0.9.9 API documentation


template<typename T , qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_DECL mat< 4, 4, T, Q > rotateNormalizedAxis (mat< 4, 4, T, Q > const &m, T const &angle, vec< 3, T, Q > const &axis)
template<typename T , qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_DECL qua< T, Q > rotateNormalizedAxis (qua< T, Q > const &q, T const &angle, vec< 3, T, Q > const &axis)

Detailed Description

Include <glm/gtx/rotate_normalized_axis.hpp> to use the features of this extension.

Quaternions and matrices rotations around normalized axis.

Function Documentation

◆ rotateNormalizedAxis() [1/2]

GLM_FUNC_DECL mat<4, 4, T, Q> glm::rotateNormalizedAxis ( mat< 4, 4, T, Q > const &  m,
T const &  angle,
vec< 3, T, Q > const &  axis 

Builds a rotation 4 * 4 matrix created from a normalized axis and an angle.

mInput matrix multiplied by this rotation matrix.
angleRotation angle expressed in radians.
axisRotation axis, must be normalized.
Template Parameters
TValue type used to build the matrix. Currently supported: half (not recommended), float or double.
See also
- rotate(T angle, T x, T y, T z)
- rotate(mat<4, 4, T, Q> const& m, T angle, T x, T y, T z)
- rotate(T angle, vec<3, T, Q> const& v)

◆ rotateNormalizedAxis() [2/2]

GLM_FUNC_DECL qua<T, Q> glm::rotateNormalizedAxis ( qua< T, Q > const &  q,
T const &  angle,
vec< 3, T, Q > const &  axis 

Rotates a quaternion from a vector of 3 components normalized axis and an angle.

qSource orientation
angleAngle expressed in radians.
axisNormalized axis of the rotation, must be normalized.
See also