2 ) )
ZoomToZone( ev );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
m_zoneInfoWindow = &ev;
m_gpuInfoWindow = nullptr;
return maxdepth;
int View::DrawGpuZoneLevel( const Vector<GpuEvent*>& vec, bool hover, double pxns, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, int depth, uint64_t thread )
const auto delay = m_worker.GetDelay();
const auto resolution = m_worker.GetResolution();
// cast to uint64_t, so that unended zones (end = -1) are still drawn
auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), m_zvStart - delay, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return (uint64_t)l->gpuEnd < (uint64_t)r; } );
if( it == vec.end() ) return depth;
const auto zitend = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_zvEnd + resolution, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->gpuStart < r; } );
if( it == zitend ) return depth;
const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - 1;
const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize();
const auto ostep = ty + 1;
const auto offset = _offset + ostep * depth;
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const auto dsz = delay * pxns;
const auto rsz = resolution * pxns;
int maxdepth = depth;
while( it < zitend )
auto& ev = **it;
auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
const auto color = GetZoneColor( ev );
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
if( end == std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() ) break;
const auto zsz = std::max( ( end - ev.gpuStart ) * pxns, pxns * 0.5 );
if( zsz < MinVisSize )
int num = 1;
const auto px0 = ( ev.gpuStart - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
auto px1 = ( end - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
auto rend = end;
if( it == zitend ) break;
const auto nend = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( **it );
const auto pxnext = ( nend - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
if( pxnext - px1 >= MinVisSize * 2 ) break;
px1 = pxnext;
rend = nend;
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ), color );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( std::max( px1, px0+MinVisSize ), double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ) ) )
if( num > 1 )
ImGui::Text( "Zones too small to display: %s", RealToString( num, true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Execution time: %s", TimeToString( rend - ev.gpuStart ) );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 2 ) && rend - ev.gpuStart > 0 )
ZoomToRange( ev.gpuStart, rend );
ZoneTooltip( ev );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 2 ) && rend - ev.gpuStart > 0 )
ZoomToZone( ev );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
m_zoneInfoWindow = nullptr;
m_gpuInfoWindow = &ev;
m_gpuInfoWindowThread = thread;
m_gpuThread = thread;
m_gpuStart = ev.cpuStart;
m_gpuEnd = ev.cpuEnd;
char tmp[32];
sprintf( tmp, "%i", num );
const auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( tmp );
if( tsz.x < px1 - px0 )
const auto x = px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) / 2;
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), 0xFF4488DD, tmp );
if( !ev.child.empty() )
const auto d = DrawGpuZoneLevel( ev.child, hover, pxns, wpos, _offset, depth, thread );
if( d > maxdepth ) maxdepth = d;
const char* zoneName = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name );
auto tsz = ImGui::CalcTextSize( zoneName );
const auto pr0 = ( ev.gpuStart - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto pr1 = ( end - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto px0 = std::max( pr0, -10.0 );
const auto px1 = std::max( { std::min( pr1, double( w + 10 ) ), px0 + pxns * 0.5, px0 + MinVisSize } );
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), color );
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ), GetZoneHighlight( ev ), 0.f, -1, GetZoneThickness( ev ) );
if( dsz >= MinVisSize )
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( pr0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( pr0+dsz, pr1 ), offset + tsz.y ), 0x882222DD );
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( pr1, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1+dsz, offset + tsz.y ), 0x882222DD );
if( rsz >= MinVisSize )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr0 + rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/2 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr0 - rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/2 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr0 + rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr0 + rsz, offset + round( 3*tsz.y/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr0 - rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr0 - rsz, offset + round( 3*tsz.y/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr1 + rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/2 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1 - rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/2 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr1 + rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1 + rsz, offset + round( 3*tsz.y/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( pr1 - rsz, offset + round( tsz.y/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( pr1 - rsz, offset + round( 3*tsz.y/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
if( tsz.x < zsz )
const auto x = ( ev.gpuStart - m_zvStart ) * pxns + ( ( end - ev.gpuStart ) * pxns - tsz.x ) / 2;
if( x < 0 || x > w - tsz.x )
ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( std::max( std::max( 0., px0 ), std::min( double( w - tsz.x ), x ) ), offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
else if( ev.gpuStart == ev.gpuEnd )
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( px0 + ( px1 - px0 - tsz.x ) * 0.5, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( x, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
ImGui::PushClipRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y * 2 ), true );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( ( ev.gpuStart - m_zvStart ) * pxns, offset ), 0xFFFFFFFF, zoneName );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( px0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( px1, offset + tsz.y ) ) )
ZoneTooltip( ev );
if( !m_zoomAnim.active && ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 2 ) )
ZoomToZone( ev );
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
m_zoneInfoWindow = nullptr;
m_gpuInfoWindow = &ev;
m_gpuInfoWindowThread = thread;
m_gpuThread = thread;
m_gpuStart = ev.cpuStart;
m_gpuEnd = ev.cpuEnd;
return maxdepth;
static inline uint64_t GetThreadBit( uint8_t thread )
return uint64_t( 1 ) << thread;
