Namespace List

Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
glmGLM namespace, it contains all GLSL based features
glm::coreGLM core. Namespace that includes all the feature define by GLSL 1.30.8 specification. This namespace is included in glm namespace
glm::core::functionSome of the functions defined in section 8 Built-in Functions of GLSL 1.30.8 specification
glm::core::function::commonDefine common functions from Section 8.3 of GLSL 1.30.8 specification. Included in glm namespace
glm::core::function::exponentialDefine all exponential functions from Section 8.2 of GLSL 1.30.8 specification. Included in glm namespace
glm::core::function::geometricDefine all geometric functions from Section 8.4 of GLSL 1.30.8 specification. Included in glm namespace
glm::core::function::matrixDefine all matrix functions from Section 8.5 of GLSL 1.30.8 specification. Included in glm namespace
glm::core::function::trigonometricDefine Angle and trigonometry functions from Section 8.1 of GLSL 1.30.8 specification
glm::core::function::vector_relationalDefine vector relational functions from Section 8.3 of GLSL 1.30.8 specification. Included in glm namespace
glm::core::typeScalar, vectors and matrices from section 4.1.2 Booleans, 4.1.3 Integers section, 4.1.4 Floats section, 4.1.5 Vectors and section 4.1.6 Matrices of GLSL 1.30.8 specification
glm::core::type::matrixMatrix types from section 4.1.6 of GLSL 1.30.8 specification
glm::core::type::matrix::precisionMatrix types with precision qualifier
glm::core::type::scalarScalar types from section 4.1.2 Booleans, 4.1.3 Integers and 4.1.4 Floats of GLSL 1.30.8 specification
glm::core::type::scalar::precisionScalar types with precision qualifier
glm::core::type::vectorVector types from section 4.1.5 of GLSL 1.30.8 specification
glm::core::type::vector::precisionVector types with precision qualifier
glm::gtcGLM stable extensions
glm::gtc::double_floatGLM_GTC_double_float extension: Add support for double precision floating-point types
glm::gtc::half_floatGLM_GTC_half_float extension: Add support for half precision floating-point types
glm::gtc::matrix_operationGLM_GTC_matrix_operation extension: Matrix operation functions
glm::gtc::matrix_projectionGLM_GTC_matrix_projection: Varius ways to build and operate on projection matrices
glm::gtc::matrix_transformGLM_GTC_matrix_transform extension: Add transformation matrices
glm::gtc::quaternionGLM_GTC_quaternion extension: Quaternion types and functions
glm::gtc::type_precisionGLM_GTC_type_precision extension: Defined types with specific size
glm::gtxGLM experimental extensions. The interface could change between releases
glm::gtx::associated_min_maxGLM_GTX_associated_min_max extension: Min and max functions that return associated values not the compared onces
glm::gtx::bitGLM_GTX_bit extension: Allow to perform bit operations on integer values
glm::gtx::closest_pointGLM_GTX_closest_point extension: Find the point on a straight line which is the closet of a point
glm::gtx::color_castGLM_GTX_color_cast extension: Conversion between two color types
glm::gtx::color_spaceGLM_GTX_color_space extension: Related to RGB to HSV conversions and operations
glm::gtx::color_space_YCoCgGLM_GTX_color_space_YCoCg extension: RGB to YCoCg conversions and operations
glm::gtx::comparisonGLM_GTX_comparison extension: Defined comparison operators for vectors
glm::gtx::compatibilityGLM_GTX_compatibility extension: Provide functions to increase the compatibility with Cg and HLSL languages
glm::gtx::component_wiseGLM_GTX_component_wise extension: Operations between components of a type
glm::gtx::determinantGLM_GTX_determinant extension: Compute the determinant of a matrix
glm::gtx::double_floatGLM_GTX_double_float extension: Add support for double precision flotting-point types
glm::gtx::epsilonGLM_GTX_epsilon extension: Comparaison functions for a user defined epsilon values
glm::gtx::euler_anglesGLM_GTX_euler_angles extension: Build matrices from euler angles
glm::gtx::extendGLM_GTX_extend extension: Extend a position from a source to a position at a defined length
glm::gtx::extented_min_maxGLM_GTX_extented_min_max extension: Min and max functions for 3 to 4 parameters
glm::gtx::fast_exponentialGLM_GTX_fast_exponential extension: Fast but less accurate implementations of exponential based functions
glm::gtx::fast_square_rootGLM_GTX_fast_square_root extension: Fast but less accurate implementations of square root based functions
glm::gtx::fast_trigonometryGLM_GTX_fast_trigonometry extension: Fast but less accurate implementations of trigonometric functions
glm::gtx::gradient_paintGLM_GTX_gradient_paint extension: Compute a radient gradient according section OpenVG 1.1 specifications, 9.3.2 Radial Gradients
