20 # pragma message("GLM: GLM_GTC_packing extension included")
480 template <
typename T, precision P>
481 GLM_FUNC_DECL tvec4<T, P>
packRGBM(tvec3<T, P>
const & rgb);
490 template <
typename T, precision P>
491 GLM_FUNC_DECL tvec3<T, P>
unpackRGBM(tvec4<T, P>
const & rgbm);
501 template <precision P,
template <
typename, precision>
class vecType>
502 GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<uint16, P>
packHalf(vecType<float, P>
const & v);
511 template <precision P,
template <
typename, precision>
class vecType>
512 GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<float, P>
unpackHalf(vecType<uint16, P>
const & p);
518 template <
typename u
typename floatType, precision P,
template <
typename, precision>
class vecType>
519 GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<uintType, P>
packUnorm(vecType<floatType, P>
const & v);
525 template <
typename u
typename floatType, precision P,
template <
typename, precision>
class vecType>
526 GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<floatType, P>
unpackUnorm(vecType<uintType, P>
const & v);
532 template <
typename intType,
typename floatType, precision P,
template <
typename, precision>
class vecType>
533 GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<intType, P>
packSnorm(vecType<floatType, P>
const & v);
539 template <
typename intType,
typename floatType, precision P,
template <
typename, precision>
class vecType>
540 GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType<floatType, P>
unpackSnorm(vecType<intType, P>
const & v);
604 #include "packing.inl"
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint64 packSnorm4x16(vec4 const &v)
First, converts each component of the normalized floating-point value v into 16-bit integer values...
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint8 packUnorm2x3_1x2(vec3 const &v)
Convert each component of the normalized floating-point vector into unsigned integer values...
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint32 packF3x9_E1x5(vec3 const &v)
First, converts the first two components of the normalized floating-point value v into 11-bit signles...
GLM_FUNC_DECL vec3 unpackUnorm1x5_1x6_1x5(uint16 p)
Convert each unsigned integer components of a vector to normalized floating-point values...
GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType< floatType, P > unpackUnorm(vecType< uintType, P > const &v)
Convert each unsigned integer components of a vector to normalized floating-point values...
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint16 packUnorm4x4(vec4 const &v)
Convert each component of the normalized floating-point vector into unsigned integer values...
GLM_FUNC_DECL float unpackHalf1x16(uint16 v)
Returns a floating-point scalar with components obtained by unpacking a 16-bit unsigned integer into ...
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint16 packSnorm1x16(float v)
First, converts the normalized floating-point value v into 16-bit integer value.
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint32 packI3x10_1x2(ivec4 const &v)
Returns an unsigned integer obtained by converting the components of a four-component signed integer ...
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint16 packUnorm1x16(float v)
First, converts the normalized floating-point value v into a 16-bit integer value.
GLM_FUNC_DECL vec4 unpackUnorm3x10_1x2(uint32 p)
First, unpacks a single 32-bit unsigned integer p into four 16-bit signed integers.
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint32 packU3x10_1x2(uvec4 const &v)
Returns an unsigned integer obtained by converting the components of a four-component unsigned intege...
GLM_FUNC_DECL vec4 unpackUnorm4x16(uint64 p)
First, unpacks a single 64-bit unsigned integer p into four 16-bit unsigned integers.
GLM_FUNC_DECL vec2 unpackUnorm2x8(uint16 p)
First, unpacks a single 16-bit unsigned integer p into a pair of 8-bit unsigned integers.
GLM_FUNC_DECL float unpackUnorm1x16(uint16 p)
First, unpacks a single 16-bit unsigned integer p into a of 16-bit unsigned integers.
GLM_FUNC_DECL ivec4 unpackI3x10_1x2(uint32 p)
Unpacks a single 32-bit unsigned integer p into three 10-bit and one 2-bit signed integers...
highp_ivec4 ivec4
4 components vector of signed integer numbers.
GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType< intType, P > packSnorm(vecType< floatType, P > const &v)
Convert each component of the normalized floating-point vector into signed integer values...
GLM_FUNC_DECL vec4 unpackUnorm4x4(uint16 p)
Convert each unsigned integer components of a vector to normalized floating-point values...
GLM_FUNC_DECL float unpackUnorm1x8(uint8 p)
Convert a single 8-bit integer to a normalized floating-point value.
GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType< floatType, P > unpackSnorm(vecType< intType, P > const &v)
Convert each signed integer components of a vector to normalized floating-point values.
GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType< float, P > unpackHalf(vecType< uint16, P > const &p)
Returns a floating-point vector with components obtained by reinterpreting an integer vector as 16-bi...