static inline bool IsThreadWaiting( uint64_t bitlist, uint64_t threadBit )
return ( bitlist & threadBit ) != 0;
static inline bool AreOtherWaiting( uint64_t bitlist, uint64_t threadBit )
return ( bitlist & ~threadBit ) != 0;
enum class LockState
HasLock, // green
HasBlockingLock, // yellow
WaitLock // red
static Vector<LockEvent*>::const_iterator GetNextLockEvent( const Vector<LockEvent*>::const_iterator& it, const Vector<LockEvent*>::const_iterator& end, LockState& nextState, uint64_t threadBit )
auto next = it;
switch( nextState )
case LockState::Nothing:
while( next < end )
if( (*next)->lockCount != 0 )
if( GetThreadBit( (*next)->lockingThread ) == threadBit )
nextState = AreOtherWaiting( (*next)->waitList, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
else if( IsThreadWaiting( (*next)->waitList, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::WaitLock;
case LockState::HasLock:
while( next < end )
if( (*next)->lockCount == 0 )
nextState = LockState::Nothing;
if( (*next)->waitList != 0 )
if( AreOtherWaiting( (*next)->waitList, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::HasBlockingLock;
if( (*next)->waitList != (*it)->waitList || (*next)->lockCount != (*it)->lockCount )
case LockState::HasBlockingLock:
while( next < end )
if( (*next)->lockCount == 0 )
nextState = LockState::Nothing;
if( (*next)->waitList != (*it)->waitList || (*next)->lockCount != (*it)->lockCount )
case LockState::WaitLock:
while( next < end )
if( GetThreadBit( (*next)->lockingThread ) == threadBit )
nextState = AreOtherWaiting( (*next)->waitList, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
if( (*next)->lockingThread != (*it)->lockingThread )
if( (*next)->lockCount == 0 )
assert( false );
return next;
static Vector<LockEvent*>::const_iterator GetNextLockEventShared( const Vector<LockEvent*>::const_iterator& it, const Vector<LockEvent*>::const_iterator& end, LockState& nextState, uint64_t threadBit )
const auto itptr = (const LockEventShared*)*it;
auto next = it;
switch( nextState )
case LockState::Nothing:
while( next < end )
const auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)*next;
if( ptr->lockCount != 0 )
const auto wait = ptr->waitList | ptr->waitShared;
if( GetThreadBit( ptr->lockingThread ) == threadBit )
nextState = AreOtherWaiting( wait, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
else if( IsThreadWaiting( wait, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::WaitLock;
else if( IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) )
nextState = ( ptr->waitList != 0 ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
else if( ptr->sharedList != 0 && IsThreadWaiting( ptr->waitList, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::WaitLock;
case LockState::HasLock:
while( next < end )
const auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)*next;
if( ptr->lockCount == 0 && !IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::Nothing;
if( ptr->waitList != 0 )
if( AreOtherWaiting( ptr->waitList, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::HasBlockingLock;
else if( !IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) && ptr->waitShared != 0 )
nextState = LockState::HasBlockingLock;
if( ptr->waitList != itptr->waitList || ptr->waitShared != itptr->waitShared || ptr->lockCount != itptr->lockCount || ptr->sharedList != itptr->sharedList )
case LockState::HasBlockingLock:
while( next < end )
const auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)*next;
if( ptr->lockCount == 0 && !IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) )
nextState = LockState::Nothing;
if( ptr->waitList != itptr->waitList || ptr->waitShared != itptr->waitShared || ptr->lockCount != itptr->lockCount || ptr->sharedList != itptr->sharedList )
case LockState::WaitLock:
while( next < end )
const auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)*next;
if( GetThreadBit( ptr->lockingThread ) == threadBit )
const auto wait = ptr->waitList | ptr->waitShared;
nextState = AreOtherWaiting( wait, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
if( IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) )
nextState = ( ptr->waitList != 0 ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
if( ptr->lockingThread != itptr->lockingThread )
if( ptr->lockCount == 0 && !IsThreadWaiting( ptr->waitShared, threadBit ) )
assert( false );
return next;
static LockState CombineLockState( LockState state, LockState next )
return (LockState)std::max( (int)state, (int)next );
int View::DrawLocks( uint64_t tid, bool hover, double pxns, const ImVec2& wpos, int _offset, LockHighlight& highlight )
const auto delay = m_worker.GetDelay();
const auto resolution = m_worker.GetResolution();
const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth();
const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize();
const auto ostep = ty + 1;
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const auto dsz = delay * pxns;
const auto rsz = resolution * pxns;
int cnt = 0;
for( const auto& v : m_worker.GetLockMap() )
const auto& lockmap = v.second;
if( !Visible( &lockmap ) || !lockmap.valid ) continue;
auto it = lockmap.threadMap.find( tid );
if( it == lockmap.threadMap.end() ) continue;
const auto& tl = lockmap.timeline;
assert( !tl.empty() );
if( tl.back()->time < m_zvStart ) continue;
auto GetNextLockFunc = lockmap.type == LockType::Lockable ? GetNextLockEvent : GetNextLockEventShared;
const auto thread = it->second;
const auto threadBit = GetThreadBit( thread );
auto vbegin = std::lower_bound( tl.begin(), tl.end(), m_zvStart - delay, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->time < r; } );
const auto vend = std::lower_bound( vbegin, tl.end(), m_zvEnd + resolution, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l->time < r; } );
if( vbegin > tl.begin() ) vbegin--;
bool drawn = false;
const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( lockmap.srcloc );
const auto offset = _offset + ostep * cnt;
LockState state = LockState::Nothing;
if( lockmap.type == LockType::Lockable )
if( (*vbegin)->lockCount != 0 )
if( (*vbegin)->lockingThread == thread )
state = AreOtherWaiting( (*vbegin)->waitList, threadBit ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
else if( IsThreadWaiting( (*vbegin)->waitList, threadBit ) )
state = LockState::WaitLock;
const auto ptr = (LockEventShared*)*vbegin;
if( ptr->lockCount != 0 )
if( ptr->lockingThread == thread )
state = ( AreOtherWaiting( ptr->waitList, threadBit ) || AreOtherWaiting( ptr->waitShared, threadBit ) ) ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
else if( IsThreadWaiting( ptr->waitList, threadBit ) || IsThreadWaiting( ptr->waitShared, threadBit ) )
state = LockState::WaitLock;
else if( IsThreadWaiting( ptr->sharedList, threadBit ) )
