# vk-bootstrap A utility library meant to jump start developing a Vulkan Application This library simplifies the tedious process of: * Instance creation * Physical Device selection * Device creation * Getting queues * Swapchain creation It also adds several conveniences for: * Enabling validation layers * Adding a debug callback messenger * Enabling extensions on a physical device * Select a gpu based on a set of criteria like features, extensions, memory, etc Read the [Getting Started](docs/getting_started.md) guide for a quick start on using `vk-bootstrap` ## Basic Usage ```cpp #include "VkBootstrap.h" void init_vulkan () { vkb::InstanceBuilder builder; auto inst_ret = builder.set_app_name ("Example Vulkan Application") .request_validation_layers () .use_default_debug_messenger () .build (); if (!inst_ret) { printf("Failed to create Vulkan instance. Cause %s\n", instance_builder_return.error().message()); return; } vkb::Instance vkb_inst = inst_ret.value (); vkb::PhysicalDeviceSelector selector{ vkb_inst }; auto phys_ret = selector.set_surface (/* from user created window*/) .set_minimum_version (1, 1) // require a vulkan 1.1 capable device .require_dedicated_transfer_queue () .select (); if (!phys_ret) { printf("Failed to select Vulkan Physical Device. Cause %s\n", phys_ret.error().message()); return; } vkb::DeviceBuilder device_builder{ phys_ret.value () }; // automatically propagate needed data from instance & physical device auto dev_ret = device_builder.build (); if (!dev_ret) { printf("Failed to create Vulkan device. Cause %s\n", dev_ret.error().message()); return; } vkb::Device vkb_device = dev_ret.value (); // Get the VkDevice handle used in the rest of a vulkan application VkDevice device = vkb_device.device; // Get the graphics queue with a helper function auto graphics_queue_ret = vkb_device.get_queue (vkb::QueueType::graphics); if (!graphics_queue_ret) { printf("Failed to get graphics queue. Cause %s\n", graphics_queue_ret.error().message()); return; } VkQueue graphics_queue = graphics_queue_ret.value (); // Turned 400-500 lines of boilerplate into less than fifty. } ``` See `example/triangle.cpp` for an example that renders a triangle to the screen. ## Setting up vk-bootstrap ### Simple This library has no external dependencies beyond C++11 and the standard library. Simply copy the `src/VkBootstrap.h` and `src/VkBootstrap.cpp` files into your project, include them, compile as you normally would. ### With git-submodule + CMake Add this project as a git-submodule ```bash git submodule add https://github.com/charles-lunarg/vk-bootstrap ``` With CMake, add the project as a subdirectory ```cmake add_subdirectory(vk-bootstrap) target_link_libraries(your_application_name vk-bootstrap) ``` ### Manually Building ```bash git clone https://github.com/charles-lunarg/vk-bootstrap cd vk-bootstrap mkdir build cd build cmake .. ``` ## Testing Testing requires GLFW and Catch2 but are acquired automatically using cmake. Tests will be enabled if you open this project standalone. If you include this project as a subdirectory, you can force enable tests by setting the option `VK_BOOTSTRAP_TEST` to `ON`, otherwise it won't be built. ```bash cmake ../path/to/your_project/ -DVK_BOOTSTRAP_TEST=ON ```