GLM_FUNC_DECL vec4 unpackHalf4x16(uint64 p)
Returns a four-component floating-point vector with components obtained by unpacking a 64-bit unsigne...
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint16 packHalf1x16(float v)
Returns an unsigned integer obtained by converting the components of a floating-point scalar to the 1...
GLM_FUNC_DECL vec3 unpackF3x9_E1x5(uint32 p)
First, unpacks a single 32-bit unsigned integer p into two 11-bit signless floating-point values and ...
GLM_FUNC_DECL uvec4 unpackU3x10_1x2(uint32 p)
Unpacks a single 32-bit unsigned integer p into three 10-bit and one 2-bit unsigned integers...
GLM_FUNC_DECL vec3 unpackUnorm2x3_1x2(uint8 p)
Convert each unsigned integer components of a vector to normalized floating-point values...
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint16 packUnorm2x8(vec2 const &v)
First, converts each component of the normalized floating-point value v into 8-bit integer values...
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint8 packSnorm1x8(float s)
First, converts the normalized floating-point value v into 8-bit integer value.
highp_vec3 vec3
3 components vector of floating-point numbers.
GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType< uint16, P > packHalf(vecType< float, P > const &v)
Returns an unsigned integer vector obtained by converting the components of a floating-point vector t...
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint32 packSnorm3x10_1x2(vec4 const &v)
First, converts the first three components of the normalized floating-point value v into 10-bit signe...
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint8 packUnorm2x4(vec2 const &v)
Convert each component of the normalized floating-point vector into unsigned integer values...
GLM_FUNC_DECL vecType< uintType, P > packUnorm(vecType< floatType, P > const &v)
Convert each component of the normalized floating-point vector into unsigned integer values...
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint64 packHalf4x16(vec4 const &v)
Returns an unsigned integer obtained by converting the components of a four-component floating-point ...
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint16 packUnorm3x5_1x1(vec4 const &v)
Convert each component of the normalized floating-point vector into unsigned integer values...
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint16 packUnorm1x5_1x6_1x5(vec3 const &v)
Convert each component of the normalized floating-point vector into unsigned integer values...
highp_vec2 vec2
2 components vector of floating-point numbers.
GLM_FUNC_DECL vec4 unpackSnorm4x16(uint64 p)
First, unpacks a single 64-bit unsigned integer p into four 16-bit signed integers.
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint16 packSnorm2x8(vec2 const &v)
First, converts each component of the normalized floating-point value v into 8-bit integer values...
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint32 packF2x11_1x10(vec3 const &v)
First, converts the first two components of the normalized floating-point value v into 11-bit signles...
GLM_FUNC_DECL float unpackSnorm1x8(uint8 p)
First, unpacks a single 8-bit unsigned integer p into a single 8-bit signed integers.
GLM_FUNC_DECL vec2 unpackUnorm2x4(uint8 p)
Convert each unsigned integer components of a vector to normalized floating-point values...
GLM_FUNC_DECL float unpackSnorm1x16(uint16 p)
First, unpacks a single 16-bit unsigned integer p into a single 16-bit signed integers.
GLM_FUNC_DECL vec2 unpackSnorm2x8(uint16 p)
First, unpacks a single 16-bit unsigned integer p into a pair of 8-bit signed integers.
GLM_FUNC_DECL tvec3< T, P > unpackRGBM(tvec4< T, P > const &rgbm)
Returns a floating-point vector with components obtained by reinterpreting an integer vector as 16-bi...
GLM_FUNC_DECL tvec4< T, P > packRGBM(tvec3< T, P > const &rgb)
Returns an unsigned integer vector obtained by converting the components of a floating-point vector t...
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint8 packUnorm1x8(float v)
First, converts the normalized floating-point value v into a 8-bit integer value. ...
highp_vec4 vec4
4 components vector of floating-point numbers.
GLM_FUNC_DECL vec4 unpackUnorm3x5_1x1(uint16 p)
Convert each unsigned integer components of a vector to normalized floating-point values...
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint64 packUnorm4x16(vec4 const &v)
First, converts each component of the normalized floating-point value v into 16-bit integer values...
GLM_FUNC_DECL vec4 unpackSnorm3x10_1x2(uint32 p)
First, unpacks a single 32-bit unsigned integer p into four 16-bit signed integers.
GLM_FUNC_DECL uint32 packUnorm3x10_1x2(vec4 const &v)
First, converts the first three components of the normalized floating-point value v into 10-bit unsig...
highp_uvec4 uvec4
4 components vector of unsigned integer numbers.
GLM_FUNC_DECL vec3 unpackF2x11_1x10(uint32 p)
First, unpacks a single 32-bit unsigned integer p into two 11-bit signless floating-point values and ...