state = ptr->waitList != 0 ? LockState::HasBlockingLock : LockState::HasLock;
else if( ptr->sharedList != 0 && IsThreadWaiting( ptr->waitList, threadBit ) )
state = LockState::WaitLock;
double pxend = 0;
while( vbegin < vend && ( state == LockState::Nothing || ( m_onlyContendedLocks && state == LockState::HasLock ) ) )
vbegin = GetNextLockFunc( vbegin, vend, state, threadBit );
if( vbegin >= vend ) break;
assert( state != LockState::Nothing && ( !m_onlyContendedLocks || state != LockState::HasLock ) );
drawn = true;
LockState drawState = state;
auto next = GetNextLockFunc( vbegin, vend, state, threadBit );
const auto t0 = (*vbegin)->time;
int64_t t1 = next == tl.end() ? m_lastTime : (*next)->time;
const auto px0 = std::max( pxend, ( t0 - m_zvStart ) * pxns );
auto tx0 = px0;
double px1 = ( t1 - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
uint64_t condensed = 0;
if( next >= vend || px1 - tx0 > MinVisSize ) break;
auto n = next;
auto ns = state;
while( n < vend && ( ns == LockState::Nothing || ( m_onlyContendedLocks && ns == LockState::HasLock ) ) )
n = GetNextLockFunc( n, vend, ns, threadBit );
if( n >= vend ) break;
if( n == next )
n = GetNextLockFunc( n, vend, ns, threadBit );
drawState = CombineLockState( drawState, state );
const auto t2 = n == tl.end() ? m_lastTime : (*n)->time;
const auto px2 = ( t2 - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
if( px2 - px1 > MinVisSize ) break;
if( drawState != ns && px2 - px0 > MinVisSize && !( ns == LockState::Nothing || ( m_onlyContendedLocks && ns == LockState::HasLock ) ) ) break;
t1 = t2;
tx0 = px1;
px1 = px2;
next = n;
state = ns;
pxend = std::max( { px1, px0+MinVisSize, px0 + pxns * 0.5 } );
bool itemHovered = hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( pxend, double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ) );
if( itemHovered )
if( condensed > 1 )
ImGui::Text( "Multiple lock events (%s)", RealToString( condensed, true ) );
highlight.blocked = drawState == LockState::HasBlockingLock;
if( !highlight.blocked )
highlight.id = v.first;
highlight.begin = t0;
highlight.end = t1;
highlight.thread = thread;
highlight.blocked = false;
auto b = vbegin;
while( b != tl.begin() )
if( (*b)->lockingThread != (*vbegin)->lockingThread )
highlight.begin = (*b)->time;
auto e = next;
while( e != tl.end() )
if( (*e)->lockingThread != (*next)->lockingThread )
highlight.id = v.first;
highlight.end = (*e)->time;
highlight.thread = thread;
ImGui::Text( "Lock #%" PRIu32 ": %s", v.first, m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) );
ImGui::Text( "%s:%i", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ), srcloc.line );
ImGui::Text( "Time: %s", TimeToString( t1 - t0 ) );
uint32_t markloc = 0;
auto it = vbegin;
if( (*it)->thread == thread )
if( ( (*it)->lockingThread == thread || IsThreadWaiting( (*it)->waitList, threadBit ) ) && (*it)->srcloc != 0 )
markloc = (*it)->srcloc;
if( it == tl.begin() ) break;
if( markloc != 0 )
const auto& marklocdata = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( markloc );
ImGui::Text( "Lock event location:" );
ImGui::Text( "%s", m_worker.GetString( marklocdata.function ) );
ImGui::Text( "%s:%i", m_worker.GetString( marklocdata.file ), marklocdata.line );
if( v.second.type == LockType::Lockable )
switch( drawState )
case LockState::HasLock:
if( (*vbegin)->lockCount == 1 )
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has lock. No other threads are waiting.", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ) );
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has %i locks. No other threads are waiting.", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ), (*vbegin)->lockCount );
if( (*vbegin)->waitList != 0 )
assert( !AreOtherWaiting( (*next)->waitList, threadBit ) );
ImGui::Text( "Recursive lock acquire in thread." );
case LockState::HasBlockingLock:
if( (*vbegin)->lockCount == 1 )
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has lock. Blocked threads (%i):", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ), TracyCountBits( (*vbegin)->waitList ) );
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has %i locks. Blocked threads (%i):", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ), (*vbegin)->lockCount, TracyCountBits( (*vbegin)->waitList ) );
auto waitList = (*vbegin)->waitList;
int t = 0;
ImGui::Indent( ty );
while( waitList != 0 )
if( waitList & 0x1 )
ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadString( lockmap.threadList[t] ) );
waitList >>= 1;
ImGui::Unindent( ty );
case LockState::WaitLock:
if( (*vbegin)->lockCount > 0 )
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" is blocked by other thread:", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ) );
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" waits to obtain lock after release by thread:", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ) );
ImGui::Indent( ty );
ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadString( lockmap.threadList[(*vbegin)->lockingThread] ) );
ImGui::Unindent( ty );
assert( false );
const auto ptr = (const LockEventShared*)*vbegin;
switch( drawState )
case LockState::HasLock:
assert( ptr->waitList == 0 );
if( ptr->sharedList == 0 )
assert( ptr->lockCount == 1 );
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has lock. No other threads are waiting.", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ) );
else if( TracyCountBits( ptr->sharedList ) == 1 )
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has a sole shared lock. No other threads are waiting.", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ) );
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has shared lock. No other threads are waiting.", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ) );
ImGui::Text( "Threads sharing the lock (%i):", TracyCountBits( ptr->sharedList ) - 1 );
auto sharedList = ptr->sharedList;
int t = 0;
ImGui::Indent( ty );
while( sharedList != 0 )
if( sharedList & 0x1 && t != thread )
ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadString( lockmap.threadList[t] ) );
sharedList >>= 1;
ImGui::Unindent( ty );
case LockState::HasBlockingLock:
if( ptr->sharedList == 0 )
assert( ptr->lockCount == 1 );
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has lock. Blocked threads (%i):", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ), TracyCountBits( ptr->waitList ) + TracyCountBits( ptr->waitShared ) );
else if( TracyCountBits( ptr->sharedList ) == 1 )
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has a sole shared lock. Blocked threads (%i):", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ), TracyCountBits( ptr->waitList ) + TracyCountBits( ptr->waitShared ) );
