glm::gtc::matrix_projection Namespace Reference

GLM_GTC_matrix_projection: Varius ways to build and operate on projection matrices. More...


template<typename valType >
detail::tmat4x4< valType > frustum (valType const &left, valType const &right, valType const &bottom, valType const &top, valType const &nearVal, valType const &farVal)
 Creates a frustum matrix.
template<typename valType >
detail::tmat4x4< valType > ortho (valType const &left, valType const &right, valType const &bottom, valType const &top, valType const &zNear, valType const &zFar)
 Creates a matrix for an orthographic parallel viewing volume.
template<typename valType >
detail::tmat4x4< valType > ortho (valType const &left, valType const &right, valType const &bottom, valType const &top)
 Creates a matrix for projecting two-dimensional coordinates onto the screen.
template<typename valType >
detail::tmat4x4< valType > perspective (valType const &fovy, valType const &aspect, valType const &zNear, valType const &zFar)
 Creates a matrix for a symetric perspective-view frustum.
template<typename valTypeT , typename valTypeU >
detail::tvec3< valTypeT > project (detail::tvec3< valTypeT > const &obj, detail::tmat4x4< valTypeT > const &model, detail::tmat4x4< valTypeT > const &proj, detail::tvec4< valTypeU > const &viewport)
 Map the specified object coordinates (obj.x, obj.y, obj.z) into window coordinates.
template<typename valTypeT , typename valTypeU >
detail::tvec3< valTypeT > unProject (detail::tvec3< valTypeT > const &win, detail::tmat4x4< valTypeT > const &model, detail::tmat4x4< valTypeT > const &proj, detail::tvec4< valTypeU > const &viewport)
 Map the specified window coordinates (win.x, win.y, win.z) into object coordinates.

Detailed Description

GLM_GTC_matrix_projection: Varius ways to build and operate on projection matrices.

Function Documentation

detail::tmat4x4<valType> glm::gtc::matrix_projection::frustum ( valType const &  left,
valType const &  right,
valType const &  bottom,
valType const &  top,
valType const &  nearVal,
valType const &  farVal 

Creates a frustum matrix.

From GLM_GTC_matrix_projection extension.

detail::tmat4x4<valType> glm::gtc::matrix_projection::ortho ( valType const &  left,
valType const &  right,
valType const &  bottom,
valType const &  top,
valType const &  zNear,
valType const &  zFar 

Creates a matrix for an orthographic parallel viewing volume.

From GLM_GTC_matrix_projection extension.

detail::tmat4x4<valType> glm::gtc::matrix_projection::ortho ( valType const &  left,
valType const &  right,
valType const &  bottom,
valType const &  top 

Creates a matrix for projecting two-dimensional coordinates onto the screen.

From GLM_GTC_matrix_projection extension.

detail::tmat4x4<valType> glm::gtc::matrix_projection::perspective ( valType const &  fovy,
valType const &  aspect,
valType const &  zNear,
valType const &  zFar 

Creates a matrix for a symetric perspective-view frustum.

From GLM_GTC_matrix_projection extension.

detail::tvec3<valTypeT> glm::gtc::matrix_projection::project ( detail::tvec3< valTypeT > const &  obj,
detail::tmat4x4< valTypeT > const &  model,
detail::tmat4x4< valTypeT > const &  proj,
detail::tvec4< valTypeU > const &  viewport 

Map the specified object coordinates (obj.x, obj.y, obj.z) into window coordinates.

From GLM_GTC_matrix_projection extension.

detail::tvec3<valTypeT> glm::gtc::matrix_projection::unProject ( detail::tvec3< valTypeT > const &  win,
detail::tmat4x4< valTypeT > const &  model,
detail::tmat4x4< valTypeT > const &  proj,
detail::tvec4< valTypeU > const &  viewport 

Map the specified window coordinates (win.x, win.y, win.z) into object coordinates.

From GLM_GTC_matrix_projection extension.

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