OpenGL Mathematics

Version 0.8.4

OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) is a C++ mathematics library for 3D applications based on the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) specification.

The goal of the project is to provide to 3D programmers math classes and functions that miss in C++ when we use to program with GLSL or any high level GPU language. With GLM, the idea is to have a library that works the same way that GLSL which imply a strict following of GLSL specification for the implementation.

However, this project isn't limited by GLSL features. An extension system based on GLSL extensions development conventions allows to extend GLSL capabilities.

GLM is release under MIT license and available for all version of GCC from version 3.4 and Visual Studio from version 8.0 as a platform independent library.

Any feedback is welcome, please send them to g.truc.creation[NO_SPAM_THANKS]

Generated on Mon Nov 16 11:23:22 2009 for GLM by  doxygen 1.6.1