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" has shared lock.", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ) );
ImGui::Text( "Threads sharing the lock (%i):", TracyCountBits( ptr->sharedList ) - 1 );
auto sharedList = ptr->sharedList;
int t = 0;
ImGui::Indent( ty );
while( sharedList != 0 )
if( sharedList & 0x1 && t != thread )
ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadString( lockmap.threadList[t] ) );
sharedList >>= 1;
ImGui::Unindent( ty );
ImGui::Text( "Blocked threads (%i):", TracyCountBits( ptr->waitList ) + TracyCountBits( ptr->waitShared ) );
auto waitList = ptr->waitList;
int t = 0;
ImGui::Indent( ty );
while( waitList != 0 )
if( waitList & 0x1 )
ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadString( lockmap.threadList[t] ) );
waitList >>= 1;
auto waitShared = ptr->waitShared;
t = 0;
while( waitShared != 0 )
if( waitShared & 0x1 )
ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadString( lockmap.threadList[t] ) );
waitShared >>= 1;
ImGui::Unindent( ty );
case LockState::WaitLock:
assert( ptr->lockCount == 0 || ptr->lockCount == 1 );
if( ptr->lockCount != 0 || ptr->sharedList != 0 )
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" is blocked by other threads (%i):", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ), ptr->lockCount + TracyCountBits( ptr->sharedList ) );
ImGui::Text( "Thread \"%s\" waits to obtain lock after release by thread:", m_worker.GetThreadString( tid ) );
ImGui::Indent( ty );
if( ptr->lockCount != 0 )
ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadString( lockmap.threadList[ptr->lockingThread] ) );
auto sharedList = ptr->sharedList;
int t = 0;
while( sharedList != 0 )
if( sharedList & 0x1 )
ImGui::Text( "\"%s\"", m_worker.GetThreadString( lockmap.threadList[t] ) );
sharedList >>= 1;
ImGui::Unindent( ty );
assert( false );
const auto cfilled = drawState == LockState::HasLock ? 0xFF228A22 : ( drawState == LockState::HasBlockingLock ? 0xFF228A8A : 0xFF2222BD );
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( pxend, double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ), cfilled );
if( m_lockHighlight.thread != thread && ( drawState == LockState::HasBlockingLock ) != m_lockHighlight.blocked && next != tl.end() && m_lockHighlight.id == int64_t( v.first ) && m_lockHighlight.begin <= (*vbegin)->time && m_lockHighlight.end >= (*next)->time )
const auto t = uint8_t( ( sin( std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>( std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch() ).count() * 0.01 ) * 0.5 + 0.5 ) * 255 );
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( pxend, double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ), 0x00FFFFFF | ( t << 24 ), 0.f, -1, 2.f );
else if( condensed == 0 )
const auto coutline = drawState == LockState::HasLock ? 0xFF3BA33B : ( drawState == LockState::HasBlockingLock ? 0xFF3BA3A3 : 0xFF3B3BD6 );
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( std::max( px0, -10.0 ), offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( pxend, double( w + 10 ) ), offset + ty ), coutline );
const auto rx0 = ( t0 - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
if( dsz >= MinVisSize )
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( rx0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( std::min( rx0+dsz, px1 ), offset + ty ), 0x882222DD );
if( rsz >= MinVisSize )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( rx0 + rsz, offset + round( ty/2 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( rx0 - rsz, offset + round( ty/2 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( rx0 + rsz, offset + round( ty/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( rx0 + rsz, offset + round( 3*ty/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( rx0 - rsz, offset + round( ty/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( rx0 - rsz, offset + round( 3*ty/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( px1 + rsz, offset + round( ty/2 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( px1 - rsz, offset + round( ty/2 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( px1 + rsz, offset + round( ty/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( px1 + rsz, offset + round( 3*ty/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( px1 - rsz, offset + round( ty/4 ) ), wpos + ImVec2( px1 - rsz, offset + round( 3*ty/4 ) ), 0xAAFFFFFF );
vbegin = next;
if( drawn )
char buf[1024];
sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", v.first, m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), 0xFF8888FF, buf );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + ImGui::CalcTextSize( buf ).x, offset + ty ) ) )
switch( v.second.type )
case LockType::Lockable:
ImGui::Text( "Type: lockable" );
case LockType::SharedLockable:
ImGui::Text( "Type: shared lockable" );
assert( false );
ImGui::Text( "Thread list:" );
ImGui::Indent( ty );
for( const auto& t : v.second.threadList )
ImGui::Text( "%s", m_worker.GetThreadString( t ) );
ImGui::Unindent( ty );
ImGui::Text( "Lock events: %s", RealToString( v.second.timeline.size(), true ) );
return cnt;
enum { PlotHeight = 100 };
int View::DrawPlots( int offset, double pxns, const ImVec2& wpos, bool hover )
enum { MaxPoints = 512 };
float tmpvec[MaxPoints*2];
const auto w = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionWidth() - 1;
const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize();
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
const auto to = 9.f;
const auto th = ( ty - to ) * sqrt( 3 ) * 0.5;
const auto nspx = 1.0 / pxns;
for( const auto& v : m_worker.GetPlots() )
if( !Visible( v ) ) continue;
assert( !v->data.empty() );
bool& showFull = ShowFull( v );
if( showFull )
draw->AddTriangleFilled( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty - to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( ty * 0.5, offset + to/2 + th ), 0xFF44DDDD );
draw->AddTriangle( wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2, offset + ty - to/2 ), wpos + ImVec2( to/2 + th, offset + ty * 0.5 ), 0xFF226E6E );
const auto txt = m_worker.GetString( v->name );
draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( ty, offset ), showFull ? 0xFF44DDDD : 0xFF226E6E, txt );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ty - 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ty - 1 ), 0x8844DDDD );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( ty + ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x, offset + ty ) ) )
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
showFull = !showFull;
const auto tr = v->data.back().time - v->data.front().time;
ImGui::Text( "Plot \"%s\"", txt );
