
306 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#include <atomic>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
2018-04-01 16:59:55 +00:00
#include "../common/tracy_benaphore.h"
#include "../common/tracy_lz4.hpp"
#include "../common/TracyForceInline.hpp"
#include "../common/TracyQueue.hpp"
#include "../common/TracySocket.hpp"
#include "tracy_flat_hash_map.hpp"
#include "TracyEvent.hpp"
#include "TracySlab.hpp"
namespace tracy
class FileRead;
class FileWrite;
2018-04-20 14:03:09 +00:00
namespace EventType
enum Type : uint32_t
Locks = 1 << 0,
Messages = 1 << 1,
Plots = 1 << 2,
Memory = 1 << 3,
None = 0,
All = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()
struct UnsupportedVersion : public std::exception
UnsupportedVersion( int version ) : version( version ) {}
int version;
class Worker
#pragma pack( 1 )
struct ZoneThreadData
ZoneEvent* zone;
uint16_t thread;
#pragma pack()
struct SourceLocationZones
: min( std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() )
, max( std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min() )
, total( 0 )
2018-06-05 22:39:22 +00:00
, selfTotal( 0 )
Vector<ZoneThreadData> zones;
int64_t min;
int64_t max;
int64_t total;
2018-06-05 22:39:22 +00:00
int64_t selfTotal;
struct DataBlock
DataBlock() : zonesCnt( 0 ), lastTime( 0 ), threadLast( std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(), 0 ) {}
NonRecursiveBenaphore lock;
Vector<int64_t> frames;
Vector<GpuCtxData*> gpuData;
Vector<MessageData*> messages;
Vector<PlotData*> plots;
Vector<ThreadData*> threads;
2018-04-01 00:03:34 +00:00
MemData memory;
uint64_t zonesCnt;
int64_t lastTime;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, const char*, nohash<uint64_t>> strings;
Vector<const char*> stringData;
2018-03-23 20:12:29 +00:00
flat_hash_map<const char*, uint32_t, charutil::HasherPOT, charutil::Comparator> stringMap;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, const char*, nohash<uint64_t>> threadNames;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, SourceLocation, nohash<uint64_t>> sourceLocation;
Vector<SourceLocation*> sourceLocationPayload;
flat_hash_map<SourceLocation*, uint32_t, SourceLocationHasher, SourceLocationComparator> sourceLocationPayloadMap;
Vector<uint64_t> sourceLocationExpand;
flat_hash_map<int32_t, SourceLocationZones, nohash<int32_t>> sourceLocationZones;
bool sourceLocationZonesReady;
std::map<uint32_t, LockMap> lockMap;
2018-03-18 19:45:22 +00:00
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, uint16_t, nohash<uint64_t>> threadMap;
Vector<uint64_t> threadExpand;
std::pair<uint64_t, uint16_t> threadLast;
struct MbpsBlock
MbpsBlock() : mbps( 64 ), compRatio( 1.0 ) {}
NonRecursiveBenaphore lock;
std::vector<float> mbps;
float compRatio;
Worker( const char* addr );
2018-04-20 14:03:09 +00:00
Worker( FileRead& f, EventType::Type eventMask = EventType::All );
const std::string& GetAddr() const { return m_addr; }
const std::string& GetCaptureName() const { return m_captureName; }
int64_t GetDelay() const { return m_delay; }
int64_t GetResolution() const { return m_resolution; }
NonRecursiveBenaphore& GetDataLock() { return m_data.lock; }
size_t GetFrameCount() const { return m_data.frames.size(); }
int64_t GetLastTime() const { return m_data.lastTime; }
uint64_t GetZoneCount() const { return m_data.zonesCnt; }
int64_t GetFrameTime( size_t idx ) const;
int64_t GetFrameBegin( size_t idx ) const;
int64_t GetFrameEnd( size_t idx ) const;
std::pair <int, int> GetFrameRange( int64_t from, int64_t to );
const std::map<uint32_t, LockMap>& GetLockMap() const { return m_data.lockMap; }
const Vector<MessageData*>& GetMessages() const { return m_data.messages; }
const Vector<GpuCtxData*>& GetGpuData() const { return m_data.gpuData; }
const Vector<PlotData*>& GetPlots() const { return m_data.plots; }
const Vector<ThreadData*>& GetThreadData() const { return m_data.threads; }
2018-04-01 18:25:09 +00:00
const MemData& GetMemData() const { return m_data.memory; }
2018-03-18 01:53:00 +00:00
// Some zones may have incomplete timing data (only start time is available, end hasn't arrived yet).
