Typedefs | Functions

GLM_GTX_integer: Extended integer functions

GTX Extensions (Experimental)

Add support for integer for core functions. More...


typedef signed int sint


template<typename genType >
genType factorial (genType const &x)
unsigned int floor_log2 (unsigned int x)
template<typename genIUType >
genIUType log2 (genIUType const &x)
uint mod (uint x, uint y)
int mod (int x, int y)
uint nlz (uint x)
uint pow (uint x, uint y)
int pow (int x, int y)
int sqrt (int x)
uint sqrt (uint x)

Detailed Description

Add support for integer for core functions.

<glm/gtx/integer.hpp> need to be included to use these functionalities.

Typedef Documentation

typedef signed int sint

32bit signed integer.

From GLM_GTX_integer extension.

Definition at line 81 of file integer.hpp.

Function Documentation

genType glm::factorial ( genType const &  x)

Return the factorial value of a number (!12 max, integer only) From GLM_GTX_integer extension.

unsigned int glm::floor_log2 ( unsigned int  x)

Returns the floor log2 of x.

From GLM_GTX_integer extension.

genIUType glm::log2 ( genIUType const &  x)

Returns the log2 of x.

Can be reliably using to compute mipmap count from the texture size. From GLM_GTX_integer extension.

uint glm::mod ( uint  x,
uint  y 


Returns x - y * floor(x / y) for each component in x using the floating point value y. From GLM_GTX_integer extension.

int glm::mod ( int  x,
int  y 


Returns x - y * floor(x / y) for each component in x using the floating point value y. From GLM_GTX_integer extension.

uint glm::nlz ( uint  x)

Returns the number of leading zeros.

From GLM_GTX_integer extension.

uint glm::pow ( uint  x,
uint  y 

Returns x raised to the y power.

From GLM_GTX_integer extension.

int glm::pow ( int  x,
int  y 

Returns x raised to the y power.

From GLM_GTX_integer extension.

int glm::sqrt ( int  x)

Returns the positive square root of x.

From GLM_GTX_integer extension.

uint glm::sqrt ( uint  x)

Returns the positive square root of x.

From GLM_GTX_integer extension.