ImGui::Text( "Data points: %s", RealToString( v->data.size(), true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Data range: %s", RealToString( v->max - v->min, true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Min value: %s", RealToString( v->min, true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Max value: %s", RealToString( v->max, true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Time range: %s", TimeToString( tr ) );
ImGui::Text( "Data/second: %s", RealToString( double( v->data.size() ) / tr * 1000000000ll, true ) );
const auto it = std::lower_bound( v->data.begin(), v->data.end(), v->data.back().time - 1000000000ll * 10, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time < r; } );
const auto tr10 = v->data.back().time - it->time;
if( tr10 != 0 )
ImGui::Text( "D/s (10s): %s", RealToString( double( std::distance( it, v->data.end() ) ) / tr10 * 1000000000ll, true ) );
offset += ty;
if( showFull )
const auto& vec = v->data;
auto it = std::lower_bound( vec.begin(), vec.end(), m_zvStart - m_worker.GetDelay(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time < r; } );
auto end = std::lower_bound( it, vec.end(), m_zvEnd + m_worker.GetResolution(), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l.time < r; } );
if( end != vec.end() ) end++;
if( it != vec.begin() ) it--;
double min = it->val;
double max = it->val;
if( std::distance( it, end ) > 1000000 )
min = v->min;
max = v->max;
auto tmp = it;
const auto sz = end - tmp;
for( size_t i=0; i<sz; i++ )
min = tmp[i].val < min ? tmp[i].val : min;
max = tmp[i].val > max ? tmp[i].val : max;
tmp += sz;
const auto revrange = 1.0 / ( max - min );
if( it == vec.begin() )
const auto x = ( it->time - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto y = PlotHeight - ( it->val - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight;
DrawPlotPoint( wpos, x, y, offset, 0xFF44DDDD, hover, false, it->val, 0, false );
auto prevx = it;
auto prevy = it;
ptrdiff_t skip = 0;
while( it < end )
const auto x0 = ( prevx->time - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto x1 = ( it->time - m_zvStart ) * pxns;
const auto y0 = PlotHeight - ( prevy->val - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight;
const auto y1 = PlotHeight - ( it->val - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight;
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x0, offset + y0 ), wpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + y1 ), 0xFF44DDDD );
const auto rx = skip == 0 ? 2.0 : ( skip == 1 ? 2.5 : 4.0 );
auto range = std::upper_bound( it, end, int64_t( it->time + nspx * rx ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r.time; } );
assert( range > it );
const auto rsz = std::distance( it, range );
if( rsz == 1 )
DrawPlotPoint( wpos, x1, y1, offset, 0xFF44DDDD, hover, true, it->val, prevy->val, false );
prevx = it;
prevy = it;
prevx = it;
skip = rsz / MaxPoints;
const auto skip1 = std::max<ptrdiff_t>( 1, skip );
const auto sz = rsz / skip1 + 1;
assert( sz <= MaxPoints*2 );
auto dst = tmpvec;
*dst++ = float( it->val );
if( std::distance( it, range ) > skip1 )
it += skip1;
pdqsort_branchless( tmpvec, dst );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + PlotHeight - ( tmpvec[0] - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight ), wpos + ImVec2( x1, offset + PlotHeight - ( dst[-1] - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight ), 0xFF44DDDD );
auto vit = tmpvec;
while( vit != dst )
auto vrange = std::upper_bound( vit, dst, *vit + 3.0 / ( revrange * PlotHeight ), [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r; } );
assert( vrange > vit );
if( std::distance( vit, vrange ) == 1 )
DrawPlotPoint( wpos, x1, PlotHeight - ( *vit - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight, offset, 0xFF44DDDD, hover, false, *vit, 0, false );
DrawPlotPoint( wpos, x1, PlotHeight - ( *vit - min ) * revrange * PlotHeight, offset, 0xFF44DDDD, hover, false, *vit, 0, true );
vit = vrange;
prevy = it - 1;
char tmp[64];
sprintf( tmp, "%s", RealToString( max, true ) );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), 0x8844DDDD, tmp );
offset += PlotHeight - ty;
sprintf( tmp, "%s", RealToString( min, true ) );
DrawTextContrast( draw, wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset ), 0x8844DDDD, tmp );
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 0, offset + ty - 1 ), wpos + ImVec2( w, offset + ty - 1 ), 0x8844DDDD );
offset += ty;
offset += 0.2 * ty;
return offset;
void View::DrawPlotPoint( const ImVec2& wpos, float x, float y, int offset, uint32_t color, bool hover, bool hasPrev, double val, double prev, bool merged )
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
if( merged )
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos + ImVec2( x - 1.5f, offset + y - 1.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2.5f, offset + y + 2.5f ), color );
draw->AddRect( wpos + ImVec2( x - 1.5f, offset + y - 1.5f ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2.5f, offset + y + 2.5f ), color );
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( x - 2, offset ), wpos + ImVec2( x + 2, offset + PlotHeight ) ) )
ImGui::Text( "Value: %s", RealToString( val, true ) );
if( hasPrev )
ImGui::Text( "Change: %s", RealToString( val - prev, true ) );
void View::DrawInfoWindow()
if( m_zoneInfoWindow )
else if( m_gpuInfoWindow )
void View::DrawZoneInfoWindow()
auto& ev = *m_zoneInfoWindow;
int dmul = 1;
bool show = true;
ImGui::Begin( "Zone info", &show );
if( ImGui::Button( "Zoom to zone" ) )
ZoomToZone( ev );
if( ImGui::Button( "Go to parent" ) )
auto parent = GetZoneParent( ev );
if( parent )
m_zoneInfoWindow = parent;
const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
if( srcloc.name.active )
ImGui::Text( "Zone name: %s", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name ) );
ImGui::Text( "Function: %s", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) );
ImGui::Text( "Location: %s:%i", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ), srcloc.line );
if( ev.text.active )
ImGui::Text( "User text: %s", m_worker.GetString( ev.text ) );
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
const auto ztime = end - ev.start;
ImGui::Text( "Time from start of program: %s", TimeToString( ev.start - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 ) ) );
ImGui::Text( "Execution time: %s", TimeToString( ztime ) );
ImGui::Text( "Without profiling: %s", TimeToString( ztime - m_worker.GetDelay() * dmul ) );
auto ctt = std::make_unique<uint64_t[]>( ev.child.size() );
auto cti = std::make_unique<uint32_t[]>( ev.child.size() );
uint64_t ctime = 0;
for( size_t i=0; i<ev.child.size(); i++ )
const auto cend = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( *ev.child[i] );
const auto ct = cend - ev.child[i]->start;
ctime += ct;
ctt[i] = ct;
cti[i] = uint32_t( i );