glm::gtx::half_floatGLM_GTX_half_float extension: Add support for half precision flotting-point types
glm::gtx::handed_coordinate_spaceGLM_GTX_handed_coordinate_space extension: To know if a triedron is right or left handed
glm::gtx::inertiaGLM_GTX_inertia extension: Create inertia matrices
glm::gtx::integerGLM_GTX_integer extension: Add support for integer for core functions
glm::gtx::intersectGLM_GTX_intersect extension: Add intersection functions
glm::gtx::inverseGLM_GTX_inverse extension: Inverse matrix functions
glm::gtx::inverse_transposeGLM_GTX_inverse_transpose extension: Inverse transpose matrix functions
glm::gtx::log_baseGLM_GTX_log_base extension: Logarithm for any base. base can be a vector or a scalar
glm::gtx::matrix_accessGLM_GTX_matrix_access extension: Set a column or a row of a matrix
glm::gtx::matrix_cross_productGLM_GTX_matrix_cross_product: Build cross product matrices
glm::gtx::matrix_major_storageGLM_GTX_matrix_cross_product: Build matrices with specific matrix order, row or column
glm::gtx::matrix_operationGLM_GTX_matrix_operation: Build cross product matrices
glm::gtx::matrix_projectionGLM_GTX_matrix_projection: Varius ways to build and operate on projection matrices
glm::gtx::matrix_queryGLM_GTX_matrix_query: Query to evaluate matrices properties
glm::gtx::matrix_selectionGLM_GTX_matrix_selection extension: Access to matrix columns or rows
glm::gtx::matxGLM_GTX_matx extension: - Work in progress - NxN matrix types
glm::gtx::mixed_productGLM_GTX_mixed_product extension: Mixed product of 3 vectors
glm::gtx::normGLM_GTX_norm extension: Varius way to compute vector norms
glm::gtx::normalGLM_GTX_normal extension: Compute the normal of a triangle
glm::gtx::normalize_dotGLM_GTX_normalize_dot extension: Dot product of vectors that need to be normalize with a single square root
glm::gtx::number_precisionGLM_GTX_number_precision extension: Defined size types
glm::gtx::ocl_typeGLM_GTX_ocl_type extension: OpenCL types
glm::gtx::optimum_powGLM_GTX_optimum_pow extension: Integer exponenciation of power functions
glm::gtx::orthonormalizeGLM_GTX_orthonormalize extension: Orthonormalize matrices
glm::gtx::perpendicularGLM_GTX_perpendicular extension: Perpendicular of a vector from other one
glm::gtx::polar_coordinatesGLM_GTX_polar_coordinates extension: Conversion from Euclidean space to polar space and revert
glm::gtx::projectionGLM_GTX_projection extension: Projection of a vector to other one
glm::gtx::quaternionGLM_GTX_quaternion extension: Quaternion types and functions
glm::gtx::randomGLM_GTX_random extension: Generate random number from varius distribution methods
glm::gtx::raw_dataGLM_GTX_raw_data extension: Projection of a vector to other one
glm::gtx::reciprocalGLM_GTX_reciprocal extension: Define secant, cosecant and cotangent functions
glm::gtx::rotate_vectorGLM_GTX_rotate_vector extension: Function to directly rotate a vector
glm::gtx::simd_mat4GLM_GTX_simd_mat4 extension: SIMD implementation of vec4 type
glm::gtx::simd_vec4GLM_GTX_simd_vec4 extension: SIMD implementation of vec4 type
glm::gtx::splineGLM_GTX_spline extension: Spline functions
glm::gtx::statistics_operationGLM_GTX_statistics_operation extension: - Work in progress - Statistics functions
glm::gtx::std_based_typeGLM_GTX_std_based_type extension: Add support vector types based on C++ standard type
glm::gtx::string_castGLM_GTX_string_cast extension: Setup strings for GLM type values
glm::gtx::transformGLM_GTX_transform extension: Add transformation matrices
glm::gtx::transform2GLM_GTX_transform2 extension: Add extra transformation matrices
glm::gtx::type_ptrGLM_GTX_type_ptr extension: Get access to vectors & matrices value type address
glm::gtx::unsigned_intGLM_GTX_unsigned_int extension: Add support for unsigned integer for core functions
glm::gtx::vector_accessGLM_GTX_vector_access extension: Function to set values to vectors
glm::gtx::vector_angleGLM_GTX_vector_angle extension: Compute angle between vectors
glm::gtx::vector_queryGLM_GTX_vector_query extension: Query informations of vector types
glm::gtx::vecxGLM_GTX_vecx extension: - Work in progress - Add custom size vectors
glm::gtx::verbose_operatorGLM_GTX_verbose_operator extension: Use words to replace operators
glm::imgIMG extensions
glm::img::multipleGLM_IMG_multiple: Find the closest number of a number multiple of other number
glm::virtrev_glmext::addressGLM_VIRTREV_address extension: Vector & matrix content address (T const * type pointer)
glm::virtrev_glmext::equal_operatorGLM_VIRTREV_gl extension: Vector & matrix integration with OpenGL
glm::virtrev_glmext::glGLM_VIRTREV_gl extension: Vector & matrix integration with OpenGL
glm::virtrev_glmext::xstreamGLM_VIRTREV_xstream extension: Streaming vector and matrix in a xml way

Generated on Mon Nov 16 11:23:23 2009 for GLM by  doxygen 1.6.1