// GetZoneEnd() will try to infer the end time by looking at child zones (parent zone can't end
// before its children have ended).
// GetZoneEndDirect() will only return zone's direct timing data, without looking at children.
2018-03-23 00:50:38 +00:00
static int64_t GetZoneEnd( const ZoneEvent& ev );
static int64_t GetZoneEnd( const GpuEvent& ev );
static tracy_force_inline int64_t GetZoneEndDirect( const ZoneEvent& ev ) { return ev.end >= 0 ? ev.end : ev.start; }
static tracy_force_inline int64_t GetZoneEndDirect( const GpuEvent& ev ) { return ev.gpuEnd >= 0 ? ev.gpuEnd : ev.gpuStart; }
2018-03-18 01:53:00 +00:00
const char* GetString( uint64_t ptr ) const;
const char* GetString( const StringRef& ref ) const;
const char* GetString( const StringIdx& idx ) const;
const char* GetThreadString( uint64_t id ) const;
const SourceLocation& GetSourceLocation( int32_t srcloc ) const;
std::vector<int32_t> GetMatchingSourceLocation( const char* query ) const;
2018-03-18 19:20:24 +00:00
const SourceLocationZones& GetZonesForSourceLocation( int32_t srcloc ) const;
const flat_hash_map<int32_t, SourceLocationZones, nohash<int32_t>>& GetSourceLocationZones() const { return m_data.sourceLocationZones; }
bool AreSourceLocationZonesReady() const { return m_data.sourceLocationZonesReady; }
2018-05-03 16:43:51 +00:00
tracy_force_inline uint16_t CompressThread( uint64_t thread )
if( m_data.threadLast.first == thread ) return m_data.threadLast.second;
return CompressThreadReal( thread );
tracy_force_inline uint64_t DecompressThread( uint16_t thread ) const { assert( thread < m_data.threadExpand.size() ); return m_data.threadExpand[thread]; }
2018-03-18 19:45:22 +00:00
NonRecursiveBenaphore& GetMbpsDataLock() { return m_mbpsData.lock; }
const std::vector<float>& GetMbpsData() const { return m_mbpsData.mbps; }
float GetCompRatio() const { return m_mbpsData.compRatio; }
bool HasData() const { return m_hasData.load( std::memory_order_acquire ); }
bool IsConnected() const { return m_connected.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ); }
bool IsDataStatic() const { return !m_thread.joinable(); }
void Shutdown() { true, std::memory_order_relaxed ); }
void Write( FileWrite& f );
void Exec();
void ServerQuery( uint8_t type, uint64_t data );
tracy_force_inline void DispatchProcess( const QueueItem& ev, char*& ptr );
tracy_force_inline void Process( const QueueItem& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessZoneBegin( const QueueZoneBegin& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessZoneBeginAllocSrcLoc( const QueueZoneBegin& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessZoneEnd( const QueueZoneEnd& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessFrameMark( const QueueFrameMark& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessZoneText( const QueueZoneText& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessLockAnnounce( const QueueLockAnnounce& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessLockWait( const QueueLockWait& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessLockObtain( const QueueLockObtain& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessLockRelease( const QueueLockRelease& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessLockSharedWait( const QueueLockWait& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessLockSharedObtain( const QueueLockObtain& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessLockSharedRelease( const QueueLockRelease& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessLockMark( const QueueLockMark& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessPlotData( const QueuePlotData& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessMessage( const QueueMessage& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessMessageLiteral( const QueueMessage& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessGpuNewContext( const QueueGpuNewContext& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessGpuZoneBegin( const QueueGpuZoneBegin& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessGpuZoneEnd( const QueueGpuZoneEnd& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessGpuTime( const QueueGpuTime& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessGpuResync( const QueueGpuResync& ev );