std::sort( cti.get(), cti.get() + ev.child.size(), [&ctt] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return ctt[lhs] > ctt[rhs]; } );
if( !ev.child.empty() )
const auto ty = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight();
ImGui::Columns( 2 );
ImGui::Text( "Child zones: %s", RealToString( ev.child.size(), true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Exclusive time: %s (%.2f%%)", TimeToString( ztime - ctime ), double( ztime - ctime ) / ztime * 100 );
for( size_t i=0; i<ev.child.size(); i++ )
auto& cev = *ev.child[cti[i]];
const auto& csl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( cev.srcloc );
if( csl.name.active )
ImGui::Text( "%s", m_worker.GetString( csl.name ) );
ImGui::Text( "%s", m_worker.GetString( csl.function ) );
if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() )
m_zoneHighlight = &cev;
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
m_zoneInfoWindow = &cev;
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 2 ) )
ZoomToZone( cev );
ZoneTooltip( cev );
const auto part = double( ctt[cti[i]] ) / ztime;
char buf[128];
sprintf( buf, "%s (%.2f%%)", TimeToString( ctt[cti[i]] ), part * 100 );
ImGui::ProgressBar( part, ImVec2( -1, ty ), buf );
if( !show ) m_zoneInfoWindow = nullptr;
void View::DrawGpuInfoWindow()
auto& ev = *m_gpuInfoWindow;
bool show = true;
ImGui::Begin( "Zone info", &show );
if( ImGui::Button( "Zoom to zone" ) )
ZoomToZone( ev );
if( ImGui::Button( "Go to parent" ) )
auto parent = GetZoneParent( ev );
if( parent )
m_gpuInfoWindow = parent;
const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
ImGui::Text( "Zone name: %s", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name ) );
ImGui::Text( "Function: %s", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function ) );
ImGui::Text( "Location: %s:%i", m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file ), srcloc.line );
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
const auto ztime = end - ev.gpuStart;
ImGui::Text( "Time from start of program: %s", TimeToString( ev.gpuStart - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 ) ) );
ImGui::Text( "GPU execution time: %s", TimeToString( ztime ) );
ImGui::Text( "CPU command setup time: %s", TimeToString( ev.cpuEnd - ev.cpuStart ) );
ImGui::Text( "Delay to execution: %s", TimeToString( ev.gpuStart - ev.cpuStart ) );
auto ctt = std::make_unique<uint64_t[]>( ev.child.size() );
auto cti = std::make_unique<uint32_t[]>( ev.child.size() );
uint64_t ctime = 0;
for( size_t i=0; i<ev.child.size(); i++ )
const auto cend = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( *ev.child[i] );
const auto ct = cend - ev.child[i]->gpuStart;
ctime += ct;
ctt[i] = ct;
cti[i] = uint32_t( i );
std::sort( cti.get(), cti.get() + ev.child.size(), [&ctt] ( const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs ) { return ctt[lhs] > ctt[rhs]; } );
if( !ev.child.empty() )
const auto ty = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight();
ImGui::Columns( 2 );
ImGui::Text( "Child zones: %s", RealToString( ev.child.size(), true ) );
ImGui::Text( "Exclusive time: %s (%.2f%%)", TimeToString( ztime - ctime ), double( ztime - ctime ) / ztime * 100 );
for( size_t i=0; i<ev.child.size(); i++ )
auto& cev = *ev.child[cti[i]];
const auto& csl = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( cev.srcloc );
ImGui::Text( "%s", m_worker.GetString( csl.name ) );
if( ImGui::IsItemHovered() )
m_gpuHighlight = &cev;
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 0 ) )
m_gpuInfoWindow = &cev;
if( ImGui::IsMouseClicked( 2 ) )
ZoomToZone( cev );
ZoneTooltip( cev );
const auto part = double( ctt[cti[i]] ) / ztime;
char buf[128];
sprintf( buf, "%s (%.2f%%)", TimeToString( ctt[cti[i]] ), part * 100 );
ImGui::ProgressBar( part, ImVec2( -1, ty ), buf );
if( !show ) m_gpuInfoWindow = nullptr;
void View::DrawOptions()
const auto tw = ImGui::GetFontSize();
ImGui::Begin( "Options", &m_showOptions, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize );
ImGui::Checkbox( "Draw GPU zones", &m_drawGpuZones );
ImGui::Indent( tw );
for( size_t i=0; i<m_worker.GetGpuData().size(); i++ )
char buf[1024];
sprintf( buf, "GPU context %zu", i );
ImGui::Checkbox( buf, &Visible( m_worker.GetGpuData()[i] ) );
ImGui::Unindent( tw );
ImGui::Checkbox( "Draw CPU zones", &m_drawZones );
int ns = (int)m_namespace;
ImGui::Combo( "Namespaces", &ns, "Full\0Shortened\0None\0" );
m_namespace = (Namespace)ns;
ImGui::Checkbox( "Draw locks", &m_drawLocks );
ImGui::Checkbox( "Only contended", &m_onlyContendedLocks );
ImGui::Indent( tw );
for( const auto& l : m_worker.GetLockMap() )
if( l.second.valid )
char buf[1024];
sprintf( buf, "%" PRIu32 ": %s", l.first, m_worker.GetString( m_worker.GetSourceLocation( l.second.srcloc ).function ) );
ImGui::Checkbox( buf, &Visible( &l.second ) );
ImGui::Unindent( tw );
ImGui::Checkbox( "Draw plots", &m_drawPlots );
ImGui::Indent( tw );
for( const auto& p : m_worker.GetPlots() )
ImGui::Checkbox( m_worker.GetString( p->name ), &Visible( p ) );
ImGui::Unindent( tw );
ImGui::Text( "Visible threads:" );
ImGui::Indent( tw );
for( const auto& t : m_worker.GetThreadData() )
ImGui::Checkbox( m_worker.GetThreadString( t->id ), &Visible( t ) );
ImGui::Unindent( tw );
void View::DrawMessages()
ImGui::Begin( "Messages", &m_showMessages );
for( const auto& v : m_worker.GetMessages() )
char tmp[64 * 1024];
sprintf( tmp, "%10s | %s", TimeToString( v->time - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 ) ), m_worker.GetString( v->ref ) );
if( m_msgHighlight == v )
ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0xDD / 255.f, 0x22 / 255.f, 0x22 / 255.f, 1.f ), "%s", tmp );
ImGui::Text( "%s", tmp );
if( ImGui::IsItemClicked() )
m_pause = true;
const auto hr = std::max<uint64_t>( 1, ( m_zvEnd - m_zvStart ) / 2 );
ZoomToRange( v->time - hr, v->time + hr );
void View::DrawFindZone()
ImGui::Begin( "Find Zone", &m_findZone.show );
ImGui::InputText( "", m_findZone.pattern, 1024 );
const bool findClicked = ImGui::Button( "Find" );
if( ImGui::Button( "Clear" ) )
if( ImGui::TreeNode( "Options" ) )
ImGui::InputInt( "max zones per thread", &m_findZone.maxZonesPerThread );
DrawHelpMarker( "-1 for unlimited.\nHigh value or unlimited zone search may lead to performance issues." );
ImGui::InputInt( "max depth", &m_findZone.maxDepth );
DrawHelpMarker( "-1 for unlimited." );
if( findClicked )
if( !m_findZone.result.empty() )
if( ImGui::TreeNode( "Histogram" ) )
const auto ty = ImGui::GetFontSize();
int64_t tmin = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
int64_t tmax = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min();
for( auto& v : m_findZone.result )
for( auto& ev : v->timeline )
