Typedefs | Functions
GTC Extensions (Stable)


typedef detail::tquat< double > dquat
typedef detail::tquat< float > fquat
typedef detail::tquat
< highp_float > 
typedef detail::tquat
< detail::half > 
typedef detail::tquat< lowp_float > lowp_quat
typedef detail::tquat
< mediump_float > 
typedef detail::tquat< float > quat


template<typename valType >
valType angle (detail::tquat< valType > const &x)
template<typename valType >
detail::tquat< valType > angleAxis (valType const &angle, valType const &x, valType const &y, valType const &z)
template<typename valType >
detail::tquat< valType > angleAxis (valType const &angle, detail::tvec3< valType > const &axis)
template<typename valType >
detail::tvec3< valType > axis (detail::tquat< valType > const &x)
template<typename T >
detail::tquat< T > conjugate (detail::tquat< T > const &q)
template<typename T >
dot (detail::tquat< T > const &q1, detail::tquat< T > const &q2)
template<typename T >
detail::tvec3< T > eulerAngles (detail::tquat< T > const &x)
template<typename T >
detail::tquat< T > inverse (detail::tquat< T > const &q)
template<typename T >
length (detail::tquat< T > const &q)
template<typename T >
detail::tmat3x3< T > mat3_cast (detail::tquat< T > const &x)
template<typename T >
detail::tmat4x4< T > mat4_cast (detail::tquat< T > const &x)
template<typename T >
detail::tquat< T > mix (detail::tquat< T > const &x, detail::tquat< T > const &y, T const &a)
template<typename T >
detail::tquat< T > normalize (detail::tquat< T > const &q)
template<typename T >
detail::tquat< T > quat_cast (detail::tmat3x3< T > const &x)
template<typename T >
detail::tquat< T > quat_cast (detail::tmat4x4< T > const &x)
template<typename T >
detail::tquat< T > rotate (detail::tquat< T > const &q, typename detail::tquat< T >::value_type const &angle, detail::tvec3< T > const &axis)

Detailed Description

Defines a templated quaternion type and several quaternion operations.

<glm/gtc/quaternion.hpp> need to be included to use these functionalities.

Typedef Documentation

typedef detail::tquat<double> dquat

Quaternion of double-precision floating-point numbers.

See Also

Definition at line 301 of file gtc/quaternion.hpp.

typedef detail::tquat<float> fquat

Quaternion of single-precision floating-point numbers.

See Also

Definition at line 296 of file gtc/quaternion.hpp.

typedef detail::tquat<highp_float> highp_quat

Quaternion of high precision floating-point numbers.

See Also

Definition at line 316 of file gtc/quaternion.hpp.

typedef detail::tquat<detail::half> hquat

Quaternion of half-precision floating-point numbers.

See Also

Definition at line 291 of file gtc/quaternion.hpp.

typedef detail::tquat<lowp_float> lowp_quat

Quaternion of low precision floating-point numbers.

See Also

Definition at line 306 of file gtc/quaternion.hpp.

typedef detail::tquat<mediump_float> mediump_quat

Quaternion of medium precision floating-point numbers.

See Also

Definition at line 311 of file gtc/quaternion.hpp.

typedef detail::tquat<float> quat

Quaternion of floating-point numbers.

See Also

Definition at line 286 of file gtc/quaternion.hpp.

Function Documentation

valType glm::angle ( detail::tquat< valType > const &  x)

Returns the quaternion rotation angle.

See Also
detail::tquat<valType> glm::angleAxis ( valType const &  angle,
valType const &  x,
valType const &  y,
valType const &  z 

Build a quaternion from an angle and a normalized axis.

angleAngle expressed in radians if GLM_FORCE_RADIANS is define or degrees otherwise.
xx component of the x-axis, x, y, z must be a normalized axis
yy component of the y-axis, x, y, z must be a normalized axis
zz component of the z-axis, x, y, z must be a normalized axis
See Also
detail::tquat<valType> glm::angleAxis ( valType const &  angle,
detail::tvec3< valType > const &  axis 

Build a quaternion from an angle and a normalized axis.

angleAngle expressed in radians if GLM_FORCE_RADIANS is define or degrees otherwise.
axisAxis of the quaternion, must be normalized.
See Also
detail::tvec3<valType> glm::axis ( detail::tquat< valType > const &  x)

Returns the q rotation axis.

See Also
detail::tquat<T> glm::conjugate ( detail::tquat< T > const &  q)

Returns the q conjugate.

See Also
T glm::dot ( detail::tquat< T > const &  q1,
detail::tquat< T > const &  q2 

Returns dot product of q1 and q2, i.e., q1[0] * q2[0] + q1[1] * q2[1] + ...

See Also
detail::tvec3<T> glm::eulerAngles ( detail::tquat< T > const &  x)

Returns euler angles, yitch as x, yaw as y, roll as z.

See Also
detail::tquat<T> glm::inverse ( detail::tquat< T > const &  q)

Returns the q inverse.

See Also
T glm::length ( detail::tquat< T > const &  q)

Returns the length of the quaternion.

See Also
detail::tmat3x3<T> glm::mat3_cast ( detail::tquat< T > const &  x)

Converts a quaternion to a 3 * 3 matrix.

See Also

Referenced by glm::toMat3().

detail::tmat4x4<T> glm::mat4_cast ( detail::tquat< T > const &  x)

Converts a quaternion to a 4 * 4 matrix.

See Also

Referenced by glm::toMat4().

detail::tquat<T> glm::mix ( detail::tquat< T > const &  x,
detail::tquat< T > const &  y,
T const &  a 

Returns a SLERP interpolated quaternion of x and y according a.

See Also
detail::tquat<T> glm::normalize ( detail::tquat< T > const &  q)

Returns the normalized quaternion.

See Also
detail::tquat<T> glm::quat_cast ( detail::tmat3x3< T > const &  x)

Converts a 3 * 3 matrix to a quaternion.

See Also

Referenced by glm::toQuat().

detail::tquat<T> glm::quat_cast ( detail::tmat4x4< T > const &  x)

Converts a 4 * 4 matrix to a quaternion.

See Also
detail::tquat<T> glm::rotate ( detail::tquat< T > const &  q,
typename detail::tquat< T >::value_type const &  angle,
detail::tvec3< T > const &  axis 

Rotates a quaternion from an vector of 3 components axis and an angle.

qSource orientation
angleAngle expressed in radians if GLM_FORCE_RADIANS is define or degrees otherwise.
axisAxis of the rotation, must be normalized.
See Also