Classes | Typedefs
GLM_GTC_half_float: Half-precision floating-point based types and functions.
GTC Extensions (Stable)


class  thalf
 16-bit floating point type. More...


typedef detail::thalf half
typedef detail::tmat2x2
< detail::thalf > 
typedef detail::tmat2x2
< detail::thalf > 
typedef detail::tmat2x3
< detail::thalf > 
typedef detail::tmat2x4
< detail::thalf > 
typedef detail::tmat3x3
< detail::thalf > 
typedef detail::tmat3x2
< detail::thalf > 
typedef detail::tmat3x3
< detail::thalf > 
typedef detail::tmat3x4
< detail::thalf > 
typedef detail::tmat4x4
< detail::thalf > 
typedef detail::tmat4x2
< detail::thalf > 
typedef detail::tmat4x3
< detail::thalf > 
typedef detail::tmat4x4
< detail::thalf > 
typedef detail::tvec2
< detail::thalf > 
typedef detail::tvec3
< detail::thalf > 
typedef detail::tvec4
< detail::thalf > 

Detailed Description

Defines the half-precision floating-point type, along with various typedefs for vectors and matrices. <glm/gtc/half_float.hpp> need to be included to use these functionalities.

Typedef Documentation

typedef detail::thalf half

Type for half-precision floating-point numbers.

From GLM_GTC_half_float extension.

Definition at line 332 of file half_float.hpp.

typedef detail::tmat2x2<detail::thalf> hmat2

2 * 2 matrix of half-precision floating-point numbers.

From GLM_GTC_half_float extension.

Definition at line 348 of file half_float.hpp.

typedef detail::tmat2x2<detail::thalf> hmat2x2

2 * 2 matrix of half-precision floating-point numbers.

From GLM_GTC_half_float extension.

Definition at line 360 of file half_float.hpp.

typedef detail::tmat2x3<detail::thalf> hmat2x3

2 * 3 matrix of half-precision floating-point numbers.

From GLM_GTC_half_float extension.

Definition at line 364 of file half_float.hpp.

typedef detail::tmat2x4<detail::thalf> hmat2x4

2 * 4 matrix of half-precision floating-point numbers.

From GLM_GTC_half_float extension.

Definition at line 368 of file half_float.hpp.

typedef detail::tmat3x3<detail::thalf> hmat3

3 * 3 matrix of half-precision floating-point numbers.

From GLM_GTC_half_float extension.

Definition at line 352 of file half_float.hpp.

typedef detail::tmat3x2<detail::thalf> hmat3x2

3 * 2 matrix of half-precision floating-point numbers.

From GLM_GTC_half_float extension.

Definition at line 372 of file half_float.hpp.

typedef detail::tmat3x3<detail::thalf> hmat3x3

3 * 3 matrix of half-precision floating-point numbers.

From GLM_GTC_half_float extension.

Definition at line 376 of file half_float.hpp.

typedef detail::tmat3x4<detail::thalf> hmat3x4

3 * 4 matrix of half-precision floating-point numbers.

From GLM_GTC_half_float extension.

Definition at line 380 of file half_float.hpp.

typedef detail::tmat4x4<detail::thalf> hmat4

4 * 4 matrix of half-precision floating-point numbers.

From GLM_GTC_half_float extension.

Definition at line 356 of file half_float.hpp.

typedef detail::tmat4x2<detail::thalf> hmat4x2

4 * 2 matrix of half-precision floating-point numbers.

From GLM_GTC_half_float extension.

Definition at line 384 of file half_float.hpp.

typedef detail::tmat4x3<detail::thalf> hmat4x3

4 * 3 matrix of half-precision floating-point numbers.

From GLM_GTC_half_float extension.

Definition at line 388 of file half_float.hpp.

typedef detail::tmat4x4<detail::thalf> hmat4x4

4 * 4 matrix of half-precision floating-point numbers.

From GLM_GTC_half_float extension.

Definition at line 392 of file half_float.hpp.

typedef detail::tvec2<detail::thalf> hvec2

Vector of 2 half-precision floating-point numbers.

From GLM_GTC_half_float extension.

Definition at line 336 of file half_float.hpp.

typedef detail::tvec3<detail::thalf> hvec3

Vector of 3 half-precision floating-point numbers.

From GLM_GTC_half_float extension.

Definition at line 340 of file half_float.hpp.

typedef detail::tvec4<detail::thalf> hvec4

Vector of 4 half-precision floating-point numbers.

From GLM_GTC_half_float extension.

Definition at line 344 of file half_float.hpp.