Exponential functions
GLM Core


template<typename genType >
genType exp (genType const &x)
template<typename genType >
genType exp2 (genType const &x)
template<typename genType >
genType inversesqrt (genType const &x)
template<typename genType >
genType log (genType const &x)
template<typename genType >
genType log2 (genType const &x)
template<typename genType >
genType pow (genType const &x, genType const &y)
template<typename genType >
genType sqrt (genType const &x)

Detailed Description

These all operate component-wise.

The description is per component.

Function Documentation

genType glm::exp ( genType const &  x)

Returns the natural exponentiation of x, i.e., e^x.

xexp function is defined for input values of x defined in the range (inf-, inf+) in the limit of the type precision.
Template Parameters:
genTypeFloating-point scalar or vector types.
See also:
- GLSL exp man page
- GLSL 4.20.8 specification, section 8.2
genType glm::exp2 ( genType const &  x)

Returns 2 raised to the x power.

xexp2 function is defined for input values of x defined in the range (inf-, inf+) in the limit of the type precision.
Template Parameters:
genTypeFloating-point scalar or vector types.
See also:
- GLSL exp2 man page
- GLSL 4.20.8 specification, section 8.2
genType glm::inversesqrt ( genType const &  x)

Returns the reciprocal of the positive square root of x.

xinversesqrt function is defined for input values of x defined in the range [0, inf+) in the limit of the type precision.
Template Parameters:
genTypeFloating-point scalar or vector types.
See also:
- GLSL inversesqrt man page
- GLSL 4.20.8 specification, section 8.2
genType glm::log ( genType const &  x)

Returns the natural logarithm of x, i.e., returns the value y which satisfies the equation x = e^y.

Results are undefined if x <= 0.

xlog function is defined for input values of x defined in the range (0, inf+) in the limit of the type precision.
Template Parameters:
genTypeFloating-point scalar or vector types.
See also:
- GLSL log man page
- GLSL 4.20.8 specification, section 8.2
genType glm::log2 ( genType const &  x)

Returns the base 2 log of x, i.e., returns the value y, which satisfies the equation x = 2 ^ y.

xlog2 function is defined for input values of x defined in the range (0, inf+) in the limit of the type precision.
Template Parameters:
genTypeFloating-point scalar or vector types.
See also:
- GLSL log2 man page
- GLSL 4.20.8 specification, section 8.2
genType glm::pow ( genType const &  x,
genType const &  y 

Returns x raised to the y power.

xpow function is defined for input values of x defined in the range (inf-, inf+) in the limit of the type precision.
Template Parameters:
genTypeFloating-point scalar or vector types.
See also:
- GLSL pow man page
- GLSL 4.20.8 specification, section 8.2
genType glm::sqrt ( genType const &  x)

Returns the positive square root of x.

xsqrt function is defined for input values of x defined in the range [0, inf+) in the limit of the type precision.
Template Parameters:
genTypeFloating-point scalar or vector types.
See also:
- GLSL sqrt man page
- GLSL 4.20.8 specification, section 8.2