Cody Goodson a0a0738299 Header generation is working
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2021-06-06 12:49:23 -07:00

60 lines
1.7 KiB

import urllib.request
import xmltodict
with urllib.request.urlopen('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Headers/master/registry/vk.xml') as response:
vk_xml_raw = response.read()
vk_xml = xmltodict.parse(vk_xml_raw,process_namespaces=True)
commands = vk_xml['registry']['commands']['command']
device_commands = [];
device_aliases = {};
def format_header_top(header: str):
header += '\n#pragma once\n\n#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>\n\n'
header += 'namespace vkb {\n\n'
header += 'struct DispatchTable {\n'
return header;
def format_header_bottom(header: str):
header += '}\n\n'
header += '} // namespace vkb'
return header;
def format_declaration(header: str, name):
fptr_name = 'PFN_' + name
member_name = name[2].lower() + name[3:]
header += '\t' + fptr_name + ' ' + member_name + ' = nullptr;\n'
if name in device_aliases:
header = format_declaration(header, device_aliases[name])
return header;
for command in commands:
keys = command.keys()
if 'proto' in keys and 'param' in keys:
type_device = False;
for p in command['param']:
if 'type' in p:
for t in p:
if t == 'type' and p[t] == 'VkDevice':
#only check first type
type_device = True;
if type_device and command['proto']['name'] != 'vkGetDeviceProcAddr':
device_commands += [command['proto']['name']]
elif '@alias'in keys:
device_aliases[(command['@alias'])] = command['@name'];
header = ''
header = format_header_top(header)
for command in device_commands:
header = format_declaration(header, command);
header = format_header_bottom(header)
header_file = open("../src/VkDispatchTable.h", "w")