const auto timeSpan = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( *ev ) - ev->start;
tmin = std::min( tmin, timeSpan );
tmax = std::max( tmax, timeSpan );
ImGui::Checkbox( "Log values", &m_findZone.logVal );
ImGui::Checkbox( "Log time", &m_findZone.logTime );
ImGui::Text( "Time range: %s - %s", TimeToString( tmin ), TimeToString( tmax ) );
const auto dt = double( tmax - tmin );
if( dt > 0 )
const auto w = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x;
const auto numBins = int64_t( w - 4 );
if( numBins > 1 )
auto bins = std::make_unique<uint64_t[]>( numBins );
memset( bins.get(), 0, sizeof( uint64_t ) * numBins );
auto binTime = std::make_unique<int64_t[]>( numBins );
memset( binTime.get(), 0, sizeof( int64_t ) * numBins );
if( m_findZone.logTime )
const auto tMinLog = log10( tmin );
const auto idt = numBins / ( log10( tmax ) - tMinLog );
for( auto& v : m_findZone.result )
for( auto& ev : v->timeline )
const auto timeSpan = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( *ev ) - ev->start;
const auto bin = std::min( numBins - 1, int64_t( ( log10( timeSpan ) - tMinLog ) * idt ) );
binTime[bin] += timeSpan;
const auto idt = numBins / dt;
for( auto& v : m_findZone.result )
for( auto& ev : v->timeline )
const auto timeSpan = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( *ev ) - ev->start;
const auto bin = std::min( numBins - 1, int64_t( ( timeSpan - tmin ) * idt ) );
binTime[bin] += timeSpan;
int64_t timeTotal = binTime[0];
auto maxVal = bins[0];
for( int i=1; i<numBins; i++ )
maxVal = std::max( maxVal, bins[i] );
timeTotal += binTime[i];
ImGui::Text( "Total time: %s", TimeToString( timeTotal ) );
ImGui::Text( "Max counts: %s", RealToString( maxVal, true ) );
enum { Height = 200 };
const auto wpos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
ImGui::InvisibleButton( "##histogram", ImVec2( w, Height + round( ty * 1.5 ) ) );
const bool hover = ImGui::IsItemHovered();
auto draw = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList();
draw->AddRectFilled( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( w, Height ), 0x22FFFFFF );
draw->AddRect( wpos, wpos + ImVec2( w, Height ), 0x88FFFFFF );
if( m_findZone.logVal )
const auto hAdj = double( Height - 4 ) / log10( maxVal + 1 );
for( int i=0; i<numBins; i++ )
if( bins[i] > 0 )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 ), wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - log10( bins[i] + 1 ) * hAdj ), 0xFF22DDDD );
const auto hAdj = double( Height - 4 ) / maxVal;
for( int i=0; i<numBins; i++ )
if( bins[i] > 0 )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 ), wpos + ImVec2( 2+i, Height-3 - bins[i] * hAdj ), 0xFF22DDDD );
const auto xoff = 2;
const auto yoff = Height + 1;
if( m_findZone.logTime )
const auto ltmin = log10( tmin );
const auto ltmax = log10( tmax );
const auto start = int( floor( ltmin ) );
const auto end = int( ceil( ltmax ) );
const auto range = ltmax - ltmin;
const auto step = w / range;
auto offset = start - ltmin;
int tw = 0;
int tx = 0;
auto tt = int64_t( pow( 10, start ) );
static const double logticks[] = { log10( 2 ), log10( 3 ), log10( 4 ), log10( 5 ), log10( 6 ), log10( 7 ), log10( 8 ), log10( 9 ) };
for( int i=start; i<=end; i++ )
const auto x = ( i - start + offset ) * step;
if( x >= 0 )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( x, yoff ), wpos + ImVec2( x, yoff + round( ty * 0.5 ) ), 0x66FFFFFF );
if( tw == 0 || x > tx + tw + ty * 1.1 )
tx = x;
auto txt = TimeToStringInteger( tt );
draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( x, yoff + round( ty * 0.5 ) ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt );
tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x;
for( int j=0; j<8; j++ )
const auto xoff = x + logticks[j] * step;
if( xoff >= 0 )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xoff, yoff ), wpos + ImVec2( xoff, yoff + round( ty * 0.25 ) ), 0x66FFFFFF );
tt *= 10;
const auto pxns = numBins / dt;
const auto nspx = 1.0 / pxns;
const auto scale = std::max( 0.0, round( log10( nspx ) + 2 ) );
const auto step = pow( 10, scale );
const auto dx = step * pxns;
double x = 0;
int tw = 0;
int tx = 0;
const auto sstep = step / 10.0;
const auto sdx = dx / 10.0;
static const double linelen[] = { 0.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.375, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 };
int64_t tt = int64_t( ceil( tmin / sstep ) * sstep );
const auto diff = tmin / sstep - int64_t( tmin / sstep );
const auto xo = ( diff == 0 ? 0 : ( ( 1 - diff ) * sstep * pxns ) ) + xoff;
int iter = int( ceil( ( tmin - int64_t( tmin / step ) * step ) / sstep ) );
while( x < numBins )
draw->AddLine( wpos + ImVec2( xo + x, yoff ), wpos + ImVec2( xo + x, yoff + round( ty * linelen[iter] ) ), 0x66FFFFFF );
if( iter == 0 && ( tw == 0 || x > tx + tw + ty * 2 ) )
tx = x;
auto txt = TimeToStringInteger( tt );
draw->AddText( wpos + ImVec2( xo + x, yoff + round( ty * 0.5 ) ), 0x66FFFFFF, txt );
tw = ImGui::CalcTextSize( txt ).x;
iter = ( iter + 1 ) % 10;
x += sdx;
tt += sstep;
if( hover && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect( wpos + ImVec2( 2, 2 ), wpos + ImVec2( w-2, Height + round( ty * 1.5 ) ) ) )
auto& io = ImGui::GetIO();
draw->AddLine( ImVec2( io.MousePos.x, wpos.y ), ImVec2( io.MousePos.x, wpos.y+Height-2 ), 0x33FFFFFF );
const auto bin = double( io.MousePos.x - wpos.x - 2 );
int64_t t0, t1;
if( m_findZone.logTime )
t0 = int64_t( pow( 10, log10( tmin ) + bin / numBins * ( log10( tmax ) - log10( tmin ) ) ) );
t1 = int64_t( pow( 10, log10( tmin ) + (bin+1) / numBins * ( log10( tmax ) - log10( tmin ) ) ) );
t0 = int64_t( tmin + bin / numBins * ( tmax - tmin ) );
t1 = int64_t( tmin + (bin+1) / numBins * ( tmax - tmin ) );
int64_t tBefore = 0;
for( int i=0; i<bin; i++ )
tBefore += binTime[i];
int64_t tAfter = 0;
for( int i=bin+1; i<numBins; i++ )
tAfter += binTime[i];
ImGui::Text( "Time range: %s - %s", TimeToString( t0 ), TimeToString( t1 ) );
ImGui::Text( "Count: %" PRIu64, bins[bin] );
ImGui::Text( "Time spent in bin: %s", TimeToString( binTime[bin] ) );
ImGui::Text( "Time spent in the left bins: %s", TimeToString( tBefore ) );
ImGui::Text( "Time spent in the right bins: %s", TimeToString( tAfter ) );
for( auto& v : m_findZone.result )
const bool expand = ImGui::TreeNode( m_worker.GetThreadString( v->id ) );
ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f ), "(%s)", RealToString( v->timeline.size(), true ) );
if( expand )
ImGui::Columns( 3, m_worker.GetThreadString( v->id ) );
ImGui::Text( "Name" );
ImGui::Text( "Time from start" );
ImGui::Text( "Execution time" );
for( auto& ev : v->timeline )
ImGui::PushID( ev );
auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev->srcloc );
