glm::gtx::unsigned_int Namespace Reference

GLM_GTX_unsigned_int extension: Add support for unsigned integer for core functions. More...


typedef signed int sint
 32bit signed integer.


uint mod (uint x, uint y)
uint pow (uint x, uint y)
 Returns x raised to the y power.
uint sqrt (uint x)
 Returns the positive square root of x.

Detailed Description

GLM_GTX_unsigned_int extension: Add support for unsigned integer for core functions.

Typedef Documentation

typedef signed int sint

32bit signed integer.

From GLM_GTX_unsigned_int extension.

Definition at line 33 of file unsigned_int.hpp.

Function Documentation

uint glm::gtx::unsigned_int::mod ( uint  x,
uint  y 


Returns x - y * floor(x / y) for each component in x using the floating point value y. From GLM_GTX_unsigned_int extension.

uint glm::gtx::unsigned_int::pow ( uint  x,
uint  y 

Returns x raised to the y power.

From GLM_GTX_unsigned_int extension.

uint glm::gtx::unsigned_int::sqrt ( uint  x  ) 

Returns the positive square root of x.

From GLM_GTX_unsigned_int extension.

Generated on Mon Nov 16 11:23:25 2009 for GLM by  doxygen 1.6.1