2018-04-01 00:03:34 +00:00
tracy_force_inline void ProcessMemAlloc( const QueueMemAlloc& ev );
tracy_force_inline void ProcessMemFree( const QueueMemFree& ev );
tracy_force_inline void CheckSourceLocation( uint64_t ptr );
void NewSourceLocation( uint64_t ptr );
tracy_force_inline uint32_t ShrinkSourceLocation( uint64_t srcloc );
uint32_t NewShrinkedSourceLocation( uint64_t srcloc );
tracy_force_inline void MemAllocChanged( int64_t time );
void CreateMemAllocPlot();
void ReconstructMemAllocPlot();
void InsertMessageData( MessageData* msg, uint64_t thread );
ThreadData* NewThread( uint64_t thread );
ThreadData* NoticeThread( uint64_t thread );
tracy_force_inline void NewZone( ZoneEvent* zone, uint64_t thread );
void InsertLockEvent( LockMap& lockmap, LockEvent* lev, uint64_t thread );
void CheckString( uint64_t ptr );
void CheckThreadString( uint64_t id );
void AddSourceLocation( const QueueSourceLocation& srcloc );
void AddSourceLocationPayload( uint64_t ptr, char* data, size_t sz );
void AddString( uint64_t ptr, char* str, size_t sz );
void AddThreadString( uint64_t id, char* str, size_t sz );
void AddCustomString( uint64_t ptr, char* str, size_t sz );
void InsertPlot( PlotData* plot, int64_t time, double val );
void HandlePlotName( uint64_t name, char* str, size_t sz );
2018-04-01 00:03:34 +00:00
void HandlePostponedPlots();
StringLocation StoreString( char* str, size_t sz );
uint16_t CompressThreadReal( uint64_t thread );
uint16_t CompressThreadNew( uint64_t thread );
tracy_force_inline void ReadTimeline( FileRead& f, Vector<ZoneEvent*>& vec, uint16_t thread );
tracy_force_inline void ReadTimeline( FileRead& f, Vector<GpuEvent*>& vec );
void ReadTimeline( FileRead& f, Vector<ZoneEvent*>& vec, uint16_t thread, uint64_t size );
void ReadTimeline( FileRead& f, Vector<GpuEvent*>& vec, uint64_t size );
void WriteTimeline( FileWrite& f, const Vector<ZoneEvent*>& vec );
void WriteTimeline( FileWrite& f, const Vector<GpuEvent*>& vec );
int64_t TscTime( int64_t tsc ) { return int64_t( tsc * m_timerMul ); }
int64_t TscTime( uint64_t tsc ) { return int64_t( tsc * m_timerMul ); }
Socket m_sock;
std::string m_addr;
std::thread m_thread;
std::atomic<bool> m_connected;
std::atomic<bool> m_hasData;
std::atomic<bool> m_shutdown;
std::thread m_threadMemory, m_threadZones;
int64_t m_delay;
int64_t m_resolution;
double m_timerMul;
std::string m_captureName;
bool m_terminate;
LZ4_streamDecode_t* m_stream;
char* m_buffer;
int m_bufferOffset;
flat_hash_map<uint16_t, GpuCtxData*, nohash<uint16_t>> m_gpuCtxMap;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, StringLocation, nohash<uint64_t>> m_pendingCustomStrings;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, PlotData*, nohash<uint64_t>> m_pendingPlots;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, PlotData*, nohash<uint64_t>> m_plotMap;
flat_hash_map<const char*, PlotData*, charutil::HasherPOT, charutil::Comparator> m_plotRev;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, int32_t, nohash<uint64_t>> m_pendingSourceLocationPayload;
Vector<uint64_t> m_sourceLocationQueue;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, uint32_t, nohash<uint64_t>> m_sourceLocationShrink;
flat_hash_map<uint64_t, ThreadData*, nohash<uint64_t>> m_threadMap;
uint32_t m_pendingStrings;
uint32_t m_pendingThreads;
uint32_t m_pendingSourceLocation;
Slab<64*1024*1024> m_slab;
DataBlock m_data;
MbpsBlock m_mbpsData;