0.9.8 API documenation
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
 GTC Extensions (Stable)Functions and types that the GLSL specification doesn't define, but useful to have for a C++ program
 GLM_GTC_bitfieldAllow to perform bit operations on integer values
 GLM_GTC_color_encodingAllow to perform bit operations on integer values
 GLM_GTC_color_spaceAllow to perform bit operations on integer values
 GLM_GTC_constantsProvide a list of constants and precomputed useful values
 GLM_GTC_epsilonComparison functions for a user defined epsilon values
 GLM_GTC_functionsList of useful common functions
 GLM_GTC_integerAllow to perform bit operations on integer values
 GLM_GTC_matrix_accessDefines functions to access rows or columns of a matrix easily
 GLM_GTC_matrix_integerDefines a number of matrices with integer types
 GLM_GTC_matrix_inverseDefines additional matrix inverting functions
 GLM_GTC_matrix_transformDefines functions that generate common transformation matrices
 GLM_GTC_noiseDefines 2D, 3D and 4D procedural noise functions Based on the work of Stefan Gustavson and Ashima Arts on "webgl-noise": https://github.com/ashima/webgl-noise Following Stefan Gustavson's paper "Simplex noise demystified": http://www.itn.liu.se/~stegu/simplexnoise/simplexnoise.pdf <glm/gtc/noise.hpp> need to be included to use these functionalities
 GLM_GTC_packingThis extension provides a set of function to convert vertors to packed formats
 GLM_GTC_quaternionDefines a templated quaternion type and several quaternion operations
 GLM_GTC_randomGenerate random number from various distribution methods
 GLM_GTC_reciprocalDefine secant, cosecant and cotangent functions
 GLM_GTC_roundRounding value to specific boundings
 GLM_GTC_type_alignedAligned types
 GLM_GTC_type_precisionDefines specific C++-based precision types
 GLM_GTC_type_ptrHandles the interaction between pointers and vector, matrix types
 GLM_GTC_ulpAllow the measurement of the accuracy of a function against a reference implementation
 GLM_GTC_vec1Add vec1, ivec1, uvec1 and bvec1 types
 GTX Extensions (Experimental)Functions and types that the GLSL specification doesn't define, but useful to have for a C++ program
 GLM_GTX_associated_min_maxMin and max functions that return associated values not the compared onces
 GLM_GTX_bitAllow to perform bit operations on integer values
 GLM_GTX_closest_pointFind the point on a straight line which is the closet of a point
 GLM_GTX_color_spaceRelated to RGB to HSV conversions and operations
 GLM_GTX_color_space_YCoCgRGB to YCoCg conversions and operations
 GLM_GTX_commonProvide functions to increase the compatibility with Cg and HLSL languages
 GLM_GTX_compatibilityProvide functions to increase the compatibility with Cg and HLSL languages
 GLM_GTX_component_wiseOperations between components of a type
 GLM_GTX_dual_quaternionDefines a templated dual-quaternion type and several dual-quaternion operations
 GLM_GTX_euler_anglesBuild matrices from Euler angles
 GLM_GTX_extendExtend a position from a source to a position at a defined length
 GLM_GTX_extented_min_maxMin and max functions for 3 to 4 parameters
 GLM_GTX_fast_exponentialFast but less accurate implementations of exponential based functions
 GLM_GTX_fast_square_rootFast but less accurate implementations of square root based functions
 GLM_GTX_fast_trigonometryFast but less accurate implementations of trigonometric functions
 GLM_GTX_gradient_paintFunctions that return the color of procedural gradient for specific coordinates
 GLM_GTX_handed_coordinate_spaceTo know if a set of three basis vectors defines a right or left-handed coordinate system
 GLM_GTX_hashAdd std::hash support for glm types
 GLM_GTX_integerAdd support for integer for core functions
 GLM_GTX_intersectAdd intersection functions
 GLM_GTX_ioStd::[w]ostream support for glm types
 GLM_GTX_log_baseLogarithm for any base
 GLM_GTX_matrix_cross_productBuild cross product matrices
 GLM_GTX_matrix_decomposeDecomposes a model matrix to translations, rotation and scale components
 GLM_GTX_matrix_interpolationAllows to directly interpolate two exiciting matrices
 GLM_GTX_matrix_major_storageBuild matrices with specific matrix order, row or column
 GLM_GTX_matrix_operationBuild diagonal matrices from vectors
 GLM_GTX_matrix_queryQuery to evaluate matrix properties
 GLM_GTX_matrix_transform_2dDefines functions that generate common 2d transformation matrices
 GLM_GTX_mixed_producteMixed product of 3 vectors
 GLM_GTX_normVarious ways to compute vector norms
 GLM_GTX_normalCompute the normal of a triangle
 GLM_GTX_normalize_dotDot product of vectors that need to be normalize with a single square root
 GLM_GTX_number_precisionDefined size types
 GLM_GTX_optimum_powInteger exponentiation of power functions
 GLM_GTX_orthonormalizeOrthonormalize matrices
 GLM_GTX_perpendicularPerpendicular of a vector from other one
 GLM_GTX_polar_coordinatesConversion from Euclidean space to polar space and revert
 GLM_GTX_projectionProjection of a vector to other one
 GLM_GTX_quaternionExtented quaternion types and functions
 GLM_GTX_rangeDefines begin and end for vectors and matrices
 GLM_GTX_raw_dataProjection of a vector to other one
 GLM_GTX_rotate_normalized_axisQuaternions and matrices rotations around normalized axis
 GLM_GTX_rotate_vectorFunction to directly rotate a vector
 GLM_GTX_scalar_relationalExtend a position from a source to a position at a defined length
 GLM_GTX_splineSpline functions
 GLM_GTX_std_based_typeAdds vector types based on STL value types
 GLM_GTX_string_castSetup strings for GLM type values
 GLM_GTX_transformAdd transformation matrices
 GLM_GTX_transform2Add extra transformation matrices
 GLM_GTX_type_alignedDefines aligned types
 GLM_GTX_type_traitDefines traits for each type
 GLM_GTX_vec_swizzleFunctions to perform swizzle operation
 GLM_GTX_vector_angleCompute angle between vectors
 GLM_GTX_vector_queryQuery informations of vector types
 GLM_GTX_wrapWrapping mode of texture coordinates
 GLM CoreThe core of GLM, which implements exactly and only the GLSL specification to the degree possible
 Common functionsThese all operate component-wise
 Exponential functionsThese all operate component-wise
 Geometric functionsThese operate on vectors as vectors, not component-wise
 Integer functionsThese all operate component-wise
 Matrix functionsFor each of the following built-in matrix functions, there is both a single-precision floating point version, where all arguments and return values are single precision, and a double-precision floating version, where all arguments and return values are double precision
 Floating-Point Pack and Unpack FunctionsThese functions do not operate component-wise, rather as described in each case
 Angle and Trigonometry FunctionsFunction parameters specified as angle are assumed to be in units of radians
 Vector Relational FunctionsRelational and equality operators (<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=) are defined to operate on scalars and produce scalar Boolean results
 TypesThe standard types defined by the specification
 Precision typesNon-GLSL types that are used to define precision-based types
 Precision typesNon-GLSL types that are used to define precision-based types
 Template typesThe generic template types used as the basis for the core types