if( ImGui::Selectable( m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name.active ? srcloc.name : srcloc.function ), m_zoneInfoWindow == ev, ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns ) )
m_zoneInfoWindow = ev;
ImGui::Text( TimeToString( ev->start - m_worker.GetFrameBegin( 0 ) ) );
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( *ev );
ImGui::Text( TimeToString( end - ev->start ) );
ImGui::Columns( 1 );
uint32_t View::GetZoneColor( const ZoneEvent& ev )
const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
const auto color = srcloc.color;
return color != 0 ? ( color | 0xFF000000 ) : 0xFFCC5555;
uint32_t View::GetZoneColor( const GpuEvent& ev )
const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
const auto color = srcloc.color;
return color != 0 ? ( color | 0xFF000000 ) : 0xFF222288;
uint32_t View::GetZoneHighlight( const ZoneEvent& ev, bool migration )
if( m_zoneInfoWindow == &ev )
return 0xFF44DD44;
else if( m_zoneHighlight == &ev )
return 0xFF4444FF;
else if( migration )
return 0xFFDD22DD;
const auto color = GetZoneColor( ev );
return 0xFF000000 |
( std::min<int>( 0xFF, ( ( ( color & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 16 ) + 25 ) ) << 16 ) |
( std::min<int>( 0xFF, ( ( ( color & 0x0000FF00 ) >> 8 ) + 25 ) ) << 8 ) |
( std::min<int>( 0xFF, ( ( ( color & 0x000000FF ) ) + 25 ) ) );
uint32_t View::GetZoneHighlight( const GpuEvent& ev )
if( m_gpuInfoWindow == &ev )
return 0xFF44DD44;
else if( m_gpuHighlight == &ev )
return 0xFF4444FF;
const auto color = GetZoneColor( ev );
return 0xFF000000 |
( std::min<int>( 0xFF, ( ( ( color & 0x00FF0000 ) >> 16 ) + 25 ) ) << 16 ) |
( std::min<int>( 0xFF, ( ( ( color & 0x0000FF00 ) >> 8 ) + 25 ) ) << 8 ) |
( std::min<int>( 0xFF, ( ( ( color & 0x000000FF ) ) + 25 ) ) );
float View::GetZoneThickness( const ZoneEvent& ev )
if( m_zoneInfoWindow == &ev || m_zoneHighlight == &ev )
return 3.f;
return 1.f;
float View::GetZoneThickness( const GpuEvent& ev )
if( m_gpuInfoWindow == &ev || m_gpuHighlight == &ev )
return 3.f;
return 1.f;
void View::ZoomToZone( const ZoneEvent& ev )
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
if( end - ev.start <= 0 ) return;
ZoomToRange( ev.start, end );
void View::ZoomToZone( const GpuEvent& ev )
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
if( end - ev.gpuStart <= 0 ) return;
ZoomToRange( ev.gpuStart, end );
void View::ZoomToRange( int64_t start, int64_t end )
m_pause = true;
m_zoomAnim.active = true;
m_zoomAnim.start0 = m_zvStart;
m_zoomAnim.start1 = start;
m_zoomAnim.end0 = m_zvEnd;
m_zoomAnim.end1 = end;
m_zoomAnim.progress = 0;
const auto d0 = double( m_zoomAnim.end0 - m_zoomAnim.start0 );
const auto d1 = double( m_zoomAnim.end1 - m_zoomAnim.start1 );
const auto diff = d0>d1 ? d0/d1 : d1/d0;
m_zoomAnim.lenMod = 10.0 / log10( diff );
void View::ZoneTooltip( const ZoneEvent& ev )
int dmul = ev.text.active ? 2 : 1;
auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
const auto filename = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file );
const auto line = srcloc.line;
const char* func;
const char* zoneName;
if( srcloc.name.active )
zoneName = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name );
func = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function );
func = zoneName = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function );
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
if( srcloc.name.active )
ImGui::Text( "%s", zoneName );
ImGui::Text( "%s", func );
ImGui::Text( "%s", func );
ImGui::Text( "%s:%i", filename, line );
ImGui::Text( "Execution time: %s", TimeToString( end - ev.start ) );
ImGui::Text( "Without profiling: %s", TimeToString( end - ev.start - m_worker.GetDelay() * dmul ) );
if( ev.cpu_start != -1 )
if( ev.end == -1 || ev.cpu_start == ev.cpu_end )
ImGui::Text( "CPU: %i", ev.cpu_start );
ImGui::Text( "CPU: %i -> %i", ev.cpu_start, ev.cpu_end );
if( ev.text.active )
ImGui::TextColored( ImVec4( 0xCC / 255.f, 0xCC / 255.f, 0x22 / 255.f, 1.f ), "%s", m_worker.GetString( ev.text ) );
void View::ZoneTooltip( const GpuEvent& ev )
const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev.srcloc );
const auto name = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name );
const auto filename = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.file );
const auto line = srcloc.line;
const auto func = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.function );
const auto end = m_worker.GetZoneEnd( ev );
ImGui::Text( "%s", name );
ImGui::Text( "%s", func );
ImGui::Text( "%s:%i", filename, line );
ImGui::Text( "GPU execution time: %s", TimeToString( end - ev.gpuStart ) );
ImGui::Text( "CPU command setup time: %s", TimeToString( ev.cpuEnd - ev.cpuStart ) );
ImGui::Text( "Delay to execution: %s", TimeToString( ev.gpuStart - ev.cpuStart ) );
const ZoneEvent* View::GetZoneParent( const ZoneEvent& zone ) const
for( const auto& thread : m_worker.GetThreadData() )
const ZoneEvent* parent = nullptr;
const Vector<ZoneEvent*>* timeline = &thread->timeline;
if( timeline->empty() ) continue;
auto it = std::upper_bound( timeline->begin(), timeline->end(), zone.start, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r->start; } );
if( it != timeline->begin() ) --it;
if( zone.end != -1 && (*it)->start > zone.end ) break;
if( *it == &zone ) return parent;
if( (*it)->child.empty() ) break;
parent = *it;
timeline = &parent->child;
return nullptr;
const GpuEvent* View::GetZoneParent( const GpuEvent& zone ) const
for( const auto& ctx : m_worker.GetGpuData() )
const GpuEvent* parent = nullptr;
const Vector<GpuEvent*>* timeline = &ctx->timeline;
if( timeline->empty() ) continue;
auto it = std::upper_bound( timeline->begin(), timeline->end(), zone.gpuStart, [] ( const auto& l, const auto& r ) { return l < r->gpuStart; } );
if( it != timeline->begin() ) --it;
if( zone.gpuEnd != -1 && (*it)->gpuStart > zone.gpuEnd ) break;
if( *it == &zone ) return parent;
if( (*it)->child.empty() ) break;
parent = *it;
timeline = &parent->child;
return nullptr;
void View::FindZones()
for( const auto& v : m_worker.GetThreadData() )
auto thrOut = std::make_unique<ThreadData>();
FindZones( v->timeline, thrOut->timeline, m_findZone.maxDepth );
if( !thrOut->timeline.empty() )
thrOut->id = v->id;
m_findZone.result.push_back( std::move( thrOut ) );
void View::FindZones( const Vector<ZoneEvent*>& events, Vector<ZoneEvent*>& out, const int maxdepth )
for( auto& ev : events )
if( out.size() >= m_findZone.maxZonesPerThread ) break;
if( m_worker.GetZoneEnd( *ev ) == ev->start ) continue;
const auto& srcloc = m_worker.GetSourceLocation( ev->srcloc );
const auto str = m_worker.GetString( srcloc.name.active ? srcloc.name : srcloc.function );
if( strstr( str, m_findZone.pattern ) != nullptr )
out.push_back( ev );
if( maxdepth != 0 )
FindZones( ev->child, out, maxdepth - 1 );